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    20 June 2013, Volume 34 Issue 03
    Unconsistency of Climate Elements Variation and its Causes in Tarim River Basin
    WANG Qiu xiang1,ZHANG Chun liang2,HU Yi cheng1,SI Peng3
    2013, 34(03):  257-263.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.001
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    According to the actual circumstance of catch flow irrigation,Tarim river valley was divided into three districts,Akesu territory with abundant water resource,the downstream region of Tarim river with serious water shortage and ecosystem flimsiness caused catching flow irrigation overmuch in its upriver,and the west natural area of Southern Xinjiang.By the data of temperature,rainfall,relative humidity,gale days,mean maximum wind speed and rain days with ≥0.1mm rainfall in the growth season (Mar.to Oct.) in 1961-2011 of 44 meteorological stations in valley area,environment and climate impact was contrasted and analyzed with climatic trend coefficient and Mann-Kendall test method.The results showed that the temperature,rainfall and relative humidity in three districts had a linear increase trend,which caused by warmer and rainy effect under the great climate background.As a result of unbalanced catch flow irrigation,their increase trend had a significant difference.The warmer rate was small in water plentiful area and more in water shortage area.Moreover the increase rate of precipitation and relative humidity was opposite,to be more in water plentiful area and little in water shortage area.The increasing of rain occurred mainly in 1980s with 22.29%-41.00%,but the relative humidity presented increasing tendency in 1990s with 4.109%-6.279%.M-K test presented large scale catch flow irrigation caused the relative humidity before the rainfall to happen abrupt change at 1973 synchronously in Tarim river valley,and the age of happened abrupt change for the rainfall had rather diversity on account of disproportion catch flow irrigation,Akesu area,the downstream region of Tarim river and the west of southern Xinjiang to be the summer of 1975,1979 and 1989 respectively.The temperature,precipitation and relative humidity had a consistent linear increasing trend in Tarim river valley,which was mainly affected by climate background.The difference of the linear rate was mainly related to local human activities with unbalanced water irrigation.The study results provided scientific basis for further recognizing on climate change and rational developping the water resources in Tarim river valley.
    Responses of Climatic Change on the Frost Days in Main Agricultural Area of Tibet from 1961 to 2010
    DU Jun1,2,SHI Lei2,YUAN Le2
    2013, 34(03):  264-271.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.002
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    According to the frost index defined by the minimum air temperature ≤0℃,the climatic change of the anomalous first frost date,last frost date,frostless period and frost days were analyzed in this paper,using the daily minimum temperature of 9 stations at main agricultural area of Tibet from 1961 to 2010 and modern statistical diagnosis methods,such as linear trend analysis,accumulative anomaly,signal noise ratio and rescaled range analysis (R/S analysis).The results showed that,(1)in recent 50 years,the first frost date appeared late,the last frost date ended early,so that the frostless period was extended significantly in the part stations,while decrease trend of the frost days was detected with a rate of 1.9-9.6d/10y in all stations at main agricultural area of Tibet.(2)From 1980s to 2000s,because the first frost date appeared late and the last frost date ended early made frostless period prolong,and the frost days had a decreasing tendency,especially in the 2000s.(3)In addition,it was found that the frequency of anomalous early first frost date was 1 to 5 times at main agricultural area of Tibet,especially the maximum in Bome, meanwhile the frequency of anomalous late ending frost date was 1 to 6 times,the most in Bome and occurred in the 1960s.Frequency of anomalous short frostless period was 1 to 7 times,it was the most in Bome. Furthermore,the frequency of anomalous less frost days was 2 to 10 times and occurred in the 2000s,and the anomalous more frost days occurred in the 1960s with a frequency of 1 to 7 times.(4)It was found with abrupt change test that frost days in Lhasa,last frost date,frostless period and frost days in Tesdang,frostless period and frost days in Nagarze had abrupt change,which happened respectively in 1992,1991 and 1998.(5)The results of R/S analysis showed that changes of last frost date had the persistence with a Hurst index of larger than 0.5 in the part stations,which indicates that it will assume continuous earlier in future,especially in Tesdang.Also the Hurst index of frost days was larger than 0.5 in all stations,and it will assume continuous decrease in future.
