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    20 September 2022, Volume 43 Issue 09
    Spatiotemporal Patterns of Seasonal Mean Temperature Variations in China During 2001−2100
    FU Da-rong, CHEN Xiao-die, LIU Yi-ting, LIU Li, PENG Shou-zhang
    2022, 43(09):  681-691.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.09.001
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    Based on the 1-km resolution long time series temperature data set, the spatial and temporal patterns of the magnitude and trend of the four-season mean temperature changes in the historical period (2001−2020), and in the future period (2021−2100) under the low forcing scenario (SSP119), medium forcing scenario (SSP245) and high forcing scenario (SSP585) are analyzed using the distance level method, Mann-Kendall trend test method and Sen's slope estimation method, with a view to providing a basis for developing detailed regional adaptation strategies in the context of climate warming. The results show that: (1) compared with the historical period, the average temperature of the four seasons in the future will increase in general under the three scenarios, and the area with the largest increase in summer is 66.70% under SSP119, 37.37% and 99.06% under SSP245 and SSP585, respectively. At the same time, the overall variation range of seasonal mean temperature under the three SSP scenarios is significantly different, which is moderated under SSP119, followed by SSP245, and the largest increase range under SSP585. (2) In the historical period, compared with other seasons, the significant rise in mean temperature in spring had the fastest rate (0.68±0.24℃∙10y−1) and the largest area share (14.44%), mainly distributed in North China, Yunnan, Guizhou, Jiangsu and Zhejiang provinces. (3) In the future period, the regional seasonal mean temperature in China shows an overall rising trend with significant spatial differences; among them, under the SSP119 scenario, the regions with significantly rising mean temperature in spring and winter are mainly concentrated in southern China and the local area of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, accounting for 29.03% and 25.58% of the area, respectively; under the SSP245 and SSP585 scenarios, the seasonal mean temperature in all regions of China shows a significant upward trend; under the SSP585 scenario, the seasonal mean temperature in the north increases at a faster rate than that in the south, and the national region has the fastest significant rate of increase in winter (0.66±0.09℃∙10y−1).
    Effects of Nitrogen Application Rate on N2O and CO2 Emission of Dry Red Soil and Latosol in Hainan
    LIU Li-jun, ZHU Qi-lin, CAO Ming, ZHENG Ji-cheng, WU Yan-zheng, TANG Shui-rong, Meng Lei, He Qiu-xiang
    2022, 43(09):  692-703.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.09.002
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    The effects of four levels of nitrogen, N0 (without nitrogen), N1 (100mg.kg−1), N2 (200mg·kg−1) and N3 (300mg·kg−1) on soil properties, N2O and CO2 emissions in dry red soil and latosol were analyzed by laboratory incubation experiments. The results showed that nitrogen fertilizer significantly declined soil pH and organic carbon content. Compared with N0, N1, N2 and N3 treatments decreased pH and organic carbon by 8%−18% and 4%−12% in dry red soil, respectively, and latosol decreased by 5%−23% and 3%−15%, respectively. The total nitrogen content in dry red soil and latosol increased by 15%−54% and 13%−52%, respectively. Nitrogen application increased the contents of NH4+−N and NO3−N, and the contents of NH4+−N and NO3−N were N3>N2>N1>N0. Nitrogen addition promoted soil N2O and CO2 emissions. Compared with N0, cumulative N2O and CO2 emissions in dry red soil increased by 1176%−2425% and 124%−281%, respectively, and those in latosol increased by 1054%−1887% and 138%−256%, respectively. Nitrogen application rate and soil type are important factors affecting soil N2O and CO2 emissions. There was a significant linear correlation between soil N2O and CO2 emissions and nitrogen application rate. Reducing fertilization is the most direct and effective measure to reduce soil N2O emissions. Compared with latosol, N2O and CO2 emissions were more sensitive to nitrogen addition in dry red soil.
