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    20 March 2024, Volume 45 Issue 03
    Spatio-temporal Characteristics, Decoupling Effect and Its Driving Factors of Carbon Emissions from Planting Industry in Henan Province
    CHEN Ke-jun, WANG Yong-gang, LIU Hai-bin, ZHANG Shi-qing, JIA Jia
    2024, 45(03):  219-231.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.03.001
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    Based on two major types of carbon sources of agricultural materials and crop cultivation in Henan province and 18 cities from 2001 to 2021, this paper constructed a planting carbon emission measurement system to assess the planting carbon emissions during the study period and analyzed the spatial pattern. Then the Tapio decoupling model was used to explore the interactions between the planting carbon emissions and the economic development of Henan province, and the LMDI model was applied to probe the main driving factors of the planting carbon emissions. The results showed that: (1) carbon emissions from the planting industry in Henan province showed an increasing and then decreasing trend, and the total carbon emission intensity decreased year by year. (2) Agricultural fertilizer is the most important source of carbon emissions from the planting industry. (3) Carbon emissions from the planting industry in Henan province gradually showed the characteristics of "high in the south and low in the north". Meanwhile, the carbon emission intensity of the planting industry in all regions and cities showed a decreasing trend, and the spatial differences gradually narrowed. (4) Only four types of decoupling, namely strong negative decoupling, weak decoupling, expanding negative decoupling and strong decoupling, occurred during the study period. (5) Economic growth and urbanization level had a positive impact on carbon emissions from planting. Production efficiency, production structure and labor force size had negative impacts. In the future, innovation and leadership should be strengthened, classification and optimization of planting structure should be pursued in order to realize the low-carbon and high-quality development of planting industry in Henan province.
    Effects of Planting Density on Fungal Community in Maize Rhizosphere Soil and Its Driving Factors under Straw Returning Mode
    TAN Xiao-min, LV Kai-yuan, MA Hui, WU Hong-liang, ZHAO Ru-lang, KANG Jian-hong, WU Na
    2024, 45(03):  232-244.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.03.002
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    Straw return and appropriate planting density are beneficial for improving soil physicochemical properties and optimizing microbial community structure. This study investigated the effect of different straw-returning modes (H1: straw crushing deep plowing back to the field, H0: straw was not returned to the field) and different planting densities (D1: 67500plants∙ha−1, D2: 82500plants∙ha−1, D3: 97500plants∙ha−1) on the diversity and community structure of rhizosphere fungi at maize maturity using Illumina MiSeq high-throughput sequencing technology. The study was established as a split-plot experiment and conducted on maize farmland of the Yinhuang Irrigation area in Ningxia for five consecutive years. Results showed that: (1) the interaction effect of straw return mode and planting density was highly significant for the Chao1 index, ACE index, and Shannon index of soil fungal communities (P<0.01), with the indexes being highest under the H1D2 treatment. (2) Soil fungal community in the inter-root area of maize in the farmland was mainly composed of fungi from 509 genera in 14 phyla, such as Ascomycota (63.50%-81.82%), Basidiomycota (4.83%−18.03%), and Mortierellomycota (3.18%−9.61%), etc. The structure of the fungal community differed among different density and straw return mode combinations, and the relative abundance of the dominant phyla and genera varied greatly. (3) The interaction of straw return mode and planting density significantly influenced the soil pH, organic matter, alkaline dissolved nitrogen, and quick-acting phosphorus content (P<0.01), with H1D2 treatment being the optimal treatment combination. Pearson's correlation analysis showed that there were significant or highly significant correlations among soil pH, organic matter, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, alkaline dissolved nitrogen, quick-acting phosphorus, quick-acting potassium content, and the α-diversity of the fungi. Soil pH was significantly and negatively correlated with the relative abundance of Cladosporium (P<0.05). Organic matter, total phosphorus, alkaline-dissolved nitrogen. And quick-acting potassium content were significantly and positively correlated with the relative abundance of Cladosporium (P<0.05). Organic matter content was significantly and negatively correlated with the relative abundance of Chaetomium (P<0.05). RDA analyzes showed that total nitrogen, organic matter, fast-acting potassium, and pH were the main environmental factors that drive the variation of soil fungal communities in maize rhizosphere at different densities under different straw return patterns. In this study, straw return combined with a planting density of 82500 plants·ha−1 was optimum for increasing farmland soil fertility and improving inter-root soil fungal diversity.
