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    20 December 2010, Volume 31 Issue S1
    Study on Spatial Pattern of Climatic Resources in North China
    YANG Jian-ying,MEI Xu-rong,YAN Chang-rong,LIU Qiu(Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture/Key Laboratory of Dryland Agriculture,MOA,Beijing 100081,China)
    2010, 31(S1):  1-5. 
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    Based on data of the Chinese Meteorological Administration(CMA) from 1961 to 2008,the geographical coordinates of 155 meteorological stations and the global digital elevation map(GTOPO30,DEM),the author analyzed the spatial pattern of averagely annual sunlight and temperature,accumulated temperature over 10℃,annual precipitation and the precipitation of the four seasons in North China and obtained the climate resources pattern map.The results showed that the annual sunshine time was higher in northern than southern.The pattern of annual average temperature and accumulated temperature over 10℃ were that south was higher than the north and the east was higher than west.The tendency of the precipitation overall pattern from the north to the south was on the increase.The precipitation of the four seasons was unusual non-uniform and mainly concentrates in the summer.Generally speaking,heat resource and precipitation in the southern region was rich.While the light resource was relatively short.Light and heat resources in the northern region of North China were adequate,but the precipitation was the key limiting factor.
    Aanalysis of Climate Variability in Liaocheng for Last 50 Years
    LI You-jun,YANG Shi-en,ZHAO Chun-fang,WANG De-jin,SUN Rui-ying(Liaocheng Meteorological Bureau,Liaocheng 252060,Shandong Province,China)
    2010, 31(S1):  6-9. 
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    Based on the data of temperature and precipitation of Liaocheng regional representative stations from 1959 to 2008,the climatic change of Liaocheng was analyzed.It showed that the temperature for the last 50 years had appeared increasing(0.07℃/10 years),especially in 1990s.The warming trend in spring was more than that in other seasons.For this reason,the climate of Liaocheng region could be divided into one cold period and two warm periods.Furthermore,the precipitation in Liaocheng region for the last 50 years decreased(-25.22mm/10 years),and the precipitation in 2002 was the smallest.The precipitation in summer,autumn and winter decreased.With the change of precipitation,it divided three pluvial periods and three dry periods.
    Multiple Time Scale Analysis of Water Resources in Erhai Lake Basin in Recent 59 Years
    LI Wen-Juan1,YAN Chang-Rong2,LIU En-ke2,PENG Zheng-ping1,LIU Qin2(1.College of Resources and Environmental Sciences,Agricultural University of Hebei,Baoding 071001,China;2.Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture,CAAS/Key Laboratory of Dryland Agriculture,MOA,Beijing 100081)
    2010, 31(S1):  10-15. 
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    Climate change is acknowledged as one of the most critical problem that human being has ever been faced,which has a complex impact on water resource.With the overwhelming emphasis on developing the time series variation characteristics of water resource,based on the meteorological data of meteorological administration from 1951 to 2009,this paper estimated potential evapotranspiration(E) and difference of precipitation and evaporation(W) by the Penman-Monteith model of Food and Agriculture Organization(FAO) nominated in 1998 and analyzed evolution characteristics of precipitation(P),E and W in Erhai Lake Basin.The result showed that annual precipitation varied in different decades with a decreased and then increased trend in the recent 59 years.Meanwhile,annual spring precipitation varied in different years with an increased trend,with a linear trend value of 13.6 mm per 10 years.Annual summer precipitation had a same trend in different decades.Moreover,autumn precipitation had a "less-more-less" trend in general.The result of Mann-Kendall analysis indicated that the mainly two time point mutation were 1995 and 2005,in which year annual precipitation showed a mutation from less to more in Erhai Lake Basin.Meanwhile,spring,summer and winter precipitation showed a remarkable mutation,not as in autumn.The result also showed that annual and autumn evaporation varied in different years with a decreased trend in the recent 59 years,with a linear trend value of 6.8 mm per 10 years and 3.0 mm per 10 years respectively.In addition,the evaporation of three other seasons had a fluctuation change and varied with a significant decreased trend in last several years.The evaporation of Mann-Kendall analysis indicated that the mutation occurred in different years and that the period of less evaporation continued in last several years.The seasonal distribution of precipitation,and available water resources was not in accordance with the monthly distribution.Simultaneously,the seasonal distribution of evaporation showed an approximate parabola with a max value in May.The risks of the future droughts for spring,autumn and winter in this region still existed,which will restrict the development of garlic for winter and corn in slop land.
    Analysis of Climate Characteristics in Frost-free Period for the nearly 38 Years in Gaoqing County
    JING Tao,ZHANG Jing,GUO Lei(Gaoqing County Meteorological Bureau,Gaoqing 256300,Shandong Province,China)
    2010, 31(S1):  16-19. 
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    Based on ground meteorological observation data from 1972 to 2009 of gaoqing county,it analyzed the frosty climate characteristics and changes of Gaoqing county by using statistical methods to climate,calculating by Microsoft Excel.The results showed that for nearly 38 years the First Frost Date(FFD) in Gaoqing county appeared in October 5,the latest of FFD in November 12,the average in October 22,the Last Frost Date firstly in February 11,the latest of LFD in April 28 and the average in March 30,frost-free period was almost 205 days,the absolute change rate of frost-free period was higher than that of the FFD and LFD,and the absolute change rate of LFD was higher than that of FFD.frosty frequency of December was the highest,and January followed.In 1970s,first frost period was delayed,last frost period was brought forward,frost-free period became longer.From 1980s to 1990s,first frost period was brought forward,last frost period was postponed and frost-free period appeared the shortest period for nearly 38 years.After 2000,first frost period was postponed,last frosty earlier,frost-free period became the longest period.It showed that in 1970s Gaoqing county staged in a relatively warm climate period,while from 1980s to 1990s,in a relatively cold period and from the beginning of 2000 climate tended warmer and warmer evidently.
