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    Rice Computer Simulation Model (Ricemod) and Its Applications-Part 1——RICE CLOCK MODEL—A COMPUTER SIMULATION MODEL OF RICE DEVELOPMENT
    Gao Liangzhi Jin Zhiqing Huang Yao Zhang Lizhong (Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Scicuces)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract7374)            Save
    The "rice clock". model presented in this paper is dynamic application-oriented simulation model of rice development. It consists of two submodels, i. e. , growth duration model and leaf age model. The former is used simulate the effect of daily temperature and day-length on rice development, with a higher precision and a better explanatory capacity. The parameters of the growth model reflect the basic vegetative duration, thermo-and photo-period-sensitivities for different varietal types. The latter is used to simulate the effect of daily temperature on leaf development. It can estimate the appearance of each leaf blade with different age, and also describe the development and formation of various morphological organs (such as tiller, stem, root and panicle) due to their good synchronizations of growth with leaf development, these two models could be connected well to estimate the number of fully developped leaves in any region and year. Finally, these two modelswere tested and evaluated, based on the experiment data collected from 14 locations (1985), and 8 locations (1986) in the Yangzi River Valley, China,
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    Cited: Baidu(369)
    Impacts of Climate Change on Growing Stages of Main Crops in Henan Province
    YU Wei-dong1,2, ZHAO Guo-qiang1, CHEN Huai-liang1(1. Institute of Meteorological Sciences of Henan Province, Zhengzhou 450003, China; 2. Meteorological Bureau of Shangqiu City)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract9531)            Save
    Based on the crop growth stages and climate data of seven meteorological stations from 1981 to 2004 in Henan Province, the climate change and its impacts on main growing stages of winter wheat and summer corn were analyzed. The results showed that the growing stage from reviving to maturity stage of winter wheat became earlier and the postponed tendency of the jointing stage was the most obvious. The whole growing period of winter wheat had been reduced by 1.3 day per ten years.The main reasons caused the shorter growing period were that the average temperature increased from February to May and the sunshine hour reduced in March. All growing stages of summer corn were postponed and the postponed tendency of the maturity stage was the most obvious. The reduced total precipitation from Jun to September led to a postponed tendency of growing period of summer corn. Therefore, the whole growth period of summer corn had been increased by 2.1 day per ten years.
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    Cited: Baidu(256)
    Analysis of Changing Characteristics of Agricultural Climate Resources Over Last 45 Years in North China Plain
    TAN Fang-ying1,2,WANG Jian-lin1,2,SONG Ying-bo2,SHEN Shuang-he1(1.Nanjing University of Information of Science & Technology,Nanjing 210044,China;2.National Meteorological Center,Beijing 100081)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract14746)      PDF(pc) (855KB)(2053)       Save
    The temporal and spatial tendency,differences of agricultural climate resources in the North China Plain was analyzed by using linear-trend estimate,based on the daily air temperature and precipitation of 53 meteorological stations from 1961 to 2005 in the North China Plain.The result indicated that the inter-annual change between the annual accumulated temperature≥0℃,the accumulated temperature≥10℃ from May to October,the absolute value of annual accumulated temperature<0℃ and the air temperature existed a corresponding relationship in the whole North China Plain.There was a poor period of heat before the middle of 1970s,the heat was increasing from the 1970s to the end of 1990s,and it was quite abundant in the last 15 years.The heat increased greatly in the north of the North China Plain and on the east coast of Shandong.But the accumulated temperature higher than 10℃ during the crop growing season decreased in the central south of the North China Plain.The annual precipitation and precipitation in summer decreased faintly,and the fluctuation of precipitation inter-annual was intensified.Differently,the annual precipitation was increased in the last three years(2003-2005).The results also showed that the precipitation differences between the south part(coastal area) and the north part(inland) was getting smaller,especially in summer.
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    Cited: Baidu(199)
    Impact of Climate Change on Cotton Production in Xingjiang Autonomous Region
    SONG Yan-ling, ZHANG Qiang, DONG Wen-jie (National Meteorological Center, Beijing 100081, China;)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract8817)            Save
    The temperature and the precipitation had been increasing, but the duration of sunshine decreasing in the cotton production regions in Xingjiang in the past 50 years.The impacts of climate change on cotton are studied with the COPRAS model.The results showed that the climate change had a positive impact on the growth and yield of cotton during the last 50 years.The date of the flowering and open boll period of cotton was earlier and the growing period was delayed obviously.The whole growing season of cotton was delayed for 8.2, 2.4 and 5.2 days in the 1970s, 1980s and 1990s than that in the 1960s respectively.The cotton yields had increased 15.7 kg/ha per ten years.The yield fluctuation of the cotton increased at the same time.That means that the risk of climate change for the cotton yields had increased.
