Chinese Journal of Agrometeorology ›› 2010, Vol. 31 ›› Issue (S1): 150-154.

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Impact of Variations of the Main Agrometeorological Disasters on Crop Yield in Shanxi Province

MA Ya-li1,LUAN Qing1,WANG Zhi-wei1,LIU Wen-ping1,LI Wei-wei2,JIN Ning1(1.Shanxi Climate Centre,Taiyuan 030006,China;2.Meteorological Bureau of Houma in Shanxi Province,Houma 043010)   

  • Online:2010-12-20 Published:2010-12-20

Abstract: Based on the census data of crop yield and agrometeorological disaster such as rainstorm,flood,drought,hail,frost,and steady rain from 1983 to 2006,the impact of variations of the main agrometeorological disasters on agriculture in Shanxi Province were discussed through linear and gray correlation analysis.The results showed that drought was the most serious disaster.The other three main disasters were hail,rainstorm and flood,frost.The affected areas of drough,chilling damage,frost and diseases and insect pests were in the increase trend,especially the first two,and the affected areas of rainstorm,hails and wind disaster were in the decrease trend.The gray correlation analysis revealed that the impact of the most serious disaster on crop yield was drought,followed by rainstorm and flood,hails and frost.

Key words: Agrometeorological disaster, Crop yield, Gray correlation analysis, Shanxi province