    Effect of Biochar-based Fertilizer on Temperature Sensitivity of Soil Organic Carbon Mineralization in Aged Tea Gardens
    CHEN Jun-rui, WEI Xiang-hua, HU Jun-ming, SHI Yuan-zhi, ZHANG Jun-hui, ZHENG Fu-hai
    2024, 45(03):  245-256.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.03.003
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    The indoor constant temperature culture method was adopted, and the 40-year-old tea garden soil applied with biochar-based fertilizer (BF) and without biochar-based fertilizer (CK) were selected as the research objects. Three different temperature scenarios were set at 15℃, 25℃ and 35℃, and the soil organic carbon (SOC) mineralization characteristics were continuously monitored and the temperature sensitivity of SOC mineralization was analyzed. It will provide reference for evaluating carbon sequestration emission reduction and obstacle reduction in aged tea gardens. The results showed that: (1) biochar-based fertilizer increased the pH and SOC content of tea garden soil under the temperature variation. At 15℃, 25℃ and 35℃, compared with CK treatment,the soil pH of BF treatment increased by 0.45, 0.07 and 0.28, respectively. The SOC content of BF treatment increased by 22.19%, 16.65% and 25.50%, respectively. (2) Biochar-based fertilizer increased the SOC accumulative mineralization amount, mineralization potential (CS) and soil respiration intensity in tea gardens under temperature change, showing a positive priming effect on SOC mineralization. At 15℃, 25℃ and 35℃, compared with CK treatment, the accumulated SOC mineralization amount of BF treatment increased by 15.61%, 46.51% and 36.89%, respectively. The CS value of BF treatment first increased and then decreased with rising temperature. Compared with 15℃ and 35℃, the CS value of BF treatment at 25℃ increased by 147.11% and 29.21% respectively. (3) Biochar-based fertilizer decreased the temperature sensitivity of SOC mineralization in tea gardens under increasing temperature. In the temperature range of 25−35℃, the Q10 (temperature sensitivity of soil organic carbon mineralization) value of BF treatment decreased by 6.25% compared with CK treatment. The Q10 value of BF treatment in the temperature range of 25−35℃ decreased by 25% compared with the Q10 value in the temperature range of 15−25℃. The results indicated that the application of biochar-based fertilizer can effectively improve the physical and chemical properties of the 40-year-old tea garden soil, increase soil carbon sequestration, and improve the stability of the soil carbon pool in response to temperature changes in the tea garden. Biochar-based fertilizer is conducive to optimizing the sustainable production management of low-yield and aging tea gardens.
    Comprehensive Benefit Evaluation of Hydroponic Lettuce Planted on Aquaculture Wastewater Mixed with Different Proportions of Water-soluble Fertilizer
    YANG Xiao-ling, LI Zhao, CHENG Yan-ru, XIU Wei-ning, LIU Yang, ZHAN Bo
    2024, 45(03):  257-267.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.03.004
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    The hydroponic lettuce experiment involved the blending of aquaculture wastewater with water-soluble fertilizer, aiming to determine the optimal ratio of water and fertilizer. This study aims to provide a theoretical foundation for effectively utilizing water resources in industrial aquaculture wastewater. In this study, the research focused on "cream lettuce" as the primary subject. Various quantities of Yamazaki formula water-soluble fertilizer were dissolved in industrial aquaculture wastewater to create a blended nutrient solution. Subsequently, an experiment utilizing the Nutrient Film Technique (NFT) was conducted to investigate its effects. The experiment consisted of five distinct treatments: S1 (123g fertilizer + 150L wastewater), S2 (98.4g fertilizer + 150L wastewater), S3 (73.8g fertilizer + 150L wastewater), S4 (49.2g fertilizer + 150L water), and S5 (24.6g fertilizer + 150L water). Additionally, a control group labeled CK (123g fertilizer + 150L water) was utilized to examine the impact of different treatments on lettuce yield and quality. The TOPSIS comprehensive benefit evaluation model, based on the entropy weight method, was employed to analyze and ascertain the optimal parameters for the water and fertilizer ratio. The results demonstrated that the mixed nutrient solution effectively enhanced the absorption of water and fertilizer. However, it was observed that as the concentration of fertilizer