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  1. 甘肃省金昌市气象局,甘肃省庆阳市气象局 甘肃金昌737100
  • 出版日期:2005-06-10 发布日期:2005-06-10
  • 基金资助:

Analysis of Climate Character of Summer Precipitation in Northwest China

LI Hui~(1),WANG Wei-tai~(2) (1.Meteorological Bureau of Jinchang City, Jinchang 737100, China; 2.Meteorological Bureau of Qingyang City)   

  • Online:2005-06-10 Published:2005-06-10

摘要: 利用西北地区119站1961-2000年夏季(6-8月)降水资料,统计分析了各站历年夏季降水的平均场、方差场和各年代际平均值分布特征与整体总量逐年平均值的年际和周期变化特点,结果表明:西北地区夏季降水可划分为3个基本气候分区,即北疆区、中西部盆地沙漠区和东部季风影响区。中西部盆地沙漠区降水量和降水量方差均最小,处于稳定的干旱状态;东部季风影响区降水量的方差变化较大,降水的不稳定性增加,干旱频率增大;北疆区降水量较大,变差处于另外两区之间,表明旱涝影响微弱。各区的降水量在不同年代际间也具有不同的特点,降水量的变化会直接影响到当地主要旱地作物的产量。

关键词: 西北地区, 夏季降水, 年际年代际, 气候特征

Abstract: Based on the summer precipitation (from June to August) data in the 119 meteorological stations from 1961 to 2000 in the Northwest China, the average precipitation and its variance, inter-annual and decades distribution characteristics of average precipitation were calculated. The results showed that according to the summer rainfall the Northwestern China could be divided into three basic climatic zones, including North Xinjiang, Mid-west river basin dessert and East monsoon influenced region. The precipitation and its variance in the Mid-west river basin dessert region was lowest and in status of stead drought. The precipitation and its variance in the East monsoon influenced region changed in a wide range with increased drought occurrence. The precipitation in the North Xinjiang region was high and changed not so big as in the East monsoon influenced region. The inter-decades distribution of precipitation in the three zones was different. The changes of precipitation could directly influence the yields of main local crops in drylands.

Key words: Northwest region, Northwest region, Summer precipitation, Inter-annual and-decades, Climate character