Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

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Differences of Atmospheric Circulation in More and Less Rain Months in Spring in Liaoning Province

YAN Qi1,2,CUI Jin3,WU Yan-qing1,2(1.Department of Atmospheric Sciences,Nanjing University,Nanjing 210044,China;2.Anshan Meteorological Bureau,Anshan 114004;Liaoning Province;3.Shenyang Institute of Atmospheric Environment,CMA,Shenyang 110016)   

  • Online:2009-02-10 Published:2009-02-10

Abstract: The daily precipitation in Liaoning Province and data from NCEP/NCAR during 1960 and 2006 were analyzed by using composite analysis,corresponding analysis and difference analysis methods.The atmospheric circulation patterns,impact systems and wind vectors field during the spring were discussed.The result showed that in the more rain months of the spring in Liaoning Province,the Wula'er montain ridge and the East Asia trough were weaker,but their positions were partial west as usual years.The circulation appeared zonal surface converging and ascending actions became stronger,which led to a stronger west cold dry current and south warm and wet air.In the less rain months of the spring in Liaoning Province,the Wula'er montain ridge and the East Asia trough were stronger,but their positions were partial east as usual years.The fall movement became strong,the west cold dry current and the south warm and wet air became weaker than more rain months.

Key words: Liaoning Province, Liaoning Province, Spring precipitation, Atmospheric circulation composite analysis, Rorresponding analysis, Difference analysis