increased, the lettuce's fertilizer consumption exhibited an initial rise followed by a subsequent decline. The water and fertilizer consumption of lettuce under the various treatments was lower than that of the CK treatment. Furthermore, the S1-S5 treatments exhibited fertilizer savings of 25.01%, 19.15%, 34.12%, 51.89%, and 74.10% respectively, in comparison to the CK treatment. The mixed nutrient solution proved to be highly effective in promoting the growth of lettuce. However, it was observed that the growth indicators of lettuce followed a pattern of initial increase and subsequent decrease as the fertilizer concentration increased. Notably, the highest lettuce yield of 1.88 kg·m−2 was achieved under the S2 treatment, representing a 15.32% increase compared to the CK treatment. Furthermore, the mixed nutrient solution exhibited a positive impact on improving the quality of lettuce. The contents of soluble sugar and soluble protein in lettuce displayed an initial increase and subsequent decrease, with the highest levels observed in lettuce treated with S2. The content of vitamin C(VC) and nitrate exhibited a positive correlation with the fertilizer concentration. Specifically, the S1 treatment resulted in the highest VC content, while the nitrate content under the S1-S5 treatments was lower compared to the CK treatment. The comprehensive benefit evaluation revealed that the S2 treatment was the most favorable for lettuce growth, yielding higher crop output and superior quality. The optimal combination of fish tail water and fertilizer demonstrated significant benefits, enhancing water and fertilizer absorption, improving lettuce yield and quality, and maximizing overall crop production efficiency.
    Analysis of Potential Suitable Region for Jerusalem artichoke in Shaanxi Province by the MaxEnt Model
    YIN Fang, ZHU Jia-zheng, MENG Wen-rui, JIN Zi-yue
    2024, 45(03):  268-280.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.03.005
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    As a critical non-grain energy crop material, Jerusalem artichoke holds potential to produce bio-liquid fuels as a novel energy source. To accurately identify potentially suitable areas for Jerusalem artichoke cultivation in Shaanxi, this study utilized data on the spatial distribution of 29 Jerusalem artichoke samples within the province, incorporating 26 environmental factors. In conjunction with the distribution of marginal land in Shaanxi, the study applied the MaxEnt model to simulate the potential habitat distribution under current and future climate scenarios, and the results were superimposed with the existing range of marginal land in Shaanxi for further analysis. The findings revealed that: (1) the MaxEnt model exhibited high precision (current AUC=0.914) in simulating the potential habitat of Jerusalem artichoke in Shaanxi. (2) The potential distribution of Jerusalem artichoke currently lies primarily in Dingbian, Zhidan, Xixiang Hanbin District in Ankang, Shangzhou District in Shangluo and Xixiang, with the total suitable area of marginal land approximating 75992km2, accounting for 36.9% of the total area. The low, medium and high suitability areas amount to approximately 63169km2, 11617km2, and 1205km2 respectively, with the primary marginal land use type being moderately coverage grassland. (3) The key environmental factors influencing Jerusalem artichoke growth are soil depth (142.4−155.4cm), the highest temperature in the warmest month (29.4−31.6℃), elevation (210−593m), aspect (70.7°−239.5°), and slope (0−10.5°). (4) Under four future climate scenarios, the overall area suitable for medium to high-intensity cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke in Shaanxi is expected to see a significant increase. Specifically, the area of medium to high suitability for the cultivation of Jerusalem artichoke is expected to increase by 14.39% to 46.46% and 46.90% to 95.39% from 2021 to 2040, and by 15.95% to 71.52% and 48.46% to 111.40% from 2041 to 2060. In conclusion, current and future climate changes are likely to expand the suitable cultivation area for Jerusalem artichoke in Shaanxi. In conclusion, comparing the historical climate data, the future climate change will help to expand the suitable Jerusalem artichoke growing area in Shaanxi. Experimental introductions in highly suitable areas, such as Dingbian and Shangzhou districts in Shangluo are recommended to verify the suitability of Jerusalem artichoke to the local environment and explore the feasibility of extended cultivation.
