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    20 February 2013, Volume 34 Issue 01
    Spatio temporal Characteristics and Jump Features of Air Temperature in Huang Huai Hai Plain during Recent 50 Years
    YANG Jian ying1,2 , CHEN Zhi feng3, YAN Chang rong1,2, JU Hui1,4, MEI Xu rong1,2,LIU Qin1,2, XU Jian wen1,4
    2013, 34(01):  1-7.  doi:0.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.001
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    The Spatio temporal characteristics and jump features of maximum, average and minimum air temperature were analyzed based on the temperature data of 40 meteorological stations in Huang Huai Hai plain(3H plain)from 1961 to 2010.The results showed that annual maximum and minimum temperature increased non symmetrically, the minimum temperature changed at the rate of 0.174℃/10y, and the maximum temperature changed at the rate of 0.399℃/10y.Annual minimum air temperature changed at the earliest abruptly in 1997,followed by average and maximum air temperature.The highest percent of maximum, average and minimum air temperature increasing signally was found in February, followed by in September, March and March respectively.As for the season, the highest  percent  of maximum and minimum air temperature increasing signally occurred in winterAnnual maximum average and minimum air temperature also changed asymmetric in majority area.In addition, the quick increasing stations were found mainly in North part of 3H plain.The variational characteristics of maximum, average and minimum air temperature indicated that their jump year and place were all apparently different.The earliest jump year of maximum, average and minimum air temperature were 1981 in Qinhuangdao(Hebei province), 1981 in Zhengzhou(Henan province)and 1974 in Chaoyang(Shandong province)respectively.Furthermore, the latest jump year of these three temperatures were 2002 in Jinan and Chaoyang(Shandong province), Kaifeng(Henan province), Xuyi(Jiangsu province), 2003 in Langfang(Hebei province), Huimin(Shandong province), Kaifeng, Xuyi, and 2003 in Shijiangzhuang(Hebei province), Xuyi.
    Climatic Variation Characteristics and Influencing Factors of the Last Frost Date in Northwest China
    CHEN Shao yong1,2,XIA Quan2,WANG Jin song1,LOU Wang ping3
    2013, 34(01):  8-13.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.002
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    Based on daily surface minimum air temperature data of 135 observational stations from 1961 to 2009 in Northwest China and NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data,authors analyzed the climatic variation characteristics of the last frost date by using the methods linear trend analysis,Mann-Kendall,Moving Texamination,Wavelet analysis,power spectrum and composite analysis methods.The results showed that there were large spatial difference of last frost end date in Northwest China,it was impacted by altitude that the cold period were long,so the area which last frost end latest was Qinghai plateau,and the secondly one was north Xinjiang-Hexi corridor-Ningxia and east Gansu-north Shanxi.The earliest area was south Xinjiang and south Gansu-south Shanxi.The end date advanced at the rate of 1.9d/10y,the stations occupied 87%of whole region.The significant stations occupied 45%,the most significant area was northwest Qinghai-east of south Xingjiang,reached 5-8d/10y.From middle time of 1990s,the last frost end early and had little inter annual variation,it had abrupt change in 1997 and had the remarkable 2.4 years and 2.7 year periods in recent 49 years,the last frost end date were advanced under the background of global warming.But in recent 10 years,the stations which had delayed trend were increased,this phenomenon worth pay attention.The late frost was impacted by the North Africa subtropical high and polar vortex,the former was negative correlation and the latter was positive correlation.The reason of late frost was delayed may be related to the polar vortex area increased and the North Africa subtropical high area reduced.The 500hPa composite analysis indicated,in late frost end early years,the northern Asian was prevalent zonal circulation,the East Asian trough was shallow,the area of Northwest China was controlled by the Mongolian high ridge,cooling weather was not easy to appear;in late frost end later years,the northern Asia was prevalent radial circulation,there was cold air which constantly slided downward from Northern Europe in Northwest China,it was easy to form strong cooling weather.
