
Table of Content

    20 August 2024, Volume 45 Issue 8

    Analysis on Change Characteristics of Carbon Footprint of Wheat Life Cycle in Different Provinces from 2015 to 2020

    TAN Xin, LI Hao-ru, WANG Zi-jian, GONG Juan-di, HAO Wei-ping
    2024, 45(8):  809-821.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.08.001
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    In recent years, the carbon footprint of agricultural production has been a hot issue in the research on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction in China. Based on the statistical data of yield, sown area and agricultural production inputs in 14 wheat-growing provinces from 2015 to 2020, authors calculated the carbon footprint of inputs for wheat life cycle, studied the dynamic changes of carbon footprint of wheat life cycle and analyzed the proportion of carbon footprint for different agricultural inputs, and revealed the change rule of carbon footprint for wheat life cycle and the composition of emission sourcesThese results can provide a theoretical basis for realizing energy conservation and emission reduction in agricultural production and green low-carbon development. The results showed that the average carbon footprint per unit area and the average carbon footprint per unit yield of wheat life cycle in 14 provinces from 2015 to 2020 were 4315.4 kgCO2eq×ha1 and 999.4 kgCO2eq×t−1, respectively, which showed a downward trend. The average carbon footprint per unit area and the average carbon footprint per unit yield of wheat life cycle in Shanxi province and Shaanxi province in northern winter (autumn sowing) wheat production regionthe Inner Mongolia autonomous region and the Ningxia Hui autonomous region in spring wheat production region, and winter-spring wheat production area (Xinjiang) were higher than the average annual level of the total study regions in this paper. While the average carbon footprint per unit area and the average carbon footprint per unit yield of wheat life cycle in southern winter (autumn sowing) wheat production region (Sichuan, Jiangsu, Anhui and Hubei), Heilongjiang province and Gansu province in spring wheat production region and Shandong province and Henan province in northern winter (autumn sowing) wheat production region were lower than the average annual level of the total study regions of this paper. In the carbon footprint structure of wheat life cycle, the average carbon footprint of irrigation electricity, chemical fertilizer, diesel fuel, wheat seed and pesticides accounted for 34.2%, 51.6%, 7.3%, 3.7% and 3.2%, indicating that chemical fertilizer and irrigation electricity were the main sources of agricultural carbon footprint. Chemical fertilizer was the main source of agricultural carbon footprint in Southern winter (autumn sowing) wheat production region (Jiangsu, Anhui, Hubei and Sichuan), with an average proportion of 76.6%, 71.3%, 69.6% and 70.0%, respectively. Therefore, reducing chemical fertilizer input and increasing utilization efficiency were important emission reduction measures in these regions. Meanwhile, irrigation electricity was the main source of agricultural carbon footprint in Hebei province and Shanxi province in northern winter (autumn sowing) wheat production region and winter- spring wheat production region (Xinjiang), with an average proportion of 45.6%, 54.8% and 65.2%. Therefore, promoting the application of water-saving irrigation and developing low-energy-consuming machinery and equipment were important emission reduction measures in these regions. In short, reducing chemical fertilizer input and promoting water-saving irrigation technology to reduce the carbon footprint of wheat life cycle in study regions were effective management measures, and considering regional socio-economic and agricultural conditions of each province, formulating targeted measures to reduce agricultural greenhouse gas emissions is the key to promote the green and low-carbon development of agriculture. 

    Dynamic Changes of Farmland Water and Heat Flux under Straw Mulching and Its Response to Meteorological Factors in North China Plain
    GENG Jie, WANG Chuan-juan, ZHANG Yan-qun, QIN Shan-shan, WANG Jian-dong
    2024, 45(8):  822-834.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.08.002
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    Revealing the dynamic changes of water and heat fluxes in straw-covered farmland ecosystems can provide a theoretical basis for the quantitative regulation of efficient water use by crops under agronomic mulching. Two treatments of straw mulching (S) and none mulching (N) were set up in the experiment. The dynamic changes of net radiation flux (Rn), latent heat flux (λET), sensible heat flux (H) and soil heat flux (G) of farmland energy flux elements under straw mulching in North China Plain and their responses to meteorological factors were studied by using Bowen ratio energy balance method and measured data. The results showed that the diurnal variation of Rn, λET and H in each growth period showed an obvious single-peak pattern. Compared with N treatment, S treatment mainly reduced the daily peak of Rn, λET and H in each growth period in both wheat and maize growing seasons. However, from the perspective of daily mean value, S treatment increased the proportion of λET in Rn in wheat growing season, and the proportion of λET in Rn in the total growth period of S treatment (68.8%) was slightly higher than that of N treatment (68.4%). The proportion of λET to Rn in the total growth period of S treatment (65.0%) was lower than that of N treatment (65.9%).The meteorological factor that had the greatest influence on instantaneous λET in wheat growing season and maize growing season was Rn, and the other factors had little influence. Each meteorological factor affects instantaneous λET through direct and indirect effects. The influence of Rn on instantaneous λET is mainly reflected in the direct effect, and the other factors are mainly reflected in the indirect effect.

