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水稻计算机模拟模型及其应用之一 水稻钟模型——水稻发育动态的计算机模型


  1. 江苏省农业科学院,江苏省农业科学院,江苏省农业科学院,江苏省农业科学院,
  • 出版日期:1989-09-10 发布日期:1989-09-10

Rice Computer Simulation Model (Ricemod) and Its Applications-Part 1——RICE CLOCK MODEL—A COMPUTER SIMULATION MODEL OF RICE DEVELOPMENT

Gao Liangzhi Jin Zhiqing Huang Yao Zhang Lizhong (Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Scicuces)   

  • Online:1989-09-10 Published:1989-09-10

摘要: 本文提出的“水稻钟”模型是一种适合于计算机应用的动态模拟模型。它由水稻生育期模型和叶龄模型组成。生育期模型用来模拟逐日温度和日长对水稻发育的影响,它具有较高的精度和良好的解释能力,其参数可反应不同类型水稻品种的基本营养性、感温性和感光性。叶龄模型则用来模拟逐日温度对叶龄发育的影响,它可以预测不同叶位的出现日。由于叶龄和分蘖、茎、根、穗等形态学器官存在着较好的同伸关系,因此叶龄模型亦可用来模拟器官形成的时间。生育期模型和叶龄模型还可以相衔接,用来估计任意地点和年份的总叶龄。最后作者利用长江流域14个点(1985)和8个点(1986)的试验资料对上述模型进行了检验与评价.

关键词: NULL

Abstract: The "rice clock". model presented in this paper is dynamic application-oriented simulation model of rice development. It consists of two submodels, i. e. , growth duration model and leaf age model. The former is used simulate the effect of daily temperature and day-length on rice development, with a higher precision and a better explanatory capacity. The parameters of the growth model reflect the basic vegetative duration, thermo-and photo-period-sensitivities for different varietal types. The latter is used to simulate the effect of daily temperature on leaf development. It can estimate the appearance of each leaf blade with different age, and also describe the development and formation of various morphological organs (such as tiller, stem, root and panicle) due to their good synchronizations of growth with leaf development, these two models could be connected well to estimate the number of fully developped leaves in any region and year. Finally, these two modelswere tested and evaluated, based on the experiment data collected from 14 locations (1985), and 8 locations (1986) in the Yangzi River Valley, China,

Key words: Simulation Model, Simulation Model, Rice Development, Leaf Age, Physiological Day