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    20 February 2014, Volume 35 Issue 01
    Change of Climatic Resources and Potential Productivity During the Entire Growth
    Period of Winter Wheat Under Future Climate Scenario in Sichuan Basin
    PANG Yan mei, CHEN Chao, PAN Xue biao;LIU Yan yan
    2014, 35(01):  1-9.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.001
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    Based on the daily data of A2 and B2 climate scenario (2071-2100) and baseline climate condition (1961-1990) from the regional climate model PRECIS, the spatial and temporal change characteristics of the climate resources (thermal time≥0℃,sunshine hours, precipitation,reference crop evapotranspiration and water deficient ratio) during winter wheat growing periods and potential productivity (photosynthetic potential productivity, photo temperature potential productivity and climatic potential productivity) of winter wheat in Sichuan basin were calculated and analyzed according to the methods recommended by FAO and Hou guang liang.The results showed that the thermal time≥0℃, sunshine hours and reference crop evapotranspiration during the entire growth period of winter wheat would increase from 2071 to 2100 under A2 and B2 climate scenario compared with the baseline climate conditions from 1961 to 1990 in most regions of Sichuan basin.The precipitation would decrease from 2071 to 2100 under A2 climate scenario in Mianyang and south regions of Sichuan basin,but for the other regions appeared increasing tendency.The precipitation would decrease from 2071 to 2100 under B2 climate scenario in most regions of Sichuan basin, but for the individual regions appeared increasing tendency.The water deficient ratio of winter wheat showed increasing tendency in the future,  indicated that the winter wheat drought disaster risk would increase in Sichuan basin. Compared with the baseline climate conditions from 1961 to 1990, the photosynthetic potential productivity,photo temperature potential productivity and climatic potential productivity of winter wheat would increase from 2071 to 2100 under A2 and B2 climate scenario in most regions of Sichuan basin.Future changes in climatic resources to benefit winter wheat yield in Sichuan basin.
    Analysis of Different Guarantee Rate Extreme Minimum Temperature Variation in Xinjiang During 1961-2010
    PU Zong chao, ZHANG Shan qing,LI Jing lin,XU Wen xiu,WANG Ming quan
    2014, 35(01):  10-16.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.002
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    Based on the annually extreme minimum temperature data from 101 meteorological stations in Xinjiang during 1961-2010, the fundamental spatialtemporal change characteristics of mean extreme minimum temperature and different guarantee rate(80%, 90%, 95%)extreme minimum temperature were analyzed by using the methods of linear regression, Mann Kendall test and three dimensional and quadratic trend surface simulation and inverse distance square weighting residual error revising based on GIS. The main results are as the follows,(1)mean extreme minimum temperature and different guarantee rate extreme minimum temperature were higher in southern than in northern, and higher in plain and valley than in mountain areas of Xinjiang.(2)On average of whole Xinjiang, the extreme minimum temperature of guarantee rate 80%, 90%, and 95% were lower than mean extreme minimum temperature -2.7℃,-4.2℃ and -5.4℃ respectively, and the difference was gradually increased from southeast to northwest in Xinjiang.(3)In the background of global warming, mean extreme minimum temperature showed a significant increasing trend by the rate of 0.74℃/10y in recent 50 years, and had mutations in 1980. The increasing rate and change range before and after 1980 were larger in north than in south, and in plains than in mountains of Xinjiang. In addition, according to climate index of winter wheat and various fruit trees going through winter safely, the influence of different guarantee rate extreme minimum temperature spatial temporal variation to winter wheat and fruit trees going through winter safely were analyzed. The study results have important reference significance, to science formulates plans for the winter crops planting, choose appropriate cold resistant crop varieties, adopt scientific and effective safety overwintering crops management technology in Xinjiang.
