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    20 April 2020, Volume 41 Issue 04
     Warming Effect of AsianTropical Forest Loss and Its Influence Mechanism
    XUE Ying,XU Xi-yan,HU Zheng-hua,JIA Gen-suo,ZHANG Xiao-yan,MA Wei
    2020, 41(04):  191-200.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2020.04.001
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     Tropical forest area has been decreasing in recent decades due to defores tation and wildfire. The rate of forest loss is rising. The loss of tropical forest cover modifies the surface heat, moisture and mass exchange, thus influences the tropical climate. In order to understand the impact of tropical forest loss on tropical climate, a window search method was applied by using remote sensing forest change products to identify forest cover loss from 2000 to 2017 in Asia tropics. The difference of surface temperature (LST), net surface shortwave radiation (SW) and latent heat flux (LE) between adjacent forest reduced grids and unchanged forest grids in the same window was calculated , thus evaluating the biophysical effect of forest loss on surface temperature and its influence mechanism in two different forest types, i.e. tropical rainforest and tropical monsoon forest. The results showed that:(1) the cumulative reduction of Asian tropical rainforest between 2000 and 2017 has led to warming impact (1.7±0.7℃) on daily surface temperature. Downward shortwave radiation has decreased 7.2±0.9Wm-2, and the latent heat flux has increased 8.9±4.4Wm-2 due to rainforest loss.(2) The loss of tropical monsoon forest has led to stronger warming impact (2.1±0.9℃) than tropical rainforest. Downward shortwave radiation has decreased 7.1±1.0Wm-2 due to monsoon forest loss. Latent heat flux has decreased 3.9±9.2Wm-2due to monsoon forest loss, which is opposite to the change due to rainforest loss. (3)The loss of tropical rainforest has a limited effect on the seasonal distribution of surface temperature, downward shortwave radiation and latent heat flux. However, the loss of tropical monsoon forest has caused contrasting seasonal changes in surface temperature, downward shortwave radiation, and latent heat flux. This is mainly due to contrasting seasonal precipitation in monsoon forest which determines the surface water supply for evapotranspiration. (4)The net change of downward shortwave radiation and latent heat flux (△SW-△LE) can explainthe surface temperature change of monsoon forest to some extent, but not that of tropical rainforest.Therefore, in the context of climate change, it needsto take measures to prevent forest loss in tropical areas and mitigate warming impact due to landcover change.
     Simulation of Evapotranspiration for Paddy Rice in Low Hilly Red Soil Region Base
    WEN Jian-chuan, JING Yuan-shu, HAN Li-juan
    2020, 41(04):  201-210.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2020.04.002
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     Fully understanding the evapotranspiration of paddy field was conducive to making a reasonable irrigation plan and improving the water use efficiency of paddy field. Therefore, the purpose of discussing the applicability of evapotranspiration estimation model in paddy field of low hilly red soil area was to select the actual evapotranspiration model which was more suitable for paddy field of study area and estimate the evapotranspiration accurately. Based on the measured values of the Bowen ratio system and microclimate data of the paddy field in the low hilly red soil region, eight combined forms of Jarvis formula and Irmak formula were applied to Penman-Monteith model, and nine types of evapotranspiration models were obtained. Firstly, the key parameters in the nine models were calibrated with the measured data in 2014, the hourly ET during the full growth stages in 2015 calculated by the nine model was compared to the observed ET with the Bowen ratio system. In the PM_Jarvis model with eight combined forms, the range of certainty coefficient was 0.823?0.894, the range of consistency index was 0.769?0.865, the nash efficiency coefficient was 0.807?0.903, the range of root mean square error and mean absolute error were 0.084?0.110 mm·h-1 and 0.054?0.070 mm·h-1, respectively. In the PM_Irmak model, the certainty coefficient was 0.940, the consistency index was 0.953, the nash efficiency coefficient was 0.922, the root mean square error and mean absolute error were 0.064mm·h-1and 0.049mm·h-1, respectively. These statistical parameters indicated that predicting hourly ET with the PM_Irmak model performed better than the PM_Jarvis. The diurnal dynamic values of ET simulated by eight PM_Jarvis models were significantly lower than the measured values in regreening stage of rice, the performance of the PM_Irmak model was much better in the regreening stage and diurnal dynamic values were close to the measured values in the whole growth stage. Overall, the PM_Irmak model was a promising model to predict the actual ET, which could provide reference for the evapotranspiration study of paddy field in low hilly red soil area.
