Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

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Effects of Fertilization and Environment Factors on N_2O Emission in Spring Corn Field in North China Plain——A Case Study of Jinzhong in Shanxi Province

ZHOU-Peng1,LI Yu-e2,LIU Li-min1,WAN Yun-fan2,LIU Yun-tong2(1.College of Agronomy,Shenyang Agricultural University,Shenyang 110866,China;2.Institute of Environment and SustainableDevelopment in Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences/The Key Laboratory for Agro-Environment and Climate Change,Ministry of Agriculture,Beijing 100081)   

  • Online:2011-04-10 Published:2011-04-10

Abstract: N2O fluxes of spring corn fields in North China Plain with different fertilization(mineral fertilizer,manure,combination of mineral fertilizer and manure,and no fertilizer) were measured using automatic sampling and analyzing system based on static chambers and gas chromatography(GC).N2O emissions from spring corn fields with different treatments were calculated and the regulations of emission were analyzed.The relationships between soil N2O fluxes and soil temperature,moisture and available nitrogen content were analyzed.Fertilization measures which would reduce N2O emission and increase yield under the same level of nitrogen application were identified.Experiment results showed that significant differences(P<0.05) in the N2O flux among different treatments.The total N2O-N emission of fertilized fields ranged from 0.99 to 1.17kg·ha-1,accounting for 0.45%~0.55% of the applied N.There was a significantly positive correlation between N2O flux and soil ammonium nitrogen content(P<0.01).Soil water content was found to be a key factor to regulate N2O emission.There was a significant positive correlation between N2O flux and soil water content.Combination application of mineral fertilizer and manure was the best practice to reduce N2O emission without significant yield reduction.

Key words: Fertilization, Fertilization, Environment factor, N2O flux, Spring corn field