    Analysis on Changes in Suitable Areas for Fagopyrum dibotrys under Climate Change Scenarios in China
    ZHANG Bao-de, XIE Zhun, MA Yu-shan, ZHAO Yan-li, WEI Chun-mian, FU Ying-ying, LIU Mi, XU Fu-rong
    2024, 45(8):  835-848.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.08.003
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    This study was combined 137 valid distribution points from the Chinese of Fagopyrum dibotrys with 32 environmental factors based on the MaxEnt model and the ArcGIS software. The aim was to investigate by screening the primary environmental factors affecting the distribution of ecological fitness for this species. In addition, we predicted the spatial distribution pattern of potential suitable areas and the trend of centroid change during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM), the Middle Holocene (MH), the present, as well as in future (2041−2060, 2050s; 2061−2080, 2070s) under three different distinct greenhouse gas emission paths. The results showed that the area under curve (AUC) values obtained from the assessment of the MaxEnt model using the indicator training and test data were 0.928±0.005 and 0.916±0.027, indicating a high level of accuracy in the predictions of the model. The primary environmental factors that limit the distribution of the ecological suitability of Fagopyrum dibotrys include annual precipitation (915−1899mm), min temperature of the coldest month (−2.4−6.9℃), temperature seasonality (3031−6319), elevation (61−357.2m, 1540−3408m), mean diurnal range (7.5−10.9), average wind speed in July (0.6−1.9m·s−1), precipitation of the warmest quarter (506.8−1060.9mm), average wind speed in April (0.5−2.3m·s−1) and precipitation seasonality (45.4−84.9). Since the Last Glacial Maximum, the potential habitability zone of Fagopyrum dibotrys had showned a notable increase. This expansion had been particularly pronounced under the high and medium concentration greenhouse gas emission scenario projected for the future, with the largest expansion area reaching 45.93×104km2. The spatial distribution of this expansion primarily was concentrated in the vicinity of the Hengduan Mountain Range and the Qinling-Huaihe river. At the same time, the examination of the centroids indicated a tendency for the dispersion of Fagopyrum dibotrys to migrate towards higher latitudes and altitudes by an order of magnitude in response to climate change scenarios.

    Simulation of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration Based on PSO-RF in the Hanjiang Basin

    GE Jie, CAO Qi-xin, ZHANG Xiao-peng, LEI Long, CHEN Zhi-li, FENG Jia-hao
    2024, 45(8):  849-859.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.08.004
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    Sixteen daily scale ET0 calculation models were developed using the particle swarm optimization algorithm and random forest (PSO-RF) based on daily meteorological data collected from 24 meteorological stations in the Hanjiang dasin and it’s vicinity from 1960 to 2017, and were compared with Hargreaves-Samani, Irmark-Allen and Makkink, which applicability and portability were evaluated. The results showed that: 1the non-linear relation between daily ET0 and each input parameter can be well displayed by PSO-RF model. The PSO-RF2 established by TmaxTmin and Ra had sufficient accuracy (MAE=0.402 mm·d1, RMSE=0.575mm·d1, R2=0.863). With the increase of meteorological elements, the computational accuracy of PSO-RF model was improved(MAE decreased by 37.9%, RMSE decreased by 36.3%, R2 increased by 6.78%.2When the input factors and number of models are the same, the PSO-RF model had higher simulation accuracy than Hargreaves-Samani, Irmark-Allen, and Makkink models(MAE decreased by 43.6%, RMSE decreased by 34.5%, R2 increased by 4.12%).3The PSO-RF model had strong generalization ability and portability in the Hanjiang basin. High accuracy was shown in mutual portability of PSO-RF models established in different zone (MAE= 0.159mm·d1, RMSE=0.245mm·d1, R2=0.974). Therefore, the model based on PSO-RF can be used as a recommended model for the calculation of daily ET0 in Hanjiang basin in the absence of meteorological data.
