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    10 April 1996, Volume 17 Issue 02
    L. Kuchar(Land Reelamation&Improvement Faculty Agricultural University-Wroclaw,PL-50357Wroclaw,U1.Grunwaldzka 53.Poland)
    1996, 17(02):  . 
    Asbtract ( 6409 )  
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    A mcthod of forccasting rainfall and mean tcmpctaturc is prcscnted.It is bascd on plant phcnol-ogy and probability distribution of both random variables.this method makes it possiblc to givc a forccast forcach rccordcd phcnological stage; the time borizon of the longcst of thcm excecds 100 to 110 days.A vcrifica-tlon test bascd on data from different rcglons of Poland proved tbe mcthod to be very cffieient colnparing toprcdiction.using simple climate avcrages.It was applied to a case of 1981,as an example.
    A Preliminary Study on Waterlogging Damage to Rice Caused by Excessive Rain and its Countermeasures
    Li Lin(Jiangsu Acadcmy of Agricultural Scicnccs Nanjing 210014)Gao Genxing Ling Bingyong IIu Xinmin(Chang shu Municipal Institutc of Irrigation Scienccs)
    1996, 17(02):  . 
    Asbtract ( 6673 )  
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    The waterlogging damage to to rice caused by excessive rain in the Yangtze River Valley ofChina occurs mainly in the plum rains peried when riee tillers,or during typhonic rain Itcauses physiological and metabolic disorders in rice plants,reduces photosynthetic capaciy,tiller numbers per plant and effective panicle numbers,or increases the proportion of smallpaiiicles.It also leads to delayed development for rice plants which are apt to cold damageduring heading and flowering stages,resulting in lower yield.In order to increase the yieldof the damaged rice plants,disaster-relief measures should be decided according to weatherand seedling conditions.Attention should be paid to the management of fertilizers and waterand the control of pests and diseases,and efforts should be tried to minimize yield reductionsof the rice crop from regions not severely damaged.
    Studies on Local Distribution of Precipitation in Mountainous Areas calculated with Gcographic Factors
    Zhang Lianqiang ;Zhao Youzhong ;Ouyang Zongji ;Zhao Xinping(Bcijing Agromctcorological Ccntre)
    1996, 17(02):  . 
    Asbtract ( 6615 )  
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    Precipitation distribution in mountainous areas is an important part of research on agri-cultural climatic resources;For calculating precipitation of mountainous areas in Beijing,an-nual average data of precipitation from the meteorological and hydrological stations for theChaobai,Yongding,Wenyu and Juma rivers were collected.With fuzzy clustering methodsthe mountainous areas of Beijing were dividedmto 3 regions and the data of precipitation ineach region was analysed using stepwise regression in order to establish the regression equa-tions between precipitation and its affecting factors, Distribution patterns with 1km grids ofthe local tjrecicpitation were derived by these equations which coincide with the actual resultswith error of 33mm and relative error of 5.6%。