    Effects of Tillage and Grass Intercropping on Soil Respiration in Citrus Reticulate Orchard
    WANG Yi-xiang1,2,WU Zhi-dan3,WENG Bo-qi2,XING Shi-he1,HUANG Yi-bin2(1.College of Life Sciences,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002,China;2.Institute of Agriculture Ecology,Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Fuzhou 350013;3.Tea Researeh Institute,Fujian Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Fuzhou 350013)
    2010, 31(S1):  20-22. 
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    The soil respiration under the conditions of tillage and grass intercropping in Citrus reticulate Orchard in Fuzhou were measured continuously with LI-8100 automated soil CO2 flux system on October,2007.It could provide some references for researching agricultural greenhouse.The results showed that tillage significantly made soil respiration rate increase in citrus orchard ecosystem.Soil respiration increased by 49.0% in the field experiment.Although soil respiration increased by 26.24% by intercropping grass in orchard,but carbon storage of the ecosystem also increased by 3400.0kg·ha-1.
    Impact of Climate Change on Shandong Agricultural Production and the Adaption Countermeasure
    XU Yu1,JIANG Li-hua1,ZHANG Jian-jun2,LIN Hai-tao,SONG Xiao-zong1,LIU Zhao-hui1(1.Institute of Soil and Fertilizer,Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Jinan 250100,China;2.Plant Protection Station,Jinan Agriculture Bureau,Jinan 250021)
    2010, 31(S1):  23-26. 
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    Agriculture system is the main fragile ecosystems for climate change.And the agricultural production had been more influenced by climate warming.Under the background of global warming,the temperature of Shandong province had increased continuously.There was a similar tendency of climate change between Shandong province and global,but the climate change in Shandong province had an obvious region characteristic.Based on the climate date of recently 50 years(from 1961 to 2008),the characteristic and impacts of climate change on the agricultural production of Shandong province were introduced,and the practices for adaption to climate change were also put forward to the disaster prevention and sustainable development of Shandong agriculture.
    Analysis of Variation Characteristics of Air Temperature and Precipitation in Sichuan Basin in Recent Half Century
    CHEN Chao1,2,PANG Yan-mei3,PAN Xue-biao2(1.Institute of Plateau Meteorology,China Meteorological Administration,Chengdu 610071,China;2.College of Resources and Environment,CAU,Beijing 100193;3.Beijing Mentougou Meteorological Administration,Beijing 102300)
    2010, 31(S1):  27-31. 
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    In order to understand the law of climate change and its evolution trend in Sichuan basin under global warming,the change of the air temperature and precipitation during the recent half century in Sichuan basin had been analyzed based on monthly mean,maximum,minimum air temperature and monthly mean precipitation data of the 22 weather stations in Sichuan basin from 1961 to 2007.The main findings were summarized as follows: annual mean air temperature of Sichuan basin was on the rise during recent 50 years,but warming rate was significantly lower than the national average level.The more warmer years were mostly after 1990's,the more colder years were mostly before the mid-1990's,especially in 1980's.Temperature rising rate of autumn and winter were higher than that of spring and summer,meanwhile that of night was higher than that of daytime.Simultaneously,the precipitation totally presented a decreasing tendency in Sichuan basin.There were drought years in 1970's and after 1990's.The rainy years were mostly in 1960's and 1980's.Precipitation in other seasons showed a decreasing tendency except winter,and the most obvious reduction happened in autumn.
    Diagnostic Analysis of Temperature Mutation during the Recent 50 Years in Datong Region
    YANG Shu-hua,LIANG Jin-qiu,LI La-ping,JIA Li-fang,WANG Li-li(Meterological Bureau of Datong City,Datong 037004,China)
    2010, 31(S1):  32-34. 
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    Using linear regression equation of estimation temperature change trend and gliding T test method,the detailed analysis was carried out in terms of mean annual and seasonal maximum and minimum temperature series of urban district(1955-2004),Tianzhen(1958-2004) and Lingqiu(1960-2004).The results indicated that the temperature of Datong had gradually increased.There was one abrupt warming in urban district,Tianzhen and Lingqiu.Urban district and Tianzhen abrupt warming were in 1990s to today and Lingqiu abrupt warming was in 1980s to today.The warming of three places obviously happened in winter.For the full year,the warming of urban district's daytime and nighttime were all but equal.Lingqiu warming mainly occurred in nighttime,Tianzhen warming mainly happened in daytime.There was very important significance for studying temperature change characteristics of Datong
    Research on the Accumulated Temperature ≥10℃ and the Rainfall Change during 45 Years in Xinjiang
    LI Lan1,DU Jun2,SONG Yu-ling3,LI Yuan-peng1(1.Xinjiang Climatic Center,Urumqi 830002,China;2.Xinjiang Lightning-proof Center,Urumqi 830002;3.The Seventh Agricultural Division Meteorological Bureau,Kuitun 833200)
    2010, 31(S1):  35-39. 
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    Based on the observation data from 86 meteorological observation station from 1961-2995,it analyzed the day-average accumulated temperature stabilized ≥10℃ in Xinjiang,the space and annual variety during this time,the number of days between initial and final and the difference between 1961-1986 and 1987-2005.The results showed that the variety of day-average accumulated temperature stabilized≥10℃ was difference,the amplitude was higher in the north of Xinjiang than south,the trend of rainfall was increased during this period which accumulated temperature stabilized ≥10℃,and the mountainous area more than plain,the north was more than the south,the west was more than east.It was disordered in the day of the difference between 1961-1986 and 1987-2005 and the difference of accumulated temperature,there were 51% and 59% stations increased in the south of Xinjiang.The rainfall increased distinctly during the period of the accumulated temperature ≥10℃,and the amplitude more than 50% in the south was observably higher than the north.