    Spatial-temporal Characteristics and Risks of High-temperature Heat Damage of Rice in Southwest China
    CHEN Dong-dong, LI Xiao-wei, ZHANG Lu-yang, LUO Zi-zi, ZHANG Jian-ping, CHEN Xiao
    2024, 45(8):  860-871.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.08.005
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    High-temperature and heat damage is the major agricultural meteorological disasters in southwest China, and it is important to study them to ensure rice production. Based on daily meteorological data from 351 meteorological stations in the southwestern region from 1980 to 2022, this study focused on the critical growth stages of rice (heading-milk grain stage and milk grain-mature stage) to analyze the spatial and temporal variations and risk of high-temperature and heat damage using the heat damage cumulative index. The results provide a theoretical basis for the rational placement of rice cultivation. The results showed a significant increase in the number of stations experiencing high temperatures and heat damage between 1980 and 2022 during two critical growth stages of rice, with the increasing rates of 6.4 and 4.1 percentage points per decade. Taking a decade-by-decade perspective, heat stress and damage were relatively light in the 1980s, with the total number of stations experiencing heat stress during the two growth phases being 16.3% and 7.8% of the total number of stations, respectively. However, the high-temperature and heat damage were more severe in the last 13 years, with a total number of stations experiencing heat damage accounting for 38.1% and 22.2% of the total stations. The year with the highest occurrence of high-temperature and heat damage during both growth stages was in 2022, with the total number of stations experiencing heat stress accounting for 51.6% and 37.6% of the total stations, respectively. The annual tendency rate during the heading and milking stage had inceased significantly in the southwestern region, mainly concentrated in the central and western parts of Chongqing, the eastern part of Guizhou, and the northeastern and southern parts of the Sichuan basin. Only a few stations showed a decreasing trend. The tendency rate during the ripening stage of rice increased significantly in most areas of the Sichuan basin and Chongqing. The spatial distribution of the number of days, frequency, and risk of high-temperature and heat damage during the two critical growth stages of rice were generally consistent, showing a high concentration in the northeast and a low concentration in the southwest. The high-risk areas of high-temperature and heat damage were mainly concentrated in the central and western parts of Chongqing, the northern part of Chongqing, the northeastern part of the Sichuan basin, and the central and southern parts of the basin. This study achieved a quantitative assessment of high temperature and heat damage, improved the fineness of spatial distribution, and provided more guidance for actual rice production.
    Predicting Potential Distribution of Suitable Regions for Guizhou Kam Sweet Rice Using the MaxEnt Model
    YANG Fan, YANG Sheng-hai, ZHENG Hua-bin, WANG Wei-qin, TANG Qi-yuan
    2024, 45(8):  872-881.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.08.006
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    Based on the actual distribution data of Guizhou kam sweet rice in field records and literature, the Maximum Entropy Model (MaxEnt) optimised by the Kuenm packet was used to study the suitable regions of Guizhou kam sweet rice and the dominant climatic factors affecting the distribution of kam sweet rice under the historical and future climate scenarios, which provides a reference basis for rational planning of distribution of kam sweet rice production in the context of climate change. The results showed that: (1) during the historical period of 1970-2000, the potential suitable region of kam sweet rice were mainly concentrated in the southeastern part of Qiandongnan prefecture, Guizhou province, and the highly suitable regions were distributed in Congjiang, Rongjiang, and Liping counties. (2) Compared with the historical period, the highly suitable region of kam sweet rice under the SSP126 climate scenario increases in region and moves to higher altitude in 2041−2060, and decreases in region and moves to higher latitude in 2081−2100, and increases in region and moves to higher latitude in 2041−2060, and decreases in region and moves to higher latitude in 2081−2100 under the SSP245 climate scenario. In the SSP585 climate scenario, the highly suitable region of kam sweet rice increases in region and moves to higher altitudes in 2081−2100. (3) Among the 19 climate impact factors, the min. temperature of the coldest month and the mean diurnal range difference are the main climate factors affecting the distribution of kam sweet rice, with contribution rates of 34.8% and 13.8%, respectively. Generally speaking, climate change will lead to the expansion of the highly suitable region of kam sweet rice in 2041−2060 and the reduction of the region in 2081−2100, so it is necessary to pay attention to the climate change, and rationally plan the production layout of kam sweet rice to ensure the food security.
