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    20 June 2024, Volume 45 Issue 6
    Effects of Different Kinds of Combined Application of Modified Cellulose and Biochar on Soil Improvement in the Huanghuaihai Plain
    WANG Zhi-wei, WEI Yu, LIU Hong-yuan, WANG Chun-xin, CHEN Feng, ZHAO Guang-xin
    2024, 45(6):  571-583.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.06.001
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    The persistent scarcity of water resources and suboptimal nutrient utilization rates are predominant challenges in agricultural production, both in China and globally. The modified cellulose and biochar have good functions of retaining water and fertilizer in soil. Authors employed these substances as soil amendments, investigating their individual and combined effects on the soil's physicochemical properties, nutrient content, moisture, and the germination of upland rice. The experiment was conducted in an artificial climate greenhouse, using upland rice as the test crop. A pot experiment was established with a control group CK (no modified cellulose or biochar), three types of modified cellulose (CMC-NH4, CMC-Na and CMC-K) each at a 0.05% mass fraction (labelled A1, B1 and C1), a 0.10% mass fraction (labelled A2, B2 and C2), and 0.50% biochar (D1), combinations of three modified celluloses at 0.05% and 0.10% mass fractions were used with 0.50% biochar (labeled A1D1, B1D1, C1D1, A2D1, B2D1 and C2D1) across 14 treatments. These treatments on soil's physicochemical properties (pH, compactness, surface crust thickness), nutrients (ammonium nitrogen, nitrate nitrogen, available phosphorus, available potassium), water loss, and upland rice germination (plant height, above-ground biomass) were analyzed. The results showed that: relative to CK, the A1 and A2 treatments reduced soil pH by 0.20 and 0.17 unit, respectively, whereas the B1, B2, C2 and D1 treatments increased it by 0.32, 0.43, 0.20 and 0.42 unit, respectively. CMC-NH4 and CMC-K combined with biochar showed a tendency to increase soil pH, in contrast to CMC-Na combined with biochar, which had no significant impact. Compared with CK, the A1, A2, B1 and B2 treatments notably enhanced soil compactness by 13.69%, 22.90%, 99.66% and 113.58%, respectively. Each modified cellulose type, when applied singly, variably increased soil clumping and surface crust formation. The A1D1, A2D1, B1D1 and B2D1 treatments moderately reduced soil compactness (8.88%, 11.78%, 14.95% and 14.24%), and when combined with biochar, also diminished the surface crust thickness of the soil (52.55%, 60.59%, 29.94%, 38.65%, 43.54% and 45.20%). Notably, the A2 and A2D1 treatments increased soil ammonium nitrogen by 275.84% and 48.99%, respectively, while the C1, C2, C1D1 and C2D1 treatments significantly reduced it (51.01%, 53.02%, 41.61% and 45.64%). The application of modified cellulose and biochar, either singly or in combination, enhanced the soil content of nitrate nitrogen, available phosphorus, and available potassium (ranging from 9.01% to 95.72%). The combined application proved more beneficial for increasing soil nutrients. Only the A2D1, B1D1 and B2D1 treatments significantly lessened cumulative soil water loss (8.86%, 6.33% and 6.33%), with no notable differences in the other treatments. The A1, B1, C1 and BC treatments considerably augmented the biomass of upland rice, achieving increases of 203.88%, 133.49%, 111.16% and 18.93%, respectively. Among the high-dose modified cellulose treatments, only C2 significantly raised the aboveground biomass of upland rice by 71.84%. The combined treatments A1D1, A2D1, B1D1, B2D1, C1D1 and C2D1 notably enhanced the aboveground biomass of upland rice (225.24%, 147.57%, 143.20%, 138.83%, 125.73% and 119.90%). Overall, the synergistic application of 0.05% modified cellulose with 0.50% biochar markedly improves soil structure, boosts nutrient content, and enhances the aboveground biomass of upland rice. This combination is a promising approach for soil amelioration in arid regions.
