Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

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A Study on the Climate Ecological Adaptability and Division of Flos Lonicerae in the Sichuan Basin

PENG Guo-zhao1, QING Qing-tao2, XIONG Zhi-qiang2(1. Institute of Plateau Meteorology of Chengdu, CMA, Chengdu 610071, China;2. Agrometeorological Center of Sichuan Province)   

  • Online:2007-02-10 Published:2007-02-10

Abstract: Compared the climate conditions for flos lonicerae planting in the Sichuan Basin with it in the geo-authentic production regions, such as Fei and Pingyi County in Shandong Province,the climate ecological and environmental conditions and its influences on the yield and quality of flos lonicerae were studied. The main climate indexes which influenced the yield and quality of flos lonicerae growth and development were determined. The climate factor influenced model was established based on the GIS. The result of division showed that the most suitable planting areas of flos lonicerae in the Sichuan Basin was the northeast, such as Nanjiang and Tongjiang regions. However, the most parts of Muchuan region were sub-suitable or not suitable regions.

Key words: Sichuan basin, Sichuan basin, Flos lonicerae, Climatic adaptability, Division