    Characteristic of Climate Change and its Impact on Liaocheng Agricultural Production and the Adaption Countermeasure
    ZHANG Rong-xia1,SUI Yan2,YANG Xiu-hua1,ZHANG Yin3(1.Liaocheng Meteorological Office,Liaocheng 252060,Shandong Province,China;2.Shandong Meteorological Science and Technology Service Center,Jinan 250031;3.Dong'e Meteorological Office,Dong'e 252000,Shandong Province)
    2010, 31(S1):  40-42. 
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    Through analyzing the meteorological data in recent fifty years of LiaoCheng station,the result showed that there was some changes of climate.Firstly,the annual average temperature increased gradually and especially in winter,it appeared 14 warm winters from 1989 to 2008.Secondly,the precipitation was decreased obviously and it was reduced 26.3mm average per 10 years.Thirdly,the annual average sunshine duration was cut down,especially in summer.Fourthly,the extreme climatic events were raised highly.Since 1990s,the urban high temperature and the rainstorm days increased gradually,the drought and waterlogging damage occurred in turn seriously.It was predicted that the climate warming tendency would intensify further in future and the temperature would rise,the precipitation was going to increase,the extremely highest temperature and lowest temperature would rise constantly.However,the extreme weather climate event occurring frequently would do great effects on agricultural production.Finally,the climate change brought both benefit and disadvantage to agricultural production.This article tried to find a way to figure out how to deal with climate change,how to utilize climatic resources utter mostly,and then to make a adjustment to planting.
    Study on the Characteristics of the Tourist Source Market and Spatial Structure
    TIAN Zhi-hui,LIU Xue-nan(Department of Forestry,Beijing University of Agricultural,Beijing 102206,China)
    2010, 31(S1):  43-47. 
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    Agricultural sightseeing garden is a new industry with a combination of modern agriculture and tourism.With the economic development,holidays increased and the improvement of traffic conditions,more people were encouraged away from the city into the countryside.They enjoyed the natural scenery and rural landscapes,participatory experience in agriculture.On this background,a discussion was made about the characteristics of the tourist source market,for example with the Beijing Chaolai agronomic park.It would provide scientific basis for the construction and tourism products and marketing organizations to the Beijing Chaolai agronomic park.This paper adopted the questionnaire investigation to analyze the situation of the tourist source market about the Beijing Chaolai agronomic park.The results showed that the main tourist source market was middle-aged population,the highly educated people accounted for a major proportion of tourists,the staff and students were major of the tourist source,the major of the tourists came from Chaoyang and Haidian district,the most of the tourists were self-driving.The goals of traveling were very different for different ages of population.To select information ways were different for the different vocational.The sightseeing times of the higher income tourists were far more than the lower income tourists.According the result,a proposal was presented for the development planning of chaolai agronomic park.
    Effects of Crop Growth on Radiation on Ground in Greenhouse
    LIU Hong1,GUO Wen-li1,SUN Zhong-fu2,GAO Yan-hu1,QUAN Wei-jun1(1.Beijing Climate Center,Beijing 100089,China;2.Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture,CAAS,Beijing 100081)
    2010, 31(S1):  48-52. 
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    Based on radiation simulation model and crop growth model,the author analyzed effects of leaf area index dynamics on ground radiation of typical solar greenhouses in Beijing area.And the simulated radiation and the actual radiation were analyzed and compared,it showed that when leaf area index was more than 3.5,90 percent of radiation was absorbed and reflected.The mean absolute difference between the simulated radiation and the actual radiation was 22.17W·m-2,and the relative coefficient was 0.92.The crop growth model and radiation model had a good performance in inflecting radiation on ground in greenhouse.
    Effect of the Fertilization Model of N Controlling and P Saving on Nutrient Uptake and Rice Yield
    XU Chang-xu1,PENG Chun-rui1,YE Zong-guo2,CHEN Xian-mao1,LIU Wei-dong2,SU Quan-ping1(1.Soil & Fertilizer and Resource & Environment Institute,Jiangxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Nanchang 330200,China;2.Lushan Agricultural Bureau of Jiangxi Province,Jiujiang 332005)
    2010, 31(S1):  53-56. 
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    Poyang lake region,a main rice-production area of Jiangxi province,is mainly a double cropping rice region.On the basis of current recommended fertilization in single season which N∶P2O5∶ K2O is 180∶90∶150 kg/ha,an experiment of N-controlling and P-saving fertilization model which was mineral fertilizer combined with pig manure,increasing N and K fertilizer before heading date and applicating fertilizer synergist was carried out.The results showed that in the condition of equal nutrient,compared with 100% F treatment,the total double cropping rice yield of 80% F and pig manure increased 93 kg/ha,increased by 0.74%.In the condition of decreasing 20% fetilizer,increasing N and K fertilizer or adding fertilizer synergist at the heading date,the early rice yield increased to some extent,and the late rice yield decreased to some extent,but the total both early and late rice yield did not change.Then the efficiency of nutrient was significantly increased by controlling N and saving P fertilizer.
    Study on Livestock and Poultry Pollution and Waste Cyclic Utilization in West-bank Economic Region
    YE Jing,LI Feng,ZHU Chang-xiong(Institute of Environment and Sustainable Development in Agriculture,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China)
    2010, 31(S1):  57-60. 
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    With the development of agriculture,husbandry was more serious than domestic living and industrial pollution and became a constraint to sustainable development in west-bank economic region.The overview of aquaculture and the current situation of livestock and poultry pollution of west-bank economic region were introduced.Live waste control and waste recycling research technology were summarized.And a reference was provided for improving the environment situation.
