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    20 December 2016, Volume 37 Issue 06
    Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Accumulated Temperature above 10℃ in Shanxi-Shaanxi-Inner Mongolia Region
    MENG Yan-ling, YIN Shu-yan, YANG Feng, ZHOU Ya-li
    2016, 37(06):  615-622.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.06.001
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    The spatial and temporal distribution of accumulated temperature ≥10℃ (AT10) was analyzed by using the multiple linear regression interpolation method, and linear trend line method based on the daily meteorological observed data from 75 meteorological stations in Shanxi province, Shaanxi province, Inner Mongolia autonomous region from 1960 to 2014. The results showed that: (1) from the analysis of whole period, the daily mean air temperature of AT10 increased at the rate of 74.60℃·d·10y-1 in Shanxi-Shaanxi-Inner Mongolia. The accumulated temperature increased obviously in 93% of the meteorological stations (P<0.05), and only 7% of the meteorological stations was not obvious. (2) From the spatial distribution, AT10 in the whole region decreased with latitude increasing and altitude increasing. (3) From the moving condition of temperature line in each decades, the proportion of <1600℃·d, 1600~3200℃·d in the whole area of the region showed a trend of decreasing by decades; the proportion of 3200~4500℃·d in the whole area of the region showed a trend of increasing by decades; the proportion of >4500℃·d in the whole area of the region showed a trend of decreasing in 1970s and 1980s, and a trend of increasing in 1990s and 2000-2014. (4) From the change of climate zones between period Ⅰ(1960-1989) to period Ⅱ(1980-2014), a new central subtropical zone appeared obviously, north subtropical zone and warm temperature zone expanded gradually, and middle temperature zone and cold temperature zone narrowed gradually. As a whole, the AT10 showed the trend of expanding towards high latitude and high altitude.
    Drought Variation and Its Sensitivity Coefficients to Climatic Factors in the Yellow River Basin
    LIU Qin, YAN Chang-rong, HE Wen-qing
    2016, 37(06):  623-632.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.06.002
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    Investigation of the variation in drought and regional response to climate change is widely accepted to be very important for ecological security and agricultural production, and can provide basis information for developing appropriate measures to reduce droughts over the Yellow River Basin (YRB). In this study, the relative humidity index (M) was calculated from a data set of daily climate variables in 102 meteorological stations over the Yellow River Basin and in sequence, its sensitivity coefficients to key meteorological variables were firstly investigated using a partial derivative method. The results witnessed that the drought degree was detected to be stronger in the upper region than the middle and lower region. Moderate, slight, moderate and extra severe drought were found in spring, summer, autumn and winter respectively and extra severe drought was found in entire year. M was detected to increase from the northwest to the southeast region and the extra severe drought region was mainly located in Shaanxi, Shanxi, north Ningxia and Inner Mongolia. The meteorological stations whose relative humidity index increased were mainly located in the upper region, while in the southeast region of YRB. Accordingly, the M is proved to be positively sensitive to solar radiation (RS) and relative humidity (RH), while negatively sensitive to air temperature (T) and wind speed (WS). The M was most sensitive to RS and T for summer in upper and middle region respectively. Furthermore, the most sensitive variable turned to be RH for spring, autumn, winter and entire year in the whole basin. The declining of RH controlled a negative trend for M in spring and summer over the whole basin, while RS was primarily responsible for the change of M in autumn in upper and lower region respectively. However, the primarily controlling variable turned to be T, WS and WS for winter in upper, middle and lower region. As for the entire year, RS, RH and RH mainly governed M in upper, middle and lower basin respectively.