    Agricultural Alien Invasive Plants Investigation and Analysis in Guanling County and Huishui County of Guizhou Province
    ZHANG Yue, ZHANG Guo-liang, WANG Zhong-hui, SONG Zhen, WU Yong-feng, ZUO Dong-qing, PAN Hui, LIU Xian-fei, FU Wei-dong
    2022, 43(09):  704-719.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.09.003
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    Guizhou province, located in the southwest China, is one of the richest biodiversity regions, meanwhile, is also one of the hardest-hit areas by alien invasive species. A comprehensive understanding of the invasive alien plants species composition and distribution can provide a scientific basis for the prevention, early warning and integrated management, to improve the ability of alien invasive species prevention and control. In this study, Guanling Buyi and Miao autonomous county, located in the central Guizhou province, and Huishui county, located in the south-central Guizhou province were selected as the investigation sites. Investigation was conducted in 74 sampling sites of Guanling county and 64 sampling sites of Huishui county using quadrat sampling method, to figure out the species composition, obtain the distribution pattern information (habitats and distribution frequency), then analyze their origin, life type by referring to the literature. In this study, 24 families 56 species of agricultural alien invasive plants were found through field investigation, among which Asteraceae was the dominant family (Guanling: 29.55%, Huishui: 33.33%), followed by Amaranthaceae (Guanling: 13.64%, Huishui: 11.11%), Fabaceae (Guanling: 6.82%, Huishui: 6.67%), Solanaceae (Guanling: 6.82%, Huishui: 4.44%), with mainly herbaceous species (Guanling: 80.85%, Huishui: 86.96%). The escaped Verbena bonariensis Linnaeus and Myriophyllum aquaticum Verdcourt were found in Guizhou for the first time in the wild, confirming their invasive characteristics. Furthermore, Ageratina adenophora (Sprengel) R. M. King & H. Robinson, Bidens pilosa Linnaeus, Erigeron annuus (Linnaeus) Persoon, Alternanthera philoxeroides (Martius) Grisebach, Erigeron canadensis Linnaeus, Geranium carolinianum Linnaeus, Galinsoga parviflora Cavanilles were classified as malignant agricultural alien invasive plants in these two counties, which widely distributing in the sampling sites. Agricultural alien invasive plants had adapted to various habitats and mainly distributed in the frequently anthropogenic disturbance habitats including wastelands, farmlands, roadsides, which had caused threats to the agroecosystem, human activities and natural ecosystems. The alien invasive plants has great species diversity, wild distribution range, strong adaptability, fast reproduction speed and strong reproductive ability in this two counties. Authors suggest that people should take the systematically investigation of the agricultural alien invasive plants in Guizhou province, and strengthen the monitoring and dynamic spread trend research of malignant alien invasive species, to provide scientific basis for the prevention, early warning and integrated management of alien invasive plants.
    Effect of Light Supplementation Frequency on Photosynthetic Characteristics of Tomato Seedling Leaves under Weak Light
    SU Ze-yang, YANG Zai-qiang, LONG Yu-yun, ZHANG Yao, JIANG Yu-han, XU Ruo-han
    2022, 43(09):  720-731.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.09.004
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    The tomato variety "Fenguan" was used in a control experiment in a Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology experimental greenhouse from December 2019 to April 2020. Continuous light supplementation for 300min was used as the control treatment (CK). Treatment 1 (L1) was supplemented with light twice a day for 150min each time at an interval of 120min. Treatment 2 (L2) was supplemented with light 3 times a day for 100min each time and 2 times at 60min intervals. Treatment 3 (L3) was supplemented with light 4 times a day for 75min each time and 3 times at 40min intervals. Treatment 4 (L2) was supplemented with light 5 times a day for 60min each time and 4 times at 30min intervals. Photosynthetically active radiation was 600μmol·m−2·s−1. The chlorophyll content, photosynthetic parameters, kinetic parameters of rapid fluorescence induction, and spectral characteristics of tomato seedling leaves were measured under supplementary light at different intervals. The results showed that (1) the increase in the frequency of light supplementation interval could promote the synthesis of some pigments in the leaves of tomato seedlings. At 36 days of treatment, chlorophyll-a content was 16.3% higher and carotenoid content was 19.6% more in the L4 treatment than in CK. (2) The three red-edge parameters λred, Sred, and Dred of tomato leaves under intermittent light supplementation showed a typical "redshift" phenomenon with increasing interval frequency, but the chlorophyll changes of leaves differed from the spectral pattern at the early stage of light supplementation. (3) The light saturation point (LSP), apparent quantum efficiency (AQE), and light compensation point (LCP) of tomato seedling leaves under prolonged intermittent light supplementation were higher than those of the continuous light treatment, and the higher interval frequency, the higher the net photosynthetic rate and the greater the photosynthetic capacity. However, tomato leaf stomata exert a delayed effect on light fluctuations, and stomatal delay alters the light capture process of leaf photosynthesis while limiting the transpiration and carbon exchange processes of stomatal movement. (4) The effect of intermittent light supplementation on the energy partitioning of PSII reaction centers showed a short-term reduction in the maximum photochemical efficiency of leaves, with an increase in the quantum yield captured by the reaction center (φPo) and for electron transfer (φEo) and a decrease in the quantum ratio for heat dissipation (φRo) when the number of treatment days increased, with a greater change at L4, where φPo decreased at L4 compared to CK at treatment day decreased by 3.8% at day 9 and increased by 11.6% at day 36, and φRo increased by 4.8% at L4 treatment and decreased by 6.9% at day 36 compared to CK at day 9 of the treatment.
