Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology

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Ecological Climate Suitability Division for Citrus in Southern Shaanxi Based on GIS

ZHU Lin1,LI Xing-min2,ZHU Yan-nian2,HE Wen-li1,BAI Qin-feng1(1.Shaanxi Meteorological Service Station for Economic Crops,Xi'an 710015,China;2.Shaanxi Institute of Meteorological Sciences,Xi'an 710015)   

  • Online:2011-02-10 Published:2011-02-10

Abstract: Qinling-Bashan mountainous area situated in the north subtropical climate zone,which was the north edge of citrus planting.In order to utilize local agricultural climatic resources,optimize agriculture industry structure and reduce the loss caused by natural disasters,the climate suitability for citriculture in Qinling-Bashan Mountain areas was divided by using GIS spatial analyst and cartography and fuzzy comprehensive evaluation,based on meteorological data in last 30 years in this region.The division indices included average extremely minimum temperature,average temperature of January,annual average temperature and annual average precipitation.The results showed that the suitable area was located in the hilly mountain area below 700m elevation.Though topography characteristic also should be considered,those areas cold air flew easy were good for citriculture preventing freezing harm.

Key words: Citriculture, Citriculture, Agro-climate, Geography information system(GIS), Division