    Analysis on Trends in Annual Reference Crop Evapotranspiration and its Impact Climatic Factors in Henan Province During 1971 to 2010
    JI Xing jie,ZHU Ye yu,GU Wan long
    2013, 34(01):  14-22.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.003
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    Based on the long-term climatic observational data including daily mean temperature, maximum temperature, minimum temperature, relative humidity, wind speed and sunshine duration from 111 meteorological stations in Henan province from 1971 to 2010, authors calculated the daily reference crop evapotranspirations (ET0) for each station with the aid of the revised Penman-Monteith model recommended by FAO. The temporal spatial distribution characteristics of annual ET0 and its major climatic impact factors were analyzed using the mathematical statistics. The results showed that, the Penman-Monteith model well simulated annual ET0 in Henan province during the past 40 years, with a correlation coefficient of 0.84 (P<0.01) between an annual ET0 and the annual 20cm pan evaporation during same period in same stations. The mean annual ET0 of the 40 years was 796.1mm (±102.2mm,n=4169), with higher values in northern regions than southern regions. Temporally, annual ET0 of Henan province declined significantly with the rate of 24.7mm·10y-1. Among the sites with significant decreasing annual ET0 during 1971 to 2010, most of them located at around 34°N northwards. Partial correlation analysis showed that, annual ET0 of either the whole Henan province or single city closely related to meteorological factors, and further analysis indicated the most significant negative correlation between ET0 and wind speed, with an exception of Jiyuan. Stepwise regression analysis suggested that the change of annual ET0 had close relationship with mean temperature, sunshine hour, wind speed and relative humidity.The effects of mean temperature, sunshine duration and wind speed on annual ET0 were positive, while that of relative humidity was negative. Wind speed reduction during the past 40 years was the main cause of decreased annual ET0; however, the overall change of annual ET0 was synthetically affected by mean temperature, sunshine hour, wind speed and relative humidity as a whole, and the contribution of each climate factor differed spatially.
    Effects of High Temperature on Rice Source-Sink Characteristics during Heading Stage to Grain Filling Stage
    LI Jian ling1,ZHANG Xiao yan1,DU Yao dong1,2,WANG Hua2,WU Li ji1,HU Fei1
    2013, 34(01):  23-29.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.004
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    Super hybrid rice Tianyou 998 was investigated under different high temperature levels (daily highest temperature was 32,35,38,40 and 42℃,the daily range 6℃)in climate chambers during different growth stages(heading,milk,soft dough,and hard dough stage).The results showed that SOD(Superoxide Dismutase)and POD(Peroxidase)enzyme activities decreased gradually but the content of MDA(Malondialdehyde)increased.The flag leaf photosynthetic activity was affected adversely,especially in the soft dough stage and hard dough stage.Meanwhile,the seed setting rate decreased,and the content of soluble sugar and protein of spikelets increased.The development process of upper-middle-basal sink in heading stage was seriously disturbed,and so did middle-basal sink in milk stage.When the daily highest temperature was up to 38℃,both heading and milk stage’s flag leaf was damaged significantly,compared with grain in 35℃.The flag leaf photosynthetic activity of the soft and hard dough stage declined significantly when the daily highest temperature was above 35℃,while the influence on grain was not serious.It was suggested that when the daily highest temperature was above 38℃,the source and sink of the rice was affectedseriously in heading and milk stages,but mainly affected the photosynthetic activity in soft dough and hard dough stages.
    Effect of Watershed Delineation on Flow Simulation of Distributed Hydrological Model
    SHI Xiao liang1,2, LI Ying1,ZHAO Kai1,ZHANG Dan3,ZHU Hong lei1,2
    2013, 34(01):  30-36.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.005
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    The effect of input date aggregation on flow simulation was studied at different time scale in the catchment upstream Guchengzi hydrological station of Nuomin river, upper reaches of Nenjiang river, using the Soil and Water Assessment Tool(SWAT) with six watershed delineations, each with a different number of subwatersheds. The results showed that overall accuracy of flow output over a monthly or annual time scale was not affected from watershed delineation, but the daily output that captures hydrologic events was affected by watershed delineation. Average flow at different time scale were not affected by changes in sub watershed size, but the runoff yield increased as the increase of subwatershed amount, and the relative error reached up to 35.4%. The model performance was sensitive to precipitation, and the better simulation accuracy for wet years (above average rainfall) compared with dry years (below average rainfall) for the study area. The watershed delineation had a more profound effect on flow simulation for dry years and summer. There was a reasonable watershed delineation level for distributed hydrological model, and the critical source area accounted for 2% of drainage area. Increasing the number of sub watersheds over the level of watershed delineation couldn't significantly affect the runoff yield. Besides, reducing the number of subwatersheds would create instability of runoff prediction, and it might not fulfill the demand of spatial pattern analysis.
