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20 October 2013, Volume 34 Issue 05
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Variations of Temperature and Precipitation during Growing Season of Three Major Crops in Inner Mongolia under Numerical Simulation Scenarios in the Coming 30 Years
GAO Tao,YAN Wei,WU Lan,CHEN Yan cai
2013, 34(05): 501-511. doi:
(2103KB) (
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In order to predict the climate condition of major cultivating areas in Inner Mongolia in the coming 30 years,the PRECIS (green house emission scenario A1B, A2 and B2) developed in Hadley Center in UK,and the CMIP5 multi model dataset provided by China National Climate Center were employed to simulate the temperature and precipitation for 80 years (1961-2040).The simulated crop growing season precipitation and accumulated temperature were calculated by using the simulated monthly precipitation and temperature after the longitude latitude grid points that belong to cultivating areas of 10 leagues or cities in Inner Mongolia.In addition,simulating deviations for the leagues or cities were confirmed by comparing the simulated outputs with the observed records last 50 years (1961-2010).Then,deviations of the simulated precipitation and temperature of the coming 30 years (2011-2040) have been corrected by using the difference between observations and simulations.The corrected simulating results indicated that variation of the growing season precipitation did not display significant trends for those three crops in the coming 30 years,whereas the accumulated temperatures for difference crops could present dissimilar increasing tendency.
Analysis on Spatio Temporal Variation of Temperature in Weihe River Basin in Recent 55 Years
WANG Shuai,LI Yuan sheng,ZHANG Feng
2013, 34(05): 512-518. doi:
(4137KB) (
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Based on the meteorological data of 16 stations in Weihe river basin during recent 55 years (1954-2008),and using the methods of linear regression,Mann Kendall test,Pettitt test and Morlet wavelet analysis,the variation characteristics of tendency,mutability and periodicity for the annual and seasonal mean temperature were analyzed.The results showed,(1)in the 95% confidence interval,the annual and seasonal mean temperature presented significant rising trends,and the temperature rose highest in winter.(2)There was an irregular spatial distribution of annual mean temperature,which showed a decreasing trend from the centre near the Xi'an station to all directions.(3)The annual and seasonal mean temperature had significant abrupt changes and 1993 was a watershed year for the river basin.(4)The annual mean temperature existed multiple time scale features,with the principal periods of about 3,7,23 and 55 years,and the phase change of 55 years period was the most obvious.Except in summer,the time scale features of mean temperature in other seasons were roughly consistent with those in annual.The research results provide reference for analysis and predictions of the climate change in Weihe river basin.
Analysis on Sensitivity of Consecutive Cold Day Index to Temperature in Northeast China
WANG Yan hua,REN Chuan you,LIU Gang,ZHOU Li hong,HAN Ya dong,ZHANG Wen zhong
2013, 34(05): 519-525. doi:
(2127KB) (
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Based on daily mean and minimum temperature of 73 meteorological stations in Northeast China during 1961-2005,authors analyzed the annual and seasonal responses of consecutive cold day index (CCDI) to temperature change,and discussed its probable effects on agricultural production in this paper.The results showed that the annual and seasonal mean temperature had a increasing trend in recent 45 years with the largest rise in winter and the smallest rise in summer,in contrast to a small decrease in seasonal mean temperature and slight increase in interannual variability for summer,autumn and winter from 2001 to 2005.Annual CCDI and seasonal CCDI decreased and their interannual variations increased as a whole,characterized by obvious differences among four seasons during 1961-2005,the annual and seasonal CCDIs from 2001 to 2005 were bigger than that from 1991 to 2000.Temperature sensitivity coefficients of the two CCDI indices were positive,which indicated that they decreased with accordingly mean temperature rise.Sensitivities of the annual and seasonal CCDI and correlations between CCDI and mean temperature decreased from early 1960s to middle 1990s,and then increased.Although the annual mean temperature went up and CCDIs tended to decrease during recent 45 years,the occurrence of low temperature damage to crop tended to frequent due to the smallest CCDI change rates,smallest temperature sensitivity coefficient,largest interannual variation in summer and planting of later maturity variety crops blindly,precaution should be taken in application of later maturity variety crops in Northeast China.
