Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

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Application of MODIS and ETM Data in Sugarcane Growth Monitoring

DING Mei-hua,ZHONG Shi-quan,TAN Zong-kun,SUN Han,MO Wei-hua(Remote Sensing Applying and Experiment Base of National Meteorological Satellite Center/Institute of Meteorological Disaster Mitigation of Guangxi Province,Nanning 530022,China)   

  • Online:2007-04-10 Published:2007-04-10

Abstract: Guangxi Autonomous Region is one of the sugarcane(Saccharum officinarum) production bases in China.The information on the growth and yield of Sugarcane provide important references for government policy making,production management of sugar enterprises and field management of sugarcane.Based on the data of MODIS and remote sensing technique,the sugarcane growth was monitored by the method of ND VI.Meanwhile,the ETM data,which has an advantage of high space distinguish rate,was used to pick up the information of sugarcane fields by the method of direct classification from the image of ETM, which will eliminate those interferential information from the monitoring fields and improve the precision of sugarcane growth monitoring by remote sensing method greatly.Therefore it had been proved that the monitoring accuracy for sugarcane growth was improved by application of MODIS data combined with ETM data.

Key words: MODIS, MODIS, ETM, Vector superposition, Sugarcane growth, Remote sensing monitoring