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  1. 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所,中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所,中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所 长沙410125,中国科学院研究生院,长沙410125,长沙410125,青岛农业大学农业生态与环境健康研究所
  • 出版日期:2008-04-10 发布日期:2008-04-10
  • 基金资助:

Influence of Straw Mulching on Soil Evaporation in Summer Maize Field and Meteorological Elements Close to Ground

HU Shi1,3,XIE Xiao-li1,WANG Kai-rong1,2(1.Institute of Subtropical Agro-ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changsha 410125,China;2.Institute of Agro-ecology and Environmental Health,Qingdao Agricultural University;3.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences)   

  • Online:2008-04-10 Published:2008-04-10

摘要: 夏玉米田秸秆覆盖处理试验观测结果表明:秸秆覆盖后棵间蒸发明显降低,且随着覆盖量的增加,显热通量增加,潜热通量减小,棵间蒸发逐渐降低,夏玉米全生育期内5000kg/hm2覆盖和15000kg/hm2覆盖分别比无覆盖处理的棵间蒸发低51.4mm和75.4mm;秸秆覆盖后近地层气象要素发生了改变,显热通量的增加使得近地层空气温度升高,潜热通量的减少使得近地层水汽压降低;秸秆覆盖阻挡了太阳辐射向地面的传播,土壤温度也随着覆盖量的增加而下降。

关键词: 棵间蒸发, 热通量, 近地层气象要素, 秸秆覆盖

Abstract: The experimental results of the straw mulching for summer maize showed that the soil evaporation in summer maize field significantly was decreased by the straw mulching.As the quantity of the mulched straw increased,the sensible heat flux increased,the latent heat flux decreased and the soil evaporation decreased gradually.The soil evaporation by the treatment of 5000kg/ha2 and 15000kg/ha2 straw mulching during the whole grow period decreased by 51.4mm and 75.4mm respectively,compared with the treatment of non-straw mulching.The straw mulching led to changes of meteorological elements close to the ground.The air temperature increased as the sensible heat flux increased,while the vapor pressure close to the ground decreased as the latent heat flux decreased.As the radiation to the ground was blocked by the straw mulching,the soil temperature decreased as the quantity of the mulched straw increased.

Key words: Soil evaporation, Soil evaporation, Heat flux, Meteorological element close to the ground, Straw mulching