Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

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Analysis of Climate and Its Regionalization for Flue-cured Tobacco Planting under Continuous Cropping in Rice-tobacco Cropping System in Guangze County

CHEN Chao-yang1,CHEN Li-xin2,YE Gui-fang3,HE Huan-hui1,JIE Zhong-fa2(1.Tobacco Company of Guangze County,Guangze 354100,China;2.Meteorological Bureau of Guangze County;3.People's Government of Guangze County)   

  • Online:2007-04-10 Published:2007-04-10

Abstract: Agricultural climate resources and climate conditions for flue-cured tobacco(Nicotiana spp.L.) production were investigated and analyzed by regression and equity.Based on the geography distribution mode of meteorological factors in flue-cured tobacco planting under continuous cropping in rice-tobacco cropping system,the climate regionalization for tobacco planting was made by the technologies of GIS to provide a scientific basis for exploiting and utilizing climate resources efficiently,and improving the yield and quality of tobacco.

Key words: Flue-cured tobacco, Flue-cured tobacco, Climate analysis, Suitability, Regionalization