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    20 June 2014, Volume 35 Issue 03
    Variation Characteristic of Soil Temperature at Deep Layers in Kashi City
    Abudoukerimu ABASI , Maihebureti MAIMAITIYIMING,Nu'erpatiman MAIMAITIREYIMU,Gulimiri
    2014, 35(03):  237-242.  doi:103969/jissn1000-6362201403001
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    The variation of monthly average soil temperature at 0.8m,1.6m and 3.2m deep layers in Kashi from 1981 to 2010 was investigated by using linear trend analysis and accumulated variance methods The results showed that annual average soil temperature at deep layers of 0.8m, 1.6m and 3.2m decreased from 1984 to 1992 significantly(P<0.01) and increased significantly from 1996 to 2004 (P<0.01),but the liner trend of soil temperature was not significant during the whole period Soil temperature at different deep layers increases significantly in winter and spring but decreased significantly in summer and autumn,of which at 0.8m layer in summer(P<0.01),1.6m layer in autumn(P<0.05) was significant respectively From decadal variation, average soil temperature at different deep layer in 1980s was higher than that in 1990s and first 10 years of 21st century Air temperature variation was one of the main factors affecting deep layer soil temperature and there was positive correlation between them Precipitation also had a certain impact on the deep soil temperature,and average soil deeper temperature was related to precipitation increasing Annual average soil temperature at 0.8m and 1.6m depth had abrupt changes in 1985 and 2009,and 3.2m depth was in 1985 and 2008 by the Mann Kendall test The results could provide scientific reference to adapt to climate change for Kashi
    Effects of Drought on Distribution and Accumulation of Photosynthetic matter in Winter Wheat
    HU Cheng da,YANG Guang xian,CHENG Lin
    2014, 35(03):  243-249.  doi:103969/jissn1000-6362201403002
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    The effects of drought treatments on dry matter distribution,soluble sugar content,yield and yield composition of winter wheat with 3 different relative soil moistures(80%,CK;60%,T2;40%,T1)were investigated by using large moving waterproof canopy to keep out of precipitation under field conditions in 2011-2013The results showed that dry matter accumulation in different organs and soluble sugar content varied along with the intensity and duration of drought treatments and wheat development stage Stem and sheath dry weight of T2 increased at early drought stage,and decreased from flowering stage Dry weight of leaf and root was lower than that of CK at whole drought treatments stage with the difference became smaller along wheat development, soluble sugar content in different organs was higher than that of CK Yield composition under drought stress showed higher infertility spikelet rate,lower spike and 1000 kernel weight Comparing with CK,dry weight of root,stem,leaf and sheath was decreased and yield composition of T1 was influenced significantly Dry matters in stem translocation amount and transportation rate were a little higher than other vegetative organs under drought treatments In conclusion,dry matter distribution pattern changed with drought treatments, soluble sugar content increased,dry matter transfer efficiency and the contribution rate from stem to the spike increased,which resulted in winter wheat aging early and yields decrease
    Effects of UVB Radiation Intensity Variation on Tobacco Photosynthetic Physiology and Chemical Quality
    WANG Juan, WANG Yi, CHEN Zongyu , SONG Peng fei
    2014, 35(03):  250-257.  doi:103969/jissn1000-6362201403003
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    The UVB radiation intensity in the low latitude plateau of Yunnan tobacco area has important effects on the formation of tobacco yield and quality To reveal the effects of UVB radiation intensity variation on physiological characteristics and chemical quality of tobacco K326, the simulated experiment was conducted by setting photosynthetic level as 0.252 (T0), 0.526 (T1), 0.571(T2) and 0.616 (T3)mW·cm-2, taking the natural environment as the control (CK) The results showed that Pn, Tr and Gs of K326 was greatly influenced by UVB radiation intensity UVB radiation intensity increasing promoted photosynthesis, increased the contents of chlorophyll and carotenoid in tobacco leaf, improved WUE level, and promoted coordination of the chemical composition of tobacco The results could provide theoretical basis for the evaluation the effects of UVB radiation intensity on tobacco
    Effect of Potential Evapotranspiration Estimation Method on Reconnaissance Drought Index (RDI) Calculation
    ZHOU Dan, ZHANG Bo, SHEN Yan jun
    2014, 35(03):  258-267.  doi:103969/jissn1000-6362201403004