    Effects of High Temperature on Grain Filling and Yield of Early Season Rice under Different Sowing Dates in Jiangxi
    DUAN Li-cheng, GUO Rui-ge, CAI Zhe, YANG Jun, GONG Qi, ZHANG Chong-hua
    2024, 45(6):  584-593.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.06.002
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    To reveal the impact of high temperature on grain filling and yield of early season rice, an experiment with four sowing dates was conducted in 2022 in Nanchang, Jiangxi province, with four sowing dates, in which the Xiangzaoxian45 rice variety was used. The four sowing dates were March 11 (denoted as B1), March 24 (denoted as B2, regular sowing date), April 5 (denoted as B3), April 15 (denoted as B4), and analyzed the variation characteristics of the high temperature days during the heading and filling period of early season rice in Jiangxi in past 62 years (1961−2022) under four sowing dates. The results showed a downward trend in yields, seed set rates and 1000-grain weights as the planting date was pushed back. The high temperature days had a significant negative correlation with yield, seed setting rate, and 1000-grain weight (P<0.05). Yields sown on March 11 were significantly higher than yields sown after March 5. Although high temperature increased the early season rice grain filling rate 10−15 days after heading, it was not conducive to maintaining the grain filling rate after 15 days. During the four sowing growth periods, high temperature days in B4 were significantly higher than in B1 during the grain filling period of the early season rice from 1961 to 2022. Since 2000, there had been a significant increase in the number of high temperature days during the head and grain filling phases of early season rice. The high temperature prone area overlaps with Jiangxi main early season rice growing area. Therefore, to reduce the impact of high temperature damage on the yield of early season rice, early season rice planting areas could be properly sown earlier to reduce the adverse effects of high temperatures.
    Spring Wheat Sowing Date Optimization and Impact on Irrigation in Qingtongxia Irrigation Region Based on SWAP Model
    SUN Feng-chao, ZHAO Cui-ping, ZHANG Jie, DING Yi-min
    2024, 45(6):  594-608.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.06.003
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    The expected negative effects of global warming on crop production can be mitigated by changing the planting dates, which is both low-cost and easy to implement. The parameter set of the localized spring wheat model in the Qingtongxia irrigation region (QTXIR) was calibrated using a two-year field experiment. The changes of spring wheat yield and irrigation water requirement (IWR) under two future climate scenarios (SSP2-45 and SSP5-85) were analyzed based on 7 bias-corrected global circulation models (GCMs) and the well-tested SWAP model. Simultaneously, the yield and IWR of spring wheat in QTXIR in response to changing the sowing date were also quantitatively analyzed. The results indicate that the spring wheat growth in the QTXIR can be effectively simulated by the parameter-adjusted SWAP model. Under the SSP2-45 scenario, the multi-model average maximum temperature in the QTXIR in the next two periods (2021−2050 and 2051−2080) will increase by 1.6℃ and 2.6℃ respectively relative to the historical baseline period (1991−2020), while under the SSP5-85 scenario, the maximum temperature will increase by 1.8℃ and 3.6℃ respectively in the next two stages. The length of spring wheat growth duration will continue to shorten with the increasing temperatures in the future under current sowing date and variety, with a maximum shortening of 14.2 days occurring between 2051 and 2080 under the SSP5-85 scenario. The multi-model average yield for spring wheat will decrease by 9.6% and 12.9% for the next two periods under the SSP2-45 scenario and by 12.1% and 17.2% for the corresponding periods under the SSP5-85 scenario. At the same time, the changes in irrigation water requirements for different scenarios and periods are relatively small, not exceeding 3.5%. Sowing in advance can effectively reduce the yield loss of spring wheat in the QTXIR, but it cannot fully offset the negative effects of climate change. Under the SSP2-45 scenario, in the next two periods, sowing 23 days and 33 days in advance respectively can control the yield loss to 1.5% and 5.3 %. Under the SSP5-85 scenario, when sowing 30 days and 42 days ahead, the yield losses can be controlled to 2.9% and 5.4% respectively. Under the SSP5-85 scenario, the yield loss can be controlled to 2.9% and 5.4% when sowing 30 and 42 days ahead, respectively. Under the optimized sowing date, the harvest date for spring wheat in the QTXIR will be forward by an average of 5 days. At the same time, IWR for spring wheat will increase significantly in all future scenarios and periods, with rates ranging from 4.0% to 8.0%.
