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  1. 巴彦淖尔市气象局,巴彦淖尔市气象局,巴彦淖尔市气象局,巴彦淖尔市气象局,巴彦淖尔市气象局 临河015000,临河015000,临河015000,临河015000,临河015000
  • 出版日期:2007-02-10 发布日期:2007-02-10

Quality Regionalization of Hetao Honeydew Melon in Bayannaoer City Based on Meteorological Conditions

KONG De-yin, LIU Jun-lin, HOU Zhong-quan, ZHANG Lian-xia, CHUAI Xin-jun(Meteorological Bureau of Bayannaoer City, Linhe 015000, China)   

  • Online:2007-02-10 Published:2007-02-10

摘要: 河套蜜瓜属农业部确定的优质产品,近年来被盲目扩种,既扰乱了市场又影响了该品牌的声誉。为确定该品牌的适宜种植范围,利用磴口河套蜜瓜含糖率资料与相应年代气象资料进行相关分析,筛选出影响含糖率的农业气象指标,采用逐步回归方法建立含糖率综合评估模式,利用细网格推算模型,在CtityStar4.0平台上进行了河套蜜瓜品质的区划,为当地蜜瓜发展提供参考。

关键词: 河套蜜瓜, 含糖率, 气象指标, 地理信息系统, 品质区划

Abstract: The data of the sugar content of the honeydew melon and meteorology in Dengkou County were used for a correlation analysis to determine the suitable planting region of the honeydew melon. Agro-meteorological indices which influenced the sugar content of honeydew melon were determined. The comprehensive assessment model was established by stepwise regression method. The quality regionalization of honeydew melon in City star4.0 by using small grid computing model was made.

Key words: Honeydew melon, Honeydew melon, Sugar content, Meteorological index, GIS, Quality regionalization