     Application of Rice Model ORYZA2000 Based on Measured Temperature in Rice Fields
    GUO Jian-mao,WANG Xing-yu,LIU Shen-bin,QIAN Ya,LI Ling
    2020, 41(04):  211-221.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2020.04.003
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     The data used in the model (such as temperature data) should be the actual environment data, however, most of the temperature data used in the previous crop model simulation studies are the observation temperature of local meteorological stations, i.e. the observation temperature in the shutter box, which is different from the actual air temperature in the rice field (at different heights). In order to study the difference between the actual temperature at different heights of the rice field and the station temperature and their effects on the simulation of the ORYZA2000 rice model, using the crop data and meteorological data from the 2016?2018 field trials of high thermal damage to rice at Shouxian Rice Test Station in Huainan City, Anhui Province, the ORYZA2000 rice model was calibrated locally, then the model was used to conduct comparative simulation research on the measured temperature in the rice field and the station temperature, at last, the differences between the actual temperature and the station temperature at different heights of rice field and their effects on the simulation results of ORYZA2000 rice model were analyzed. The research results show that: (1) the field air temperatures of 35, 75, and 125cm over the ground were obtained, and the field air temperature of each height were combined into the rice field temperature(called combined temperature) according to the measured plant height of the rice (which can represent the habitat temperature of the rice canopy in the field). The four temperatures and the station temperature are compared with each other: in terms of the average daily maximum temperature, the combined temperature of the rice field is the highest, which is nearly 2.5℃ higher than the station temperature; in terms of the average daily minimum temperature, the temperature gaps of each height in the field and the station temperature were relatively small.(2) After calibration of localized crop parameters, the ORYZA2000 rice model has higher accuracy in simulating rice growth period and dry biomass in Shouxian, and the simulation accuracy of crop growth period and total aboveground dry matter (WAGT) are very well. (3) In terms of rice yield simulation, the yield simulation effect using the rice field combined temperature is better than the station temperature, and the NRMSE of the rice field combined temperature and the station temperature simulated yield are 4.2% and 6.1%, respectively; research shows that using the actual field temperature in the ORYZA2000 rice model simulation is more reasonable than using the station temperature, especially when high thermal damage to rice is likely to occur.
     Source-Sink Relationship during Grain Filling in Response to Leaf-cutting Treatment for Heavy Panicle Rice Cultivars
    CHEN Jian-zhen, YAN Hao-liang, YANG Qian-yu, TIAN Xiao-hai
    2020, 41(04):  222-229.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2020.04.004
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     Field experiments were performed with two heavy panicle rice cultivars (BL006, R-nongbai) with different sowing dates in 2015. After leaf-cutting treatment, grain filling characteristics, leaf soluble sugar content, non-structural carbohydrate (NSC) content in stem and sheath were determined to investigate source-sink relationship during grain filling period. The results showed that: (1) under leaf-cutting treatment, 1000-grain weight was reduced by 24.34% in BL006 and 7.86% in R-nongbai compared with control; 1000-grain weights of different branches were significantly reduced for BL006, while only those of upper secondary branches in R-nongbai were significantly reduced; Both cultivars had a lower grain filling rate, and the time reaching highest grain filling rate and entire grain filling duration were shortened. (2) Leaf-cutting treatment resulted in the decrease in soluble sugar contents of the remaining leaves for both BL006 and R-nongbai, but leaf soluble sugar contents during the initial stage were significantly increased by 40.59% for R-nongbai in comparison with control. (3) NSC contents of stem and sheath were significantly reduced by leaf-cutting treatment and weren’t accumulated at earlier filling stage, and NSCs of R-nongbai were pre-translocated from full heading stage; Translocations of NSC from stem and sheath to grain (TNSC) were decreased by 23.32% in BL006 and 27.41% in R-nongbai, but translocation rates (TRNSC) were increased by 6.93% in BL006 and 18.88% in R-nongbai; Contribution rate of NSC to grain (CNSC) of R-nongbai were reduced by 2.14%. These results indicated that leaf-cutting treatment led to higher ratio of sink to source (grain-leaf ratio), and both translocations of leaves soluble sugar contents and TNSC were increased; However, these couldn’t compensate inadequate source, resulting in lower grain filling rate, shortened grain filling duration(especially the period with high filling rate) and lower 1000-grain weight. Expanding sink capacity can coordinate “source-flow-sink” and explore high yield potential of heavy panicle rice cultivar R-nongbai, that promotes high-stable yielding of heavy panicle rice cultivars.