    Present Situation Analysis and Prevention and Cure Countermeasures on Agricultural Non-point Source Pollution in Shandong Province
    XU Yu,LIU Zhao-hui,JIANG Li-hua,GAO Xin-hao,TAN De-shui,LIN Hai-tao,SONG Xiao-zong(Institute of Soil and Fertilizer,Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Jinan 250100,China)
    2010, 31(S1):  61-65. 
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    Shandong is a large population province,and also a major agricultural province in China.For the food security,the agriculture of Shandong developed fast in recent years.However,the input of fertilizer,pesticide and other agricultural material was very large,but the ratio of utilization was relative lower.The livestock and poultry breeding industry developed rapidly,but the treatment facilities for animal manure were seriously lack.The rural urbanization developed rapidly and relative lower ratio of domestic waste and sewage treatment,and so on.All of above reasons made the problem of agricultural non-point source pollution in Shandong became more and more serious.Based on the researches and investigations,the present situation and causing reason of Shandong province agricultural non-point source pollution were summarized and analyzed.Some prevention and cure countermeasures were put forward to the sustainable development of Shandong province for reference.
    Research on the Method of Calculating Penetration Depth during a Rainfall Event
    YE Lin-mao,XUE Chang-ying,YANG Hai-ying,CHEN Zhong-min(Henan Institute of Meteorological Science /Key Laboratory of Agrometeorological Safeguard and Applied Technique,CMA,Zhengzhou 450003,China)
    2010, 31(S1):  66-69. 
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    Atmospheric precipitation flows into catchment soil surface after the interception of vegetations,and would be distributed and transformed at the atmosphere-soil interface.Some of them infiltrate into soil,some of them would be evaporated at soil surface and the other would flow together along the slope to form surface runoff.For a rainfall event that is usually short,water vapor content is close to saturation at ground surface;therefore evaporation at soil surface could be neglected.In this paper,observation data on rainfall infiltration of 118 stations on 7-9 Feb,2009 in Henan Province were analyzed.Soil water content before and after rainfall was measured respectively,and the changes of soil water content in soil layers were determined.Then,the depth of rainfall infiltration was derived according to the changes of soil water content.By the two series of rainfall and infiltration depth data,the relationships between them were established.And the relationships were used to calculate infiltrated water volume in the research area.In addition,infiltration process and depth were also analyzed.Results could provide scientific basis for the analysis of wet soil depth,agricultural production,and prediction of flood control and drought relief.
    Countermeasures for Unfavorable Factors in Development of Greenhouse in Jiexiu
    ZHAO Hai-ying1,LIANG Yun-xiang2,HUANG Lei1,LI Xi-ling1,QU Yi-feng3,LIU Zhi-hong4,ZHANG Yong-hong1(1.Jiexiu Meteorological Bureau of Shanxi Province,Jiexiu 032000,China;2.Yuci Meteorological Bureau of Shanxi Province,Yuci 030600;3.Jinzhong Meteorological Bureau of Shanxi Province,Yuci 030600;4.Xiaodian Meteorological Bureau of Taiyuan,Xiaodian 030032)
    2010, 31(S1):  70-72. 
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    According to the same basin of Taiyuan,it compared the situation in greenhouse production and development in Taigu county and Jiexiu city in 2008.It found that the the development of greenhouse of Jiexiu city which more economically was obviously lagging behind Taigu.This article analyzed the reasons for the slow development of greenhouse in Jiexiu city through many ways.Based on the sunshine data of Jiexiu and Taigu from 2001 to 2008,it analyzed spatial and temporal distribution and inter-annual changes for sunshine hours in Jiexiu city and Taigu county by using statistical tables and charts.It showed that relatively few hours of sunshine in Jiexiu city was an important negative factor for the slow development of greenhouse production.With the principal contradiction that reduced the number of sunshine hours,it proposed energy-saving emission reduction,transferred the production bases,improved the canopy lighting,made up for lack of sunlight to actively promote the scale of the development of greenhouse in Jiexiu.It had a certain reference value to arrange rational distribution of greenhouse production base of Jiexiu city,and improve production efficiency.
    Study on Reasonable Soil Moisture Indexes of Growth and Development for Winter Wheat
    FANG Wen-song1,2,LIU Rong-hua1,2,DENG Tian-hong1,3(1.Key Laboratory of Agrometeorological Ensuring and Applied Technique,CMA,Zhengzhou 450003,China;2.Henan Institute of Meteorological Science,Zhengzhou 450003;3.Henan Meteorological Bureau,Zhengzhou 450003)
    2010, 31(S1):  73-76. 
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    Effect of soil moisture on crop growth and yield were performed on the variation of crop growth conditions and biomass growth.In order to achieve soil moisture indexes for normal growing wheat during its different growth/development phases,field experimental data of Zhengzhou test site of Henan Institute of Meteorological Science from 1994 to 1996 and 1997 to 1998 were used in this paper.Statistical analyses were carried out between observed information of growth condition as well as biomass increase in current stage and soil moisture conditions in previous stage,then the relationships between soil moisture,yield components and yield were established.By using mathematical methods,appropriate soil moisture indexes were determined which aimed at relative better growth and higher yield respectively.The results would provide basis for establishing dynamic evaluation models on evaluating drought risk of winter wheat.
    Climatic Change Characteristic and its lmpact during Rice Growth Stage in Chaozhou
    DING Li-jia,TANG Kai,YANG Qun-na,CHEN Dan-fang(Chaozhou City Meteorological Bureau,Chaozhou 521011,China)
    2010, 31(S1):  77-80. 
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    The climate change characters on growth stage of rice in Chaozhou was found by analyzing the basic meteorological condition,such as temperature,precipitation,sunshine and disastrous weather such as low temperature overcast and rainy day,cold dew wind,dragon boat weater,high temperature,typhoon and rainstorm in nearly 52 years.It was found that the climate became warming obviously since the 1980s,and times of low temperature overcast and rainy days in spring and clod dew wind weather was reduced and disastrous weather such as dragon boat water,rainstorm was increased obviously.The climatic change affected the Chaozhou rice growth and yield formation seriously.Based on this,the countermeasures were proposed to adapting to the climatic change.