    Investigation and Assessment on Microclimate Environment of Solar Greenhouse in North China
    XU Fan,MA Cheng wei,QU Mei,LIU Yang,GONG Bin bin,ZHANG Jian yu,CAO Yan fei,SUN Guo tao,LIU Chen xia
    2014, 35(01):  17-25.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.003
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    Micro climate of solar greenhouses in five provinces(Beijing,Tianjin,Hebei,Shandong,Shanxi)of north China were monitored for two years Eight indices were selected and defined to analyze and assess the solar greenhouse environment performance,which were daily mean temperature,daily maximum temperature,daily minimum temperature,night daily mean temperature,daily mean temperature difference at night,days number of daily minimum temperature ≤8℃,day relative humidity,and night relative humidity.The results showed that 8 indices above could reflect the solar greenhouse thermal performance factually in north China.The daily mean temperature was 10-15℃,daily maximum temperature was 20-30℃,daily minimum temperature was 5-10℃,night daily mean temperature was 5-10℃,daily mean temperature difference at night was 15-20℃,day relative humidity was 60%-80%,night relative humidity was 99%.According to the indices above,the high relative humidity indoor and low temperature at night was still serious,the environment performance of solar greenhouse in Shandong was the best.The research results had practical significance for realizing the environment performances solar greenhouses in north China,determining uniform assessment indices for solar greenhouse thermal environment,and enhancing the comparability between greenhouses.
    Heat Preservation Effect of Foam Board Inside South Wall of Solar Greenhouse
    LIU Xu, HOU Wei na, ZHANG Tao, HE Cui, Liu Xiao yu, SUN Zhi qiang
    2014, 35(01):  26-32.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.004
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    In order to improve cultivated soil temperature of overwintering crops in solar greenhouse, 20cm (T1), 30cm (T2) and 40cm (T3) high foam board were buried inside south wall of solar greenhouse in different place,taking without foam board as CK. The temperature of different depth soil 30cm away from south wall was observed for 30 days, the heat preservation effect of different treatments was studied.The results showed that burying foam boards inside south wall was beneficial to increase the indoor soil temperature. There was close correlation between soil temperature and the height of foam boards among the three treatments, and T3 showed the best effect. The south margin soil temperature increased 1-2℃ compared to CK. Heat storage did not affected in sunny day, and the soil temperature could be kept above 8℃ in rainy days and snowy days, which could avoid freeze injury. The treatments increased the root activity significantly without affecting normal growth of the planting crops (tomato). The results could provide basis to reduce the damage of meteorological disasters to agricultural production in greenhouse, and to guidance overwintering crops production.
    Simulation of Daily Air Temperature Inside Plastic Greenhouse Based on Harmonic Method
    LI Qian,SHEN Shuang he,TAO Su lin,ZOU Xue zhi
    2014, 35(01):  33-41.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.005
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    Micro-climate data inside plastic greenhouse in Cixi,Zhejiang province,during the period from 2006 to 2009 was analyzed based on three kinds of weather conditions in winter and spring seasons.Taking the weather elements outside plastic greenhouse as independent variables,the second-order harmonic model parameters were got by through the stepwise regression and a harmonic prediction model for hourly air temperature inside greenhouse was established and validated with three kinds of weather, ie,sunny day, partly cloudy day and overcast day in winter and spring respectively.The results showed that the coefficient of determination (R2)between the predicted and the measured value was more than 0.92 both in sunny day and partly cloudy day,and root mean square error (RMSE) and absolute error (AE) were less than 3.0℃ and 2.4℃ respectively R2 between the predicted air temperature and the measured value in overcast day was approximately 0.79,and RMSE was less than 3.0℃ and RE was approximately 2.0℃,which was lower than that of in partly cloudy day but higher than that of in sunny day.Under the same weather condition, predicted air temperature in winter was higher than that of in spring.Air temperature phase inside plastic greenhouse was a little ahead of outside, especially in sunny and partly cloudy day,and it was higher in winter than that of in spring.Daily minimum air temperature inside plastic greenhouse was lower than that of outside greenhouse,especially in spring.Application of the harmonic analysis to predict of air temperature inside plastic greenhouses under specific weather conditions was studied,and the research results could certainly provide scientific guidance for micro-scale cultivation management in plastic greenhouse.
