Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

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A New Data Gathering and Disposal System on Acid Rain in Anhui Province

ZHANG Su1,WANG La-bao1,HUANG Xiang-rong2 (1.Meteorological Bureau of Anhui Province,Hefei 230031,China;2.Meteorological Bureau of Hefei City)   

  • Online:2008-02-10 Published:2008-02-10

Abstract: Based on the data of the national and provincial acid rain observatories in Anhui Province,a new data gathering and disposal system on acid rain in Anhui Province was designed,compiled by Visual Basic language with WINDOWS environment.The system included the data gathering,data transmission with normative format,normative acid rain report and other assistant functions.The system realized the automatic data gathering and disposal on the acid rain and provided the basic data for the especial meteorological observation system.

Key words: Acid rain, Acid rain, Gathering and disposal, System designed