Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

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All-weather Applicable Methodology to Retrieve Land Surface Temperature for Cold Disaster Monitoring

WANG Chun-lin1, TANG Li-sheng1, CHEN Shui-sen1, HUANG Zhen-zhu1, HE Jian1(1.Climate Center of Guangdong Meteorological Bureau, Guangzhou 510080, China; 2.Guanghzou Geographical Institute)   

  • Online:2007-02-10 Published:2007-02-10

Abstract: Acquisition of all-weather land surface temperature (LST) with high spatial resolution provided a precondition and ground work to monitor and evaluate cold disaster continuously. Thermal infrared remote sensing data of poly-orbit satellites, like MODIS, could be used to retrieve land surface temperature. Frame work to retrieve all-weather LST was put forward, applying climatology equations and GIS technique based on both remote sensing data of MODIS and ground observation data. Given clear condition, LST was retrieved with relatively high accuracy by band 1,2,19,31 and 32 of MODIS, otherwise, during unfavorable condition such as cloudy, high spatial resolution LST was derived by GIS technique combining with climate equations based on ground temperature observation. Methodology and operational flow of all-weather LST retrieving was introduced in the paper, with emphasis on parameters estimation. Comparison and accuracy analysis of LST retrieved through different ways showed feasibility of the methodology presented in the paper.

Key words: All-weather, All-weather, Land surface temperature, MODIS, Cold disaster