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    Based on the observed meteorological data (1963-2012) at five stations represented different types of climate and landscape in the Chinese mainland, the Hargreaves method, Thornthwaite method, Mccloud method and PM method (reference) were used to estimate the potential evapotranspiration (PET) Then, the RDI was calculated at different time scales according to the estimated PET and the difference of RDI at various time scales and locations The applicability of the RDI at different regions in China was discussed The results showed that the Thornthwaite method overestimates the PET and the Hargreaves method underestimates the PET, while the Thornthwaite method and the PM method get the similar results The PET calculated by the four methods respectively followed the same annual patterns, but the inter annual change of PET various significantly The RDI values calculated by the four PET methods displayed almost the same annual pattern at the five stations, which suggest that the four PET calculated methods are suitable for RDI calculation Moreover, the most suitable method is different at the five stations The difference among the RDI values at six months and three months scale calculated by the four PET calculates is little Only the results calculated by Hargreaves at Zhangzhou station is quite different with the other three methods, and the trend is also inconsistent The result suggests that the four PET calculation methods are suitable for the calculation of RDI at middle or short time scale in China mainland, but the most suitable method of each station is different
    Temperature Variation Characteristic and Daily Minimum Temperature Forecast Inside Plastic Greenhouse in Winter in Hangzhou
    FAN Liao sheng, ZHU Lan juan, CHAI Wei guo, JIN Zhi feng
    2014, 35(03):  268-275.  doi:103969/jissn1000-6362201403005
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    The meteorological data inside and outside the standard plastic greenhouse was collected during the winter period of 2010-2012 in Hangzhou Based on these data, we studied the air temperature variations inside single covered and double covered plastic greenhouse, under the three weather types including sunny, cloudy and overcast And a forecast model of daily minimum temperature inside plastic greenhouse was established by applying the stepwise regression method, verified by model fitting and forecast test The results showed that the change trend of air temperature inside singlecovered greenhouse was nearly the same as that inside double covered greenhouse The diurnal variation of the air temperature was drastic in sunny and cloudy day, but was mild in rain day Under sunny and cloudy day, daily minimum temperature inside greenhouse was less than that under overcast day, so the cold damage was prone to appearing Inside single covered and double covered greenhouse, its daily minimum temperature was 20℃ and 30℃ higher than that of outside, respectively The fitting result of the forecast model indicated that root mean square error (RMSE) between simulated values and measured values was lower than 1.0℃and 0.5℃, for single covered greenhouse and double covered greenhouse, respectively As to single covered greenhouse, the RMSE was 0.5℃,1.3℃ and 0.7℃, respectively under sunny, cloudy and overcast day, and the RMSE was 0.4℃,0.3℃ and 0.5℃ for double covered greenhouse Furthermore, the result of the forecast test illustrated that the RMSE between forecast values and measured values of daily minimum temperature was less than 20℃ and 10℃, respectively for single covered greenhouse and double covered greenhouse The results of model fitting and forecast test showed that forecast model had high accurate and good practicability
    Analysis of Soil Nutrients Limiting Factors for Barley Production in Centre Tibet
    LIU Guo yi, Nimazhaxi SONG Guo ying, CHENG Li yong
    2014, 35(03):  276-280.  doi:103969/jissn1000-6362201403006
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    In order to explore the relationship between barley yield and soil available nutrients N, P, K and obtain better Soil nutrient management, samples of soil in the plow layer (0-20cm) and barley during mature period (July and August) were collected from 8 counties in central Tibet(also named YijiangLianghe region) The content of available N, P, K and grain yields in the samples of soils and barley plants were analyzed The relationship between barley yield and soil available N, P, K was calculated The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between barley yield and soil hydrolyzable N (P<0.01), and positive correlation between barley yield and available K (P<0.05) The results indicated that barley yield in central Tibet was depended mainly on hydrolyzable nitrogen in soil As a result, nitrogen was a significant limiting factor for the barley growth Adjusting the components of fertilizer and increasing nitrogen fertilizer could improve effectively soil nitrogen and barley yield The research results could provide references for soil nutrition management and barley yield improvement in central Tibet