    Meteorological Factors Influence on Sugar Content of Sugarcane and the Construction of Simulation Model
    ZHENG Guo-jun, ZHU Guang-hu, WANG Qin-long, HUANG Hai-rong, LI Xiang, LUO Ting, MA Peng-cheng, WANG Ze-ping
    2024, 45(6):  609-618.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.06.004
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    Statistical analysis was used to analyze the influences of meteorological factors such as temperature and precipitation on the sugar content of sugarcane. Random forest and forward stepwise selection algorithms were utilized to screen the key meteorological factors. Based on the generalized additivity model and so on, six sugar content simulation models were constructed to simulate the sugar content of sugarcane at the maturity stage with the key meteorological factors as independent variables. Evaluate the simulation effects and quantify the influences of key meteorological factors on the sugar content of sugarcane by comparing and analyzing the simulated and measured values. The results showed that the meteorological factors in different regions and time scales affected the sugar content of sugarcane. The key meteorological factors include diurnal variation of temperature, minimum ground temperature, sunshine hours, maximum temperature, average air pressure, precipitation, and average relative humidity. The influence of diurnal variation of temperature on the sugar content of sugarcane showed a nearly stable linear trend, while the influences of the other key meteorological factors on the sugar content of sugarcane showed a complex fluctuation trend. Based on the key meteorological factors, six models were established to simulate the sugar content of sugarcane. The generalized additive model had the best simulation effect, with the fit R2 up to 0.97, the absolute error was 0.12 percent points, the relative error was 0.86%, and the root mean square error was 0.15 in the model validation. It indicates that the simulated values have good consistency and correlation with the measured values, and the model can realize the prediction of the sugar content of sugarcane in Guangxi. Meanwhile, quantifying the effects of key meteorological factors on the sugar content of sugarcane also provides a basis for regulating the ecosystem.
    Establishment and Validation of Indices for Soybean Delayed-type Chilling Injury in Heilongjiang Province
    YAN Ping, JI Sheng-tai, JIANG Li-xia, WANG Dong-ni, WANG Liang-liang, CHU Zheng, WANG Chun-hua, CHEN Wan-tong, YU Ying-nan, TIAN Bao-xing
    2024, 45(6):  619-628.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.06.005
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    The frequency of chilling injury during the soybean growing season in Heilongjiang province was higher, and the impact was severe. The index for delayed-type chilling injury on soybean in Heilongjiang province was calculated. It was important to prevent and mitigate disasters and ensure safe production of soybeans. In this paper, the soybean yield data of 73 cities and counties in Heilongjiang province from 1961 to 2020, and the daily temperature data of 73 weather stations in the research area were used. Anomalies value of the sum of monthly average temperatures from May to September were taken as hazard factors, respectively. The threshold was determined by regression, which used hazard factors and yield variability to calculate the threshold, which passed the test, and then established an index for delayed chilling injury on soybeans in Heilongjiang province. The results showed that, total monthly average temperature anomaly indicators for delayed chilling injury of soybeans in the study area from May to September correspond to five planting areas, the mild chilling injury thresholds were −1.8 ℃, −1.9℃, −1.9℃, −2.0℃, −2.0℃, moderate chilling injury thresholds were −2.0℃, −2.2℃, −2.3℃, −2.4℃, −2.6℃, and severe chilling injury thresholds were −2.2℃, −2.5℃, −2.7℃, −2.9℃, −3.1℃. After testing, the average accuracy rate of identifying the occurrence trend of delayed-type chilling injury in soybean was 83%, the average accuracy rate of identifying the level of cold damage occurrence was 62%, and the average accuracy rate of identifying cold damage in typical cold damage years was 93%. In summary, the definition and evaluation of the delayed chill injury indicator for the soybean growing season in Heilongjiang province has a high accuracy rate, easy access to the indicator, and strong practicality.