    nalysis on Temperature and Light in Sinking Solar Greenhouse
    WANG Qian,ZHANG Hai tao,LIU Xu,SUN Zhi qiang
    2013, 34(01):  37-42.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.006
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    To find out the characteristics of temperature and light conditions in sinking solar greenhouse, authors measured the air temperature, temperature of inner surface of back wall and total solar radiation in a sinking solar greenhouse, and compared with a non sunken greenhouse. The results indicated that on sunny day, at 13:00 the air temperature and temperature of inner surface of back wall were highest, which were 35.53℃ and 41.80℃, respectively, air heating rate was 6.48℃/h, mean temperature difference inside and outside greenhouse was 17.47℃, difference between day temperature and night temperature (DIF) was 14.20℃ in sinking solar greenhouse. The same indices on cloudy day were 15.83℃ and 15.35℃ at 14:00, 1.27℃/h, 9.78℃, 2.47℃. The highest temperature of inner surface of back wall was 18.71℃ at 13:00, air cooling rate was 0.10℃/h, mean temperature difference inside and outside greenhouse was 5.67℃, DIF was -0.19℃ in sinking solar greenhouse on light snow day. The mean minimum temperature was 7.35℃ in sinking solar greenhouse in winter. On sunny day, the total solar radiation transmittance in sinking solar greenhouse was 25%-80%, the relation between total solar radiation inside and outside greenhouse was positive correlation, daily variation of total solar radiation inside greenhouse presented a parabolic trend, the space distribution of total solar radiation was more complex than that in nonsunken greenhouse, so it needs to take proper measures to improve lighting conditions and use the space reasonably in the greenhouse. The test results can provide basis for the run of sinking solar greenhouse and guidance of crop production in greenhouse.
    Evaluation of Meteorological Suitability Degree during Maize Growth Period Based on WOFOST in Northeast China
    LI Xiu fen, MA Shu qing , GONG Li juan , JIANG Li xia , WANG Ping
    2013, 34(01):  43-49.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.007
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    Based on daily meteorological data of 164 meteorological stations, maize yield data of 164 counties and maize growth and development period data of 30 agro meteorological experiment stations from 1981 to 2007, authors established the meteorological suitability degree diagnosis model of maize growth in Northeast China. By using the diagnosis model, the comprehensive meteorological suitability indices were calculated during the main development stages of maize (sowing to emergence, emergence to jointing, jointing to anthesis, anthesis to milk ripe, milk ripe to mature). The maize biomass was simulated by applying WOFOST model. The meteorological suitability diagnosis index of maize during the different developmental stage was determined based on the simulated biomass (total aboveground dry matter weight, storage weight) by optimization method. Used the diagnosis index, the meteorological suitability degree of maize during different growth stage was evaluated dynamically and quantitatively. And during the whole growth period of maize in 2006, the meteorological suitability evaluation results were compared and verified as an example. The results indicated that the evaluation results based on WOFOST model and those based on compositive meteorological suitability index were in substantial agreement, grade identical and differ by one grade accounted for 85%-90%. It was in substantial agreement with the monitoring bulletin of agro meteorological department. The evaluation results based on WOFOST model can provide decision making for maize production to adapt to climate change, the evaluation index can be popularized and applied in agro meteorological service.
    Analyzing and Zoning of Eco climate Suitability of Oilseed Rape in Shaanxi Province
    LIANG Yi, LI Xingmin, ZHOU Hui, ZHU Yan nian, YAN Sheng an
    2013, 34(01):  50-57.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.008
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    Based on the meteorological data and geographic information during the growth period of oilseed rape at 96 weather stations from 1981 to 2010 in Shaanxi province, by using GIS technology, authors built the climatic division for oilseed rape in order to provide scientific basis for sustainable development. Firstly, through the comprehensive analysis of climate suitability characteristics and key influential climate factor on oilseed rape yield, some factors such as mean daily minimum air temperature in January,air temperature at stem elongation period,air temperature at whole growth period ≥0℃ accumulative temperature at whole growth period,and precipitation during the whole growth period were selected as the climatic regionalization indices. Next, small grid reckon model was established to calculate the spatial distribution without station in Shaanxi province of each regionalization index values of 100m×100m grid node. Thus, the distribution graph of the eco climate suitable planting areas of oilseed rape was formed by using comprehensive evaluation method. The results indicated that the most suitable regions for oilseed rape plant distributed around flat and dam areas below 600m along Hanjiang river and its tributaries in southern Shaanxi, and the plain areas below 700m along Weihe river and its tributaries in central Shaanxi. The suitable regions were the surroundings, including valley and shallow mountain areas below 850m in the northern piedmont of Qinling, hilly country area below 750m in the southern hillside of Qinling and northern foot of Bashan mountain, and loess tableland area below 800m at the northern bank of Weihe river.
