Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

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Assessment of Drought and Its Effect on Agriculture in 2006 in Sichuan Basin

WANG Su-yan,YOU Chao,HE Xiao (Agrometeorological Center of Sichuan Province,Chengdu 610071,China)   

  • Online:2008-02-10 Published:2008-02-10

Abstract: In 2006,heavy spring drought,summer drought and midsummer drought occurred in Sichuan Basin,and durative high temperature took place with midsummer drought,which made much loss of agriculture.Some meteorological indices which affected drought degrees of spring,summer and midsummer droughts were selected by principal component method to set up quantified evaluation indices,including spring drought index,summer drought index,midsummer drought index and comprehensive evaluation index.For different droughts had different influences on agriculture,the weights were redistributed to establish agricultural comprehensive evaluation index.All of drought indexes were analyzed.

Key words: Sichuan Basin, Sichuan Basin, Drought, Assessment