    Loss Assessment and Risk Zoning of Low-temperature and Rainy Weather Disasters on Rape Yield during the Flowering Period in the Sichuan Basin
    ZHAO Yi, GUO Xiang, WANG Xin, YANG De-sheng, WANG Ming-tian
    2024, 45(6):  629-642.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.06.006
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    Low-temperature and rainy weather during the rape flowering period is one of the meteorological disasters affecting the rape-yield in the Sichuan Basin region. In this study, the daily meteorological data from 101 weather stations in the Sichuan Basin from 1961 to 2020, as well as the rape yield data and the disaster information (drought, low-temperature cold damage, consecutive rainy weather, gale and hail) from 1983 to 2000, are utilized. The years with low-temperature and rainy weather disasters during the rape flowering period are selected, and then the yield loss rate and disaster-inducing factors of low-temperature rainy weather during the rape flowering period are obtained by utilizing mathematical-statistical methods. Furthermore, the disaster-inducing indicators of low-temperature and rainy weather disasters during the rape flowering period are determined through correlation analysis, and are validated by using the disaster information data from 2001 to 2020. Based on the selected key disaster-inducing factors of low-temperature and continuous rainy weather, an assessment model on the losses caused by low-temperature and rainy disasters during the rape flowering period by using the regression analysis method was built. Then, the back substitution and prediction test are conducted to analyze the disaster risk zoning and variation trends. The results indicate that the daily average temperature ≤7°C and the duration of disaster events ≥1d are the disaster-inducing indicators of low-temperature during the rape flowering period in the Sichuan Basin. The ≤7°C negative accumulated temperature and the accumulated precipitation of the persistent rainfall event with ≥3d duration are the key disaster-inducing factors of low-temperature and rainy weather disasters. The indicators are examined with the low-temperature cold damage data during the rape flowering period from 2001 to 2020, and the results align with the actual situation. Based on the meteorological data, rape yield and disaster information from 1983 to 2000, an assessment model on the losses caused by low-temperature and rainy weather during the rape flowering period in the Sichuan Basin is established. The back substitution results indicate that for the light and moderate assessed levels, the assessment accuracy (the difference between assessed level and actual level is one or zero) is over 96%. For the severe and extremely severe assessed levels, the assessment accuracies with zero level difference are both 0, and the assessment accuracies with one level difference are 75% and 0, respectively. Then, by using the assessment model the low-temperature and rainy weather disasters during the rape flowering period in each year of 2001–2020 are predicted, and the results are consistent with the actual situation. From 1961 to 2020, in the southwestern, southern and northeastern parts of the basin, the risk levels of low-temperature and rainy weather disasters are mainly medium or high. The regions with lower risk level (low or sub-low) are mainly concentrated in the northwestern and central parts of the Sichuan Basin. Under the background of climate warming, the high-risk areas for low-temperature and rainy weather disasters during the rape flowering period in the Sichuan Basin show a decreasing trend, while low-risk areas show an increasing trend. In summary, the indicators for low-temperature cold damage during the rape flowering period in the Sichuan Basin are reliable. The loss assessment model of low-temperature and rainy weather disasters can effectively evaluate disaster losses and can be applied in agricultural meteorological service operations. The results of disaster risk zoning can provide a reference for the rape production layout in Sichuan Province.
    Spatial-temporal Variation of Meteorological Disaster Risk for Camellia oleifera in Hunan under Climate Change
    JIANG Yuan-hua, GUO Ling-yao
    2024, 45(6):  643-656.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.06.007
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    To investigate the spatial-temporal variability of the meteorological disaster risk to Camellia oleifera in Hunan, the high-resolution historical meteorological data from 1961 to 2020 and the BCC_CSM model forecast data from 2021 to 2050 were used. The comprehensive meteorological disaster index of Camellia oleifera was used to analyze spatial-temporal features, geocentric changes and displacements of meteorological disaster risk in Hunan. The results showed a general decline in the meteorological disaster rating of Camellia oleifera between 1991 to 2020 compared to the 1961 to 1990 period. The proportions of high-level, medium-level, and low-level disaster areas decreased by 10.4, 15.6 and 17.5 percent points, respectively, while the proportion of micro-level disaster areas expanded by 43.5 percent points. The mean altitude at each level was increased. Compared with the period from 1991 to 2020, the area proportions at the medium-level and low-level disaster increased by 46.6 and 20.6 percent points, respectively, while they decreased by 63.4 and 3.8 percent points at the micro-level and high-level disaster in the period from 2021 to 2050. In addition, the mean altitude increased at high-level and micro-level disaster, but decreased at low-level and medium-level. In the first 30 years, micro-level disasters dominated in Hunan. Over the next 30 years, micro-level disasters will shrink to mainly southeastern Hunan, low-level disasters will expand across Hunan, medium-level disasters will shift to the north, and high-level disasters will move to northwest Hunan.
