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  1. 湖北省涝渍灾害与湿地农业重点实验室,湖北省涝渍灾害与湿地农业重点实验室,湖北省荆州农业气象试验站 湖北荆州434025,湖北荆州434025
  • 出版日期:2008-04-10 发布日期:2008-04-10
  • 基金资助:
    湖北省教育厅重大项目(Z200712002);; 长江大学博士启动基金项目

Analysis of the Precipitation Characteristics in the Four Lake Watershed of Jianghan Plain

WU Qi-xia1,ZHU Jian-qiang1,GENG Xian-bo2(1.Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory on Waterlogging Disaster and Wetland Agriculture,Jingzhou 434025,China;2.Agricultural Meteorological Station of Jingzhou)   

  • Online:2008-04-10 Published:2008-04-10

摘要: 通过对四湖流域5个试验站1958-2000年降水资料的统计分析,探讨了四湖流域降水特征。结果表明,四湖流域降水在区内差异不明显,但降水量年际年内分配不均匀,年际间标准差、变异系数分别为204.9、0.19,春、夏两季降水量占总降水量的70.49%。采用Z指数法分析该区域多年降水旱涝情况,结果表明出现雨涝和干旱年的概率相当(分别为25.58%、27.91%);采用降水量模比差积曲线法及游程理论分析四湖流域降水多年丰枯变化趋势和连丰、连枯情况,结果表明四湖流域多年降水存在3个明显的连丰时段、5个明显的连枯时段。

关键词: 降水特征, 游程理论, 初步分析, 四湖流域

Abstract: Through statistic analysis of the data from1958 to 2000 in five stations of the Four Lake Watershed in Hubei Province,the characteristics and trend of precipitation were analyzed.The result showed that the regional differences of the precipitation among the region were not prominence.The seasonal distribution of the precipitation was asymmetrical,while the inter-annual standard deviation and coefficient of variation of the precipitation was 204.9 and 0.19 respectively.The precipitation during the summer and autumn accounted for 70.49 % of the annual precipitation.Used the Z index,the flood/drought status from 1958 to 2000 in the Four Lake Watershed was analyzed.The probability of flood and drought was almost equivalent with 25.58% and 27.91% respectively.The hydrologic-meteorological index and the modulus coefficient were used to analyze the trend of the wet and low water change of precipitation,of the continual ample water and low water,and their distribution features.The result showed that the precipitation in Four Lake Watershed existed three effectual durations of continual ample water and five effectual durations of continual low water from 1958 to 2000.

Key words: Characteristics of precipitation, Characteristics of precipitation, Runs theory, Preliminary analysis, Four Lake Watershed