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  1. 中国气象局兰州干旱气象研究所/中国气象局干旱气候变化与减灾重点开放实验室/甘肃省干旱气候变化与减灾重点实验室;甘肃省西峰农业气象试验站;甘肃省气象局气候中心;镇原县气象局;庆阳市植保站;
  • 出版日期:2008-08-10 发布日期:2008-08-10
  • 基金资助:

Meteorological Forecast for Occurrence Grade of Over-summer Stripe Rust of Wheat in East Gansu Province

DUAN Jin-sheng1,3,WAN Xin2,ZHAO Jian-hou4,LI Jin-zhang5(1.Institute of Arid Meteorology,CMA,Key Open Laboratory of Arid Climatic Change and Reducing Disaster of CMA,Key Laboratory of Arid Climate Change and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province,Lanzhou 730020,China;2.Climate Center,Meteorological Bureau of Gansu Province,Lanzhou 730020,China;3.Xifeng Agro-meteorological Experiment Station,Qingyang 745000,China;4.Zhenyuan Meteorological Bureau,Zhenyuan 744500,China;5.Plant Protection Station of Qingyang City,Qingyang 745000,China)   

  • Online:2008-08-10 Published:2008-08-10

摘要: 通过对陇东地区越夏小麦条锈菌等级与夏季气象要素相关分析得出,越夏小麦条锈菌等级与气温、降水、日照和空气相对湿度的关系密切。7月下旬和8月下旬的旬平均气温、7月中下旬和8月中旬降水之和、7月下旬和8月下旬日照、7月下旬和8月下旬相对湿度是影响越夏小麦条锈菌的关键因子,据此建立了越夏锈菌等级预报方程(p<0.01);利用此方程对陇东地区2006年和2007年越夏小麦条锈菌等级进行预报,结果与市植保站当年实际观测调查结果吻合,说明模型可用于预报服务。

关键词: 越夏小麦条锈菌, 等级预报, 关键气象要素

Abstract: The correlation between the occurrence grade of the over-summer stripe rust of wheat and the key meteorological factors in the East of Gansu Province was analyzed.The results showed that the occurrence grade of the over-summer stripe rust of wheat was related to the temperature,precipitation,sunshine and relative humidity.The temperature in August,the precipitation in July and the relative humidity in August had significant impacts on the occurrence grade of the over-summer stripe rust of wheat.The ten days average temperature in the last ten day of July and the last ten days of August,the total precipitation in the last ten day of July and the last ten days of August,and the relative humidity in the last ten day of July and the last ten days of August were the key factors and critical period which affected the occurrence grade of the over-summer stripe rust of wheat.Based on the above results,a prediction equation for the occurrence grade of the over-summer stripe rust of wheat was established.The occurrence grade of the over-summer stripe rust of wheat for 2006 and 2007 was forecasted and the results was well accorded to the investigation results by the local plant protection station.

Key words: Over-summer stripe rust of wheat, Over-summer stripe rust of wheat, Grade forcast, Key meteorological factor