     Regulatory Effects of Covering-practices in Orchard for Pineapple Cold-proofing in Winter
    LIU Chuan-he, HE Han, KUANG Shi-zi, XIAO Wei-qiang, SHAO Xue-hua, LAI Duo
    2020, 41(04):  230-239.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2020.04.005
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      As affected by the seasonal monsoon climate, the pineapple [Ananas comosus (L). Merr.] plants cultivated in Guangdong, Guangxi and Fujian are usually damaged in winter and early spring due to the low temperature and cold wave from the north. After being encountered with the cold season, the leaves turn greensick, and even, the whole pineapple plant is wilted. What’s more, when the pineapple shoot point is suffered from the cold frost and cold rain, the newly growing leaves would be rotted, and particularly worse, the plant would be died. Field culture practices have indicated that covering the plant with plastic net or film is effective to cold-proof for the pineapple in winter. Nevertheless, there is little information published to date regarding the comparative efficiency of different covering practices on anti-chilling for pineapple in winter. Accordingly, in this paper, at the pilot pineapple orchard in Guangdong Province, three covering-practice treatments with black plastic net, gray plastic net and white plastic film were performed to investigate the efficiency on the prevention of pineapple plants from chilling by comparing with CK (no covering), which was arranged as a random block design with three repetitions. For the three covering-practice treatments, the black plastic net, gray plastic net and white plastic film which were uniformly 7 m in length and 1.5 m in width, were directly covered on the pineapple plants. To clearly and easily distinguish the three treatments in this present work, the three covering-practice treatments were referred to as BN, GN and WF, respectively. In this work, the micro-environmental factors outside canopy between pineapple rows (air temperature and humidity as well as light intensity), the growth properties of pineapple plants and fruits, as well the fruit quality aspects of the three covering-practice treatments were compared with CK. The results showed that the number of newly growing leaves and the elongation of leaves of pineapple plants were increased under the treatments of BN, GN and WF(P<0.05). The air temperature was not significantly affected by BN, GN and WF treatments, while the air humidity was increased and light intensity was decreased(P<0.05). The individual size of pineapple fruit was not significantly influenced by BN, GN and WF. TSS (Total soluble solid) was decreased and titratable acid content was increased by BN(P<0.05). The b* value (Yellow) of flesh color of pineapple fruit pulp was decreased by covering with GN and WF(P<0.05). The aromatic production of pineapple fresh fruit was not significantly affected. For the pineapple plant at vegetative growth period, it was promoted in growth by the three treatments, especially by WF covering-practice. With respect to the pineapple fruit, it was slightly influenced by GN and WF covering treatments in growth and fruit quality. This work would contribute to provide a reference for preventing the pineapple from chilling in winter.
     Inhibition of Nitrogen Increasing on Maize Growth under Water Stress
    XING Huan-li, ZHOU Wen-bin, HAO Wei-ping, LI Li, WANG Chao, MA Hai-yang, WANG Yao-sheng
    2020, 41(04):  240-252.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2020.04.006
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     Water and nitrogen (N) are two important factors affecting crop growth and development. The growth and physiological processes of crops are affected by interactions between water and N under drought and poor soil conditions. Therefore, the study on effect of different N fertilization on leaf photosynthetic physiology and root morphology of maize under water stress can provide a scientific theoretical basis for the effective water and N management of maize cultivation. The experiment was carried out in a glasshouse. The soil water treatments included three levels: moderate drought (W1, 40%50% soil water holding capacity (SWHC)), mild drought (W2, 60%70% SWHC) and well-watered (W3, 75%90% SWHC). The N fertilization included three levels: low N (N1, 1.0gpot?1), middle N (N2.5, 2.5gpot?1) and high N (N5, 5.0gpot?1) levels. The maize growth, leaf gas exchange, the photosynthetic CO2 response curve (An/Ci) and light response curve (An/Q), and the root morphology were investigated. The results showed that the physiological responses of maize to N fertilization were different under varied soil water regimes. Compared with well-watered treatment, the root length and root specific surface area increased by 106.39%208.82% and 45.81%105.85%, respectively, under water stress condition, and the root dry weight decreased by 23.94%36.61% under the moderate drought condition. Increasing N dose, especially the high N treatment, significantly decreased the root length and root specific surface area by 41.85%54.10% and 18.68%, respectively, and the root dry weight decreased by 33.75% significantly under low N treatment with soil water stress. Thus, N