Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

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Dynamics of Sap Flow in Ligustrum lucidum Ait in Bough and Branches during Autumn and Winter

TIAN Lu-yang1,LI Chun-you1,ZHANG Jin-song2,MENG Ping2,GAO Jun2(1.Hebei Agricultural University,Baoding 071000,China;2.Research Institute of Forestry,CAF/Key Laboratory ofForest Silviculture of the State Forestry Administration,Beijing 100091)   

  • Online:2011-04-10 Published:2011-04-10

Abstract: The relationship of sap flow in Ligustrum lucidum Ait between bough and branches was analyzed by using TDP(Thermal Dissipation Sapwood Flow Velocity Probe) method from September to December,2000 in Xiaolangdi ecological station,Henan province.The diameters of branches ranked as bough>branch 1#>branch 2#>branch 3#.The Results showed that the diurnal variation of sap flow of changed as a single-peak curve both for bough and branches,and velocity variation kept same too.There was significant correlation between bough and branches with r1 =0.997,r2 =0.933,r3 =0.997.The peak sap flow in bough was higher than branches,and the peak sap flow and average velocity of branches ranked as 1#>3#>2#.Velocity of branch 2 changed little just because of its small diameter.The sap flow sum of branches was similar to that of bough at consecutive sunny days.Branches had greater impact from outside factors than bough.Lower temperature and less solar radiation need more time for sap flow recovering after rain.

Key words: Autumn and winter, Autumn and winter, Ligustrum lucidum, Thermal dissipation probe, Sap flow velocity of bough and each branch