    Characteristics and Dangerous Analysis on Regional Compound High Temperature and Drought Events in Southwest of Shandong Province
    LI Rui-ying, LV Gui-heng, HAO Xiao-lei, FAN Jie, JIANG Xiao-dong
    2024, 45(6):  657-668.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.06.008
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    Based on the daily temperature, precipitation data and other factors of 28 meteorological stations in southwest of Shandong province from March to October, 1991 to 2022, the regional high temperature events, drought events, compound high temperature and drought events were identified, according to the classification of regional high temperature weather process, monitoring and assessment method of regional drought process, the characteristics and hazard dangers were analyzed. The results showed that: (1)the frequency of regional high temperature events increased significantly, the start time was significantly advanced, the intensity increased weakly. Regional drought events had recurrent features with increased frequency and a weakening trend in intensity. Compound high temperature and drought events were concentrated in June-July with increased frequency and earlier start time. (2)The dangerous areas of high temperature were basically with intensity areas, decreasing from west to east, the highest dangerous areas were distributed in west. Drought danger areas were essentially intensity zones, decreasing from south to north, with the highest danger areas located in the south. Dangerous regions of compound heat and drought were more similar to dangerous regions of heat, decreasing from west to east. (3)The risk of high temperature events, drought events and compound events will be occurring greater with the climate warming in southwest of Shandong province.
    Determination of Pure Insurance Rates of Rice Continuous Rain Damage in Qiandongnan Prefecture
    WEN Jian-chuan, CHEN Jia-hui, LONG Ling-yun, TANG Feng, ZHOU Zhi-hui, MO Ping-xiao, LIANG Ping
    2024, 45(6):  669-677.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.06.009
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    Continuous rain is a limiting factor affecting the growth and drying of rice from the middle and late stages of growth to the harvest stage. It is of great significance to study the pure premium rates of continuous rain insurance for reducing the risk of agro-meteorological disasters. In this study, rice yield data and meteorological data from 16 counties (city) in Qiandongnan prefecture from 1980 to 2020 were used to construct rice yield reduction model based on continuous rain. Based on the goodness of fit test method, the optimal models of each county (city) were selected from 6 distribution models to estimate the probability of continuous rainy disaster. The pure premium rates were determined by combining the probability of continuous rain and the yield reduction rate. The result showed that the linear relationship between continuous rain index and yield reduction was Yr=6.66CRI+4.12, and the yield reduction of rice was increased with the increase of continuous rainy composite index. The probability of continuous rain was decreased with the increase of disaster degree, each county (city) had the 30%−50% probability of mild continuous rain, and the probability of moderate and severe continuous rain were 10%−30% and 0−3%, respectively, the probability of moderate and severe continuous rain were higher in high elevation areas such as Majiang and Huangping. The pure premium rates of 16 counties (city) were between 7.38% and 10.47%, and the pure premium rates of Majiang and Huangping in the northwest were higher, above 9.5%.
    Temporal and Spatial Variation of Low Temperature Injury on Cotton Seedlings in Xinjiang in the Past 60 Years
    SUN Shuai, LI Shun-ao, WANG Sen, WANG Xue-jiao, HUO Xun-guo, GUO Yan-yun, LEI Bin
    2024, 45(6):  678-688.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.06.010
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    Low temperature and chilling injury is a major agricultural meteorological disaster restricting cotton production in Xinjiang. Therefore, this research used the daily average air temperature of 46 national basic meteorological stations in the northern, southern and eastern cotton areas of Xinjiang from 1961 to 2022. Combined with the monitoring indices of low temperature and chilling injury in cotton seedling stage. This research analyzed the temporal and spatial variation of mild, moderate and serious low temperature and chilling injury in cotton seedling stage by climate tendency rate, MK mutation test and accumulative anomaly. The aim was to provide scientific basis for rational formulation of disaster prevention and mitigation measures in different cotton areas of Xinjiang. The results indicate that the air temperature at the seedling stage in the cotton area of Xinjiang showed a significant upward trend between 1961 and 2022, with a tendency rate of 0.30℃·10y−1. In 1999, 2004, and 2003, the occurrence of mild chilling injury during the seedling stage was less frequent in northern Xinjiang, southern Xinjiang, and eastern Xinjiang, respectively. Similarly, in 2006 and 2008, the frequency of moderate chilling injury during the seedling stage was lower in northern Xinjiang, southern Xinjiang, and eastern Xinjiang. In 1975 and 2003, the cotton areas of northern and southern Xinjiang entered the stage of less occurrence of serious seedling chilling injury. In the past 60 years, the low temperature and chilling injury at seedling stage in Xinjiang occurred more frequently in the 1980s and 1990s. The years of mild and moderate chilling injury accounted for 79.0% and 37.1% of the study period, respectively, and the years of serious chilling injury accounted for only 8.1%. The low temperature and chilling injury at seedling stage mainly in mild and moderate forms, primarily in the northern Xinjiang cotton area, followed by the southern Xinjiang cotton area. The occurrence of low temperature and chilling injury was lowest in eastern Xinjiang.