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    20 June 2017, Volume 38 Issue 06
    Trend Analysis of Temperature Conditions over Different Growth Periods of Winter Wheat under Climate Warming in North China Plain
    TAN Kai-yan, WU Ding-rong, ZHAO Hua-rong
    2017, 38(06):  333-341.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.06.001
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    In order to understand the effects of warming on temperature conditions during various growing periods of winter wheat, the changes of monthly averaged temperature and the changing trends of the dates of critical developmental stages and averaged temperatures during the growing periods of winter wheat in North China Plain were analyzed based on the meteorological and phonological data collected from agrometeorological observation stations from 1981 to 2010 and warming experiments in the region. The results showed that there was a significant warming trend in October, December and between February and June during the growing season in the Plain. Furthermore, the average temperature in February exhibited the maximum linear tendency rate of temperature increasing among the months. Climate warming significantly increased the average temperatures over overwintering and the period from reviving to jointing stage of winter wheat. At the same time, the warming caused the jointing to maturity dates of winter wheat significantly advanced. However, the average temperatures over two periods did not show the same increase trend as the corresponding monthly averaged temperatures. The temperature condition over the period before winter was stable because of delayed sowing, an insignificant change in average temperature during the period from jointing to maturity was attributed to advance of developmental stages and local climatic characteristics of seasonal variation. In addition, climate warming would lead to more advance of post-winter developmental stages of winter wheat, which would keep the average temperature over the period less change.
    Application of CFSR Data under Different Correction Methods in Runoff Simulation in Western Tianshan Mountains
    GAO Rui, MU Zhen-xia, PENG Liang, ZHOU Yu-lin, YIN Zi-yuan, TANG Rui
    2017, 38(06):  342-352.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.06.002
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    Kashi river basin, the west part of Tianshan Mountain, was chosen for this study. Based on the data of hydro-meteorological station from 1990 to 2000, telemetry station in 2005 and CFSR station from 1990 to 2000 and 2005, three correction methods were used to correct the precipitation of CFSR stations: the ratio between the mean monthly precipitation of Jilintai station and the mean monthly precipitation of No.11 CFSR station from 1990 to 2000 was the first method to correct the CFSR precipitation data; the ratio between the amount of telemetry precipitation and the amount of CFSR precipitation in 2005 at each CFSR station was the second method; the correlation between No.10 CFSR station and each CFSR station and the precipitation data of Wulasitai station was the third method. Then the effects of runoff simulation were analyzed based on the VIC model. After the analyzing of time series of precipitation, the features of CFSR precipitation in time scale and spatial scale are same to the features of real precipitation. The results of runoff simulation showed that, (1) different methods to correct CFSR precipitation have obviously different effects on runoff simulation. (2) Compared with other methods to correct CFSR precipitation, the way which used the correlation between No.10 CFSR station and each CFSR station and the precipitation data of Wulasitai station is the best one among other methods from the effects of runoff simulation. The efficiency coefficients of this model based on the best correction method in the calibration and verification period are both above 0.80, the relative errors of runoff are both under 15.0%. The best correction method in this study takes two factors - the change of precipitation in time scale and spatial scale - into consideration, and it has a better application in the numerical simulation of runoff than other methods, especially in scare data area.