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    Cited: Baidu(167)
    Effect of global climate change on spring wheat growth in Ningxia
    LEI Shui ling (Agrometeorolgy Institute, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract6873)            Save
    Wheat growth in Ningxia in the future is simulated and the climate scenarios were generated from Climate Generator Model and GCMs, when all the data the model needed are input. The simulated result shows that the growing season of wheat will be shorten and the yield will be obviously decreased in Ningxia in the future because of global climate change, but this yield reduction will be relieved because of the increasing concentration of CO 2. These results will be suitable for the area with similar climate characteristics.
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    Cited: Baidu(149)
    Risk Assessment and Division of Drought Hazard Based on GIS in Chongqing City
    LUO Pei(College of Land and Resources, China West Normal University, Nanchong 637002, China)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract7936)            Save
    Taking the draught disasters in Chongqing as an example, with the adequately analyzing of weather background and population, society, economy in Chongqing, the author chooses these evaluation factors: the physiognomy, the frequency of disasters occurring, the population, the economy from the background of disasters, the possibility of disasters and the vulnerability of stricken things. By using hazy evaluation method, this thesis constitutes mathematics model for the background of weather disasters, the possibility of disasters and the vulnerability of stricken things, and at the same time the evaluation was made. Based on the basis datum and maps, with the utilizing MapInfo Professional software, in manipulating the attribute data-base and graphics data-base, the maps of the background of weather disasters, the maps of the possibility of disasters and the maps of the vulnerability of stricken things were gained. By overlaying and uniting of the maps and compartmentalizing of hazard grade, the hazard attributions for draught disaster were achieved.
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    Cited: Baidu(149)
    Effect of Straw Mulch Amount on Dynamic Changes of Soil Moisture and Temperature in Farmland
    WANG Zhao-wei1,HAO Wei-ping2,GONG Dao-zhi2,MEI Xu-rong2,WANG Chun-tang1(1.College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering,Shandong Agriculture University,Taian 271018,China;2.Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture/Key Laboratory of Dryland Agriculture,MOA,Beijing 100081)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract9429)      PDF(pc) (945KB)(1459)       Save
    The effects of straw mulch amount on soil water and temperature were studied in dryland agriculture areas in Shouyang of Shanxi province. The dynamic changes of soil moisture,and temperature conditions beneath mulches of maize straw applied at different amount(1500,3000,4500,6000kg/ha ) and soil transpiration were investigated from April to November in 2009,the whole growth season of spring maize. The results showed that straw mulch had a beneficial effect on soil transpiration and temperature of topsoil lay within 40cm at the early growth stage,while had no significant effect at the later stage after reaching the maximum LAI,the beneficial effect of straw mulch on reducing evaporation and improving soil water retention were increased significantly with the increasing applied amount of straw mulch. On the other hand,we found that there were adverse effects of high application mulch amount on soil moisture by interception loss and suspending infiltration of rainfall,and interception and field infiltration of rainfall under mulch condition were related to climate conditions,rainfall intensity,soil hydraulic characteristic etc.,how the straw mulch amount affect field infiltration and interception of rainfall should be further studied. Similarly,Straw mulch affected topsoil temperature,mulch exceed certain amount could lead to low temperature to affect crop growth and yield. In this study,the recommended amount of straw mulch for the studied areas was 4500kg/ha with taking into consideration of integrated effect on both soil water content and temperature. These findings are important for identifying the best straw mulch practices for dryland agriculture,and would provide useful reference for further studies in this field.
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    Cited: Baidu(135)
    Studies on Agricultural Climatic Potential Productivity and Natural Resources Utilization Ratio in Songnen Plain of Heilongjiang Province
    WANG Zong-ming 1,2 ,ZHANG Bai 1 ,ZHANG Shu-qing 1 , SONG Kai-shan 1 ,DUAN Hong-tao 1 (1.Northeast Institute of Geography and Agricultural Ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changchun130012,China;2.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract7793)            Save
    Supported by GIS,the agricultural climatic potential productivity of the main crops for all counties in the Songnen Plain was calculated.The spatial differences on agricultural and natural resources utilization ratios in the region were ana-lyzed.The results showed that there were no significant differences in photosynthesis potential productivities among different locations,whereas due to large latitude span the photosynthesis-temperature potential productivities increased from the north to the south significantly.As the rain belt distribution showed a significant difference in the different counties,this led to an increase of the climate potential productivity from the west to the east gradually.There were significant differences in agricul-tural and natural resources utilization ratios of main crops in the different counties of the plain.The resources utilization ra-tios in the western parts of Songnen Plain were lower than that in the eastern parts,where showed in turn a large potential to increase the yields.