    Temperature Changes and its Impacts on Agriculture in the upper Reaches of Hanjiang River in Southern Shaanxi
    REN Li li,YIN Shu yan
    2013, 34(03):  272-277.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.003
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    The variation and mutation of temperature at inter annual and seasonal scales and their impacts on agriculture were analyzed,by using of linear trend analysis,moving average methods and Mann-Kendall,based on daily and monthly average temperature data of 3 stations in the upper reaches of Hanjiang river in Southern Shaanxi from 1960 to 2010.The results showed that the annual average temperature and annual average minimum temperature increased generally at the rate of 0.107℃/10y(P<0.01)and 0.16℃/10y(P<0.01)respectively,but annual average maximum temperature did not increased obviously.The mutation point for annual average temperature,annual average minimum temperature,and annual average maximum temperature were detected in 2001,2000 and 2001 respectively.The seasonal change showed that greater in winter(P<0.01),and it had large contribution to climate warming.Temperature decreased a little in summer,but increased extreme significantly in spring and significantly in autumn.Late spring coldness delayed,with high intensity and high frequency.The frequency of autumn chilling decreased with longer duration greater intensity.Therefore,late spring coldness and autumn disasters caused a serious damage on crop production,including rice,maize and wheat.It was help for adapting to climate change and ensuring food security to understand climate change and its mechanism in upper Hanjiang river.
    Impacts of Western Pacific Subtropical High on Mid summer Precipitation in Shaanxi Province
    Zhao Qiang1,GUO Li1,ZHANG Hong yan1,YAN Hua sheng2
    2013, 34(03):  278-283.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.004
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    In order to provide evidence to precipitation prediction in Shaanxi province,the impacts of Western Pacific Subtropical High (WPSH) in mid summer on precipitation in Shaanxi province and its mechanism was analyzed by using of correlation analysis,regression analysis and wavelet coherence spectra analysis,based on precipitation data collected from 78 meteorological stations in Shaanxi province, monthly WPSH indices data provided, monthly reanalysis datasets about 500hPa geopotential height and 700hPa wind field from July to August from 1961 to 2008.The results showed that there was correlation among precipitation and the intensity,ridgeline location,western extension ridge point of the WPSH.The rainfall was more than normal when WPSH was strong and further west,when WPSH was located further north than normal,precipitation was more than normal in northern Shaanxi and less in southwestern.The three indices of WPSH in August had more close relationship with precipitation,and the numbers of stations which passed significance test were obviously increased.Anomalous atmospheric circulation in subtropics and mid high latitudes was caused by the intensity and location variation of WPSH,which influenced precipitation in Shaanxi province further more.When WPSH was stronger and further west,the Balkhash Lake Block and 700hPa summer monsoon strengthened,Shaanxi province was located the confluence of cold and warm air,and precipitation would be higher.However,when the WPSH moved toward south,water vapor convergence zone located in southern Shaanxi,and vice versa.There was a remarkable resonance cycle of 7-8 years between the high intensity index of WPSH and precipitation in Shaanxi in August,and the intensity index of WPSH ahead of the precipitation changes 1.26 years,which indicated that annual precipitation variation in Shaanxi mainly caused by WPSH annual intensity variation.