Effect of Dicyandiamide and Sulfur Coated Urea on Saving Cost and N2O Emission Reduction in Spring Corn Field
LI Chao,WAN Yun fan,LI Yu e,QIN Xiao bo
2013, 34(05): 526-531. doi:
(879KB) (
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Nitrous oxide (N2O) is an important greenhouse gas and agricultural soil is a major source of N2O emission.Effect of different fertilization treatments on N2O emissions of spring corn fields in North China plain was continuously monitored using an automatic sampling and analyzing system.Fertilizer treatments included urea (U),urea mixed with 10% and 5% by N-weight of dicyandiamide (DCD1, DCD2),sulfur coated urea (SCU),and non-fertilizer (CK).Experiment results showed that,(1) the total N2O emissions of the five treatments were U>SCU>DCD2>DCD1>CK.The emission factors ranged from 0.20% to 0.71%.In DCD treated plots, soil N2O fluxes were 59.5% (DCD1) and 47.1% (DCD2) lower than N2O fluxes in urea plots.There was no significant difference between SCU plots and U plots on N2O fluxes.The N2O fluxes of SCU plots and U plots were significantly higher than DCD plots (P<0.01).(2)The peak of N2O emissions occurred while WFPS(Water Filled Pore Space) increased significantly,N2O fluxes of all treatments and soil WFPS correlated significantly (P<0.01).(3)The DCD2 treatment could save about 178 yuan while reducing 1t CO2 equivalent.It can be used as a technical measure to reduce N2O emissions from spring corn field.
Preliminary Research on the Effects of Applying Nano synergism Nitrogen Fertilizer on Nitrous Oxide Emission and Yield of Spring Corn in North China Plain
ZHOU Peng,LI Yu e,WAN Yun fan,LIU Li min,LIU Xiao ying,JIANG Hai sheng,SHEN Bin
2013, 34(05): 532-537. doi:
(1193KB) (
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In order to identify the fertilization measures which would reduce N2O emission and increase crop yield under the same level of nitrogen application,the N2O fluxes of spring corn fields in North China plain with different fertilizations(urea,nano synergism ammonium,nano synergism urea and no fertilizer)were measured using automatic sampling and analyzing system based on static chambers and gas chromatography(GC).Experiment results showed that it existed significant differences (PNA>U>CK.The corn yield increment in the treatments NU and NA were 11% and 9%(P<0.05),respectively,as compared to the treatment U.It was concluded that nano synergism nitrogen fertilizer was a better practice to reduce N2O emission with significant yield increment.
Effects of Temperature and Precipitation Increasing Simulation on Nutrient Element Allocation in Artemisia frigida
BORJIGIDAI Almaz,XI Yi,GAO Qing zhu,HUANG Yong mei,CUI Jian
2013, 34(05): 538-544. doi:
(2307KB) (
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In order to reveal the effects of temperature and precipitation increasing on 12 nutrient element contents of different parts (reproductive branches and vegetative branches) in Artemisia frigida Willd.,a field experiment with four treatments,including CK(ambient),IR(+2℃),W(+120mm),IRW(+2℃ and +120mm),was conducted.The experiment was started in April 2005 and harvested in August 2010.12 nutrient element contents of different branches were determined by using ICP AEP.The results showed that W altered significantly the contents and allocation of N,K,Mg,Zn,Fe,Mn and Ni in different parts of Artemisia frigida (P<0.05)comparing to CK,but IR did not affected on all of 12 elements.There was no interactive effect among IR,W and different part on all of 12 element contents.In addition, there was a significant difference on the absorption and allocation of N, K, Mn (P<0.05). The results indicated that long term temperature and precipitation increasing by changing soil moisture, temperature, nutrient status and plant phenology, affected directly or indirectly plant nutrient elements absorption and allocation process.