    Effects of Nighttime Soil Warming and No tillage on Soybean Growth and the
    Utilization of N and P
    CHU Dai wei,ZHANG Yao hong,ZHAO Juan,XIE Xiao jin
    2014, 35(01):  42-47.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.006
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    In order to investigate the effects of nighttime warming and no tillage on soybean growth and its uptake and utilization of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), field nighttime warming system was designed in trial field in Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology. The experiments were conducted with four treatments, that is, normal nighttime temperature with traditional tillage (CK), nighttime warming with traditional tillage (W), normal nighttime temperature with no tillage (NT), and nighttime warming with no tillage (WNT). The results showed that compared to CK, nighttime warming (W) significantly decreased plant biomass by 6%-25% during the growing season (P<0.05), whereas had little effect on grain yield, grains per plant, grain weight per plant, and 100-seed weight of soybean. During branching and flowering stages, warming reduced N accumulation by 30% and 20%, respectively, and P accumulation by 39% and 39%. No tillage had a limited effect on grain yield and yield components, but significantly decreased plant biomass, translocation amounts and efficiencies of N and P (P<0.01). Warming with no tillage (WNT) treatment significantly decreased plant biomass and grain yield by 29% and 34%, respectively (P<0.01). Moreover, grains per plant, grain weight per plant, and 100-seed weight of soybean were reduced by 22%, 22% and 3%, respectively, under WNT treatment. Meanwhile, at maturity, N and P accumulations were 20% and 22% lower under WNT treatment than under CK treatment, respectively. Thus, this study indicated that grain yield and yield components of soybean were hardly affected by single factor like either nighttime warming or no tillage, whereas nighttime warming with no tillage significantly reduced grain yield of soybean and N and P accumulation.Therefore, it is unfavorable to soybean production by means of no tillage under climate warming condition.
    Climatic Suitability Variation and Yield Dynamic Prediction Model of Cotton in Tianjin
    LIU Fang,XUE Qing yu,LI Zhen fa
    2014, 35(01):  48-54.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.007
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    A climatic suitability evaluation model of cotton in Tianjin was established,considering temperature,sunlight and water demand.The climatic suitable index of cotton was calculated with three climatic factors in the past years,a dynamic prediction model of cotton was established.The results showed that temperature suitable index(TSI)of cotton increased at the rate of 0.016/10y from 1964 to 2009,sunlight suitable index(SSI)of cotton decreased at the rate of 0.025/10y from 1964 to 2009,and precipitation suitable index(PSI)of cotton changed little in the past years.The dynamic prediction model of cotton yield was established by regression analysis based on the meteorological data from 1995 to 2009.The model for seeding stage,budding stage,boll forming stage and boll opening stage passed significance testing(P<0.05).The result of running the model with historical data showed that it got a higher accuracy since 2000,in which 87.5% of years accuracy rate was more than 80%,and average rate in each growth stage was more than 88%.The accuracy rate of dynamic prediction model was more than 95.5% for 2010 and 2011,which indicated that the model could meet the demand of agro-meteorological services.
    Influence of Soil Moisture in Spring on Maize Seedling Growth in Jilin Province
    MA Shu qing, WANG Qi , XU Li ping,YU Hai, ZHANG Tie lin
    2014, 35(01):  55-61.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.008
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    Spring maize(Zea mays) field experiment of soil water stress and sowing date were conducted in the maize zone of Jilin province in spring of 2010 and 2011, which set 4 soil moisture levels and 3 sowing dates. The soil moisture, irrigation water amount, and rainfall were observed in the period from sowing to 7-leaf, and the leaf age, plant height and biomass dry weight of maize plant were observed after 7-leaf. The impact of soil water change on the state of maize seeding growth was analyzed by using of regression method. The results showed that the soil water stress inhibited the growing of maize leaves and plant, retarded the amassment of seeding biomass. The relationship between relative leaf age of maize seedling, relative plant height and relative biomass and soil moisture in the period from sowing to 7-leaf were significant quadratic function. Every 1 percentage point decline in soil moisture, the maize seedling leaf age, plant height and dry weight decreased 5.5, 5.6 and 11.0 percentage point respectively. Soil moisture in 21.5%-24.0% (or available soil water in 70-85mm) in the period was suitable for maize seedlings growth. If the soil moisture decreased to 18.0%, the maize relative leaf age, relative plant height and relative dry weight dropped to 80%, 85% and 70% from appropriate conditions of 100% respectively. When the soil moisture was below 16.0%, the leaf age, plant height and dry weight decreased to 68%, 70% and 50% respectively. The results had guidance function on evaluation of maize seeding growth, spring drought impact and irrigation.