    Dynamic Simulation of Maize Leaf Area Index in Hetao Region
    KONG De yin, YANG Song, HANG Shu qin, LI Xue bing, YANG Qin yu
    2014, 35(03):  281-286.  doi:103969/jissn1000-6362201403007
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    The maize experiment was conducted with 7 different sowing stages from April 1, with interval 10 days in Hetao region A dynamic model of maize leaf area index (LAI) was established by observing meteorological conditions in maize growth duration and investigating maize leaf area index in different sowing date Firstly, the pervasive model was established taking phyological date as independent variable, which had certain limitation to express the LAI growth of maize The model calculated that the maximum LAI was found in 23-26 days after silking stage for 1st-4th sowing stage, and 13-19 days after silking stage for 5th -7th sowing stage Secondly, the model was modified by taking accumulation temperature as independent variable, which also had certain limitation to express the LAI growth of maize as the model did not removed accumulation temperature ≤10℃The model calculated that the range of active accumulation temperature for maximum LAI was 1901.2-1996.7℃·d for 1st-4th sowing stage, and 1579.7-1825.6℃·d for 5th-7th sowing stage Finally, the pervasive dynamic model on maize relative LAI was established with modified logistic equation, which undergone the significant test (P≤0.01) The maximum LAI value was found at active accumulated temperature 1004.4℃·d after seeding The results could provide reference for simulation accurate to maize leaf growth and distribution of photosynthate
    Characteristics of High Temperature Forced Maturity Disaster and It's Impacts on Early Rice in Nanchang Area
    FENG Min yu, ZHU Bi qin,LEI Jun, ZHU Jian zhang, LIU Wen ying
    2014, 35(03):  287-292.  doi:103969/jissn1000-6362201403008
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    With the average and maximum daily temperature data during late June and early July (about 20 days every year) recorded by five national weather sub stations in Nanchang in 1960-2012, according to local standards the meteorological disaster indicators of double cropping in Jiangxi province, the change cycle and temporal spatial distribution of weather disaster by the high temperature and its impacts on early rice yield were analyzed The results showed that, (1)the high temperature forced maturity disaster happened every other year in Nanchang, and tended to happen more increasingly and seriously in recent years with the climate warming (2)The distribution of high temperature forced maturity disasters appeared with a little stronger spatial and regular pattern, the severest ones appeared in the south part, some appeared in the middle, but almost none in the north While most of the mild disaster appeared in the middle, and few in north and south of Nanchang (3)In years with mild heat forced maturity disaster, the higher the temperature was, the lower the rate of undeveloped grains and the higher the seed rate were, caused high yields While severe heat forced maturity disasters caused higher rate of undeveloped grains and lower seed rate, reducing yields Therefore in the practical rice production, mild heat almost didn’t affect the early rice yield, but severe heat affected the yield seriously We should take active measures to defend severe heat The study findings will be good for arranging the rice sowing and adjusting the cultivation structure on double rice growth
    Indemnity Amount Determination for Cotton Drought Index Insurance in Northern Shandong Province Based on Panel Random Effect Model
    WANG Qian,CAO Jie,ZHOU Zhao ji,ZHANG Mei
    2014, 35(03):  293-298.  doi:103969/jissn1000-6362201403009
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    Based on cotton yield data and precipitation data at each growth stage from 1989 to 2011 in Binzhou,Dezhou and Liaocheng in northern Shandong province,trend yield was fitted by using cubic polynomial equation,then meteorologicalyield was extracted,decomposed,yield reduction rate of cotton due to meteorological disaster was calculated,33 effective samples were defined Water shortage was calculated according to precipitation and water demand at each growth stage of cotton,and was defined as drought index during whole growth season The relationship between drought index (DI) and yield reduction rate due to drought was analyzed quantitatively by establishing panel random effect model,namely DYLR=0.0003766DI The results showed that the unit indemnity amount was 0 when DI < 91.08mm in northern Shandong province,the indemnity was started when DI≥91.08mm,and the unit indemnity amount was the product of the insure amount and yield reduction rate due to drought Therefore,drought index insurance trigger value was 91.08mm,15 samples of 33 effective samples reached compensation standard in northern Shandong province Indemnity amount determine for cotton drought index insurance could avoid market failure due to asymmetric information,reduce operation cost and improve indemnity efficiency,and promote farmers positive to disaster prevention for the insure