Effect of Different Fertilizer on the Stable Nitrogen Isotope of Tomato and Soil
GUO Zhi cheng,LI Yu zhong,DONG Yi wei,XU Chun ying,FANG Fu li,LI Qiao zhen
2013, 34(05): 545-550. doi:
(1158KB) (
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The variation of δ15N of soil,tomato leaves and tomato fruit under different fertilizers were studied with pot experiments.8 treatments were laid out:C1 (compost,9.5g N),CU1 (compost,4.75g N;urea,4.75g N),U1 (urea,9.5g N),C2 (compost,19g N),CU2 (compost,9.5g N;urea,9.5g N),U2 (urea,19g N) and C3 (compost,29g N),CK (no fertilizer).The results showed that (1) the δ15N of soil,tomato leaves and tomato fruit increased with the application rates of compost,whereas decreased by urea.The ranges of δ15N of leaves and fruits sampled from the compost treatments were between 6.02‰~12.75‰ and 4.69‰~8.24‰ respectively,while the corresponding ranges of the urea treatments were between 2.83‰~5.53‰ and 2.66‰~4.50‰.(2) The ranking results of δ15N of different parts were old leaf> new leaf> new stem> fruit> old stem> lateral root> taproot,it indicates that nitrogen was gradually took into tomato plant with the process of absorption,transportation and distribution of nitrogen.(3) The threshold of δ15N of tomato fruit is 5‰ for compost treatments and urea treatments.
Effects of Phosphorus Transformation by Bio active Humic Acid under Different Fertilization
WANG Sen,HAN Si xun,GENG Bing,YE Jing, LIU Xue,ZHU Chang xiong
2013, 34(05): 551-556. doi:
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Taking 4 kinds of fertilizer,including compound fertilizer(CF),ordinary organic fertilizer(OF),bio organic fertilizer(BF) and no fertilizer (CK),in four different boxes respectively,mixing or not mixing(CK) the bio active humic acid into them,the total phosphorus in base material and runoff drenched by artificial rainfall with a slope of 15° was investigated.Total phosphorus in runoff with compound fertilizer, organic fertilizer and bio organicfertilizer was about 2.90, 1.32 and 9.73 times of that with the non fertilization treatment (CK) respectively.Total phosphorus in runoff rose by 7.09, 2.32 and 5.00 times in combined application of bio active humic acid compared with those without bio active humic acid.The results showed that in combination of bio active humic acid,phosphorus in the compound fertilizers and ordinary organic fertilizer could be released effectively and converted into dissolved phosphorus which was absorbed easily by plants,with conversion rates of 0.76% and 0.37% respectively.However,it was observed that bio active humic acid would inhibit the release of phosphorus in the case of bio organicfertilizer with a conversion rates of -0.85%。In addition,it could accelerate the transformation process of phosphorus by adding bio active humic acid. Peak concentrations of P for CK and OF treatments shifted from the third hour to the second hour after adding bio active humic acid,and that for CF shifted from the second hour to the first hour. The results indicated that bio active humic acid could release phosphorus of fertilizers effectively and accelerate the transformation process, make it into dissolved phosphorus, which was more conducive to plants.The results could be used for popularizing the utilization of biological humic acid and provided a basis for deep study in phosphorus absorption of crop subsequently.