    Temporal and Spatial Variation of Safe Sowing Date in Different Rice Cultivation
    Zones in Sichuan
    SUN Yuan yuan, SUN Yong jian, QIN Jian, YANG Zhi yuan, CHEN Lin, XU Hui, MA Jun
    2013, 34(01):  58-63.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.009
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    The temporal and spatial variation of safe rice sowing date was investigated, based on daily average temperature data from 131 meteorological stations in six rice cultivation zones of Sichuan province from 1960 to 2011. The results showed that safe rice sowing date in south basin hilly cropping rice zone and southwest mountain cropping rice zone was from 17 to 19 March, and from 26 to 28 March in east basin hilly cropping rice zone and central basin hilly cropping rice zone, from 30 to 31 March in Peripheral basin hilly cropping rice zone and west basin plain cropping rice zone. The earliest rice planting date in six rice cultivation zones advanced under different safety reliability declining. The safety reliability decreased from 100% to 90% and advanced 11d to 14d. The main reason of different safe sowing date between southwest mountain cropping rice zone and peripheral basin hilly cropping rice zone was difference of latitudes and altitudes. So it suggested that rice production should be considered the spatial distribution of safe sowing date in different rice cultivation zones. In addition, safe sowing date was closed to temperature change, for example, the safe sowing date in six rice cultivation zones of Sichuan province delayed at early stage and advanced significantly from 1960 to 2011.
    Effects of Different Shading Condition on Dry Matter Accumulation and Distribution of Winter Wheat
    ZHENG You fei, XU Jing xin, WU Rong jun
    2013, 34(01):  64-73.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.010
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     Using shading field experiments,four treatments were conducted as follows: without shading (CK), 60 percent shading(T1), 40 percent shading(T2), 20 percent shading(T3). Each organ dry matter weight of winter wheat(Triticum aestivum L., Yangmai13)was observed at regular time, meanwhile dry matter accumulation and distribution responses were determined under different shading condition. With the effects of air temperature and combine solar irradiation factors, the models of dry matter accumulation and distribution responses of winter wheat were established. The results showed that temperature reducing and solar radiation hindered dry matter accumulation of winter wheat, especially for the root, stem and spike. Shading was serious negative effect on them. It was negative effect in the early period and be positive influence in late period for leaf. At the same time, it also influenced seriously distribution proportion of dry matter. Along with the change of effective accumulative temperature, dry matter accumulation and distribution of winter wheat under different shading condition all presented quadratic parabolic curve changes. With three factors (effective accumulative temperature, accumulative daily difference in temperature and solar radiation accumulation), the model simulated well dry matter accumulation and distribution of winter wheat under different shading condition, and could provide practical value for the growth analysis and production management to winter wheat growing.
    Applicability Analysis about Different Photosynthetic Light response Models for Tobacco
    ZHONG Chu, ZHU Yong
    2013, 34(01):  74-80.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.011
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    In order to reveal applicability of different photosynthetic light response models for tobacco, the light response curves of net photosynthetic rates of K326, which treated with 20℃, 30℃ and 35℃ in Zhaowei base in Yuxi, and Honghuadajinyuan (Hongda), KRK26 and Yunyan99, which in natural conditions in Zhaotong, were determined respectively. The photosynthetic light-response curves were simulated by rectangular hyperbolae model, non rectangular hyperbolae model, exponential model, kinetics model and a new model. The results showed that the new model simulated well to light-response curves of light saturation, non light saturation and light inhibition, exponential model simulated well to light saturated response curve, and other three models could not simulated to any light-response curves. The maximum net photosynthetic rates (Pmax) of exponential model and new model were closed to measured values, Pmax of the other three models was higher than measured values, obviously in non rectangular hyperbolae model. Apparent quantum yield (α) of rectangular hyperbolae model and non rectangular hyperbolae model was closed to or exceed than the theoretical value range of maximum quantum yield. α value of exponential model and new model was in normal range, while that of kinetic model was lower. Light component point (Ic) of the models were close to measured values except non rectangular hyperbolae model, which was lower than measured values. Rectangular hyperbolae model, non rectangular hyperbolae model and kinetic model could not use for calculating light saturation point (Is) directly. All the Is of new model were close to measured values. When there were light saturation and light inhibition, Is of exponential model was close to measured value as well. The results indicated that the new model was reasonable for simulating tobacco light response curve.