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    Cited: Baidu(131)
    Response of Cropping System in China to Global Climatic Changes Ⅱ. Effect of Cropping System in China to Global Climatic Changes
    ZHANG Hou xuan (Institute of Agrometeorology, CAAS, Beijing 100081)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract6847)            Save
    The effect of global climatic change and the characteristics of China’s agriculture was studied. The main problems of China’s cropping system in response to climatic change were discussed from the cropping plan, input in science and technology, protective tillage breed good varieties, and using water - saving culture of the point of view. Some available countermeasures and technological steps were recommended. Keyword: Cropping system; Climatic change; Responsible countermeasures
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    Cited: Baidu(129)
    Analysis of Climate Factors and Theirs Influence on Chemical Components of Flue-cured Tobacco Leaves at Tobacco growing Areas of Hunan Province
    LI Yan-yan1,XU Zi-cheng1,WANG Jin-ping2,XIAO Han-qian3 (1.College of Agronomy,Henan Agricultural University,Zhengzhou 450002,China;2.Xinyang Normal College;3.Tobacco Corporation of Hunan Province)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract8314)            Save
    Climate factors at tobacco-growing areas in Hunan Province and the influence of heat and precipitation on chemical components of flue-cured tobacco leaves were analyzed.The results indicated that Hunan tobacco growing areas had suitable temperature,a long periods of time with daily average temperature of ≥20℃,more than 2600℃ for accumulated temperature of ≥10℃ and small temperature difference between day and night.But precipitation and air humidity were high and sunlight percentage was low during growing periods.With total precipitation during vigorous growing stage and day-and-night temperature difference decreasing,and with average temperature during root extending and vigorous growing stages and accumulated temperature of ≥10℃ increasing, it could be helpful for the development of high quality flue-cured tobacco leaves.Hunan tobacco-growing areas could be classified into three groups by cluster analysis method.The first group mainly included areas of South,Middle and East Hunan;The second group mainly included areas of West Hunan;The third group mainly included areas of Northwest Hunan.The climate factors and the tobacco quality traits for different groups were briefly described.
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    Cited: Baidu(127)
    Impacts of Climate Warming on Phonological Period and Growth of Apple Tree in Loess Plateau of Gansu Province
    PU Jin-yong1,2,YAO Xiao-ying3,YAO Xiao-hong2,XU Yan-ping2,WANG Wei-tai4(1.Lanzhou Institute of Arid Meteorology,Open Key Laboratory of Arid Climate Change and Reducing Disaster,China Meteorological Administration,Key Laboratory of Arid climate Change and Reducing Disaster of Gansu Province,Lanzhou 730020,China;2.Agrometeorological Experimental Station of Tianshui;3.Tianshui Meteorological Bureau;4.Agrometeorological Experimental Station of Xifeng)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract10047)            Save
    Based on the meteorological data of 1971-2005 and the phenological observation date of apple tree from 1984 to 2005 at the Agrometeorological Experimental Station of Xifen and Tianshui in Gansu Province,the impacts of climate warming on phonological period and growth of apple tree in Loess Plateau of Gansu Province were analyzed.The results indicated that annual average temperature increased by 0.9-1.8℃ in Loess Plateau of Gansu since 1971.The growing periods of the apple trees before the apple maturity,such as leaf bud open,leaf open and flowering advanced by about 14 days,while the growing periods of the apple trees after the apple maturity,such as the leaf color change and leaf fallen postponed by 2-5 days.The annual days of maximum temperature ≥30℃ and ≥35℃ in 1990's were 5.8-7.7 and 2.8 days more than in 1980's respectively.This led to the decrease of the fruit setting rate and quality of the fruit.The apple trees should be grown at the sites with higher altitude and the apple varieties should be improved in order to adapt to the climate warming.
