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中国种植制度对全球气候变化响应的有关问题 Ⅰ.气候变化对我国种植制度的影响


  1. 中国农业科学院农业气象研究所!北京100081
  • 出版日期:2000-02-10 发布日期:2000-02-10

The Problems Concerning the Response of China's Cropping Systems to Global Climatic Changes Ⅰ The Effect of Climatic Changes on Cropping Systems in China

ZHANG Hou xuan (Institute of Agrometeorology, CAAS, Beijing 100081)   

  • Online:2000-02-10 Published:2000-02-10

摘要: 未来全球性气候变暖对我国的种植制度将产生明显的影响,预计我国各地的热量资源将有不同程度的增加,使一年二熟、一年三熟的种植北界有所北移,主要农作物的种植范围、产量、质量都会有所变化。但由于水分变化可能产生的不利影响,使种植制度的变化具有较大的不确定性。

关键词: 种植制度, 全球气候变化, 热量资源, 水分变化

Abstract: There will be an obvious important effect of global climatic change in future on cropping systems in China The heat resource will be increased to a certain extent in all regions of China, and the north borderline of two crops per annual or three crops per annual will move northwardly, the cropping range, output and quality of crps will be changed However, there will be a uncertainty of changes of cropping systems due to the adverse impact of moisture changes of climate in the future

Key words: Cropping system, Cropping system, Globall climatic change, Heat resource, Moisture changes