    Impact of Climatic Change on Growth of Wheat in the Irrigation District of Qaidam Oasis
    WANG Li,LI Feng-xia,XU Wei-xin,XIAO Hong-bin,SU Wen-jiang,ZHOU Wan-fu(Meteorological Institute of Qinghai Province/Key Laboratory for Preventing and Mitigating Disaster of Qinghai Province,Xining 810001,China)
    2010, 31(S1):  81-83. 
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    Based on the data of daily mean temperature and wheat growth and development period from 1980 to 2007 in three weather stations of Qaidam Basin,which were Golmud,Delingha and Nuomuhong weather stations,it analyzed the impacts of climate change on wheat growth in irrigation district of Qaidam basin.The results indicated that: 1) the first day when the average daily temperature above 0℃ and 10 ℃ steadily shifted earlier and the last day became later from 1980 to 2007 and the wheat growing period became longer.2) In the three weather stations,sowing date of wheat was postponed,while harvest date got earlier,wheat obtained a shorting growing and development time.3) As there were much heat resources in Nuomuhong,some vegetables with shorter growing time could be planted after wheat harvested.
    Research on Climatic Potential Productivity of Early Rice in Jiangxi Province under the Background of Climatic Change
    GU Xiao-qing1,LI Mei-hua2,CAI Zhe1,YIN Jian-min3(1.Meteorological Science Institute of Jiangxi Province,Nanchang 330046,China;2.Fuzhou Meteorological Bureau,Fuzhou 344000;3.Climate Center of Jiangxi Province,Nanchang 330046)
    2010, 31(S1):  84-89. 
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    Based on the day-to-day meteorological elements from 85 meteorological stations from 1971 to 2000 in Jiangxi province,it constructed a computing model of climatic potential productivity according to the three class productive potential with photosynthesis,photosynthesis-temperature and climate in order to scientifically assess the influence on early rice production by climatic change.The author took the photosynthesis potential productivity,temperature suitability and moisture suitability as basic assessment factors,calculated the values of photosynthesis,photosynthesis-temperature,and climate,quantitative assessed the influenced on early rice production by climatic change,and analyzed its spatial and temporal distribution.The result indicated: 1) In Jiangxi province,the photosynthesis potential productivity and the moisture condition was showed downtrend,the photosynthesis-temperature potential productivity had the tendency of increasing of early rice from 1971 to 2000,which resulted in the climatic potential productivity of early rice was on the decline totally;2) To the climatic potential productivity of early rice,the Poyang Lake area of north part,the middle part and the middle area of south part were belonged to high value areas,the northeast part and midwest part belonged to relatively low value areas;3)In general,the heat condition of whole province was better,the photosynthesis-temperature potential productivity was more then 76 percent of the photosynthesis potential productivity in different areas,so the improvement of heat condition was good for the production of early rice;4) The instability of climatic potential productivity of early rice was comparatively large in Jiangxi province,the south part had the best climatic stability,and the average climatic potential productivity was the largest in Poyang Lake area.Finally,according to the changing characteristic of climatic productive condition of early rice,the paper put forward some suggestions that how to adapt to climatic change and assure the steady growth of early rice production.
    Impact of Climate Change on Population Carrying Capacity of the Agro Pastoral Zone in Northern China
    WANG Fang1,PAN Xue-biao1,2(1.College of Resources and Environmental Science,China Agricultural University,Beijing 100193,China;2.Key Laboratory of Ecology and Environment Observation of Huhhot,Wuchuan 011700)
    2010, 31(S1):  90-93. 
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    Based on the climate data of the agro pastoral zone in northern China,it selected five towns in the zone and analyzed the impact of the climate change and the variation of the primary climatic productivity from1956 to 2005,then analyzed the impact of the climate change on the Population Carrying Capacity.It showed that the temperature of agro pastoral zone was increasing yearly and the rainfall was decreasing,that was,the climate of the zone was getting dryer and hotter.Taking TongLiao of Inner Mongolia as an example and analyzed the variation of the Population Carrying Capacity from 1976 to 2005,it showed that the crop productivity was increasing proportional to the temperature and decreasing to the rainfall.The average annual temperature of TongLiao was increasing yearly,and the crop's productivity was increasing too.But the water was the key factor to the growth of crop,so the climate productivity would increase when the water was enough.The crop productivity would affect the yield and the population carrying capacity,so the study on the climate change in agro pastoral zone was very important.
    Meteorological Genetic Analysis of High Empty Husks Rate in Double-Cropping Early Rice in the Area of Dongting Lake
    ZHONG Rong-hua1,YANG Le-qing1,LIU Dian-ying1,ZHANG Nan-hai1,JIANG Zhi-guang2(1.Meterological Burea of Yiyang,Yiyang 413000,Hunan,China;2.Meterological Burea of Xiangyin,Xiangyin 410500)
    2010, 31(S1):  94-96. 
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    The main growth period of double cropping early-rice in 2009 experienced a rule of "two low and one high",through analyzing the observed data obtaining from 8 automatic weather stations.In other words,the double cropping follows three steps: planting seedling stage in spring with low-temperature,booting stage in May with low-temperature and heading and flowering stage with condition of high temperature.The phenomenon above leaded to a higher percentage of empty husks in double-cropping early rice in Dongting Lake area in 2009.Through analyzing the real data series of that time,it observed that the early rice which appeared high empty husks rate were premature and special early-maturing plants.This paper would make deeply influence in the field of improving farming systems and using local meteorological resource enough.