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    Cited: Baidu(126)
    Impacts of Changes of Temperature and Precipitation on Agriculture in Hebei Regions
    LI Yuan-hua~(1),CHE Shao-jing~(2)(1.Climate Centre of Hebei Province,Shijiazhuang 050021,China;2. Meteorological Bureau of Shijiazhuang City)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract7728)            Save
    Based on the available observation data from 70 meteorological stations in Beijing,Tianjin and Hebei regions,recorded from the very beginning of the observation to 2000,the changes of the characteristics of average temperature and the spatio-temporal distribution of the precipitation and the annual,inter-annual and decade were analyzed,taken temperature and precipitation as main meteorological factors.The results showed that the mean temperature had increased by 0.8-1.2℃ averagely and increased by 0.4℃ per decade.The yearly precipitation had decreased by 87 mm averagely and by 21 mm per decade due to the global warming up in 90′s these regions.The each growing period of winter wheat had moved up.The winter wheat growing boundary extended to over 41°N from the 1990′s,which was about 30-50 km northward compared with it in the 1950′s.
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    Cited: Baidu(122)
    Review on Research of Meteorological Conditions and Prediction Methods of Crop Disease and Insect Pest
    CHEN Huai-liang1,2,ZHANG Hong2,LI You2(1.Institute of Meteorological Sciences of Henan Province,Zhengzhou 450003,China;2.Henan Agricultural University)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract7783)            Save
    The research on the meteorological prediction of crop disease and insect pest development was summarized in two aspects,e.g.meteorological conditions causing the crop disease and insect pest and methods of meteorological prediction.The recent developments of researches in meteorological conditions causing disease and insect pest were summed up by studying relations between the development of disease and insect pest and meteorological factors on the large-,medium-and small-scale meteorological backgrounds.The progresses on meteorological prediction were summed up in mathematical statistics,fuzzy mathematics,grey system,artificial neural network and 3S technique.The problems and difficulties existed in these methods were discussed.The further research needed was prospected as well.
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    Cited: Baidu(116)
    Effects of High Temperature Stress on Yield Components and Grain Quality during Heading Stage
    XIE Xiao-jin1,2,LI Bing-bai1,LI Ying-xue2,LI Hao-yu2,ZHAO Xiao-yan2,YANG Shen-bin2,WANG Zhi-ming1(1.Institute of Resources and Environment,Jiangsu Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanjing 210014,China;2.Colloge of Applied Meteorology,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract9620)      PDF(pc) (717KB)(1335)       Save
    The effects of high temperature stress on yield components and grain quality of japonica rice Yangdao 6 and japonica rice Nanjing 43 in plant growth chamber with two temperature treatments during heading stage were studied.The results showed that brown rice rate,milled rice rate,head rice rate,number of grains per panicles,seed setting rate,kernel weight,soluble sugar content and protein content in two rice varieties were lower,chalkiness rate and chalkiness degree were higher.Moreover,the damage on yield components and grain quality in two rice varieties were more serious with elevation of stress temperature and elongation of stress time.Index of heat sensitivity(HIS) and the damage degree for Nanjing 43 was higher than that for Yangdao 6 under the same high temperature stress.So the capacity of high temperature tolerance of Yangdao 6 was higher than Nanjing 43.The results could provide important theoretical evidence for revealing the damage mechanism on yield components and grain quality,selecting stronger heat tolerance of rice cultivar.
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    Cited: Baidu(111)
    Climate Change and Its Impact on Main Crops in Inner Mongolia
    HOU Qiong1,GUO Rui-qing2,YANG Li-tao3(1.Institute of Meteorological Science of Inner Mongolia,Huhhot 010051,China;2.Center of Ecology and Agricultural Meteorology ofInner Mongolia,Huhhot 010051;3.Climate Center of Inner Mongolia,Huhhot 010051)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract9299)      PDF(pc) (682KB)(1509)       Save
    Understanding the impact of climate change on plants structure in Inner Mongolian was important basis for making policy effectively.Climate change and its impact on main crops phenophase and planting area in four main grain-producing areas of Inner Mongolia were analyzed based on the climate data in recent 50 years and crops growing season data in recent 27 years.The results showed that temperature of main agricultural areas in Inner Mongolia increased significantly in recent 50 years,accumulated temperature above 10℃ increased by 350~570℃.The temperature of Hetao irrigation area and eastern of Daxinganling increased more than northern of Yinshan and Keerqin area.There was great difference between the eastern and western region on precipitation change.The precipitation during growing season of Keerqin area and eastern of Daxinganling decreased 44mm and 55mm respectively,but increased 10.4mm and 2.4mm in Hetao irrigation area and the northern Yinshan respectively.Spring phenophase of maize was advanced and autumn phenophase was postponed,totally approaching 10~20days,in which the most obvious region was the eastern Daxinganling.As temperature increasing accelerated developing process,the whole growing season of spring wheat and soybean was shortened,but it was not obvious for potato except for its harvesting time delayed a little.Climate warming was closely interrelated with expanding of planting areas of maize and potato,decreasing of planting areas of spring wheat and the northward extension of maize planting boundary.