    Effect of Different Frost Protection Experiments During Peach Flowering Period in Tianshui
    YAO Xiao hong,XU Yan ping,WAN Xin,JIA Jian ying,Li Yan jun,WU Ting fang
    2014, 35(03):  299-304.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.03.010
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    The experiment was designed for 9 frost protection treatments,including ground plastic film,canopy plastic film with traditional irrigation,spraying and smoky,taking the test without frost protection as a control.The experiment confronted with two frost weather processes on 6th April 2013(the minimum temperature was -4.7℃)and 10th April 2013(the minimum temperature was -3.1℃).The results showed that all treatments had some certain effect on keeping warm and frost prevention,especially the treatments of canopy plastic film, ground plastic film and smoky,spraying and smoky.The average minimum temperature of the canopy at 1m height was higher 1.7-3.0℃ than that of without frost protection.The lasting time of cold temperature below 0℃ decreased 6-7h.The frozen rate of peach flower reduced 25.3-68.7 percentage points.The bud was not frozen under all treatments.But the tree without frost protection measure was frozen obviously and the frozen rate was up to 33.3% and 50%.The frost disaster index of peach during flowering period has been analyzed by using this experiment and related survey data.The peach frozen rate was calculated with the statistical model under the conditions of different low temperatures and different lasting time of low temperatureThe calculation was agreement with the investigation closely.The result was helpful to selecting appropriate frost prevention measures to reduce disaster loss for peaches.
    Application on the Improvement of Grey Forecast Model GM(1,1) in Forecasting Last Frost
    LIU Xue jun
    2014, 35(03):  305-310.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.03.011
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    The latest beginning date of late frost in springs in 1957-2013 about Yangcheng county of Shanxi province was as zero point, and then the relative dates that they were zero point minus those appearance dates could be obtained More recent,the abrupt date from zero point was the catastrophic threshold.Further, the interannual variation of the relative date and its intersection point with the threshold line were drawn Then, the distance about the second intersection point and the first point was worked out.And every other distance behind the second intersection point and the first point were obtained.Finally, the original date sequence of Model GM (1, 1) was obtained, and the traditional model GM (1, 1) was set up.This model could be improved through those methods, which had majorized sequence, the background value, pessimistic sequence of equidimensional filling vacancies method and so on.And different improved models had been tested by means of the relative error, variance ratio and small error probability.The optimal model tested could be applied to forecasting late frost.The results showed that, this model established through the three improvement way had the best prediction effect, .The results can be a referentially theoretical basis for defending late frost.
    Maize Yield Loss Assessment for Drought Based on WOFOST Model:A Case Study in Beijing
    LUAN Qing zu,YE Cai hua,MO Zhi hong,LI Chao
    2014, 35(03):  311-316.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.03.012
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    Yields of spring maize in mountainous area and summer maize in plain area were chosen as research objects in this paper for evaluating applicability of WOFOST model in simulating maize yield of Beijing zone.And assessment of maize yield loss caused by agricultural drought in Beijing was carried on based on WOFOST model driven by climate data and statistical yield data.The results showed that,first,index of agreement between simulation value and statistical value from yearbook,of both mountain spring maize and plain summer maize,reached more than 0.9,and average simulation errors were all less than 10%,which indicated that WOFOST was applicable for simulating yield of both mountain spring maize and plain summer maizeSecond,following the system of drought index in this paper,early summer drought had serious impact on spring maize yield,which resulted in yield reduction rate of 15.91% caused by slight early summer drought and 22.99% caused by severe earlysummer drought However,spring drought and dog days drought had slight impact on spring maize,and also early summer drought and dog days drought had slight impact on summer maize,which both resulted in yield reduction rate below 10%.Results of our research provide scientific basis for instructing maize cultivating and drought mitigation.