    Relationship between Grain Dehydration and Meteorological Factors of Rapeseed Varieties at Different Maturity Period
    YI Rong, HUANG Chen-fang, HE Lu-yang, Gong Ruo-lin, Zhang Xing-yan, HU Ji-hong, DONG Jun-gang
    2024, 45(8):  882-893.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.08.007
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    In this study, the medium-early maturing varieties (‘HQY971’ and ‘QY1719’) and the medium-late maturing varieties (‘SY21’ and ‘SY28’) were used to analysis the effects of meteorological factors on the grain water content of rapeseed varieties at different maturity stages. The Logistic power model was used to fit the active accumulated temperature ( ≥ 0°C) and grain water content of four rapeseed varieties from pollination to harvest between 2019 and 2020. The results showed that: (1) the grain water content of the four rapeseed varieties showed a slow decline first and then a rapid decline at the pollination-harvest stage. The average grain water content of the medium-early maturing varieties at physiological maturity stage was higher than that of the medium-late maturing cultivars. The average grain water content at harvest stage decreased with the extension of growth period. Among them, the grain dehydration rate of the medium-early maturing variety 'HQY 971' was 9.66 percentage points·d−1, which was significantly different from the other three rapeseed varieties. (2) The trend water content fitting curves of medium-early maturing varieties and mid-late maturing varieties showed an "S" shaped change trend. Moreover, the meteorological water content of medium-early maturing varieties was greatly affected by meteorological factors, while the meteorological water content of mid-late maturing varieties was less affected by meteorological factors. (3) The dehydration of rapeseed varieties at different maturity stages was mainly affected by meteorological factors such as average temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature and accumulated temperature. The average temperature (−1.125) had an indirect effect on the meteorological water content of the mid-early maturing varieties, while the maximum temperature (−0.347), minimum temperature (−0.472) and accumulated temperature (−0.936) had a direct effect. For the mid-late maturing varieties, the average temperature (−0.847) was indirect, while the maximum temperature (−0.288), minimum temperature (−0.250) and accumulated temperature (−0.877) were direct effects. (4) The path analysis showed that the R2 of each factor to the determinants of meteorological water content was 0.8433 (mid-early maturing varieties) and 0.8130 (mid-late maturing varieties), respectively, which indicated that accumulated temperature had the greatest impact on the meteorological water content of rapeseed varieties at different maturity stages. The fitting results of all equations in the stepwise regression analysis reached the extremely significant level, indicating that the influence of meteorological factors on meteorological water content can be explained to a certain extent.

    Climatic Regionalization of Shushanggan Apricot in the Ili River Valley
    YI Rong, HUANG Chen-fang, HE Lu-yang, Gong Ruo-lin, Zhang Xing-yan, HU Ji-hong, DONG Jun-gang
    2024, 45(8):  894-902.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.08.008
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    Climatic suitability rationalization indicators based on meteorological data were collected from 20 national meteorological observation stations in and around the Ili River Valley from 1991 to 2020 to optimize agricultural planting structures, improve the utilization of climate resources, and effectively regionalize suitable planting areas for Shushanggan apricot in the Ili river valley. Additionally, the biological characteristics of the Shushanggan apricot and the key meteorological factors were influencd its growth and development. Subsequently, to develope a spatial distribution model for these climatic suitability indicators. By reclassifying and overlaying the four regionalization indicators, a comprehensive climate-appropriate regionalization for Shushanggan apricot was obtained cultivation in the Ili river valley. The analysis revealed that the cultivation of Shushanggan apricots in the Ili River Valley can be categorized into four distinct areas: most suitable, suitable, sub-suitable, and unsuitable. The most suitable planting areas are predominantly situated in the river valley plains and low mountainous regions, with altitudes ranging between 700 and 1200 m, particularly in the northern part of the Ili River Valley, the north segment of Wusun mountain, and the east segment of Xinyuan county. Sub-optimal planting areas are found in river valley plains and low mountainous regions, with altitudes below 700 m and between 1200 and 1500 m. Conversely, unsuitable planting areas are in mid-low mountainous regions above 1,500 m. These findings provide valuable insights for governmental bodies seeking to optimize agricultural cultivation structures in the Ili River Valley.