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    Cited: Baidu(108)
    Impact of Climatic Variation in Maize PrOductivc Capacity in the Locss Platcau Arca in recent 30 years
    Zhang Qiang;Yang Xianwei;Huang Chaoyin(National elimate Center,Beijing 100081)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract7425)            Save
    In this paper,the impact of climatic variation capacity on maize productive capacity are analizedby use of the meteorological data of 72 stations in the Loess Plateau area for 30 years.The resultsshow that,inspite of the general climatic trend was getting warmer during 1980’s in this area,thetemperature within growing seasons did not go up but dropped a little.Thus,the light-temperatureproductive capacity of maize in 1980s was less than that in 1960’s or 1970’s Due to the influence ofthe change of precipitation,the climatic productive capacity in 1980’s was higher than that in 1960’s or1970’s for all parts in this area except for Shaanxi Province.
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    Cited: Baidu(102)
    Climate Division of Sugarcane Planting Based on GIS in Guangxi
    SU Yong-xiu,LI Zheng,SUN Han(Institute of Guangxi Meteorological Disaster Reduction,Nanning 530022,China)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract8756)            Save
    According to the relationship between sugarcane growth and climate conditions,Indexes for agro-climate division of sugarcane planting were determined.By using the climate and geographic data recorded in the 90 meteorological stations for 30 years in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region,the spatial distribution models of division index were established.The spatial distribution of division indexes in no-station regions was calculated on grids of 1km×1km based on GIS.The suitable planting areas for sugarcane in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region were divided to provide the scientific basis for optimizing distribution of sugarcane planting.
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    Cited: Baidu(100)
    Preliminary Analysis of High Temperature Harm at Middle-Season Rice Florescence on Jianghan Plain in Last 50 Years
    LI Shou-hua1, TIAN Xiao-hai1, HUANG Yong-ping2, LIU Ai-ying3(1.Agriculture College, Yangtze University, Jingzhou 434025,China; 2. Jingzhou Experimental Station of Agro-meteorology; 3. Jingshan Middle School)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract8509)            Save
    High temperature harm at rice florescence was a big problem to rice production in the Yangtze River basin. Average temperature anomaly, the highest temperature anomaly, the frequency and temporal distribution of extra high temperature lasted 3d and 5d in July and August were analyzed respectively with tendency analysis and temperature anomaly analysis, based on observed temperature data from Jingzhou agrometeorological station during 1954-2003. The result showed that the average temperature and the highest temperature in Jianghan Plain did not increased in last 50 years. The frequency of average temperature≥30℃ lasted 3d and 5d, and the highest temperature≥35℃ in July and August increased a little. Extra high temperature weather occurred in the mid and last ten days of July and the first ten days of August in general. High temperature harm occurred more than 100%, and serious high temperature harm occurred 62% from mid of July to first of August. So adjusting rice-planting date and high temperature tolerant breeding to mitigate high temperature harm were recommended in this region.
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    Cited: Baidu(98)
    Phenological Changes in Spring in Last 40 Years in North China
    HAN Chao1,2,ZHENG Jing-yun1,GE Quan-sheng1(1.Institute of Geographic Science and Natural Resource Research,CAS,Beijing 100101,China;2.Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract8410)            Save
    Based on the phenology data observed by 7 stations from the Chinese Phenology Observation Network,the change of phenological spring in North China(1963-1996),as well as in Beijing(1963-2005),and its relationship with climate warming were analyzed.The results showed that the phenological spring onset showed remarkable advance in North China mostly introduced by warming winter and spring.Temperature from January to March increased 2.3℃,and 1.7℃ in April,while the beginning and ending of phenology in spring advanced 9 days and 4 days separately which led to 5 days longer in spring.In Beijing(1963-2003),the temperature from January to March increased 3.5℃,and 2.6℃ in April.The beginning and ending of spring advanced 11 days and 10 days separately,but the length of spring was not changed dramatically.
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    Cited: Baidu(97)
    Effects of Vary Soil Moisture and Fertility Levels on Chlorophyll Fluorescence Characteristics in Maize
    WANG Jian-cheng~(1,2), YAN Chang-rong~(1), BU Yu-shan~(2) (1.Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture, CAAS, Beijing 100081,China;2.Shanxi Agriculture University)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract7096)            Save
    The experiment results showed that fluorescence parameters of the maize leaves at jointing stage was affected by the environmental factors such as soil moisture, light intensity, temperature and soil fertility levels, and the effect of the soil moisture was the most. As the moisture decreased, the basic fluorescene (F_(0)) of the maize leaves decreased, and the variable fluorescence (Fv) and photochemical efficiency(Fv/ Fm) and the potential activities of PSⅡ(Fv/ F_(0)) increased markedly. So the chlorophyll fluorescence parameters could be used as optimal indexes to study and judge the water condition of maize but the appropriate measuring time and speed must be paid attention to.