    Effect of Day and Night Temperature Difference on Fruit Quality of Tomato and its Simulation Models
    YUAN Xiao-kang, YANG Zai-qiang
    2017, 38(06):  353-360.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.06.003
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    In order to investigate the effect of difference between day and night temperature (DIF) on fruit quality of tomato during fruit stage and establish stimulation model for influence of DIF on fruit quality, three experiments were conducted in Jinguan 5 plants after setting fruit in climate chambers. Five day/night temperature regimes 16℃/34℃, 19℃/31℃, 25℃/25℃, 31℃/19℃ and 34℃/16℃ with respective DIF of -18℃, -12℃, 0℃, +12℃ and +18℃ at a common 25℃ mean daily temperature were used. The fruit quality indices under all DIF treatments were determined. The results showed that fruit quality of tomato was promoted under positive DIF, while inhibited under negative DIF. The soluble sugar content, sugar to acid ratio, soluble protein content, vitamin C were increased under positive DIF, while decreased under negative DIF. They were larger under +12℃ DIF than that of +18℃ DIF. On the contrary, organic acid was decreased under positive DIF but increased under positive negative DIF. Lycopene content was increased under +12℃ DIF, but decreased under +18℃ DIF and negative DIF. Under different DIF, the relationship between fruit quality indexes such as soluble sugar, soluble protein, and thermal effectiveness and PAR (TEP) were in Logistic model. By fitting the numerical relationship between DIF and Logistic model parameters, the simulation models of the impact of DIF on soluble sugar, sucrose, soluble protein content of tomato fruit were established. The relationship between fruit quality indices such as organic acid and vitamin C and TEP were in quadratic polynomial model. By fitting the numerical relationship between DIF and quadratic polynomial model parameters, the simulation models of the impact of DIF on organic acid and vitamin C content of tomato fruit were established. The simulation effect of the models proved to be good by independent experiment data.
    Design of Intelligent Heating Control System of Energy-Saving Solar Greenhouse
    GONG Zhi-hong, DONG Chao-yang,YU Hong, LI Zhen-fa, XUE Qing-yu
    2017, 38(06):  361-368.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.06.004
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    Extremely low temperature often occurs in energy-saving solar greenhouse in the winter of North China, which will lead to sharp decrease of greenhouse crop production or crop failures when the temperature is below lethal temperatures of corps. In order to control the greenhouse temperature accurately and reduce the loss caused by the low temperature, an intelligent heating control system has been designed, which is composed of sensing module, main control module, communication module, servo module and executive devices. The system can automatically collect temperature data, realize the automatic switch of temperature executive devices corresponding to heating control model in the main control module. In addition, the system can view data and perform device state control by remote client. Therefore, the system has initially realized the intelligent control of the greenhouse temperature environment. Application and verification of the system in second-generation brick wall solar greenhouse showed that, it needs running 4.9 hours to keep air temperature above 6-8℃ with the cost of 146¥. Accordingly, it needs running 6.1 hours to keep air temperature above 10-12℃ and costing 194¥. This study suggests the performance of system is very stable during application. The system realizes fine and unmanned intelligent control of temperature environment to ensure better heating at night time.
    APSIM-based Evaluation of Climate Suitability on Wheat in Dryland in the Hill-gullied Region of the Loess Plateau
    NIE Zhi-gang, REN Xin-zhuang, LI Guang, DONG Li-xia,MA Wei-wei, TANG Jie,LIU Xiao-e, LUO Yong-zhong
    2017, 38(06):  369-377.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.06.005
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    In order to improve the dynamic analysis ability about climate suitability level of drylang wheat, based on daily meteorolosical data of Dingxi experimental station, field experimental data from 1971 to 2005, the daily climate suitability degree model of dryland wheat was established in the hilly-gullied region of the Loess Plateau. By using the model, the comprehensive climate suitability indices were calculated and the comprehensive evaluation standards were confirmed during each growth stage(nutrition growth stage, nutrition and reproduction growth stage, reproduction growth stage) and whole stage of wheat. The wheat daily biomass was simulated by applying suitable APSIM. The diagnosis analysis standards of climate suitability were determined by methods of dynamic approximation error sum of squares and were verified by comparing the evaluation results based on APSIM and those based on the daily climate suitability degree model with grade percentage method. During the main growth stage of wheat from 2002 to 2005, the climate suitability level of dryland wheat was analyzed and evaluated by using diagnosis analysis standards. The results showed that the evaluation results based on APSIM and those based on the daily climate suitability degree model were in substantial agreement grade identical and differ by one grade accounted for 86%-90%.The diagnosis analysis results of each growth stage and whole stage of dryland wheat were more suitable from 2002 to 2005, and that was basically consistent with actual circumstances of experimental region. The APSIM-based optimization method could improve the tracing analysis ability about climate suitability level of wheat and could provide technical assistance for wheat production adapting to climatic change.