    Risk Zoning of Thermophilic Vegetables Cold and Freezing Injury in Greenhouse Based on Low Temperature Simulation
    HUANG Chuan-rong, CHEN Jia-jin, SUN Chao-feng, WU Li, WANG Jia-yi
    2024, 45(8):  903-912.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.08.009
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    In order to investigate the risk of low temperature freezing damage in winter for thermophilic vegetables in greenhouse in Fujian province, this study utilized the meteorological monitoring data from representative plastic greenhouses in Fuqing and Qingliu from December 2020 to February 2023, as well as assimilated land surface minimum temperature data during the same period. Regression models were developed for the minimum temperature inside the greenhouse under different weather conditions, such as sunny, cloudy, overcast and rainy. Based on data from the 66 meteorological stations in Fujian province from 1991 to 2020, daily minimum temperature inside greenhouse were inferred from December to February in previous years. Based on the low-temperature data inside the greenhouses, authors constructed a risk classification index system for freezing damage of thermophilic vegetables in greenhouses in Fujian. The weights of the indicators were determined by using the subjective-objective comprehensive weight method, and a risk assessment model for freezing damage was established to carry out the risk zoning of freezing damage in greenhouse for thermophilic vegetables in Fujian province. The results showed that: (1) the regression models for the minimum temperature in the greenhouse during winter under different weather conditions, including sunny, cloudy, overcast, and rainy, had R2 greater than 0.75, and the absolute errors of the model validation were 0.6°C, 1.4°C, 1.0°C, and 0.5°C, respectively. (2) The low-risk area for cold and freezing damage of thermophilic vegetables in greenhouse mainly distributed in the coastal counties and cities south of Fuzhou with elevations below 200m. The medium-risk area mainly concentrated in the coastal areas of the north and the inland areas of the south with elevations between 200m and 500m. The moderate-risk area was mainly distributed in the middle and high altitude mountainous areas with elevations between 500m and 1000m in the southern inland and the coastal areas with elevations between 200m and 500m in the north, basically surrounding the areas with severe freezing damage and extending to lower elevations. The high-risk area mainly distributed in the areas above 1000m in Wuyi mountains, Jiufeng mountains, Daiyun mountains, Boping ridge, and Daimao mountain, where significant losses occurred and were not suitable for greenhouse thermophilic vegetable cultivation.
    Analysis of Recurrence Period of Drought Events in Various Climatic Regions of Hunan Province Based on Standardized Precipitation Evapotranspiration Index
    XIAN Jian-chun, ZHOU Qing-yun, LV Ping-an, HAN Xin, JIANG Lei
    2024, 45(8):  913-923.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.08.010
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    The climatic conditions in Hunan province are complex and the probability of drought occurrence is high. To reveal the probability characteristics of drought events in various climatic regions of Hunan province (central Hunan, northeast Hunan, northwest Hunan, western Hunan, and southern Hunan), based on meteorological data from 97 meteorological stations in Hunan province during 1961−2020, standardized precipitation evapotranspiration index (SPEI) and Copula function were used to extract the duration and severity of drought events, and to study the co-occurrence recurrence periods of drought duration and severity were studied in each climatic region of Hunan province. The results showed that: (1) along the direction of southern Hunan, central Hunan, northeast Hunan, northwest Hunan, and western Hunan, the number of drought events in the climatic region was from more to less, and the value range of drought events duration and severity was from small to large. (2) When fitting the optimal marginal distribution function of drought duration and severity respectively, the number of stations fitted by GEV function exceeds 60%, and the fitting effect of the optimal marginal distribution function of drought severity was better than that of drought duration. When the joint function of drought duration and the optimal marginal distribution of severity was established, the Frank Copula function was applied to more than 50% of the sites. (3) Southern Hunan was prone to shorter duration and greater severity of drought events, while western Hunan, northwest Hunan, and some areas of northeast Hunan were prone to longer duration and greater severity of drought events. Central Hunan was not only prone to drought events with long duration and high severity but also to drought events with short duration and high severity in the southern part of central Hunan. There were differences in the probability characteristics of drought events in different climatic regions in Hunan province, and measures can be taken to reduce the harm of drought.