    Anaysis on Meteorological Condition of Introduction for Winter Wheat in Jiexiu
    LU Chun-hua1,HU Cheng-xin1,ZHAO Hai-ying1,ZHENG Wen-qing2,LI Ji-ping3,HAO Wei-min1(1.Jiexiu Meteorological Bureau of Shanxi Province,Jiexiu 032000,China;2.Taiyuan Meteorological Bureau of Shanxi Province,Xiaodian 030032;3.Huozhou Meteorological Bureau of Shanxi Province,Huozhou 031400)
    2010, 31(S1):  97-99. 
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    Through the analysis on ecotypes of winter wheat varieties and comparison with annual precipitation,sunshine hours,annual average temperature,annual mean maximum and minimum temperature,annual average wind speed in Fenyang,Xiaoyi areas,it received the conclusions that the climate of these areas was very similar to Jiexiu region.After studied the climatic characteristics during the period of wheat growth and development in Beijing,it ascertained that introducing winter wheat varieties using climatic similar principle from Beijing was the best choice to Jiexiu.It was great significance to increase the wheat production through solving the problem for blind introduction of winter wheat in Jiexiu.
    Analysis of Climatic Conditions on Cherry Planting in Lianyungang City
    REN Shu-xia1,ZHANG Xu-hui2,ZHANG Yin-yi1,FAN Ye3,QI Xin1,WANG Bo-sheng4(1.Lianyungang Meteorological Bureau,Lianyungang 222006,China;2.Jiangsu Meteorological Bureau,Nanjing 210008;3.Ganyu Meteorological Bureau,Ganyu 222100;4.Donghai Meteorological Bureau,Donghai 222300)
    2010, 31(S1):  100-103. 
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    Based on the meteorological observation data from 1971 to 2008,climate effect on the growth of cherry was investigated in this paper,considering the growth and development conditions in Lianyungang.The main characteristics and occurrence of meteorological disasters which influence the growth of cherry were the main focus in this research.It showed that the climatic conditions in Lianyungang were suitable for the growth of large cherry especially from April to June,which was the fruit maturity period with high temperature,few rainwater,sufficient illumination and huge temperature difference between day and night.All these conditions above ensured the quality of the fruit.However,the fruit was easy to suffer from the spring frost,drought,heat,hail and other disasters.With the expansion of the greenhouse effect,the spring frost in Lianyungang City had the tendency that ends earlier and damages less,while the last frost date may still occur later.The greenhouse effect also brought the growth period of crop generally ahead of schedule.After sprouting,the cherry's ability of cold resistance became weak,so later the cherry encountered the frost,the larger the damage would be.Hail mainly occurred from April to August,especially from May to June the hail occurred mostly,which was the period for the cherry grows from blossom to ripened fruit.As a result,the hail can easily cause yield losses.Moreover,in Lianyungang,the drought was prone to happen from March to April,as well as early June to mid-July,which may influence the flower budding of large cherry.The summer rainstorm was also one of the meteorological disasters which reduce the production of large cherry.
    Analysis of Weather Types Affecting the Picking Time of Biluochun Tea
    KUAI Zhi-min1,CHENG Jia1,WANG Jian-geng2,WANG Jun1,ZHANG Xu-hui3,ZHANG Xia-qin1(1.Meteorological Bureau of Wuzhong County,Suzhou 215812,China;2.Meteorological Bureau of Wujiang County, Wujiang 215812;3.Meteorological Bureau of Jiangsu Province,Nanjing 210008)
    2010, 31(S1):  104-106. 
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    The effects of weather types on the picking time and quality of Biluochun tea was obviously difference.Based on observed meteorological data from February to April in 1999-2008 and the holistic production investigation data of Dongting Biluochun tea in Wuzhong County,it analyzed that the key meteorological factors effecting on the picking time and quality of Biluochun tea were the temperature and precipitation by statistic analysis method.It showed that the adverse weather conditions include two types: one was the early lower temperature and later higher temperature than the normal year,the other was the unusually cold spell after warmer period in early spring and the favorable weather type was warm spring with alternate rain and sunshine.The results could provide a relatively scientific basis for specialized meteorological service to local Biluochun tea production in the future.
    Decision Support System for Agro-climatic Resources of Guizhou Based on Component GIS
    WU Zhan-ping 1,2,YU Fei 1,2,GU Xiao-ping 1,2,YUAN Shu-jie3(1.Guizhou Key Laboratory of Mountainous Climate and Resource,Guiyang 550002,China;2.Guizhou Institute of Mountainous Environment and Climate,Guiyang 550002;3.Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Meteorological Disaster,Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology,Nanjing 210044)
    2010, 31(S1):  107-111. 
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    With the development of the agro-climatic resources science,more and more models of the agro-climatic resources were founded.In order to connect the professional model with the universal GIS and actualize the application and the decision support,the agro-climatic resources Decision Support System in Guizhou based on the secondary development of the component GIS and the database technology was founded.The management about the GIS data and the climate data was realized in the system by utilizing the GIS and the professional climate resources distributed model synthetically.It was utilized for research of the distributed model of agro-climatic resources in Guizhou and the argumentation of feasibility specifically.
    Design and Application of Drought-Monitoring System Based on WebGIS for Hubei Province
    HUANG Yong-xue1,2,LIU An-guo2,YANG Jing1,YANG Wen-gang1,HU You-lin1,WANG Han1(1.Wuhan Meteorological Bureau,Wuhan 430040,China;2.Huazhong Agricultural University,Wuhan 430070)
    2010, 31(S1):  112-116. 
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    In order to effectively monitor drought information in Hubei province,a drought monitor and analysis system based on WebGIS was exploited.In the system,meteorological factors of no-station area were refined simulated by GIS techniques.Precipitation Anomaly Percentage(Pa),Relative Moisture index(Mi),Standard Precipitation Index(SPI),Composite Index(Ci) and Palmer Drought Severity Index(PDSI) were applied to reflect comprehensively the true drought circumstances in Hubei province.It was confirmed that the drought monitoring system could correctly reflect drought circumstances of Hubei province.With high running speed and accurate diagnosis of drought circumstances,it will play an important role in drought monitoring.