    Analysis on Circulation Characteristics of Abnormal Spring Precipitation in Northern Shanxi Province and Sea Surface Temperature
    CAI Lin1,CAI Xia2
    2013, 34(03):  284-288.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.005
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    Based on NCEP reanalysis data,the ICOADS SST grid data and the observed data of spring precipitation from 18 meteorological stations in Northern Shanxi during 1960-2008,the air sea factor that caused abnormal spring precipitation in Northern Shanxi was investigated by using composite analysis method.The results showed that the 500hPa geopotential height had the distribution characteristics with "high in the east and low in the west" in the spring of rainy years in Northern Shanxi.From the east of the Ural Mountains to the West of Lake Baikal,trough was strengthened and Northern Shanxi was in the southeast of the trough.The intersect of the cold air from Northwest and the warm air from Southeast in North area always resulted in the rainy weather in spring.Contrarily, the cold and warm was less competitive in drought year,and the auxiliary area located in the central part of Mongolia,which was not conducive to the production of spring precipitation in Northern Shanxi.The analysis on the correlation of spring precipitation and abnormal air sea presented there had more precipitation when the ENSO was in warm phase,and there had less precipitation when the ENSO was in cold phase in the spring of Northern Shanxi.The results were help to understand the origin of abnormal drought and flood in Northern Shanxi and provided a theoretical basis for short term climate forecast.
    Variations Characteristics of Annual Extreme Temperature in Loess Plateau
    REN Zhi yan1,2,YAN Jun ping1,ZHANG Li wei1
    2013, 34(03):  289-293.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.006
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    The spatial temporal distribution of annual average,extremely maximum and minimum temperature was analyzed based on meteorological data of 58 stations in Loess Plateau,by using of the Kriging interpolation and Mann-Kendall mutation test methods.The results showed that the annual average temperature,extremely maximum and minimum temperature in Loess Plateau increased from 1960 to 2011,all of them was higher than national average level at the same duration except for extreme minimum temperature.Their mutation periods occurred in 1991, 1998 and 1982 respectively.In past 52 years,the annual average temperature increased from southeastern to northwestern in Loess Plateau region,and the climatic tendency rate increased from southern to northern.The mutation point was delayed from northwest to southeastern.Annual average extreme maximum temperature in northeast and southwest was the lowest,and the central area was the highest.The climatic tendency rate in western and northeastern was the highest,the southern was the lowest.Annual average extreme minimum temperature in the northwest was lower than that of in southeast,the climatic tendency rate in northern was higher than that of in southern. The mutation point became earlier from western to eastern.The region experienced an obvious climate warming in last 52 years,in which annual average extreme minimum temperature had large contribution to average temperature increasing.The results had good references to understand the adverse impacts of extreme temperature change on agricultural production.
    Spatial and Temporal Variation of Reference Crop Evapotranspiration in Hengshui
    WANG Rong ying,LI Xin,CHEN Rui min,WU Yan
    2013, 34(03):  294-300.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.007
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    Reference crop evapotranspiration(ET0)was a key factor to calculate crop water requirement and a main parameter to forecast real irrigation amount.The characteristics of ET0and its major climate influence factors were analyzed by using Morlet wavelet analysis,M-K abrupt change testing and correlation analysis method,based on surface meteorological data of 11 stations in Hengshui from 1981 to 2010.The main results showed that the annual ET0 decreased fluctuant,and the decline rate was significant.The monthly ET0 was declined,except for February and March.The annual ET0 in the northeast Hengshui was larger than that of the southwest.The larger annual ET0,the more annual ET0 declined,and vice versa.The annual ET0 had a significant quasi 6 years oscillation period.High consistency was the main spatial characteristic about annual nd monthly ET0.Diurnal temperature range,maximum temperature,sunshine duration and relative humidity were the most important meteorological factors that affected the ET0,and the degree of their influence changed with the season.There was significant positive correlation between ET0 and diurnal temperature range and maximum temperature and sunshine duration,and negative correlation between ET0 and relative humidity.While the effect of wind speed on E0 was weak.Among all the factors which had significant influences on the ET0 from May to September,sunshine duration had the most prominent impact,diurnal temperature range,relative humidity and maximum temperature also had evident influences on the ET0.