    Simulation Model for Maize Developmental Stages in Hetao Irrigation Area Based on Climate Suitability
    SUN Xiao long,YAN Wei xiong,WU Rong sheng,LI Ping
    2014, 35(01):  62-67.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.009
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    Based on the physiological development time which influenced by the temperature,sunlight and soil moisture,and meteorological and crop data at Hetao irrigation area last 20 years,a simulation model for maize physiological developmental stage was established.The physiological development stage of maize was calculated by using of the simulation model in Bayannaoer and Tumotezuoqi,the simulation results of 10 years were calculated and checked out by the root mean square error(RMSE),Paired-Samples T Test and the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE).The results showed that the simulation model was more accurate during vegetation growth stage and whole growth period,and it also passed the inspection during reproductive growth stage,the correlation coefficient between the simulated results and observed values was 0.753,0.786 and 0.996 in the seeding stage,the 7-leaf stage and whole growth period respectivelyMoreover,the root mean square error (RMSE) between the simulated results and observed values was 2.324d,2.846d and 3.771d respectively.It showed that comprehensive considering the meteorological conditions of temperature,sunlight and soil moisture was helpful for the simulation.This simulation model was relatively robust on mechanistic explanation,and could be applied to simulate and to predict the physiological development time of maize in Hetao irrigation area,it also could be contribute to prediction of maize yield.
    Study on Maize Sowing Time in Heilongjiang Province Based on Temperature Data
    LV Jia jia,WANG Qiu jing,YAN Pin,WANG Liang liang,ZHU Hai xia,JIANG Li xia,DU Chun ying
    2014, 35(01):  68-73.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.010
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    Based on the dataset of daily mean temperature from 1961 to 2010 in 70 meteorological stations of Heilongjiang province,the starting date of maize sowing time,the spatial differences of climatic trend rates,and the latest sowing time of current varieties and relief varieties were analyzed by using GIS software and statistical methods The results indicated that the starting sowing date of most maize in Heilongjiang province was during late April and early May This date in most parts of Songnen plain was from 22 nd April to 5th May and in Sanjiang plain and local area of Mudanjiang was from 26th April to 5th May, while the date changed from 6th May to 20th May in other areas In the past 50 years, the average trend of maize sowing time in Heilongjiang province was not obviously, but in some parts, the starting sowing date was significantly ahead of the average trend,especially in Heihe and Qiqihaer For current  varieties ,the latest sowing date of late-maturing ones was middle May,and this date of maturing varieties was at the beginning of late May in Songnen plain While in Sanjiang plain and Mudanjiang the latest sowing date of maturing ones were at the end of late May,and early-maturing ones were at the beginning of late May In addition, the latest  sowing  time of relief varieties tended to delay from north to south, the date changed from 1st June to 23rd June In most parts of Heilongjiang province this period was 11-15,June This study provided evidence that climate change could affect  maize sowing time, and the results can be used to protect maize from potential risk
    Effects of Plastic Film Mulching and Ridge Planting on Yield and Water Use Efficiency of Potato in Loess Plateau
    XUE Jun wu,REN Wen jiang,YAN Chang rong
    2014, 35(01):  74-79.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.011
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    Different treatments of plastic film mulching and ridge-burrow cropping models were set, and bared ground planting was set as control.Our main results were: (1)compared to convention planting,the emergence rate and the height of potato were significantly improved by plastic film mulching(P<0.05).The highest values emerged in the treatment of plastic film mulching with ridge planting,in which the emergence rate and the height of potato were improved by 11.72%-14.94% and 10.65cm-12.35cm respectively.(2)Soil water moisture and WUE were also improved by plastic film mulching (P<0.05), and corresponding values in treatment of plastic film mulching with ridge planting were higher than without ridge planting (P<0.05).(3)Plastic film mulching improved the potato yield (P<0.05), and in treatment with ridge planting, the extent of improvement were higher.All treatments improved the commodity rate of potato (P<0.05), and value in treatment of plastic film mulching with ridge planting was also higher than without ridge planting.In conclusion, plastic film mulching and ridge planting could increase the yield and WUE of rainfed potato evidently, and whole mulching with single ridge has more economic benefit in Loess Plateau.