Application Effects of Active Heat Storage and Release System in a Chinese Solar Greenhouse
LI Wen,YANG Qi chang,ZHANG Yi,FANG Hui
2013, 34(05): 557-562. doi:
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To avoid chilling injury on plants caused by low air temperature in Chinese solar greenhouses during winter night,an active heat storage and release system by using water as a medium was designed in this experiment.This system includes a heat energy collecting/release device,heat storage device and control device.During the day time,this system was used to absorb and store solar heat energy.During the nighttime,this system was used to release the heat energy into the greenhouse for increasing the air temperature.Results showed that solar heat energy collected rate of the system was 0.3kW/m2 and the heat energy storage was 6.9MJ/m2 on a sunny daytime,during the nighttime,the heat energy release rate was 0.2kW/㎡,the heat energy released was 5.7MJ/m2 and the heat energy use efficiency was 0.83.The average air temperatures were 6.3℃ on a sunny day and 4.6℃ on a cloudy day higher in the experiment greenhouse than those in control greenhouse. The above results indicate that the active heat storage and release system can effectively improve air temperature for safe plant production in Chinese solar greenhouse during winter night.
High Temperature Index of PSⅡ Inactivation According to Chlorophyll Fluorescence of Quercus variabilis Leaves
CHEN Jing ling,SONG Xiao ming,WANG Qian,WANG Kun,ZHAO Yong
2013, 34(05): 563-568. doi:
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Using chlorophyll fluorescence instrument Mini PAM, authors measured the Quercus variabilis leaves maximal and actual chlorophyll fluorescence quantum yield of photo system Ⅱ(Fv/Fm and ΔF/Fm’) in order to study the temperature of photo system Ⅱ inactivation of Quercus variabilis leaves on high temperature stress.There were 10 high temperature treatments of 35~55℃ with treating time 5~85min.The results showed that (1) both Fv/Fm and ΔF/Fm’ decreased with increase of heat stress temperature and increase of high temperature treating time; and the process of that ΔF/Fm’decreased could be simulated with Logistic curves; (2) High temperature stress clearly influenced photosynthesis of Quercus variabilis leaves; the temperature of that ΔF/Fm’ decreased 50%(T50) was limit temperature index of photo system Ⅱ inactivation, and could be taken as characteristic point of high temperature stress; the high temperature tress index of Quercus variabilis was determined as 42℃. This paper is useful for analyzing the intensity and lasting time of high temperature stress of Quercus variabilis leaves, and providing methods of determining agricultural meteorology index of other plants.
Application of a Simplified Method for Estimating CWSI with Infrared Thermography
ZHANG Xiao yu,SUN Hong yong,WANG Yan zhe,ZHANG Xi ying
2013, 34(05): 569-575. doi:
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Taking winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) as material, crop water stress index (CWSI) was calculated by using two methods: Jacksons theoretical model and Jones simplified model with the technology of the visible and thermal infrared imagery under different irrigation schedules. The validity and feasibility of Jones method for monitoring winter wheat water stress in the North China Plain (NCP) was briefly analyzed refer to theoretical CWSI. The results showed that CWSI calculated by the two models had closed relationships with the soil moisture conditions of the main root zone soil profile under 6 irrigation schedules. Moreover, Jones method was more sensitive to the subtle changes of crop water status and had a better response to the changes in stomatal conductance of winter wheat.Threshold values of CWSI were determined initially for maximizing the yield of winter wheat based on two different models. The results indicated that Jones simplified model was a practical and reliable method for monitoring crop water status, which could be used to establish a readily portable system for spot measurements in crops and guide irrigation scheduling accurately.