    Study on Meteorological Service Systems for Typhoon and Storm in Xianju County of Zhejiang Province
    ZHU Shou-yan1,YAN Zhi-bo1,JIN Qing-chun2,WANG Liang1,LUO Jia-jin1,YAN Yang-hui1(1.Meteorological Bureau of Xianju County,Xianju 317300,China;2.Meteorological Bureau of Linhai City,Linhai 317000)
    2010, 31(S1):  117-120. 
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    The typhoon and storm was one of the main natural disasters in Xianju county of Zhejiang province.The typhoon with the tropic storm which caused great loss to the agricultural and industrial production could bring abundant rainfall and release or mitigate the large-scale ravages of drought at the same time.The truly and timely forecast and early warning could help to take prevention measures.The data of the typhoon,precipitation,disaster loss and geological disaster were collected and analyzed.The precipitation,disaster distribution,and the path and intensity of the typhoon for the main area rainfall in Xianju county were presented.The searching engine for the resemble typhoon under the selected certain conditions was built to provide the meteorological services for the typhoon occurrences.
    Research on Spatial Distribution of Annual Precipitation in Shaanxi Province Based on GIS
    GUO Zhao-xia1,LI Xing-min2,ZHU Lin1,LIANG Yi1(1.Shaanxi Meteorological Service Observatory for Economical Crops,Xi'an 710014,China;2.Shaanxi Meteorological Science Research Institute,Xi'an 710014)
    2010, 31(S1):  121-123. 
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    Based on annual precipitation data of Shaanxi and its surrounding areas by trend surface analysis and stepwise regression analysis,a prediction model for macroscopic geographical factors and precipitation was established and it acquired 100m×100m spatial distribution of precipitation by micro-topography correction.The result indicated that there was great difference of precipitation distribution of Shaanxi.The precipitation in Qinba mountain area in South Shaanxi was 1700mm,that in sandy area in Northern Shaanxi was only 300mm.The distribution of precipitation showed an obvious descending trend from south to north in Shaanxi,and there was more precipitation in mountain area than in river valley and basin area.The different types of agricultural area such as paddy field,dry land and irrigation district were formed.
    Variation Analysis on Frost and Unusual Events in Datong City in Rencent 50 Years
    LIANG Jin-qiu,JIA Li-fang,HE Zheng-mei,GAO Qin-lan,LIANG Li-zhen,XU Xin(Datong Meteorological Bureau,Datong 037010,China)
    2010, 31(S1):  124-128. 
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    Based on data of the daily minimum earth temperature stations from 1958 to 2008,it studied the tenancy trend inclination of frost and unusual events in Datong in recent 50 years using the linear-trend estimation and normal distribution theory.It showed that the date of frost appearance happened late for 1.8 days every 10 years using the linear-trend estimation,the data of frost disappearance happened early for 1.7 days every 10 years,and the frost-free period lengthen for 3 days every 10 years.The characteristics of the unusual frost events demonstrated that there was a high probability that Datong's first frost happened relatively late,and the last frost happened relatively early and the frost-free period had been lengthened,all of which happened after the 1980s with a growing trend while other unusual events happened with a decline trend.On the basis of global warming,it was significance to predict and prevent local frost through analyzing the characteristics of frost climatic variation.
    Fine Meteorological Grade Forecast for Forest Fire Risk in Fujian
    WANG Jia-yi1,YE Guang-ying2,LI Li-chun1,XU Zong-huan1,YUE Hui-ying1(1.Fujian Institute of Meteorological Science,Fuzhou 350001,China;2.Minqing Meteorological Bureau,Minqing 350800)
    2010, 31(S1):  129-131. 
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    The study was conducted to improve the meteorological forecast precision and to reduce false forecast ratio and missing forecast ratio for forest fire risk in Fujian.According to the meteorological data of 67 weather stations from 1980 to 2006 in Fujian,indexes of forest fire risk were calculated by the meteorological grade forecast model.Therefore,the fine forecast for forest fire risk was done.The result showed that(1) the risk ratio of forest fire had power function relation with diurnal temperature range and daily evaporation,while exponential function relation with minimum daily relative humidity and precipitation.(2)The forecast model revised could improve the spatial precision of forecast results.
    Study on Damage Assessment Method of the Rice Yield Affected by Rainstorm Disasters in Fujian
    CHEN Jia-jin,LIN Jing,LI Li-chun,XU Zong-huan,PAN Wei-hua(Fujian Institute of Meteorological Science,Fuzhou 350001,China)
    2010, 31(S1):  132-136. 
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    Based on the historical data of rainstorm and rice yield over the years,the assessment method of yield loss in rice yield was defined.The conception of effective rainfall of rainstorm was proposed the first time in the disaster-causing factors through analyzing the key time and disaster-causing factors of the impact on rice yield.By fully considering the different influence of rainstorm intensity and the disaster resistant capability of rice in different growth stages,it established a loss estimation model for the effects of rainstorm on early rice and middle-late rice yield,and formed a complete set of the loss assessment of the impact of rainstorm disaster on rice yield in Fujian.The rice yield loss in the torrential rain area of Fujian in 2007 was predicted and tested by means of the evaluation model.The results showed that the absolute values of the prediction error of early rice yield loss were between 0.08% and 5.15%,the average error was 2.15%.The absolute values of the prediction error of the middle-late rice were between 0.02% and 3.77%,the average error was 1.9%.The precision was high,so the damage assessment method was feasible.
