Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

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Analysis of Climate Resources for Introduced Rabbiteye Blueberry in the Southeast of Guizhou Province

LIANG Ping,LONG Xian-ju,GU Xin(Meteorological Bureau of Southeast Prefecture of Guizhou Province,Kaili 556000,China)   

  • Online:2007-04-10 Published:2007-04-10

Abstract: Based on the meteorological data of 16 meteorological stations during 1971-2000 in the Southeast Prefecture of Guizhou Province,the meteorological conditions such as light,temperature and precipitation for the introduced rabbiteye blueberry(Vaccinium ashei) were analyzed.The results showed that the areas at the altitude below 300 m were unsuitable to plant rabbiteye blueberry,because the temperature could not meet the requirement for breaking the dormancy of rabbiteye blueberry,while the areas at altitude between 700 m and 1000 m were possible for rabbiteye blueberry planting,but the yield was not stable due to the low temperature at the end of the winter and the beginning of the spring.Areas at altitude between 300 m and 700 m were the most suitable regions with high and stable yields of rabbiteye blueberry.

Key words: Rabbiteye blueberry, Rabbiteye blueberry, Introduction of plant, Climate conditions, Feasibility