    Research on Capillary Water Absorption Characteristics of Yellow River Delta Wetland Soil
    LI Peng, PAN Ying-hua, HE Fu-hong, TAN Li-li, JI Shu-xin
    2017, 38(06):  378-387.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.06.006
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    The Yellow River Delta wetland soil was taken as the research object, and indoor soil column experiment method was used to set 1.3, 1.4, 1.5g?cm-3 for 3 different bulk densities, and the experimental duration was 120min. The capillary water absorption and infiltration processes of wetland saline alkali soil were measured, and the dynamic regularity was also fitted by Philip model and Kostiakov model to understand the characteristics of soil capillary water process and movement in the wetland saline alkali soil of the Yellow River Delta. The results showed that under different bulk density conditions, the dynamic changes of capillary absorbed water for wetland saline alkali soil were the same as those of non-saline-alkali soils. Under the same conditions, the index values of infiltration process were greater than the capillary absorbed water process. The initial infiltration rate and steady infiltration rate of infiltration for different bulk density soils were 0.87-1.93cm?min-1 and 0.028-0.051cm?min-1, respectively. And the corresponding indices of capillary water absorption were 0.32-0.43cm?min-1 and 0.025-0.034cm?min-1, respectively. At 60min, wetting front depth and cumulatively infiltration of infiltration reached 13.58-17.62cm and 4.95-6.99cm for different bulk density soils, which is 1.19-1.22 times and 1.13-1.29 times of capillary absorbed water at the same time. In the 120min experiment, there was a significant positive correlation between capillary water rising height and wetting front depth of infiltration, cumulative absorbed water amount and infiltration amount(P<0.05). Using the Philip model and the Kostiakov model simulated the capillary water absorption and infiltration process. And the two models have good adaptability for three kinds of bulk density soils, but the Philip model was the best to simulate the capillary absorbed water process, the R2 values were greater than 0.9639. And the Kostiakov model was more suitable for the simulation of infiltration process, the R2 values were greater than 0.8819.
    Effects of A Bio-mineral Composite Material on Composting Quality of Pig Manure
    TANG Zhe-ren, LI Hong-na, HUANG Ya-li, AWANGCIREN, HUANG Gui-rong, ZHANG Li, PENG Huai-li, LI Bin-xu, ZHU Chang-xiong
    2017, 38(06):  388-396.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.07.007
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    QE agent is a new composite material which contains microorganisms and minerals. In order to investigate the effects of the composite material on composting process and quality of manure, a 7 days composting experiment was conducted. The experiment included three treatments, no additives (CK), adding conventional microbial agent (BJ), and adding QE agent (QE). Pig manure was selected as the material and a vertical closed fermentation tower (capacity of 50 t) was selected as the reaction device. The results showed that at the 3rd day, the composting temperature of QE maximized to 72.7℃. It was earlier than treatment BJ and CK by 2 and 5 days. Besides, the duration of treatment QE whose composting temperature above 55℃ lasted for 4 days, was more than other 2 treatments. Adding QE agent could effectively improve the nutrient contents, and were 2.62%, 3.04%, 2.29% for total nitrogen, phosphorus, kalium, respectively. The nutrient contents of treatment QE were higher than treatment BJ by 16.25%, 2.36%, 4.09%, and higher than treatment CK by 29.00%, 14.72%, 16.84% . Moreover, the composting quality with adding QE agent reached the criterion- “Organic Fertilizer” (NY525-2012), and it was better than the other two treatments. Besides, the germination indexes of treatment QE and BJ were 93.33% and 90.00% at the 7th day. This showed that the piles of the two treatments were totally matured. However, the pile of treatment CK was not matured because of its low germination index (31.67%). In summary, the QE agent enhanced the temperature, strengthened the heat preservation, reduced the nitrogen loss, and improved the composting quality of livestock manure.