Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology ›› 2010, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (S1): 23-26.

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Impact of Climate Change on Shandong Agricultural Production and the Adaption Countermeasure

XU Yu1,JIANG Li-hua1,ZHANG Jian-jun2,LIN Hai-tao,SONG Xiao-zong1,LIU Zhao-hui1(1.Institute of Soil and Fertilizer,Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Jinan 250100,China;2.Plant Protection Station,Jinan Agriculture Bureau,Jinan 250021)   

  • Online:2010-12-20 Published:2010-12-20

Abstract: Agriculture system is the main fragile ecosystems for climate change.And the agricultural production had been more influenced by climate warming.Under the background of global warming,the temperature of Shandong province had increased continuously.There was a similar tendency of climate change between Shandong province and global,but the climate change in Shandong province had an obvious region characteristic.Based on the climate date of recently 50 years(from 1961 to 2008),the characteristic and impacts of climate change on the agricultural production of Shandong province were introduced,and the practices for adaption to climate change were also put forward to the disaster prevention and sustainable development of Shandong agriculture.

Key words: Climate change, Shandong province, Agricultural production, Countermeasure