Prediction Model of Summer Maize Developmental Stages Based on Climatic Suitability in Henan Province
LI Shu yan,PENG Ji yong,LIU Rong hua
2013, 34(05): 576-581. doi:
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The accurate prediction of crop developmental stage is the basis of the agrometeorological condition assessment and disaster monitoring and early warning. The observed data including summer maize development stage and weather data from 1981 to 2006 of 19 agrometeorological stations in Henan province were used to establish the comprehensive climate suitability model of summer maize. And further, the physiological index and prediction model for developmental stage of summer maize were constructed based on the comprehensive climate suitability model. The prediction model was validated using the observed data of 4 years from 2007 to 2010. The results showed that there was good agreement between observations and predictions for the duration of each developmental stage. The correlation coefficients between observations and predictions of different stages were statistically significant at level P<0.01,except for the stage of tasseling to milk ripeness, which was statistically significant at level P<0.05. The absolute error (ABSE) ranged between 1.8 and 2.9 days, and the standard error (RMSE) ranged between 2.8 and 3.9 days. The accuracy was highest for the stage of 7 leaf-jointing and lowest for the stage of milk ripeness to maturity. The accuracy of the prediction model can basically meet the needs of agrometeorological operation and services
Risk Regionalization of Yield Losses of Summer Maize in Henan Province
LIU Xiao xue,SHEN Shuang he,LIU Rong hua
2013, 34(05): 582-587. doi:
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In this paper, the actual yields data of summer maize of 96 counties in Henan province from 1971 to 2010 were used to analyze the risk of yield loss of summer maize. The risk assessment indices included the mean yield reduction rate, variance coefficient of yield reduction rate, risk probability and risk index of yieldreduction of summer maize, and a comprehensive risk assessment indicator was established based on these indices. The risk regionalization of yield loss of summer maize in Henan province was completed. The results showed that the geographic distribution of these risk indicators value had evident regional and continuous characteristics. According to the comprehensive risk index, summer maize planting region in Henan province was divided into three risk categories of high, medium and low. The low risk area including the plain areas of northern and eastern Henan, middle parts of Henan and Nanyang basin; the medium risk area including western hilly area and southern rain fed summer maize area, and the high risk area including Xincai, Shangcai, Pingyu, Shenqiu and Mianchi counties which had the highest yield reduction risk and weaker anti disaster ability. The results of this research could provide a reference for summer maize production and disaster prevention and mitigation in Henan province.
Study on Dynamic Monitoring Index of Maize Chilling Damage in Inner Mongolia
HOU Qiong,ZHANG Qing hua
2013, 34(05): 588-594. doi:
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Based on meteorological data and maize yield data of 36 meteorological stations, and maize growth and development period data of different varieties of 10 agro meteorological stations in Inner Mongolia from 1981 to 2010, the heat requirement of the 5 varieties of maize in normal years was analyzed, and the average dates of the growth and development period of different varieties and the limitation of active accumulated temperature was determined. By using the expressions of relative active accumulated temperature distance (TXJ), the TXJ of the different developmental period of the 30 years on stations was calculated, and the TXJ index of the slight and serious degree chilling damage was determined, based on the relationship between the negative distance and yield reduction rate.The analysis results of 24 typical years and 36 stations in 30 years showed that the highest agreement between chilling damage years and yield reduction was in spinning milky stage (69%), followed by milky maturity stage (67.1%). Late maturing varieties were higher than early maturing varieties and serious chilling damage years (76.6%) were higher than slight chilling damage years (57.2%). In typical years, the average accuracy of the judgment was 95.8%, which could increase to 100% after the spinning stage. Spinning milky was the most sensitive period to the chilling damage. The index could reflect the cumulative effects of low temperature and compensation benefit of high temperature in different growth stages during the whole growth season, and could be applied in chilling damage monitoring service in Inner Mongolia.
Analysis and Division for Risk of Cold Damage to Litchi Yield in Hainan
CAI Da xin,ZHANG Jing hong,LIU Shao jun
2013, 34(05): 595-601. doi:
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In this paper, the models for calculating theoretical harvest area and meteorological disaster index were first developed by using method of linear moving average, regression analysis, information diffusion based on litchi production and meteorological data from 1990 to 2010 in Hainan province. The relative contribution of cold weather hazard to the reduction rate of litchi yield was separated from different weather disasters. Then, the model of yield risk assessment for litchi was developed and used in risk division based on considering the difference of production scale between towns. The results showed that higher risk regions of litchi yield were located in the north and middle of Hainan, and the risk rank of northwest was lower than the former. The lowest risk areas were mainly located in the south, southeast and southwest coastal towns. However, the middle, north and east where litchi was widely plant. In most parts, the high level of cold damage risk grade distributed in the middle and north and looked like a belt. The risk in Haikou, Qiongzhong and Wuzhishan were the highest,and in Chengmai was low; the lowest risk occurred in east, west and south coastal areas. The consistency is well shown between the division and fact of cold damage risk distribution for litchi, so the above results can be used to improve layout, prevent and reduce disaster as scientific foundation.