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    Cited: Baidu(95)
    Analysis on Change of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration and Climatic Influence Factors in Sichuan
    CHEN Chao1,2,PANG Yan-mei3,PAN Xue-biao2,WANG Chun-yan4(1.Institute of Plateau Meteorology,China Meteorological Administration,Chengdu 610071,China;2.College of Resources and Environment,CAU,Beijing 100193;3.Mentougou Meteorological Bureau,Beijing 102308;4.Institute of Agricultural Resources and Agricultural Division,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Science,Beijing 100081)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract10764)      PDF(pc) (792KB)(1825)       Save
    Reference crop evapotranspiration(ET0) was a key factor to estimate crop water requirement and determine farming irrigation.The characteristics of ET0 and its major climate influence factors were analyzed respectively by using the Penman-Monteith equation and partia1 correlation analysis method,based on daily meteorological data from 5 basin stations and 5 plateau stations from 1961 to 2009 in Sichuan province.The results showed that both daily and monthly average ET0,both in basin stations and plateau stations,changed in seasons.The highest point was in summer,and the lowest point was in winter.The annual average ET0 in basin stations decreased fluctuant,and the decline rate was significant.The annua1 average ET0 in plateau stations decreased slightly except for Muli and Songpan.The annual and seasonal average ET0 in Sichuan province had close relationship to sunshine duration,wind speed,relative humidity,average temperature,maximum and minimum temperature,and air pressure.Sunshine duration reduction in last 50 years resulted to average ET0 decreased in basin stations,and the wind speed varation resulted to average ET0 decreased in plateau stations.
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    Cited: Baidu(94)
    Sensitive Analysis on Reference Evapotranspiration to Key Meteorological Factors in Northeast China
    ZENG Li-hong1,2,SONG Kai-shan1,ZHANG Bai1,WANG Zong-ming1(1.Northeast Institute of Geography and Agro-ecology,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun 130012,China;2.Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology    2010, 31 (01): 11-18.  
    Abstract11203)      PDF(pc) (4575KB)(1764)       Save
    Daily reference evapotranspiration(ET0) in growing season(May to September) during 1961-2008 was calculated by using Penman-Monteith equation recommended by FAO,based on daily meteorological data provided by China Meteorological Administer.Temporal variation of ET0 and key meteorological factors were analyzed.Sensitivity of daily ET0 to key climate factors,such as temperature,sunshine hours,average wind speed and average relative humanity,was analyzed by using the methods of response curves,sensitivity matrixes and sensitivity coefficients.The results showed that temperature increased significantly(P<0.01) during 1961 to 2008,while sunshine hours,average wind speed and average relative humidity decreased significantly(P<0.01) in same time.The average daily ET0 uring growing season did not extended±0.3mm per day at the point of 3.60mm per day,and it was steady in these years and got maximum value in 2001(3.87mm per day) and minimum value in 1990(3.28mm per day).Daily ET0 also increased with temperature,sunshine hours and mean wind speed changed from-20% to 20%,while daily ET0 decreased with average relative humidity changed from-20% to 20%.Average daily sensitivity coefficients of meteorological factors during the growing season varied in region,of which temperature was the most sensitive to ET0,followed by average relative humidity,sunshine hours and mean wind speed.
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    Cited: Baidu(93)
    Grassland Degradation and Management Measures in China
    WANG Qing-suo~1, LI Meng-xian~2, LI Chun-he~3 (1.Institute of Agricultural Environment and Sustainable Development, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Beijing 100081, China; 2.Combating Desertification Office, National forestry Bureau; 3.Chengde Teachers College for nationalities in Hebei Province)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract7836)            Save
    It is analyzed the status, dynamics, causes and impacts of grassland degradation in China.Measures needed to manage the grassland degradation are also discussed.
