Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

• 论文 •    

Effect of Malching with Straw on Water Regulation in Dryland of Maize

HU Fen, MEI Xu rong, CHEN Shang mo (Institute of Agrometeorology, CAAS, Beijing 100081)   

  • Online:2001-02-10 Published:2001-02-10

Abstract: In order to decrease evaporation rates and increase WUE, water regulating experiment was carried out by mulching with straw from 1998~1999 in Shou Yang area where the precipitation is insufficient and seasonal drought occures frequently. The results showed that the effects of anti evaporation and the storage capacity are very marked by malching with straw, and the storage capacity of field is increaed, and the good cycle of soil moisture is promoted. Maize production and the WUE increased by 585~2235.1 kg/hm 2 and 0.14 ~0.50kg/(mm·hm 2) respectively.

Key words: Dryland, Dryland, Maize Mulching with straw, Regulating field water