Prediction of First Day of Daily Minimum Temperature Blow -8℃ of Harvesting Ice Grape in Huanren County
JI Qi, ZHANG Guo lin
2013, 34(05): 602-605. doi:
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To get high quality of ice grape, the adequate temperature during grape harvest season should be kept between -13~-8℃. So the first day of daily minimum temperature <-8℃ was taken as beginning harvest date for ice grape. For forecasting the beginning harvest date for ice grape, the subordinative fuzzy function sets and multiple regression model of daily minimum temperature decreasing to below -8℃ were established by using correlation analysis, subordinative fuzzy function and regression analysis methods, based on the daily minimum temperature and the related annual climate data from 1953 to 2010 in Huanren county, Liaoning province. The subordinative fuzzy function set was 88% through the examination of historical information. The historical correct rate was 86% through multiple regression prediction model. The results indicated that combined two methods could get good accuracy for forecasting the beginning harvesting date for ice grape, which could provide meteorological basic for ice grape harvesting and ice wine producing.
Risk Assessment of Meteorological Frost Disaster during Flowering and Fruit Bearing Period of Tianshui Peach
XU Yan ping, YAO Xiao hong, WAN Xin, WANG Hong bin, REN Hua rong, YANG Rui
2013, 34(05): 606-610. doi:
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Taking relative meteorological yield of Tianshui peach stepwise regression analysis with meteorological factors during flowering and fruit bearing period, including <0℃ daily minimum temperature and <0℃ daily minimum ground surface temperature, the key frost risk factors, the extreme minimum temperature below 0℃ and the product of surface ground temperature below 0℃ and its continuous days, was obtained, the affecting weights of two factors were 12% and 88%. Then the evaluation model was established .taking it as the major hazard of frost disaster risk factors and the disastor indicator was calucated. Comprehensive assessment was conducted with frost disastor to Tianshui peach from 1991 to 2010, comparing to yield levels and frost disasters survey. All of the reality was completely consistent with assessment apart from 2001 and 2005, which indicated that assessment accuracy was higher. The results could provide scientific basic to deal with frost risk of Tianshui peach during flowering and fruit bearing period and improve yield.
Development of Beijing Urban Modern Farming Weather Forecast Service System
LIU Yong hong,YE Cai hua,WU Chun yan,LUAN Qing zu,LI Hui jun, LI Chao
2013, 34(05): 611-618. doi:
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For adapting to urban modern agriculture service needs and promoting efficiency of farming weather forecast, Beijing urban modern farming weather forecast service system was developed by IDL language, Flex added Java, ArcGIS drawing technical and information-net technology and the system was applied in Beijing area. The study results showed that the system was featured by urban modern agriculture service. It included hundreds of farming activities of 12 species of main field crops, featured fruit trees and establishment crops which embodied professional and selective service. The system adopted index decision method and farming weather index model for forecast of suitable grade of meteorological conditions for various farming activities. And it could predict daily in the next 1-7 days with spatial resolution of town unit and 3 kilometers grid which reflected the fine service of urban modern agriculture. The system was used by provincial and country level operators. It was designed with separation strategy of data management and accessing application based on B/S frame and it had such functions as data analysis, index database management, graphic production, prediction calibration, user distribution and result exhibition with GIS spatial distribution. The system significantly increased objective and automatic levels and product quality of farming weather forecast service. It could provide some references for specialization and fine in domestic farming weather forecast technology which were development directions in future.