    Drought and Flood Grades Classification Considering Water Demand at Each Growth Stage of Cotton in Jingzhou
    LIU Kai wen,SU Rong rui,GENG Yi feng,ZHU Jian qiang,AN Kai zhong,CAI Wei
    2014, 35(03):  317-322.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.03.013
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    Based on precipitation data between May and August in 1980-2011,considering water demand at each growth stage,the drought and flood grades of cotton was classified.The results showed that drought stress had not occurred during the cotton growth season in last 32 years in Jingzhou,but waterlogging stress occurred commonly Precipitation was currently beyond water demand of cotton at seedling stage,the bud stage and boll opening stage,so waterlogging stress was more frequently than droughtDrought and waterlogging stress were evenly coexisted at the blossoming and boll forming stage.Further more,ginned cotton yield per unit area was divided into trend yield and meteorological yield,for analyzing the correlation between drought and flood grades at each growth stage and meteorological yield.There was significant negative correlation between meteorological yield and water demand deviation during the whole growth season and at blossoming boll forming stage (P<0.01),and negative correlation with water demand deviation of boll opening stage(P<0.05).The meteorological yield decreased when precipitation was beyond water demand of cotton during whole growth periodThe results could provide basic evidence for field water management and high efficient utilization in Jianghan plain.
    Characters of Sterile type Chilling Damage in Rice and Its Relationship With Temperature at Key Growth Stage in Northeast China
    HU Chun li,LI Ji,LIN Rong,LI Jing,WANG Ying
    2014, 35(03):  323-329.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.03.014
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    Based on the daily temperature data from 153 stations in Northeast China during 1961-2010,the climate characteristics of steriletype chilling injury in rice and its relationship with temperature at booting and blossoming flowering stage was investigated by using statistical method.The results showed that the amount of the sterile type chilling injury in rice plants decreased in most area of Northeast China with the characteristic of evident regional distribution,which had a increase trend in Jilin province at booting stage and some areas of Liaoning province at blossoming stage.The interannual fluctuation frequency of sterile type chilling injury was significant over recent 50 years,which showed a decreasing trend as a whole except for the period between 2001 and 2010.There was a significant negative correlation between temperature and cold disaster in growth period because the sterile type chilling injury was sensitive to temperature change.The cold disaster in Northeast China might reduce 35 stations with per 1℃ increaseFurther studies showed that the decrease of sterile type chilling injury,which induced by the increasing temperature during growth period,was the result of joint effects from both interannual and interdecadal change.
    Review of Research on Vulnerability Assessment of Hail Hazard Bearing Body
    ZHOU Lan,YUE Yao jie,LI Jian,QIU Meng meng,SHANG Yan rui
    2014, 35(03):  330-337.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.0.015
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    Vulnerability is one of the key scientific problems in disaster research,and the study on vulnerability of hazard affected body can provide effective support for hail disaster risk prevention.After a review of the basic concepts of vulnerability,the domestic and overseas research progress of vulnerability on the base of hailpad monitoring,remote sensing retrieval and hailfall simulation experiment on crops,buildings and automobiles to hail hazard were summed up The results showed that the way of data gathering,the indicators of hazard intensity and the fitting function of vulnerability were differently obtained by different scholars in vulnerability assessment,but the research of mechanism and quantification would be appreciated in the future(1)In the data acquisition of hail,crops were mainly based on hailpad monitoring and experimental stimulating,while the buildings and cars depended on radar remote sensing inversion(2)There was a wide variation in the primary indicator selection,afterwards,the kinetic energy was selected to stand for the intensity of hail by many researchers(3)Some linear and non linear vulnerability functions had been developed,and the Logistic curve could be chosen as the best function to predict hail disaster vulnerability for crops,automobiles and buildings On these basis,thus producing the conclusion that the research on a model for vulnerability formation processes to lay the foundation for hail disaster risk study should be strengthened in the future.