    Temporal and Spatial Characteristics and Circulation Background of Drought in Crop Growing Season over Northeast China
    MA Jian yong, XU Yin long
    2013, 34(01):  81-87.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.012
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    Based on observed data of mean temperature and precipitation from 71 meteorological stations in Northeast China from 1961 to 2009 in crop growing season (from May to September), authors validated Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) to assess the actual drought level, and analyzed its characteristic by using Empirical Orthogonal Function(EOF) method, used the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data to discuss the circulation background in drought years. The results showed that, (1)PDSI could assess the actual drought level with high ability in crop growing season, but it was easily to exaggerate the seriousness of drought in some years; (2)The accumulative variance contribution ratio of the first three feature vectors reached to 74.9%, and the spatial types of drought in Northeast China could be divided to three patterns: uniform, south-north difference, east-west difference, corresponding with the first three feature vectors individually;(3)During 1961 to 2009,the drought variation mainly existed 9 years and 23 years periodic oscillations in crop growing season, and the drought trend in the next few years might continue to increase; (4)In drought years(PDSI≤-1), the subtropical high presented weak performance in 500hPa height field, Northeast China was the center of positive geo potential height anomaly, indicating that the region was controlled by high pressure, resulting in less rainfall. In terms of 850hPa water vapor flux field, warm wet airflows from southwest and southeast were hardly transported to the Northeast China, and the anti cyclonic circulation and positive divergence also could lead to less precipitation.
    Climatic Characteristics of Hail Disaster and its Risk Zoning in Anhui Province
    WEN Hua yang,TIAN Hong,TANG Wei an,LU Yan yu ,WU Rong
    2013, 34(01):  88-93.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.013
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    Based on the hail-day records from 82 weather stations in Anhui province, Chinese Meteorological Disaster Dictionary (1951 to 2005) and the Yearbook of Meteorological Disaster in Anhui Province (2006 to 2009), authors discussed the climatic character and risk zoning of hail disaster in Anhui province. The results showed that the hail days exhibited obvious interdecadal variability,and it had a significant negative correlation with annual mean minimum temperature. The hails usually occurred during March to August,most frequently in June but less in autumn and winter,and it took place from afternoon to sunset. The spatial distribution showed that the hail occurred more in northeast of Anhui province, south of Dabie mountain and Huangshan mountain, but less in Jianghuai region. The index of hail intensity was defined by three factors, the diameter, duration and gust wind, and the percentile method was used to grade the intensity of the hail disaster. This work provided a possibility for quantitative assessment of the intensity of hail disaster. The results of hail disaster risk zoning in Anhui province showed that high risk zones were concentrated in northeast of Anhui province, and low risk zones were mainly in the north of the Dabie mountain and some areas of Jianghuai region. Finally, verified by history disaster, it showed that the results of risk of zoning had a certain rationality and feasibility.
    Forecast Model of Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler Overwintering Mortality Based on Meteorological Conditions
    ZHANG Shu jie,ZHANG Yu shu,XIAO Yan,WU Hai shan,WU Jin wen,JI Rui peng,LIU Qing wu
    2013, 34(01):  94-99.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.014
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    Based on overwintering mortality data of the Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler and its relationship with the synchronous temperature,precipitation,wind speed,relative humidity,and sunshine hours in Fuxin county,Liaoning province from 1976 to 2012,the main meteorological factors influenced the overwintering mortality of the Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler were determined,and the prediction model of the overwintering mortality of Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler was established,which had passed significance and verification test,by using correlation analysis,stepwise regression analysis,the combination of principal component analysis and stepwise regression. The results showed that temperature was the primary factor for overwintering mortality of Dendrolimus spectabilis Butler,followed by sunshine hours and combined effect of temperature and humidity. The correlation coefficient of stepwise regression method(methodⅠ)was 0.75 between fitted values and observed data,and average D2(square of relative difference between overwintering mortality simulation value and actual data)was 0.58. The correlation coefficient was 0.76 and the average D2 was 0.62 of combination of principal component analysis and stepwise regression(methodⅡ). Compared the simulation data of these two methods from 2009 to 2012,the accuracy of methodⅠwas above 70% and method Ⅱ was above 80% in 2009,2010,and 2012. The results indicated that the forecast accuracy of methodⅡwas higher than that of methodⅠ,but they could be used in different conditions. If it was easy to get the data of meteorological factors,methodⅡwas the better choice,otherwise methodⅠwas the alternative.