    Reconstruct the Main Phenological Periods of Shaanxi Apple by Constructing the Multi-factor Models
    ZHANG Xiao-nan, LIU Bu-chun, LIU Yuan, HE Jin-na, LIU Shan-shan
    2022, 43(09):  732-748.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.09.005
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    The growth of apple is greatly affected by meteorological factors. The increasing frequency of high and low temperature disasters in Shaanxi province can greatly influence the yield and quality of apple. Phenological period is helpful to guide fruit production and manage disaster risk. At present, phenological data are very scarce. The historical phenological period can be reconstructed by constructing phenological model. There were four main apple producing areas in Shaanxi province. Two representative stations with comprehensive phenological data were selected for each area. These representative stations were Liquan and Fengxiang (Guanzhong area), Xunyi and Changwu(Western area of Weibei), Tongchuan and Baishui (Eastern area of Weibei), Yanchang and Luochuan(Yan'an area). Firstly, the station with longer historical phenological data record among the two representative stations was selected. Then, the relationship between day of year(DOY) of phenological period and meteorological indexes was analyzed by using SPSS. Several single-index or multiple-index phenological prediction models were established through stepwise regression analysis. Finally, the optimal model was selected by back substitution test and prediction test. The test results were evaluated by the mean absolute error (MAE) and the relative accuracy (RA) with a difference of 0−3 days between the simulated value and the observed value. Considered both and chose the optimal model. The results showed that (1) the mean absolute errors (MAE) of sprouting time models were 0.8−2.4 days and the RA were 84.6%−100%. The MAE of flowering date models were 2.5−3.4 days and the RA were 55.6%−75%. The MAE of fruit development period models were 0.9−2.8 days and the RA were 63.2%−100%. The MAE of harvest period models were 2.2−3.2 days and the RA were 69.2%−72.2%. The sprouting time models had the best simulation effect. The fruit development period models were the second. The harvest period models were the third. The flowering date model had the worst simulation effect. (2) From 1981 to 2019, the reconstructed DOY of sprouting time in Yan'an area, Eastern area of Weibei, Western area of Weibei and Guanzhong area were between 72−98, 70−88, 73−98 and 71−85. And the reconstructed DOY of flowering date in these areas were between 102−116, 86−107, 100−125 and 84−115. The reconstructed DOY of fruit development period in Yan'an area, Eastern area of Weibei and Guanzhong area were between 114−122, 89−118 and 87−117. And the reconstructed DOY of harvest period in these three areas were between 260−301, 276−297 and 224−348. (3) The spatial distribution of reconstructed phenological periods showed that: from 1981 to 2019, the sprouting time of Yan'an area and Eastern area of Weibei was gradually delayed from southeast to northwest, while that of Guanzhong area and western area of Weibei was delayed from west to east. The flowering date and fruit development period were both later and later in north of whole study area. The harvest period of Yan'an area and eastern area of Weibei was delayed from east to west , while that of Guanzhong area and western area of Weibei was gradually delayed from west to east. The simulation effect of these models was generally good. The reconstructed apple phenological data can provide basic support for apple production management and disaster risk prevention. This study can be used as a reference for the development of fruit tree phenological period model.