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    Cited: Baidu(91)
    Characteristics of Soil N_2O Flux in a Winter Wheat-Summer Maize Rotation System in North China Plain and Analysis of Influencing Factors
    SUN Yan-li1,LU Pei-ling1,LI Jun2,YU Qiang2,SUN Shan-bin1,WANG Ji-shun2,OUYANG Zhu2 (1.Key Laboratory for Silviculture and Conservation of Ministry of Education,Beijing Forestry University,Beijing 10083,China;2.Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research,Chinese Academy of Sciences)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract10870)            Save
    Soil N2O flux was measured for a whole year in winter wheat-summer maize rotation system in the North China Plain to determine its sources and changes in the soil,by using close chamber method.The relationships between soil N2O flux and soil temperature,moisture and available nitrogen content were analyzed after getting rid of the influence of fertilization.The results indicated that the winter wheat and summer maize fields were sources of N2O.Soil N2O fluxes both in wheat and maize fields showed obvious seasonal variations because of the influence of fertilization.Soil N2O flux in wheat field ranged from-36 to 835μg m-2 h-1,and in the maize field ranged from-1 to 263μg m-2 h-1.The seasonal average soil N2O flux in wheat field with 80.5μg m-2 h-1 was smaller than in maize field with 90.5μg m-2 h-1.The total soil N2O emission in wheat field with 4.2 kg hm-2 was higher than in maize field with 2.7 kg hm-2.Annual soil N2O emission was with 6.9 kg hm-2.Soil N2O flux increased exponentially with the soil temperature(P<0.01).Its seasonal Q10 was 2.2,and the diurnal Q10 were from 3.8 to 4.5.There was no obvious correlation between the soil N2O flux and the soil moisture.During main growing seasons(from April to October) the soil N2O flux increased with soil NH+4-N contents(P<0.05).There was no obvious correlation between the soil N2O flux and the NO-3-N and content.During main growing seasons,the comprehensive influence of soil temperature,moisture and NO-3-N and NH+4-N contents on the soil N2O flux was significant(P<0.01).Soil moisture and soil NH+4-N contents were the main factors controlling soil N2O emission.
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    Cited: Baidu(90)
    Fractal Characteristics and R/S Analysis of Hydrometeor in Hotian Oasis of Xinjiang Autonomous Region
    ZHANG Xiao-wei1,SHEN Bing1,MENG Cai-xia2(1.Institute of Water Resources,Xi'an University of Technology,Xi'an 710048,China;2.Chongqing Jiaotong University)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract7378)            Save
    The Kandell'rank verification was used to analyze the tendency of hydrometeor in the Hotian oasis of Xinjiang Autonomous Region from 1954 to 2003.The results showed that the temperature,evaporation increased significantly,while the precipitation,relative humidity and the river runoff decreased not significantly.The results of Rescaled Range Analysis(R/S analysis) showed that changes of each hydrometeor had the persistence.Based on the Hurst index the intensity of the persistence was quantitatively compared.The fractal characteristics of the hydrometeor was described and the fractal dimension was confirmed.
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    Cited: Baidu(90)
    Analysis and Prediction of Winter Low Temperature and Freezing Injury Weather in Sunlight Greenhouse in Yanan
    SUN Zhi-hui, LI Hong-qun, ZHENG Xiao-yang (Meteorological Bureau of Yan'an City, Yan'an 716000 China)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract6829)            Save
    Based on observed meteorological data for 30 years in Yan'an district, the temperature both inside and outside the greenhouse during strong temperature drop process was compared. It is concluded that the thermophilous crops planted in the greenhouse would be damaged, when the air temperature dropped to -20 outside the greenhouse and the temperature would be under 0inside the greenhouse, even though the protection measures were adopted. Taking -20as a critical temperature at which the plant freezing injury would occur, the freezing zone was divided in the Yan'an district. The different forecast service patterns were put forward according to the air circulation status.
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    Cited: Baidu(85)
    Evolvement of Climate-productivity over Chinese Loess Plateau
    WANG Yi-rong~(1,2),WANG Run-yuan~(1),DENG Zhenyong~(1)(1.Key Laboratory of Arid Climate Change and Disaster Reduction of Gansu Province,Lanzhou Institute of Arid Meteorology,China Meteorological Administration,Lanzhou 730020,China;2.Meteorological Bureau of Dingxi City)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract8156)            Save
    Based on the meteorological date from 1961 to 2000 in Chinese Loess Plateau,the spatial and temporal variations of climate-productivity in Chinese Loess Plateau were investigated,by applying Empirical Orthogonal Function(EOF),Rotated Empirical Orthogonal Function(REOF),Expand Empirical Orthogonal Function((EEOF),)Complex Empirical Orthogonal Function(CEOF)and wavelet analysis.The results showed that the climate-productivity kept decreased over Chinese Loess Plateau.The west,east and south part were identified as highly related regions,where strong temporal variability of the climate-productivity existed.By using wavelet analysis,the 2-4 years period was more remarkable.The changes of direction and intension of the climateproductivity were evident within 4 years.The climate-productivity variation amplitude was bigger in the south than that in the north of the plateau.The sensitivity of the climate-productivity variation was in the central north of the plateau.The variation information of the climate-productivity flowed from the central east area to edge of the plateau.