    Characteristic of Soil Nitrate Accumulation on Herbal Field and Grain Field in Anguo City,Hebei Province
    ZHAO Jiao jiao,LIU Wen ke,LIU Yi fei
    2013, 34(03):  301-305.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.008
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    In order to provide scientific guidance for reasonable nitrogen fertilizer application,the soil nitrate accumulation of croplands under Chinese medicinal plants and food crops in Anguo city,Heibei province was investigated by field sampling and chemical analysis.The results showed that ranges of nitrate contents in 0-20,20-40 and 40-60cm layers of herbal fields were 37.96-436.86,26.27-435.64 and 12.91-383.23mg·kg-1,while ranges of nitrate contents in 0-20,20-40 and 40-60cm layers of grain fields were 3.71-184.65,8.14-198.11 and 6.04-145.81mg·kg-1,respectively.The results indicated that(1)nitrate content in 0-20cm soil layer of herbal fields were higher than that of 20-40cm(P<0.01)and 40-60cm soil layers(P<0.05),while soil nitrate contents between 20-40 and 40-60cm soil layers showed no significant difference;(2) Soil nitrate content in 20-40cm soil layer of grain fields were slightly higher than that of,but no difference was found between 0-20 and 40-60cm soil layers;(3)Soil nitrate content decreased with the soil depth for two kinds of croplands,and soil nitrate content in herbal fields was significantly higher than that of grain fields at the same soil layer (P<0.01).There were 35% that their nitrate contents topsoil had exceeded critical value of safety.Also,about 10% herbal fields had been seriously polluted by nitrate.The data showed that soil nitrate of grain fields were in safe range basically.To conclude,nitrate accumulation of herbal fields was more severe than grain fields,which posed potential problems for sustainable production.
    Forecast Model of Minimum Temperature inside Greenhouse Based on Principal Component Regression
    LI Ning1, 2,SHEN Shuang he1,LI Zhen fa2,LI Chun2,LIU Shu mei2,XUE Qing yu2
    2013, 34(03):  306-311.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.009
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    To forecast minimum temperature inside greenhouse,the minimum temperature forecast model was established based on meteorological observation data inside the solar greenhouse in winter of 2010 and 2011,by using of principal component regression.The characteristic of temperature,total cloud cover and maximum wind velocity was discussed through cloud covered coefficient method and standard of wind velocity conversion.The results showed that the simulation errors of cloud cover and wind velocity were reasonable.There was a good correlation between minimum temperature inside the solar greenhouse and microclimate elements in greenhouse last day.Moreover,similar correlation also existed between meteorological elements inside and outside greenhouse.The multiple correlation coefficient of the model was 0.857,and approved by significant testing.The average absolute errors of forecast minimum temperature inside greenhouse in different weather conditions were less than 1℃,the average relative errors were within 13%,and the RMSE was 1.1℃ during the whole winter by using principal component regression method.The results indicated that minimum temperature forecast model had quite precisely for predicting minimum temperature inside greenhouse,which could meet the forecast requirements for greenhouse microclimate.
    Response of Maize Growth and Yield to Temperature Change in Northeast China
    QIAN Jin xia1,GUO Jian ping2
    2013, 34(03):  312-316.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.010
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    A sowing date experiment of 3 maize varieties was conducted at Jinzhou agro meteorological experimental station in 2007 and 2008.Based on average temperature of Jinzhou meteorological observation station,maize growth characteristics and responses to air temperature change were analyzed with comparison and regression method.The results showed that there was a significant correlation between seedling emergence speed and the mean temperature from the 10 days before sowing to seedling,the higher the mean temperature,the faster the seedling emergence which had little to do with maize varieties.After the seedling emergence,if mean temperature was high,the growth rates of medium maturity and late maturing maize became fast.After jointing,the increment of maize height and maximum leaf area index were related to ecological characteristic instead of temperature.The influence of temperature change to dry biomass increasing rate varied with different growth stages,high temperature of the stages (0-20 days after the seedling emergence,40-60 days after the seedling emergence) had positive effect to leaf and stem weight increasing,and high temperature of the stage (60 to 80 days after seedling emergence) had a positive effect to grain filling.The hundred seed weight and the yield had positive correlations with mean temperature of the stage from tasseling to milk,and had negative correlations with mean temperature of the stage from milk to maturity.