fertilization aggravated plant water stress in the root zone, leading to reduced root water potential. Consequently, the stomatal conductance (Gs), CO2 and light use efficiency of maize leaf were affected. Both water and N treatments affected CO2 and light response curves, and water treatments showed a more prominent effect. Under the same N treatments, the dark respiration rate (Rd), the maximum net photosynthetic rate (Amax) and the saturation irradiance (Qsat) derived from the photosynthetic light response curve, and the initial carboxylation efficiency (a), the rate of the photorespiration (Rp), the photosynthetic capacity (Amax) and saturation intercellular CO2 concentration(Cisat) under high N level derived from the photosynthetic CO2 response curve decreased with the increase of water stress levels, and the former parameters decreased more significantly. Increasing N dose further decreased these parameters under the moderate drought condition, indicating that N fertilization inhibited plant photosynthetic performance under the moderate drought treatment. The Gs and photosynthesis (An) decreased significantly by 32.37%51.97% and 41.85%56.14%, respectively, under the moderate drought condition, and increasing N supply, especially high N treatment, decreased Gs and An by 35.81% and 30.71%, respectively, under the moderate drought condition compared to low N treatment. Water stress facilitated the root length and root specific surface area, and under water stress increasing N dose did not alleviate the drought stress of plants, while inhibited the root length and root specific surface area, and aggravated water stress. Thus, the root water potential was reduced and leaf Gs was affected. Consequently, the photosynthetic capacity, the CO2 and light use efficiency of maize leaf were decreased. The non-stomatal and stomatal factors inhibited the photosynthesis, resulting in decreased photosynthetic carbon assimilation ability and the accumulation of root biomass.
     Compensation Effects of Rewatering at Flowering Stage on Leaf State and Yield Structure of Winter Wheat under Drought
    JIANG Meng-yuan, XUE Xiao-ping, YANG Zai-qiang, ZHAO Hong, DONG Zhi-qiang, XU Yi, ZOU Jun-li
    2020, 41(04):  253-262.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2020.04.007
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     In order to investigate the compensation effects of rewatering during flowering stage on leaf state and yield structure of winter wheat, four drought treatment were set during jointing-flowering stage by using winter wheat variety ‘Jimai 22’ as the test material. Before jointing stage of winter wheat, soil moisture of 20cm soil layer in each treatment should be controlled at about 60%. This experiment carried out one-time irrigation of water according to 80% (W1), 50% (W2), 25% (W3) and 0% (W4) of normal water replenishment (75mm) at jointing stage (April 2). This led winter wheat in different treatments to experience different levels of drought stress at different times. W1, W2, W3 and W4 treatments showed moderate drought, severe drought, severe drought and extreme drought at the end of water control respectively. Winter wheat with normal irrigation in the field was as control (CK, soil moisture, 65%-75%). At flowering stage (April 26), each treatment was rewatered until soil moisture reached 90%. Soil moisture of each treatment was consistent with CK before winter wheat matured. The effects of drought stress and rewatering on leaf area, leaf water content, chlorophyll content, yield and yield structure of winter wheat were investigated. The results showed that leaf water content, leaf area and chlorophyll content decreased with the increase of drought intensity. Leaf water content and leaf area in W1, W2 and W3 treatments recovered to CK levels after rewatweing. The time required for recovery was positively related to the degree of stress. The degree of recovery of chlorophyll content in those treatments decreased with the increase of stress. The compensation effect of rewatering in W4 treatment were the weakest. Compared with control, these parameters under extreme drought treatment were still significantly declined of 8.7%, 21.2% and 32.3% after rewatering, respectively. At the end of water control, only W4 treatment in the four drought treatment groups reached the extreme drought level. This indicated that extreme drought could cause irreversible damage to winter wheat leaves, and rewatering could not be recovered. Drought stress resulted in the decrease of yield and grains per spike and the increase of infertility spikelet rate. The decrease and increase were related to the degree of drought stress. Compared with control, the yield and infertility spikelet rate in each treatment group were significantly different. As for grains per spike, only W3 and W4 treatments reached significant levels, with a decrease of 20.0% and 23.3%. Rewatering after flowering, thousand grains weight of each treatment group all recovered to CK level, showing obvious compensation effects. Among the yield and yield structure, the most obvious compensation effect was thousand grains weight, and then grains per spike. The compensation effects of yield and infertility spikelet rate were the weakest.