Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

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Study on Effects of Agricultural Measures on Growth and Yield of Maize in Drylands of Weibei Plateau of Shaanxi Province

BAI Tao1,ZHANG Ya-jian2,YAN Chang-rong3,PENG Shi-qi4,ZHONG Yong-hong4(1.Hubei Vocational College of Ecological Engineering,Wuhan 430200,China;2.Institute of Agricultural Sciences of Tongchuan City,Tongchuan 727000;3.Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture,CAAS,Beijing 100081;4.National Agro-technolgical Extension and Service Centre,Beijing 100026)   

  • Online:2009-02-10 Published:2009-02-10

Abstract: The field experiments of the different agricultural measures and fertilizations on maize growth in the Weibei Plateau were conducted in 2002-2003 to study the effects of the different mulching systems and drought resistant fertilizer application on the soil moisture,and growth and yield of maize.The results showed that mulching and furrow could improve soil moisture,though it was affected strongly by the amount and distribution of rainfall in the dry lands.The stem diameter,leaf amount and height of maize were better in the treatments of mulching and usage of special fertilizers than in conventional practices.The yield of maize increased by the agricultural practices mulched with plastic film,furrow planting and usage of drought resistant fertilizer,especially by plastic mulching,which had 35%~43% more yield than that by the conventional treatment.The experiment also showed that there was a co-relation between the rainfall and the different agricultural practices.The plastic mulching showed a highest yield in the experiment.However,in the dry years,the furrow planting and drought resistant fertilizer application could gain higher yield.

Key words: Weibei Plateau, Weibei Plateau, Maize, Mulching, Furrow planting, Drought resistant fertilizer, Conventional fertilization