    Analysis on Agroclimatic Elements Variation during Winter Wheat Growing Season in North China Plain
    HU Xun yu1,2,3,WANG Jing1,FENG Li ping1
    2013, 34(03):  317-323.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.011
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    The variation of agricultural climatic elements during winter wheat growing season and its impact on wheat production were analyzed and discussed based on daily meteorological data of 48 meteorological stations in the North China Plain (NCP),and crop data from 6 typical agro meteorological observation stations.The results showed that average temperature increased at the rate of 0.37℃·10y-1(P<0.05) during whole growing season,and increased at the rate of 0.53,0.49 and 0.39℃·10y-1 from overwintering to regreening, regreening to jointing and jointing to flowering respectively.97.9%, 75.0% and 79.2% of stations showed obvious temperature increasing.Average minimumtemperature increased more obvious than average maximum temperature,which caused the decrease in the daily temperature range.Daily temperature range decreased at the rate of 0.19℃·10y-1 during whole growing season,and decreased at the rate of 0.25℃·10y-1 from overwintering to regreening and 0.26℃·10y-1 from flowering to maturity.The precipitation change was not significant during whole growing season and each development stage.The radiation decreased at the rate of 54.02MJ·m-2·10y-1during whole growing season,and decreased at the rate of 15.74,20.09 and 12.00MJ·m-2·10y-1 from sowing to overwintering,overwintering to regreening and flowering to maturity respectively.The radiation decreased significantly in central NCP.The results are helpful to rational distribution of winter wheat and farming management.
    Study on the Relationship between the Cyanobacteria Density and the Previous Environmental Factors in the East Part of the Yangcheng Lake
    JIN Jian ping1, YU Xin 2, BAO Yun xuan2,3, WANG Ting1, LIU Ji chen2
    2013, 34(03):  324-331.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.012
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    Based on the statistical method of correlation analysis and stepwise multiple regression, authors collected the aquatic environmental and meteorological data in the east part of the Yangcheng Lake from 2010 to 2011 to analyze the connection between the cyanobacteria density and the previous environment factors. The results showed that(1) the cyanobacteria density was greatly affected by water temperature, dissolved oxygen, nutrition salts, air temperature, rainfall, wind direction, wind speed and other environmental factors in the Yangcheng Lake. (2) The air temperature was the main factor of confining the breakout of cyanobacteria. Sunshine condition was not a vital restricting factor to cyanobacteria growth. Low wind speed and little precipitation were apt to accelerate the floating up rate of cyanobacteria. The southward or northward movement of cyanobacteria in the surface water layer of the Yangcheng Lake was in essential agreement to the prevailing wind direction.(3) When the water quality was satisfied with eutrophication,the blue algae in the Yangcheng Lake was ready to bloom under the average meteorological condition of the preceding 5 days, such as the daily mean temperature less than 30℃,the daily sunshine duration changed from 4 to 10 hours, the daily average precipitation less than 2.5 millimeters, daily average wind speed drifted from 1 to 2.5m/s and the prevailing wind directions lasted over 2 days.(4) A multiple stepwise regression equation was built up to forecast the blue algal blooming and the results of fitting and trial forecasting showed that the simulation values could reflect the changing trends of cyanobacteria density well, but it still had its limit to the forecasting for peak events of algal bloom.
    Meteorological Conditions for Migration of Over winter Loxostege sticticalis Imago
    HAN Jing wei1, CHEN Su hua2, YAN Wei xiong2, Chen Yang3
    2013, 34(03):  332-337.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.013
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    Loxostege sticticalis was one of the main migration agricultural pests in North of China. Its migration path which affected by meteorological conditions was very important to accurately forecast. The relationship between meteorological conditions of over winter imago migration and the results of Loxostege sticticalis mark, release and capture was analyzed by experimented in Inner Mongolia plant protection station. The results showed that the migration of Loxostege sticticalis appeared with cold front, the updraft in front of surface cold front and southeast warm moist air with 850hPa upper level were the main circulation background. The low level air, suitable temperature and upward vertical movement were benefit to the migration of Loxostege sticticalis.It was easy to capture the Loxostege sticticalis when a large range and plentiful precipitation caused the strong north western downdraft occurred in the recovery area. The results are significant to understand Loxostege sticticalis migration habit and meteorological conditions, and make early warning.