    Analysis on Temporal and Spatial Variation of Spring Maize Drought in Dry Farming Area of Northern China Based on Crop Water Deficit Index
    ZHANG Xiao-fang, ZHANG Bo, MA Shang-qian, HUANG Hao, CHEN Jie, ZHOU Jing
    2022, 43(09):  749-760.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.09.006
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    Based on the daily climate data of 156 meteorological stations in the dry farming area of northern China during 1961-2018 and the data of the spring maize growth period during 1991−2013, the dryland area in northern China was divided into four sub-areas according to the aridity index. Based on the crop water deficit index (CWDI), the temporal and spatial characteristics of spring maize drought in dryland area of northern China were revealed by analyzing water supply and demand, inter-annual variation of CWDI, drought station ratio, and frequency. The results showed that :(1) the water supply and demand in Ⅰ(humid area)and Ⅱ(sub-humid area)areas were balanced, while the water supply and demand in Ⅲ(sub-arid area)and Ⅳ(arid area)areas were unbalanced. The mean square error of precipitation in area Ⅰ was up to 70mm, and the interannual variation range of CWDI was the largest. In the 1970s, CWDI floated sharply in the sowing-seedling and seedling-jointing stages. CWDI in area II fluctuated greatly during the tasseling-milking stage in the 1980s. In area Ⅲ, CWDI increased at the rate of 1.06pp10y−1(P<0.05) during the tasseling-milking stage, and the interannual drought tended to expand. There was little interannual change in area Ⅳ. (2) During 1961−2018 the ratio of drought stations in the tasseling-milking stage increased significantly at the rate of 2.58pp10y−1(P<0.05), and the average of extra severe drought was 14.95%. There was no significant change in the other four growth stages. During the tasseling-milking stage, the drought level was the most severe, and the drought range was significantly expanded. (3) In terms of spatial distribution, drought grade and frequency showed an obvious east-west distribution. The frequency of slight drought in eastern and southwestern Heilongjiang province, western Jilin, and western Liaoning province (area Ⅰ and Ⅱ) is more than twice in three years. In the Zhangcheng district (the cities of Zhangjiakou and Chengde in Hebei, area Ⅲ), the frequency of moderate drought during the stage of sowing-seedling reached more than once in 5 years. In Mu Us Desert (it is located between Yulin, Shaanxi province and the Ordos, Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, area Ⅳ), the frequency of extra severe drought in the jointing-tasseling stage reached twice in 3 years, and the period of jointing-tasseling was mainly threatened by extra severe drought.
    Analysis Report of Agrometeorological Conditions during Growing Season of Summer Harvest Crops in 2022
    ZHENG Chang-ling, WANG Chun-zhi, LI Yi-juan, LIU Wei
    2022, 43(09):  761-765.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.09.007
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    Based on the measured meteorological data and crop development stage data of meteorological observation stations and agricultural meteorological stations in the main production area in 2021−2022, the climate suitable index and disaster index were used to analyze the agrometeorological conditions in the growing season of major summer harvest crops, including winter wheat and rape. The results showed that: the thermal conditions and the sunlight were sufficient during winter wheat and rape growth season. The precipitation and soil moisture conditions were suitable for crop growth and development. Meanwhile, the impact of agrometeorological disasters such as freezing, drought was relatively light. So the climate suitability index was higher than the value of the previous year and the average value of last five years. In general, temperature, sunshine and water conditions matched, which was favorable for crops development and yield formation. During the mature and harvest stage of winter wheat and rape, the weather was so sunny that harvest progress was fast and high quality. While it was continuous heavy rain and the farmland had been waterlogged in North China Plain in autumn 2021, which led to the sowing date of winter wheat delayed obviously and less proportion of strong seedlings and insufficient tillering before winter wheat stopped the growth and entered overwintering period. Additionally, the continuous rain and poor sunshine also delayed the development process of rape in Jiangnan region and Guizhou province. However, the above adverse meteorological conditions did not impact significantly the yield of winter wheat and rape.