    PLSR based Airborne Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Retrieval of Leaf Nitrogen Content in Potato Fields
    LI Feng,ALCHANATIS Victor,ZHAO Hong,ZHAO Yu jin,CUI Xiao fei
    2014, 35(03):  338-343.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.03.016
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    Crop nitrogen status is the important evaluation index of crop growth status and soil nitrogen level,timely and non destructive monitoring of leaf nitrogen status is significant to optimize nitrogen management and improve grain yield and quality.In the present study,five nitrogen(N)fertilizer treatments were applied to build up levels of nitrogen variation in potato fields.Relationships between canopy spectral reflectance from the AISA Eagle airborne imaging spectrometer data after geometrical and radiometric correction and reconstruction of reflectance spectrum and nitrogen levels in potato leaves were studied.The leaves were sampled and analyzed for leaf N Leaf N content prediction models were developed using PLSR by analyzing the raw reflectance data(R)at 430-910nm,their first derivative D1(R),their second derivative D2(R),their absorbance equivalent\[log(1/R)\],its first derivative\[Dlog(1/R)\]and its second derivative\[D2log(1/R)\].The results indicated that the PLSR model with the first derivative gave the best performance with R2=0.82,RMSEC=0.38%.The best estimation model from PLSR was applied to all the potato pixels of the airborne images.The values of the leaf N distribution map ranged from 3.35% to 5.95%,which were quite consistent with those of laboratory measurements from 3.59% to 5.89%.The distribution agreed highly with the growth status distribution.The results provide an important theoretical and technical foundation for the future research and development of hyperspectral images based for distinguishing spatial variability in N status in potato fields.
    Summer Maize Planting Area Estimation Based on Multi Source Data and Decision Tree
    LI Ying,LIU Rong hua,ZHENG Dong dong
    2014, 35(03):  344-348.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2014.03.017
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    In order to overcome mixed pixels in planting area estimation using low spatial resolution remote sensing data,the method of summer maize planting area estimation based on multi source data and decision tree was proposed.The method used both time series features of FY-3/MERSI and spectral features of TM.The rules of decision tree were established according to local phenological calendar in farmland.Then,MERSI data and TM data were merged and the thresholds of decision tree rules were determined through spectral feature analysis of fused NDVI data to extract summer maize planting informationAccording to agriculture statistics,the accuracy by the proposed approach was 95.1%,and based on the field survey data,the accuracy was 81.0%.The proposed approach can provide reference for crop planting area extraction in large area.
    Automation Technology of Agro meteorology Information Document Editing Based on Topological Theory
    WANG Xing hang,SUN Han,DENG Shu lin,LI Jia jie,HUA Cui,LI Li,HUANG Yong lin,MENG Cui li
    2014, 35(03):  349-354.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2013.03.018
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    As the main text materials arising from the service that meteorology performs for agriculture, ten day, monthly agro meteorology report, or disaster report demands both high reliability and strict time effectiveness.Nevertheless, compiling reports, a task which entails considerable manpower and time, has high demand on compilers professional knowledge and writing ability.To tackle the above issues, a construction method of agro meteorological parlance dismantling and topological lexicon based on topological theory was advanced under the support of MeteoGIS platform and the reference of agro meteorological expert system.Thus, a knowledge base of classified parlance, which specializes in agro meteorological key feature temporal and spatial expressions, was built.Based on the preliminary research results of parlance reorganization model, summary statistics from the agro meteorological observation data, quantitative analysis, chart generation, language editing are realized automatically in the whole process, and automated generation of agro meteorological information documents was basically realized by taking advantage of the topological theory of the classified parlance knowledge base and model base of temporal and spatial expressions of agro meteorological key feature.The research results showed that automatically generated documents, which could be issued with little artificial polishing,enjoyed more objectiveness,comprehension, specification and accuracy than artificial writing.Time to compile documents was greatly shortened, and subjective deviation was weakened.This technique will contribute to the advent of a new stage where supportive technology served by scientific data shifts from data entry paperless, electronic management, statistical tabular, graphical analysis and visualization to documentation service.