    Risk Analysis of Gale Disaster during Blueberry Mature Period in Liaodong Green Economic Zone
    DONG Hai-tao, SUN Qing, SHAN Lu-lu, MENG Xin, LI Ru-nan, FANG Yi-he
    2024, 45(8):  924-937.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.08.011
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    Based on the long-time series of wind observation data and blueberry growth period data of 9 national meteorological stations in Liaoning province during 1991−2020, the optimal machine learning model was selected to extend the maximum wind speed time series, using the maximum wind speed and disaster information data of the corresponding stations, considering the frequency and duration comprehensively, the meteorological index thresholds of disaster risk caused by wind of different grades during the ripening period of blueberries were determined, and the risk levels of mild, moderate and severe wind disaster were formulated, and the time-space distribution characteristics of blueberry gale-induced disaster risk were analyzed by the frequency of disasters and the ratio of stations. Based on the information diffusion theory, the risk probability of gale disaster is evaluated. The results show that the random forest model had higher simulation accuracy and could better extend the time series of extreme wind speed. The risk threshold of gale disaster in the mature period of blueberry with different maturity was maximum wind speed ≥13.9m·s−1, and different grades of gale disaster were further divided, and the verification results were more in line with the actual situation. There were differences in the trend of the climatic tendency rate of the average maximum wind speed in the study area. The early and middle maturity periods showed an upward trend, while the late maturity period showed a downward trend, and the risk of gale disaster also decreases. The change trend of the number of gale days in the mature period of blueberry with different maturity was not completely consistent. Among them, Kuandian and Benxi station kept the increasing trend unchanged, and Xiuyan, Qingyuan and Xifeng stations kept the decreasing trend unchanged. The high wind disaster risk index experienced by different maturity blueberry maturity was not much different, ranging from 14 to 17 days, but the high wind disaster risk index between stations was quite different. Among them, Xifeng station had the most days in each maturity period, ranging from 22 to 31 days, while Kuandian station had less days in each maturity period, ranging from 4 to 6 days. The exceeding probability of gale disaster risk in different blueberry varieties at maturity stage in the study area was 42.6%, 40.4% and 32.3% from high to low, respectively. The greater the probability, the higher the risk of gale disaster. In general, the northwest region of Liaodong Green Economic Zone was a high-risk area for gale-induced disasters, with a wide range of disasters, high frequency and heavy degree. The return period of gale-induced disaster risk was more than 3 years. Among them, Xifeng and Qingyuan stations had the highest probability of gale risk in each mature period, followed by Fushun station and Benxi station. The whole study area is more suitable for planting late-maturing varieties of blueberry, planting early-maturing varieties and medium-maturing varieties of blueberry area, need to do a good job of gale prevention measures.
    Report on Weather Impacts to Agricultural Production in Spring 2024
    WU Men-xin, ZHAO Yun-cheng, LI Yi-jun, HE Yan-bo, ZHANG Lei
    2024, 45(8):  938-941.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2024.08.012
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    The relationship between meteorological factors and agricultural production in China was analyzed using statistical methods based on daily national meteorological data in the spring of 2024. The results showed that the national average temperature in the spring (March-May) was 12.1°C, 1.4°C higher than the same period from 1961 to 2020 and the maximum value since 1961. The national average precipitation was 156.2mm, which was 18.9mm more than the same period from 1961 to 2020. The national average sunshine hours was 635.7h, 12.6h less than the same period from 1961 to 2020. In the northern winter wheat region, the sunshine hours, heat condition, and soil moisture content were suitable, and the meteorological conditions were generally favorable for the growth and production of winter wheat. In the most areas of the spring sowing areas in northern China, the water and heat conditions were favorable, which was suitable for crop sowing and seedling emergence. Spring sowing progress was faster than that in 2023 and the seedlings were growing well. The frequent rainy weather in the south led to waterlogging in some low-lying cropland, affected the growth and development of rapeseed and the early rice fields in some areas affected by heavy rainfall were flooded for a short time and the corn appeared to lodging. In southern Sichuan and central and eastern Yunnan, the precipitation had been less since last winter, and drought was heavier in some areas, which was unfavorable to the production of grain and oil crops in summer harvest and the growth of spring sown crops at the seedling stage.