中国农业气象 ›› 2022, Vol. 43 ›› Issue (02): 83-92.doi: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2022.02.001

• 农业生态环境栏目 •    下一篇



  1. 河南农业大学园艺学院,郑州 450002
  • 收稿日期:2021-05-15 出版日期:2022-02-20 发布日期:2022-01-15
  • 通讯作者: 朴凤植,教授,博士生导师,主要研究方向为园艺设施结构优化与环境调控、菜田土壤生态与环境管理技术,
  • 作者简介:于润才,
  • 基金资助:

A Test about Microclimate in Prefabricated Solar Greenhouse with Double Film and Double Insulation Structure Cover in Zhengzhou Region

YU Run-cai, DONG Xiao-xing, DU Nan-shan, GUO Zhi-xin, ZHANG Tao, PIAO Feng-zhi   

  1. Horticultural College, Henan Agricultural University, Zhengzhou 450002, China
  • Received:2021-05-15 Online:2022-02-20 Published:2022-01-15

摘要: 2020年11月1日-2021年2月28日,在河南郑州地区对冬春季双膜双被装配式日光温室内外温度、光照和湿度小气候进行测定,以探明其温光性能。在温室内外分别布置环境自动记录仪,每台记录仪均连接温湿度传感器和光照传感器,实现数据的自动监测与传输。结果表明:观测期内,温室内旬平均气温为11.4~21.4℃,旬平均最低气温为9.4~16.7℃;温室内0.1m深处旬平均土壤温度为15.4~22.9℃,旬平均最低土壤温度为15.0~22.1℃,温室内外最大气温差和土温差分别为17.0℃和15.6℃。全年最冷时段(1月上旬)温室外旬平均最低气温为−7.9℃,0.1m处土壤温度旬平均最低值为2.2℃,而此时段温室内旬平均最低气温和0.1m处土壤温度旬平均最低值分别达到9.9℃和15.8℃。11月−翌年2月,温室内光照度逐渐增大,晴天光照度在2000~22000lx,11月、12月、1月和2月晴天日平均透光率分别为42%、52%、49%和45%,12月透光率最高,不同月份透光率存在明显差异;阴天温室光照度在300~4000lx,各月阴天日平均透光率分别为34%、35%、36%和33%,透光率差异不明显。11月下旬−1月下旬,温室内夜间湿度为95.4%~99.0%,夜间叶片沾湿时长占比为89.1%~99.5%,温室内湿度大。观测结果说明双膜双被结构日光温室在黄淮地区冬春季具有较好的保温性能,有利于进行喜温果菜类的越冬生产,具有一定的推广应用价值,但是存在温室透光率偏低、光照弱等问题。

关键词: 装配式日光温室, 双膜双被结构, 温度, 光照, 湿度

Abstract: The prefabricated solar greenhouse has the tendency to replace the traditional greenhouse in the protected cultivation in China. The prefabricated solar greenhouse with double membrane and double insulation cover is one of them. But studies on microclimate of such greenhouses are lack. Therefore, the study of the microclimate in this kind of greenhouse is necessary, which can provide the basis for cultivation and management. The tested greenhouse is located in Zhengzhou, Henan province. Temperature, ground temperature at −0.1m(0.1m depth underground), relative humidity and illuminance were measured both inside and outside the tested greenhouse. There are three recorders in the greenhouse, one 10m from the east wall, one 50m from the east wall and one 10m from the west wall, and there is also a 10m away from the southern greenhouse. The test period was from Nov.1, 2020 to Feb.28, 2021. The results showed that the ten-day average air temperature was 11.4−21.4℃, and the ten-day average of daily minimum air temperature was 9.4−16.7℃ in the greenhouse. The ten-day average temperature of soil temperature at 0.1m depth was 15.4−22.9℃, and the ten-day average of daily minimum soil temperature at 0.1m depth was 15.7−21.1℃ in the greenhouse ,and the max air temperature and soil temperature difference between indoor and outdoor was 17.0℃ and 15.6℃. During the coldest January late of the test, the ten-day average of daily minimum air temperature and soil temperature at 0.1m depth was 7.9℃ and 2.2℃. Ten-day average of daily minimum air temperature and soil temperature at 0.1m depth greenhouse was 9.9℃ and 15.8℃. The illuminance in the greenhouse increased gradually in the whole period. The typical sunny days illumination changed between 2000−22000lx, and average light transmittance were 42%, 52%, 49% and 45% in the greenhouse. The light transmittance existed obvious differences between each month, which was highest in December. The typical cloudy days illumination change between 300−4000lx and average light transmittances were 34%, 35%, 36% and 33% in the greenhouse, when light transmittance was not obvious difference between each month. The relative humidity was relatively high and was close to 100% at night in the greenhouse. The relative humidity is 95.4%−99.0%, and the proportion of the duration of leaf condensation is 89.1%−99.5% at night from late-Nov. 2020 to late-Jan. 2021. Come to a conclusion, the prefabricated solar greenhouse with double film and double insulation structure cover has better thermal insulation performance, and it can be used for the basis for cultivation and management. But the illumination transmittance light is low.

Key words: Prefabricated solar greenhouse, Double film and double insulation structure cover structure, Temperature, Illumination, Humidity