中国农业气象 ›› 2015, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (04): 428-436.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2015.04.006

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  1. 中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所/农业部旱作节水农业重点实验室,北京 100081
  • 收稿日期:2014-11-17 出版日期:2015-08-20 发布日期:2015-10-19
  • 作者简介:曹金峰(1990-),山东潍坊人,硕士生,研究方向为农业水资源与水环境管理。
  • 基金资助:

Comparison of Four Combination Methods for Reference Crop Evapotranspiration

CAO Jin-feng, LI Yu-zhong, LIU Xiao-ying, ZHONG Xiu-li, ZHAO Ye-meng   

  1. Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key Laboratory of Dryland Agriculture, MOA, Beijing 100081,China
  • Received:2014-11-17 Online:2015-08-20 Published:2015-10-19

摘要: 参考作物蒸散量(ET0)的估算是作物需水量计算的关键,诸多估算方法在不同地区具有不同的适应性。本文利用中国农业主产区6个代表站点的气象数据,以FAO 56 Penman-Monteith (PM)为标准,对常用的1963 Penman(Pen63)、FAO 1979 Penman(FAO 79)、FAO 24 Penman(FAO 24)及1996 Kimberly Penman(Kpen)共4种参考作物蒸散量综合方法进行比较评价。结果表明:(1)Pen63、FAO 79及Kpen的日估算值均比PM估算值偏高,FAO 24偏低,其平均偏差分别为0.28、0.52、0和-0.17mm×d-1,相对偏差为16.0%、25.2%、2.4%、-5.3%,相对均方根误差为12.1%、22.4%、14.2%和13.5%。(2)Pen63、FAO 79的月估算值显著高于PM值,在高估最大的5月份平均偏高12.5mm (10.8%)和28.2mm (22.6%)。FAO 24表现为低估,低估最大的月份平均偏低11.4mm (8.1%),但在南方站点多数月份的估算值与PM估算值无显著差异。Kpen月估算值与PM估算值相比,既有高估(5-10月),也有低估,高估最大的月份平均偏高19.7mm(14.5%),且在南方站点的秋冬季有近6个月与PM无显著差异。(3)Pen63和FAO 79的年值均显著大于PM年值,平均偏高103.8mm(11.8%)和191.5mm(21.3%)。FAO 24年平均低估PM值60.9mm (6.3%),Kpen则平均高估50.5mm (5.8%)。(4)时间尺度对评价结果具有一定影响,4种综合法依据日、年值的评价效果排序分别为Pen63>FAO 24>Kpen>FAO 79和Kpen>FAO 24>Pen63>FAO 79。在日尺度下4种方法更适于湿润气候,但年尺度下仅FAO 79和FAO 24较适于湿润气候。可见,4种综合法以Pen63普适性最好,FAO 79最低,因此使用FAO 79前对其进行适应性评价尤为重要。

关键词: 参考作物蒸散量(ET0), FAO 79 Penman, Penman-Monteith, FAO 24, Kimberly Penman, 农业主产区

Abstract: Accurate estimation of reference crop evapotranscpiration(ET0) is critical for computation of crop water requirement. The currently existed numerous ET0 methods, while bring convenience for computation of crop water requirement, also cause confusion in method choice. Knowledge on validity of these methods in different regions is thus the basis for reasonable choice. Using data from six sites in main agricultural areas in China, four commonly used combination methods were assessed with FAO 56 Penman-Monteith (PM) as standard. The results showed that the Pen63 (1963 Penman),FAO 79 (FAO 1979 Penman) and Kpen (1996 Kimberly Penman) overestimated the daily value of PM, while the FAO 24 (FAO 24 Penman) underestimated it. The average deviation was respectively 0.28, 0.52, 0.14 and -0.17mm×d-1, corresponding to relative deviation of 16.0%, 25.2%, 2.4%, -5.3% and relative root mean squire error of 12.1%, 22.4%, 14.2% and 13.5%. Monthly totals of the Pen63 and FAO 79 were significantly higher than that of the PM, the largest being respectively 12.5mm (10.8%) and 28.2mm (22.6%) occurred in May. Monthly values of the FAO 24 were lower than that of the PM, the largest being 11.4mm (8.1%), but they showed insignificant difference in most months for the southern sites. The Kpen overestimated the PM, the largest being 19.7mm (14.5%), during May through October and underestimated it in other months, and they showed insignificant difference in six months for the southern sites. On basis of yearly total, both the Pen63 and the FAO 79 significantly overestimated the PM by 103.8mm (11.8%) and 191.5mm (21.3%), respectively. Though the FAO 24 significantly underestimated the PM by 60.9mm (6.3%) and the Kpen overestimated it by 50.5mm (5.8%) in general, they showed insignificant difference from the PM at Shapingba and Beijing. Time scale affected the evaluation results. Based on daily and yearly comparison the performance order was respectively Pen63>FAO 24>Kpen>FAO 79 and Kpen>FAO 24> Pen63>FAO 79. In addition, all methods performed better in humid climates at daily scale, but only FAO 79 and FAO 24 did so at yearly scale. Validity of the four combination methods varied, and Pen63 was the best and the FAO 79 the poorest, suggesting the importance to evaluate the latter before use.

Key words: Reference crop evapotranspiration (ET0), Combination method, FAO 79 penman, Penman-Monteith, FAO 24, Kimberly Penman, Main agricultural area