Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

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Extend Methods of Spatial Distribution of Temperature and Precipitation Based on GIS in Liaoning Province

LU Zhong-yan1,LI Chang-qing1,YUAN Zi-peng1,LI Guang-xia1,CAI Fu2 (1.Shenyang Central Meteorological Observatory,Shenyang 110016,China;2.Institute of Atmosphere Environment,China Meteorological Administration)   

  • Online:2008-02-10 Published:2008-02-10

Abstract: Based on the monthly temperature and precipitation data of 54 meteorological stations and 500m×500m DEM of Liaoning Province,extend methods of spatial distribution of temperature and precipitation based on GIS in Liaoning Province were studied.A calculation model for spatial distribution of the temperature and precipitation was established,combined the conventional observed meteorological data with the topographic modification.The prediction results showed that the model had a strong ability to simulate the spatial distribution of the temperature and precipitation for areas where no observation data recorded.The model realized the spatial extend of the conventional meteorological data and its results could provide the basic data for resource exploitation,economy and environment scheme and city construction.

Key words: Temperature, Temperature, Precipitation, GIS, Liaoning