    Effects of Different Duration of High Temperature Stress During Filling Stages on Leaf Photosynthetic and Fluorescence Parameters of Early Rice
    YANG Zai qiang,LI Ling li,YIN Jian min,WANG Xue lin,SUN Qing,GU Li li
    2014, 35(01):  80-84.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.012
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    Using Jiangxi early rice “Wuyou 157” as material, three duration time of high temperature stress (35℃/28℃, day temperature/night temperature,30℃/25℃ as control), 3d (HT3d), 6d (HT6d) and 9d (HT9d), were carried out in the filling stage in artificial climate chamber at Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology from March to July, 2012.Three leaves of rice (flag leaf, pour leaf of rice, inverse two leaves of rice) were selected to measure light response curve and photosynthetic and fluorescence parameters after high temperature stress for 1,3,6,9 and 12d, respectively. The results showed that,(1)leaves chlorophyll content, net photosynthetic rate, light saturation point, PSⅡ maximum photochemical efficiency and PSⅡ actual quantum yield of three leaves decreased with stress time expansion. (2)The light use efficiency of three rice leaves were decreased by 47.29%, 71.21% and 79.72% of control after high temperature treatment for 3, 6 and 9d, respectively. (3)The maximum photosynthetic rate of rice leaves were 63.28% and 32.04%, and the Fv/Fm were 86.64% and 62.57% of control after high temperature treatment for 6d and 9d, respectively. The results showed that if high temperature stress lasts less than 6d, rice leaves can recover their photosynthetic capacity gradually at suitable temperature; while high temperature stress reaches or exceeds 6d, the photosynthesis system get irreversible seriously hurt.
    Risk Assessment of Cold and Freezing Damage on Papaya Introduction in Fujian Province
    HUANG Chuan rong,CHEN Jia jin,ZHENG Dong qi,WANG Jia yi,LIN Jing,LI Li chun,XU Zong huan
    2014, 35(01):  85-90.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.013
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    Based on the analysis of potential hazard of cold(freezing)damage and prevention capability of cold(freezing)damage,according to yearly meteorological data and other socioeconomic data in papaya potential introduction area,an index system for the risk assessment on cold(freezing)damage of papaya introduced was  established Combined with the AHP and entropyweight coefficient method,the indicator weight was determined,and risk assessment model was constructed by using the multiindex comprehensive evaluation method.Then the comprehensive index was calculated and the division map was drawn for the risk analysis and division of cold(freezing)damage of papaya introduction.The results showed that the low risk regions were located in coastal areas with low elevation to the south of Jinjiang because of light disaster causing factors and low but could be great prompted prevention capacity.The medium risk regions were distributed in coastal areas with low elevation from Changle to Quanzhou,and most low elevation areas of Longhai,Changtai and Zhangzhou city,and part areas of Zhangpu,Yunxiao and Zhao′an.Other regions were located at high risk,the high latitude areas were even with higher risk Verified by historical examples,risk assessment results were more consistent with actual situation,therefore,research results have good application,can provide reference for papaya planting pattern and disaster prevention.
    Simulation of the Heat Injury on Rice Production in Jiangsu Province Under the Climate Change ScenariosⅠ:Impact Assessment of the Heat Injury on Rice Yield From Booting to Heading Stage
    LI Qi, REN Jing quan, WANG Lian xi
    2014, 35(01):  91-96.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.014
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    Using the meteorological, soil, rice yield and field management data of Jiangsu province as the input data of CERESRice model, the genotype parameters of rice cultivar Xudao no 2 were obtained by calibration and validation processes. Then combined the CERESRice model with the multi model dataset of CMIP3 under the World Climate Research Programmer (WCRP), the impact of the heat injury on the rice yield was simulated by the different high temperature intensity and different high temperature  duration under the 2020s (2011-2040) of A2 and A1B climate change scenarios. The results showed that the CERES Rice model simulated better in Jiangsu province. Heat injury from the booting to heading stage caused a decline for rice production in Jiangsu province under the A2 and A1B climate change scenarios, and the decline rate of rice production reached 17%. When the high temperature intensity was constant, the longer the high temperature duration was, the more seriously rice yield decreased. So as the high temperature duration was constant, the more severe high temperature was, the more serious the heat injury on the rice yield was. So, the rice yield will be decreased by the heat injury from the booting to heading stage under the climate change scenarios. This provides a theoretical support for the reasonable of the disaster prevention and mitigation measures rice production in Jiangsu province.
