Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology ›› 2010, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (S1): 16-19.

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Analysis of Climate Characteristics in Frost-free Period for the nearly 38 Years in Gaoqing County

JING Tao,ZHANG Jing,GUO Lei(Gaoqing County Meteorological Bureau,Gaoqing 256300,Shandong Province,China)   

  • Online:2010-12-20 Published:2010-12-20

Abstract: Based on ground meteorological observation data from 1972 to 2009 of gaoqing county,it analyzed the frosty climate characteristics and changes of Gaoqing county by using statistical methods to climate,calculating by Microsoft Excel.The results showed that for nearly 38 years the First Frost Date(FFD) in Gaoqing county appeared in October 5,the latest of FFD in November 12,the average in October 22,the Last Frost Date firstly in February 11,the latest of LFD in April 28 and the average in March 30,frost-free period was almost 205 days,the absolute change rate of frost-free period was higher than that of the FFD and LFD,and the absolute change rate of LFD was higher than that of FFD.frosty frequency of December was the highest,and January followed.In 1970s,first frost period was delayed,last frost period was brought forward,frost-free period became longer.From 1980s to 1990s,first frost period was brought forward,last frost period was postponed and frost-free period appeared the shortest period for nearly 38 years.After 2000,first frost period was postponed,last frosty earlier,frost-free period became the longest period.It showed that in 1970s Gaoqing county staged in a relatively warm climate period,while from 1980s to 1990s,in a relatively cold period and from the beginning of 2000 climate tended warmer and warmer evidently.

Key words: Frost season, Climatic characteristics and change, Gaoqing county