    Research on Drought Disaster Loss Assessment Index of Spring Corn in Gansu Province
    ZHANG Tai ren1,2,WANG Yu sha1,3,BAI Yue ming4
    2013, 34(01):  100-105.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.015
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    In this study,a new quantitative assessment index(DI)was constructed, which took CI index and the ratio of precipitation and water demand on developmental stage as its parameters by using the data of five typical stations in the spring corn growing areas in Gansu province. Drought index level was graded based on the relationship between it and the meteorological yield from 1985 to 2007. Using linear correlation test and an example application analysis method, the feasibility of indicator was relatedly validated. The results showed that the change ranges of DI index during the whole growing season at Jingyuan and Yongchang stations were the smallest from 1985 to 2007 and their DI index values were the lowest too. The next was Yuzhong station, and change ranges of DI index during the whole growing season at Xifeng and Wudu were the largest, and their values were the highest. The fluctuations of DI index during jointing-silking stage at Xifeng and Wudu stations were very obvious,and their values were the biggest too, while the fluctuations of DI index during jointing-silking stage at Jingyuan and Yuzhong were very small,and their values were the lowest too. The assessment results were consistent with the actual situation of the areas under study. In conclusion,compared with the drought index of previous general ones,DI index data were relatively easy to obtain and simple to calculate.The indicator not only contained the meteorological significance, but also increased the biological significance. The indicator could be used to study drought disaster damage assessment for specific crops from various regions.
    Study on Potential Forecasting and Short-time Nowcasting Models of Hailstone in Fuxin
    WANG Xian bin,ZHANG Dan mei,XIN Yan hui,ZHANG Xu,LI Ming hui
    2013, 34(01):  106-113.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.016
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    The temporal evolution and spatial distribution features,weather situation and the potential forecasting and short-time nowcasting models of hailstone were studied,by using methods of mathematical statistics,synoptic meteorology and physical quantity calculating,based on 105 hailstorm data from 1977 to 2009 in Fuxin city, Liaoning province.The results showed that the temporal and spatial distribution of hailstone was not uniform.It occurred usually from the noon to the evening (12:00pm to 19:00pm) diurnal,mainly during 14:00 to 17:00.It occurred usually from May to September monthly,mainly in June and July.Besides,it occurred in northeast and northwest more than in southeast and southwest,partly because of different land scapeAccording to weather situation of 500hPa,the hailstorm weather was divided into four types,namely cold-whorl,upper-groove,sidelong-groove and north-west airflow.The short-term tendency and prediction model was established by selecting five forecast factors,θse(850-500),specific humidity at 850hPa,T850-500,U700-850 and K index,which had apparent physical significance to hail weather,and predicated successfully two hail weather process in August 2011,which indicated that the tendency and short-term prediction model improved the accuracy of hail forecast.
    Influence of Water Fluctuation on the Vegetation Structure and Spectral Reflectance Characteristics in the Typical Steppe
    SHI Gui hua,WANG Ying shun,HOU Qiong
    2013, 34(01):  114-120.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.01.017
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    Taking the Xilinguole typical steppe as experimental area of the observation, the spectral reflectance, above ground biomass of grassland in different water treatments were measured and analyzed from May 2008 to May 2009. The results showed that amply irrigation improved grassland population and plant structure significantly, and increased the biomass of forage grasses. During vigorous growth period (July), grassland under enough irrigation had significant advantage in spectral reflectance characteristics, and in the four vegetation indices. During dead ripe period, there were significant differences(P<0.05)among RVI (Ratio Vegetation Index) of grassland in different water treatment. During turning green period, there were significant differences(P<0.05)among DVI (Difference Vegetation Index) of grassland in different water treatment.