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  1. 江西省农业气象中心,江西省农业气象中心,江西省农业气象中心,江西省农业气象中心 南昌330046 ,南昌330046 ,南昌330046 ,南昌330046
  • 出版日期:2005-06-10 发布日期:2005-06-10
  • 基金资助:

Calculation of Evaporation and its Application on Evaluating Water Resources of Agriculture in Jiangxi Province

DU Xiao-ling,WEI Li,HUANG Shao-ping,LIU Wen-ying (Agricultural Meteorological Center of Jiangxi Province,Nanchang 330046,China)   

  • Online:2005-06-10 Published:2005-06-10

摘要: 根据实测气候资料,针对江西季风气候特点对Penman公式进行了简化,得到了适用于江西气候区域的蒸发力估算模式,并将其应用于江西省农业水资源评估,以农田降水蒸发差为指标分析了江西各自然气候区的农田水分盈亏。结果显示:江西省作物生长季内(3-10月)水资源总体上较为丰富,农田水分的自然供应较为充足,但其中3-6月农田水分供应相对充足而7-10月农田水分供应相对不足;地理分布上呈现东部多于西部,山区多于丘陵的特征。

关键词: 蒸发力估算模式, Penman公式, 农业水资源, 评估

Abstract: Based on the famous Penman formula and local observed meteorological data from 1993 to 2000, a calculated model of evaporation for Jiangxi province, which is in monsoon climate region, was developed. The difference of precipitation and evaporation during crop season were calculated to evaluate the local agricultural water resources. The results showed that there was a rich agricultural water resources in Jiangxi in general, but it was rich from March to June and short from July to October; And there was the spatial variation also, it displayed much more water profit in east than that of in west, and more in mountain than in plain region.

Key words: Evaporation model, Evaporation model, Penman formula, Agricultural water resources, Evaluate