    Application and Comparison of Several Drought Monitoring Models in Northern Shaanxi
    LI Jing,WANG Lian xi,SHEN Cheng,LI Qi,LI Deng ke
    2014, 35(01):  97-102.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.015
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    Based on soil moisture and its MODIS data in different depth from 20 soil monitoring stations in north Shaanxi,three kinds of drought remote sensing indices,including the modify energy index(MEI),perpendicular drought index(PDI)and the surface water capacity index(SWCI),was calculated,and the spatial distribution of droughts with different grades was formed.The results showed that 20cm was the best depth for monitoring soil moisture by three drought remote sensing models,followed by 10cmA dynamic inverse of relative soil moisture during the growing season from April to September in 2008 showed that all of the three indices could monitor soil moisture and drought proper and timely in region.So they are suitable for this study area.
    Response of NDVI to Temperature and Precipitation Changes and Its Lag Time 
    in North Shaanxi
    WU Li li,REN Zhi yuan,ZHANG Chong
    2014, 35(01):  103-108.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.016
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    Based on ten-day average temperature, precipitation and ten-day NDVI of SPOT data from 1999 to 2010 in north Shaanxi, annual responses of vegetation cover to temperature and precipitation was analyzed by using of the lag cross-correlation method. The results showed that there was strong correlation between NDVI and temperature and precipitation, with the correlation coefficient more than 0.9. The response was promptly over south of Shanbei, with the lag time only ten to twenty days. The correlation coefficient was between 0.75-0.85 across the Maowusu desert sand grass land area, with the lag time thirty to fifty days. NDVI showed a greater correlation and faster response to areas with much water and high temperature. From other perspective, the comprehensively responses to water and thermal factor on basin, loess tableland beam and gully region was better than the gullies rolling loess sub area and typical grassland ecological subregions. The effect degree of temperature on NDVI decreased gradually from south to north, the max  correlation coefficient was 0.947 between bush and temperature, and minimum correlation coefficient was 0.902 in desert. The effect degree of precipitation on NDVI was maximum in farmland, followed by plain grassland and low mountain grassland, and minimum in desert. The correlation coefficient was 0.926 between farmland and  precipitation, and 0.853 in desert. A certain type of vegetation required a higher temperature, also had faster response than others. On the contrary, vegetation depended on low temperature also showed slow response. The response of vegetation cover to annual precipitation was similar to that of temperature. The results could provide a theoretical basis for optimizing vegetation planting types in north Shaanxi.
    Remote Sensing Monitor on Cloudy Ground Solar Radiation in Fujian Province
    ZHANG Chun gui,ZHANG Jia chun,PENG Ji da
    2014, 35(01):  109-115.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.01.017
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    Based on cloud fraction and cloud optical thickness data which were retrieved from the satellite data, and cloud decrement ratio which was calculated from the ground observation solar radiation, the various statistical regression and estimate model were established in order to estimate the cloudy ground solar radiation in Fujian. The results showed that the power function was the best function format for cloudy ground solar radiation estimate model in Fujian based on the cloud fraction and cloud optical thickness data(P<0.01), and the solar radiation estimate model had definitude physical reason and rationality. The precision of cloudy ground solar radiation estimate model was validated based on radiation data of 2012 from 66 cloudy observation station. The correlation coefficient was 0.975 between the hour-long solar radiation from estimate model and the hour-long solar radiation from ground observation,the mean relative error was 19%. The mean relative error was 11% for the cloudy ground, when the hour-long solar radiation more than 1MJ·m-2·h-1.The method might estimate cloudy ground solar radiation energy by using fully satellite remote sensing data, and it was abandoned that obvious shortage in the model precision or the model stability of spatial application, when the early solar radiation estimate model was established by using of cloud data of common observation station.The solar radiation estimate model had obvious advantage in Fujian,where was sparse ground observation station and obvious local atmosphere environment characteristic.