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    Cited: Baidu(84)
    Frost Characteristics and Its Effect on Agriculture in Taiyuan under Climate Warming
    ZHANG Xia1,QIAN Jin-xia2(1.Institute of Science and Technology Information of Shanxi Province,Taiyuan 030001,China;2.Climate Center of Shanxi Province,Taiyuan 030002)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract9063)      PDF(pc) (548KB)(1677)       Save
    The frost characteristics in Taiyuan city were analyzed based on the daily minimum temperature data in Taiyuan Meteorological Station from 1951 to 2008,by using the methods statistics,cumulative filter and non-parametric respectively.The results showed that the first light frost was occurred in October 14th,and the last light frost was in April 15th.The average free-frost period was 182 days.Comparably,the first moderate and severe frost delayed 9 days and 23 days,the last ones advanced 11 days and 24 days.The average free-frost period was extended 20 days and 47 days.In totally,the first frost changed complexly,the last frost was delayed during 1950s to 1970s and advanced since 1980s.The average free-frost period was shortened during 1950s to 1970s and extended since 1980s.Generally,the first frost delayed and last frost advanced,and the average free-frost period was extended.The occurring frequency of abnormal first or last frost event took up 5~15%,most of them were in the years of 1950s-1970s.The abnormal first light frost event usually had little impacts on crops and cabbage.But the cabbage would suffer from freezing injury with the abnormal first moderate or severe frost.The abnormal last frost could affect seedling in spring.Winter wheat suffered from the frost damage one time in each 5 years,and the risk stage was 5 days after jointing.
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    Cited: Baidu(83)
    Application of WOFOST Model in Simulation of integrated Impacts of Low Temperature and Drought on Maize Yield
    CHEN Zhen-lin1, ZHANG Jian-ping2, WANG Chun-yi3, ZHEN Jiang-ping4(1. Institute of Earth Environment, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Xi'an 710075, China; 2. Chongqing Institute of Meteorological Sciences; 3. Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences; 4. Office of China Meteorological Administration)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology   
    Abstract8031)            Save
    Maize plants were treated by the low temperature under different water conditions during seedling and tasseling periods in the artificial climate chamber to determine the impacts of low temperature, drought and their combination on maize yield in the Northeast China. Based on the results of the controlled experiment, the WOFOST model was applied to simulate the integrated impacts of low temperature and drought on maize yield. The results of both experiment and simulation showed that the low temperature, drought and their combination would lead to decrease of maize yield to a certain extent. The impacts of the low temperature and drought combination would reduce the maize yield by 34.5% which was higher than by low temperature and drought separatedly.
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    Cited: Baidu(81)
    Space-time Distribution of Heat Injury on Rice in Hubei Province under Climate Change
    WAN Su-qin1,CHEN Chen2,LIU Zhi-xiong1,ZHOU Yue-hua1,DENG Huan1,GAO Su-hua3(1.Wuhan Regional Climate Centre,Wuhan 430074,China;2.Yichang Meteorological Administration of Hubei Province,Yichang 443000;3.Chinese Academy of Meteorological Sciences,Beiijing 10081)
    Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology    2009, 30 (S2): 316-319.  
    Abstract8852)      PDF(pc) (1100KB)(1385)       Save
    In this paper,spatial-temporal variation characteristics of heat injury on early rice and mid-season rice during booting-milky stage was analyzed using agricultural data including meteorology,rice production and agro-meteorology from 1961 to 2005 in Hubei province.The obtained conclusions were as followed: ① Heat injury on mid-season rice and early rice occurred most seriously in 1960s,the second from 2000 to 2005,respectively,similarly,the third in 1970s and the slightest in 1980s.Additionally,it became more and more serious at the beginning of the 21st century;② There were more days when heat injury took place in the east than in the west,in the south than in the north for mid-season rice,but for early rice,gradually decreased from west to east;③For mid-season rice,there were more than 20% of total years when heat injury appeared and led to more than 3% yield reduction in the east and the north-west hillock of Hubei province,10%-20% in the east of south-west,most part of the north-west,the north-east of Hubei province and Jianghan Plain.For early rice,there were more than 15% of total years when it did and led to more than 3% yield reduction in the east of Hubei province and Jianghan Plain.
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    Cited: Baidu(81)