    Analysis of Forest Fire Weather Conditions in Lishui from February to March in 2008
    LIU Yue-qing1,CHEN Shu1,WANG Yi-qin1,YANG Ai-qin2(1.Lishui Meteorology Bureau,Lishui 323000,China;2.Lishui National Meteorological Observation Stations,Lishui 323000)
    2010, 31(S1):  137-139. 
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    Based on the measured data of Lishui automatic weather observation station and MICAPS general information,the weather conditions of frequent occurrence of forest fires in Lishui city from February to March in 2008 were analyzed from the factors of the weather situation,precipitation,air temperature,relative humidity,wind speed,the main source of fire.It showed that the main reasons for frequency forest fires with a wide range was that the pre-precipitation was less than normal,high altitude to the ground were conducive to good weather continued control over the situation in circulation and which with the temperatures increasing,the relative humidity decreasing,the air was very dry,rapid fire rating soared to 5,lots of forest dead and combustible dramatic increased in the forest after rarely seen freezing cold rain and snow disaster trauma in Lishui.
    Analysis on Spatial Pattern and Causes of Waterlogging Disaster Frangibility for Winter Wheat in Spring in Jianghuai Region
    SHENG Shao-xue1,2,SHI Lei 1(1.Anhui Meteorological Bureau,Hefei 230061,China;2.Key Laboratory of Atmospheric Science and Satellite Remote Sensing Anhui Province,Hefei 230061)
    2010, 31(S1):  140-143. 
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    Based on the waterlogging characters of winter wheat in spring,it analyzed the causes of water logging disaster frangibility with natural geographical conditions,the level of agriculture production,the system of society and economy in Jianghuai region.The quantitative assessment model of waterlogging vulnerability was found,and frangibility spatial pattern of wheat waterlogging disaster in spring in Jianghuai region was analyzed.It provided the basis for risk assessment of wheat waterlogging disaster.
    Drought and its Impact on Agricultural Production in Tong'an
    LU Hai-xin,CHEN Bing(Tong'an Meteorology Bureau,Tong'an 361100,Fujian,China)
    2010, 31(S1):  144-146. 
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    As one of the main agricultural hazards in Tong'an,the research on drought was carried out based on the 42 years(1953 to 1995) climate history data in Tong'an and drought standard in Fujian.It showed that drought frequency was very high,up to 75%,which occurred mostly in summer,then in fall and winter.The three main factors and impact on agriculture production were focused in this article.
    Influence of Climatic Change to the Emergence Booming Stage of Wheat Stem Sawfly in East Qinghai
    QI Ru-ying1,2,QI Yong-ting3,WU Li-rong4,ZHU Xi-de2,XUE Hua5 (1.The Open Laboratory of Chengdu Plateau Meteorology Research Institute,China Meteorological Administration,Chengdu 610071,China;2.Qinghai Province Climate Center,Xining 810001;3.Luo Ying Town,Pinggu District,Beijing 101215;4.Haidong Region Meteorological Bureau,Ping'an 810600;5.Huzhu County Meteorological Bureau,Huzhu 810500)
    2010, 31(S1):  147-149. 
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    Through analyzing the wheat stem sawfly emergence booming stage and meteorological data of Huzhu county from 1988 to 2005,it showed that the weather conditions was one of the factor of emergence booming stage delayed and the critical period of emergence booming stage was the last October and January,the main factors were the average January temperature,January precipitation,20cm average soil temperature in January,the average temperature in October last year,and the January average temperature.The soil temperature had significant effect than the January precipitation,average temperature in October last year.With the trend towards global warming,it made the harmful levels of wheat stem sawfly for crops was increasing trends.The difference between predicted and measured values of eclosion pattern was 1-3 days,and the model might be a scientific reference for the local chemical control of wheat stem sawfly.
    Impact of Variations of the Main Agrometeorological Disasters on Crop Yield in Shanxi Province
    MA Ya-li1,LUAN Qing1,WANG Zhi-wei1,LIU Wen-ping1,LI Wei-wei2,JIN Ning1(1.Shanxi Climate Centre,Taiyuan 030006,China;2.Meteorological Bureau of Houma in Shanxi Province,Houma 043010)
    2010, 31(S1):  150-154. 
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    Based on the census data of crop yield and agrometeorological disaster such as rainstorm,flood,drought,hail,frost,and steady rain from 1983 to 2006,the impact of variations of the main agrometeorological disasters on agriculture in Shanxi Province were discussed through linear and gray correlation analysis.The results showed that drought was the most serious disaster.The other three main disasters were hail,rainstorm and flood,frost.The affected areas of drough,chilling damage,frost and diseases and insect pests were in the increase trend,especially the first two,and the affected areas of rainstorm,hails and wind disaster were in the decrease trend.The gray correlation analysis revealed that the impact of the most serious disaster on crop yield was drought,followed by rainstorm and flood,hails and frost.
    Frost Historical Evolution and Agricultural Disaster Risk Measures of Chaoyang
    ZONG Ying-Fei1,TAO Lin1,LI Li2 (1.Meteorological Bureau of Chaoyang County,Chaoyang 122000,China;2.Meteorological Bureau of Yixian County,Yixian 121000)
    2010, 31(S1):  155-158. 
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    The research of the evolution principle of frost-free period would give climate resources support for risk decision making in agriculture.In order to determine the impact of them on agriculture,the formation and variation principle of frost-free,frost date were analyzed with regression in Excel.At the 56y(1953-2008) series,the last frost date of Chaoyang advanced 17d,the first frost date postponed 12d,frost-free period extends 27d.In the past 20 years the last frost damage deceased to 10%.Early frost damage reduced by 80%.Frost period variation increased the heat resources.Because of the instability of frost date,the increased use and development of energy resources,there were some risks,which could be considered in facility agriculture.Frost still remained one of the local meteorological disasters.Mastering frost principle,making accurate forecast would be the foundation of the local agricultural decision-making.