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  1. 内蒙古民族大学农学院,内蒙古自治区通辽市环境保护监测站,中国农业科学院农业环境与可持续发展研究所,内蒙古准格尔旗气象局,内蒙古准格尔旗气象局 通辽028043
  • 出版日期:2008-04-10 发布日期:2008-04-10

Land Use Changes and its impacts on Ecosystem Service Values in Yilihe Watershed of Xinjiang Autonomous Region

BAO Gui-rong1,BAI Chang-shou2,GAO Qing-zhu3,LI Ying4,HAO Xiang-wei4(1.College of Agronomy,Inner Mongolia University for the Nationnalities,Tongliao 028043,China;2.Tongliao Environmental Monitoring Station of Inner Mongolia; 3.Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences;4.Meteorological Bureau of Zhungeer Banner)   

  • Online:2008-04-10 Published:2008-04-10

摘要: 在利用Landsat-TM影像数据得到伊犁河流域土地利用变化数据的基础上,采用景观生态学优势度和Costanza等人对全球生态系统服务价值的测算方法,评估了伊犁河流域土地利用变化引起的生态环境质量变化。研究结果表明:伊犁河流域内分布最多的是草地,草地是景观基质,广泛分布于流域内各种地貌类型;与1990年相比,2000年研究区水体、未利用地和林地面积减少,而城镇用地、耕地和草地面积增加,对生态环境有负面影响的耕地、未利用地和城镇用地的总优势度从33.4%增长至38.3%,负面影响有加重的趋势;总体上看,土地利用变化损害了伊犁河流域生态系统的生态服务功能,生态系统服务价值损失了4.4%,说明伊犁河流域的生态环境质量低,而且有恶化的趋势。

关键词: 伊犁河流域, 土地利用, 景观, 生态系统, 服务价值

Abstract: The land use changes of Yilihe watershed of Xinjiang Autonomous Region was obtained by analyzing Landsat-TM data,which was with two period digital images taken in 1990 and 2000 respectively.The dynamics of the ecological environment quality caused by land use changes were evaluated by using the dominance value of landscape ecology and Costanza's method for evaluation of the world's ecosystem service.The results indicated that grasslands were the main landscape type in plain and hilly land of Yilihe watershed.From 1990 to 2000,the areas o f the water body,unused land and forestland declined,while the areas of the urban land,farmland and grassland expanded.The total degree of the predominance for the arable,unused and urban land increased form 33.4% to 38.3%.The adverse impacts were aggravated.Generally,the ecosystem service values of Yilihe watershed diminished by the land use change in the past ten years.The loss of ecosystem service values was around 4.4%,equaling to 6.38 ×107 US$.

Key words: Yilihe watershed, Yilihe watershed, Land use change, Landscape, Ecosystem, Service value