    Mid term Prediction on Meteorological Factors for Wheat Powdery Mildew (Blumeria graminis) in Hebei Province Based on Fisher Criterion
    SI Li li1, YAO Shu ran2, YAN Feng1
    2013, 34(03):  338-341.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.014
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    Correlation analysis between wheat powdery mildew occurrence data of 7 stations in Hebei province and meteorological data in corresponding period from 1983 to 2010 was made. It was confirmed that the average relative humidity during late March to middle April was the key factor for the epidemic disease. There was no significant difference between slight and serious areas in Hebei province by using of the T test for the difference of disease occurrence.It is not necessary to establish different prediction models for different regions. Discriminant classifying models for wheat powdery mildew were established by using of Fisher criterion. The model accuracy reached 82.5% based on evaluation for the historical data, and the forecasting result in the year of 2010 displayed that the accuracy was 100%. In general, the forecasting accuracy of powdery mildew was raised by establishing the models, and these models provide a solid foundation for wheat powdery mildew forecasting and early control on wheat.
    Meteorological Disaster Risk Evaluation of Solar Greenhouse in North China
    YANG Zai qiang1,2,ZHANG Ting hua1,HUANG Hai jing3,ZHU Kai1,ZHANG Bo1
    2013, 34(03):  342-349.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.015
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    The temperature prediction model indoor based on BP neural network was established,based on meteorological data inside typical solar greenhouse in North China and other meteorological stations.The temperature indoor of 243 meteorological stations was forecasted by the simulation model.Comprehensive meteorological risk assessment model for solar greenhouse was established based on real code accelerating genetic algorithm (RAGA) and projection pursuit evaluate model (PPE),with forecast temperature data indoor and precipitation,sunlight and wind speed from other meteorological stations.The meteorological disaster risk of solar greenhouse in North China was evaluated.The results showed that the standard error was 0.89-1.54℃ between forecasted temperature and observed data,and the determination coefficient was between 0.87-0.94.The highest meteorological disasters risk level of solar greenhouse was from January to March,which was located in North of Tianshan,North of Xing Anling and Tibetan,mainly because of low temperature and frequent winds dust.The lowest risk level of meteorological disasters was in September,which was located between south of the Great Wall and north of the Yellow River,mainly because of low temperature.The meteorological risk evaluation model could provide decision making support for distribution and defence of agro meteorological disaster risk.
    Analysis of Distributional Characteristics and Primary Causes of Maize Drought in Northeast China
    ZHANG Shu jie1,ZHANG Yu shu1,SUN Long yu2,JI Rui peng1,CAI Fu1,WU Jin wen1,Li Guang xia3
    2013, 34(03):  350-357.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.016
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    Based on the observational data collected from 124 meteorological stations in Northeast China from 1961 to 2008, water deficit indices were defined for maize in different growth stage, and then spatial and temporal distributional characteristics of drought were analyzed on the basis of inter annual variation features. The results indicated that the occurrences of drought showed distinct seasonal and regional features. In the view of growth stage, drought occurred with high frequency at the seedling stage and the frequency decreased evidently at afterwards growth stages. Slight drought happened in higher frequency than moderate and severe drought. The main cause of drought was the seasonal distribution characteristics of precipitation. In the view of spatial scale, the occurrence frequency of drought for different degrees reduced gradually from west to east. The most frequent areas of drought were northwestern of Liaoning province, western of Jilin province and southwest of Heilongjiang province, respectively. For interdecadal variation characteristics, drought frequency decreased from 1960s to 1980s, increased slightly in the early of 1990s and increased apparently after the middle of 1990s, especially increased dramatically from 2000 to 2004. In view of different growth stage in the years, the trend of drought frequency was seedling stage>jointing booting stage> filling maturation stage>tasseling flowering stage. The most frequent water stress was slight drought for seedling stage during 1960s and 1990s, slight drought stress occurred frequently at tasseling and flowering stage during 1990s. All kinds of drought happened frequently at kernel filling to mature stage from 2001-2008. Thus it can be seen that the occurrence frequency of drought has increased in this area over the past several decades, especially in the critical period of yield formation of maize, and has dramatically adverse effect on maize yield. The results show positive significance to better understand the causes and distribution characteristics of drought for different growth stages of maize in Northeast China and then it will be beneficial to take appropriate measures.