    Improvement of Flowering Prediction Model of Rape in Wuyuan Based on Effective Integrated Temperature Method
    LI Chun-hui, ZHANG Xiao-fang, CAI Zhe, TAO Yao, TIAN Jun
    2024, 45(03):  281-292.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.03.006
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    Based on the observational data of rape and meteorological data from 1995 to 2022 in Wuyuan, this study improved the rape flowering prediction model based on effective integrated temperature method. Starting with the date of rape budding and bolting, a multivariate linear regression approach was employed to enhance the prediction model. A meteorological factor model was established to predict the deviation in days between the simulated general flowering date based on effective integrated temperature method and the actual date, aiming to enhance the accuracy of rape flowering prediction model in Wuyuan. The improved and original models were compared and evaluated using simulation accuracy, root mean square error (RMSE), and relative error (RE). The results indicated that: (1)using 0°C as the threshold for effective integrated temperature and the average effective integrated temperature as the indicator, the preliminary prediction of the general flowering date of rape was performed, and the prediction accuracy improved as the flowering period approached. (2)Correlation analysis revealed that temperature was the primary meteorological factor influencing the rape general flowering period. A meteorological factor improvement model was established using mid-February average temperature, maximum temperature, and minimum temperature as independent variables and the deviation in days between the simulated general flowering date based on effective integrated temperature method and the actual date as the dependent variable. This model demonstrated statistical significance and passed the significance tests. (3)The evaluation of the prediction models before and after improvement showed that both methods yielded good prediction results. However, the meteorological factor improvement model produced superior simulation results, enhancing the accuracy of rape general flowering prediction model. The meteorological factor improvement prediction model, starting from the bolting, exhibited the highest accuracy in predicting the general flowering date of rape and can be effectively applied for rape flowering prediction.
    Evaluation of the Effects of Winter Wheat Yield and Quality in Different Soils under the Background of Warming
    JIN Li-hui, YANG Hai-chao, WANG Xiao-yi, MIAO Shu-jie, QIAO Yun-fa
    2024, 45(03):  293-307.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.03.007
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    To explore the changes in winter wheat yield and quality under global warming. The winter wheat variety ‘Zhenmai 168’ and twelve typical farmland soils, including yellow brown soil, sandy black soil, aeolian sandy soil, red soil, fluvo-aquic soil, black soil, loess, sierozem, purple soil, latosol, saline-alkali soil and brown soil were used as test materials. An open temperature increase system was carried out a simulated atmospheric warming frame experiment. The experiment established normal temperature control (CK) and warming of 1.5°C (eT) treatment, and the warming treatment throughout the whole growth period. The changes in production during the ripening stage was reflected by indicators such as the number of kernels per panicle and the weight of 1000 grains, and nutritional indicators such as the grain starch, protein and its components reflect the quality composition. The results showed as follows: (1) the open warming during the whole growth period decreased the yield of winter wheat grown in yellow-brown soil, sandy soil, black soil, loess, sierozem and purple soil by 33.82%, 20.96%, 16.60%, 55.92%, 28.45% and 21.19%, respectively. While the winter wheat yield in fluvo-aquic soil increased by 16.13% (P<0.05), and had no significant effect in other soils. (2) In terms of nutritional quality of winter wheat, for starch and its components, the contents of amylose and amylopectin decreased to varying degrees under the effect of warming, and the decrease in amylose was greater than that of amylopectin. The total starch content of winter wheat in red soil, black soil, loess, sierozem, purple soil, saline-alkali soil and brown soil decreased significantly (P<0.05). For grain protein and its components, albumin and globulin showed a significant increase trend, while gliadin and glutenin decreased significantly, and the decrease was greater than the increase of the first two. Except for the total protein content of winter wheat in red soil, which had no significant change, the winter wheat under other eleven types of soil all decreased significantly (P<0.05). The total soluble sugar of winter wheat showed a significant increasing trend only under fluvo-aquic soil, sierozem and purple soil conditions (P<0.05). (3) The membership function was used to comprehensively rank the quality of the normal temperature control and warming treatments. The best performers were black soil winter wheat in the normal temperature group (U=0.707), followed by the brown soil (U=0.691), sierozem (U=0.647), purple soil(U=0.644) and loess(U=0.644) winter wheat in the normal temperature control group, and the worst quality is the red soil in the normal temperature group (U=0.364) and warming group (U=0.368). Except for the fluvo-aquic soil, the quality of winter wheat in the other eleven types of soils showed that warming was worse than the control. (4) The path analysis results show that under normal temperature conditions, the biggest influencing factor on winter wheat yield is the number of kernels per panicle, with a direct path coefficient of 0.630, followed by the effective number of panicles and globulin, both of which have direct effects, with path coefficients of 0.538 and -0.118, respectively. Under warming conditions, the largest influence on factor of winter wheat is the number of kernels per panicle, with a direct path coefficient of 0.603, followed by the effective panicle number, the weight of 1000 grains and total starch. The effective panicle number and total starch have an indirect effects through the number of kernels per panicle, with path coefficients of 0.322 and 0.381, respectively. In summary, warming affected the quality of winter wheat through the combined effects of yield composition and grain nutritional composition. Among the twelve typical farmland soils, winter wheat in fluvo-aquic soil had a positive effect on warming, while in other soils had a negative effect, suggesting that the response of winter wheat yield and quality formation to climate warming was regulated by soil types.
