Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

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Responses of Summer Rainfall in South Piedmont Regions of Yanshan Mountains to East Asiao Summer Monsoon Change

HAO Li-sheng1,QI Lin2,HE Li-fu2,BI Bao-gui2(1.Meteorological Bureau of Hengshui City,Hengshui,053000,China;2.National Meteorological Center)   

  • Online:2007-04-10 Published:2007-04-10

Abstract: Based on summer precipitation data in the South Piedmont Regions of Yanshan Mountains for the period from 1951 to 2005 and geopotential height,wind data from NCEP/NCAR for the period 1951 to 2005,the change of summer rainfall in the South Piedmont Regions of Yanshan Mountains and East Asian Summer Monsoon change was analyzed,by using trend analysis,wavelet transform and abrupt change analysis.The results showed that the summer rainfall showed decreasing tendency since 1980,abrupt climate change taking place in 1996.The summer rainfall had obviously linear decreasing tendency,decreasing 29 mm per decade during the past 55 years.The variation of summer rainfall presented a 10-year periods,while the East Asian Summer Monsoon change had a 11-year period.The variation periods of summer rainfall were consistent with that of the East Asian Summer Monsoon.The summer rainfall became less than mean value in the South Piedmont Regions of Yanshan Mountains which was response to the East Asian Summer Monsoon change.

Key words: South Piedmont Regions of Yanshan Mountains, South Piedmont Regions of Yanshan Mountains, Summer rainfall, East Asian Summer Monsoon, Response