    Meteorological Factors and its Forecast on Wheat Powdery Mildew Occurrence in China
    ZHENG Qiu hong, YANG Fei yun, ZHU Yu jie
    2013, 34(03):  358-365.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.017
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    The impact of meteorological factors to wheat powdery mildew was analyzed based on the previous researches,by using of the method of detecting facts. Application of meteorological factors to wheat powdery mildew forecast was summarized, and problems in current research were pointed out and future research trend was suggested. Previous researches showed that low summer temperature was conducive to powdery mildew survival. Higher temperature and more precipitation in autumn, winter and early spring were conducive to the occurrence and development of powdery mildew. But overmuch rainfall was not conducive to the development of powdery mildew. High temperature over 25℃ and drought could inhibit disease development. Low sunshine was conducive to the development of powdery mildew too. Gone with atmospheric circulation, powdery mildew achieves remote propagation. Most above researches were based on field observation, and compared with meteorological data. There were few researches about quantitative relationship between wheat powdery mildew occurrence and development and meteorological factor and factor combination. The meteorological forecast of wheat powdery mildew could be classified qualitative forecast and quantitative forecast. Qualitative forecast generally used the index forecasting method. Quantitative prediction mostly used mathematical statistics method. Artificial neural network, fuzzy mathematics method and the grey system theory were used in some researches too. The limitation of data, improper selection of index, simulation methods limited to black and grey box model, results of regional and poor practicability were the main problems in wheat powdery mildew forecast. Mechanism model was almost blank but needed in the future.
    Remote Sensing Monitor of Sea Fog in Fujian Coastal Region
    ZHANG Chun gui1,HE Jin de2,MA Zhi guo1
    2013, 34(03):  366-373.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.018
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    The temporal and spacial variation characteristic,and the remote sensing monitor method of sea fog in Fujian coastal region were studied based on visibility of 2000-2010 of eighteen meteorological stations, and the visible,near infrared,short infrared,middle infrared,far infrared band data of NOAA/AVHRR,FY-1D/CAVHRR,EOS/MODIS satellite sensors, moreover,the spectrum reflection and radiation characteristics of different earth surface,such as ocean,middle high level cloud,low level cloud,sea fog, were analyzed by using a lot of satellite remote sensing images .The various remote sensing monitor index were analyzed and the threshold of index were established based on notable spectrum reflection and radiation characteristics difference between the sea fog and other earth surface, finally, the sea fog monitor model of EOS, FY-1D, NOAA-17, NOAA-16/18 satellite in Fujian coastal region were established.The results showed that 90% sea fog of Fujian coastal region occurred in Jan. to May and more occurred in wee hours and the middle south of Fujian coastal region was main fountain area of sea fog. The sea fog monitor results were verified by using the visibility data of meteorological observing stations in Fujian coastal region and the veracity of sea fog monitor model was 83% in the mass, this proved that the sea fog remote sensing monitor model based on various satellite sensors can reasonably describe the distribution status of sea fog, and can dynamically monitor the distribution and developing process of sea fog, and so sea fog remote sensing monitor reduced loss to agriculture production, controlled environment agriculture especially, in Fujian coastal region when correlative measure were adopted after heavy fog occurred.