    Response of Photosynthetic Characteristics of Potato Leaves to Leaf Chamber Temperature under Drought Condition
    YANG Yang, ZHAO Hong, DU Hao-lin, WANG He-ling
    2024, 45(03):  308-317.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.03.008
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    The leaf chamber temperature was set to 22, 25, 28, 31 and 34℃ by Li-6400 portable photosynthesizer to simulate the local leaf temperature, the photoresponse curves of leaf photosynthetic characteristics of potato tuber were measured under the conditions of full water supply (soil water content remained at 80% field holding as control treatment) and drought (soil water content began to continue drought at 65% field holding) during the expanding stage of potato tuber, and the response characteristics of potato leaf photosynthetic characteristics to leaf chamber temperature under drought conditions were studied. The results showed that under adequate irrigation conditions, potatoes had greater photosynthetic potential at 25℃, and the utilization of low light was the strongest. Under 22℃, potato leaves had the strongest adaptation to light environment, and under 28℃, potato leaves had the best activity, while drought stress treatment significantly reduced the maximum photosynthetic capacity, low light utilization capacity and leaf activity of potato. With the increase of temperature, the net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance of potato leaves first increased and then decreased under adequate irrigation, and reached the maximum at 25℃, when the transpiration rate was the lowest and the water use efficiency was higher, indicating that under this temperature condition, potato showed strong water and air regulation ability and the strongest adaptability to the environment. Photosynthesis was more suitable at 25℃, followed by 22℃, under drought stress, the net photosynthetic rate of potato leaves was the highest, the transpiration rate was the lowest, the stomatal conductance was the highest, and the water use efficiency was the highest, which was the optimal temperature for potato adaptability under drought stress. Temperature higher than 31℃ was unfavorable for potato photosynthesis.
    Assessment Report of Agrometeorological Conditions on Growing Season Condition for Autumn Harvest Crops in 2023
    ZHANG Lei, SONG Ying-bo, ZHAO Xiao-feng, HAN Li-juan, ZHAO Yun-cheng
    2024, 45(03):  318-321.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.03.009
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    The combination assessments of agrometeorological condition, growing suitability, agrometeorological disasters and their impacts on development and yield for autumn harvest crops were conducted by the usage of multiple methods including agrometeorological index, growing suitability model and agrometeorological disaster index, based on the meteorology observations in the year of 2023 and 1991−2020 from 2433 stations, as well as the development stage observations from agrometeorological stations. The results shown that there were suitable radiation and temperature condition, plenty precipitation, less occurrence and low intensity in agriculture drought, cold stress, heat stress and cold dew wind, benefiting better growing for autumn harvest crops during growing season in the year of 2023. However, some disadvantages were declared, such as severe waterlogging induced by heavy precipitation in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei and Northeast China, extreme heat stress during summer in North China, Huanghuai and Xinjiang, periodical cold stress during spring in northern regions, local cold dew wind for double-season late rice in Hunan and Hubei, long drought duration during spring in southern Southeast China, as well as periodical drought during summer in some northern regions, that threaten development for autumn harvest crops.