    Research Advances on Hydrological and Thermal Characteristics of Agroforestry System
    HE Chun-xia, ZHENG Ning, ZHANG Jin-song, MENG Ping, YUAN Wen-wen
    2016, 37(06):  633-644.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.06.003
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    The research on hydrologic and thermal characteristics is important to the ecological benefits quantification, structure optimization, and management improvement of agro-forestry system (AFS). The Chinese and English literatures on radiation, evapotranspiration or transpiration, soil moisture, root system and water use efficiency characteristics of AFS from 1980 to present was retrieved and analyzed in this paper. The retrieved database included Science Direct, CNKI, Springlinker, CABI Abstracts, and the Chinese database of China Academy of Forestry Library. Moreover, the research advances of hydrologic and thermal characteristics of AFS in recent 35 years were summarized, and the prospects were proposed respectively. The objective of this study was to provide a reference for AFS research on structure and function. The results showed that: (1) the AFS could adjusted the solar radiation distribution and canopy heat balance. However, few studies have been performed to measure the light distribution in AFS quantitatively. (2) Because the systematic and integrated study on the mechanism of hydrological process was lacking, it was difficult to obtain a unified conclusion about the effects of AFS on water. (3) Even though the progress of water interaction under inter-species was obtained, the further study on water consumption sources, water transport, and water use efficiency of AFS was required. Moreover, the analysis of spatial and temporal variation of the interaction between inter-species was required in the future. (4) The most current existing data origin from the experimental measurements, and the representation was limited. Therefore, the further study on model simulation was required.
    Effects of Carbon Source and Bacillus megaterium on Soil Microbial Environment and N2O, CH4 Emission
    GAO Lin, PAN Zhi-hua, YANG Shu-yun, WANG Li-wei, XU Hui, DONG Zhi-qiang,ZHANG Jing-ting, HUANG Lei, ZHAO Hui, ZHANG Jun, PAN Yu-ying, HAN Guo-lin, FAN Dong-liang, WANG Jia-lin, WU Dong
    2016, 37(06):  645-653.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.06.004
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    The potted wheat experiment was conducted in September-October 2014, five treatments were set up as follows: regular nitrogen treatment(CK) nitrogen added with glucose (G), nitrogen added with glucose and Bacillus megaterium (GY), nitrogen added with straw(S), nitrogen added with straw and Bacillus megaterium(SY). Based on monitoring the changes of greenhouse gas emissions, soil carbon and nitrogen environment and microbial flora at seedling stage of wheat, the impacts on greenhouse gas emissions and soil microorganisms for different carbon sources and Bacillus megaterium were analyzed. The results showed:(1)there was no significant effect on carbon changes of soil microbial, but the soil microbial species and species diversity decreased with treatment of nitrogen added with glucose(G) and glucose and Bacillus megaterium (GY); While the N2O emissions was inhibited as the nitrate nitrogen and ammonium nitrogen were obviously inhibited in addition, the CH4 absorption of upland soil was promoted.(2)The nitrate nitrogen reduced significantly while the changes of N2O emissions was not obvious with treatment of nitrogen added with straw(S) at seeding stage of wheat. So the glucose which could provide organic carbon quickly was better than straw as carbon source to reflect the influence of that the huge bacillus could improve soil microbial flora, reduce the nitrate nitrogen generation and N2O emissions.
    Effects of Straw-incorporation Combined with Plastic Mulching in Autumn on Spring Maize in Semi-arid Areas
    ZHANG Zhe,SUN Zhan-xiang,ZHANG Yan-qing,ZHENG Jia-ming,HAO Wei-ping,
    2016, 37(06):  654-665.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.06.005
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    To evaluate the influence of straw-incorporation combined with plastic mulching in Autumn on spring maize growth and water use efficiency (WUE), field experiments were conducted in the Fuxin agricultural environment and the farmland conservation scientific observation station in the period of 2013-2015. Three treatments were followed as: (1) straw-incorporation (S), (2) straw-incorporation combined with plastic mulching in Autumn (AM+S), in which the straw returned only in the fall of 2013, (3) nudation(CK). The real-time dynamics of soil moisture and temperature were measured by soil water-temperature data collector (EcH2O), and the growth differences of maize were analyzed among the treatments. The results showed that the accumulated soil temperature and volumetric moisture content within 0-50cm soil layer were significantly increased in AM+S treatment, the water consumption of spring maize increased, and water storage within 1 m soil layer before spring sowing in 2014 and 2015 year were increased 83.92mm and 92.68mm, respectively, compared with that in CK. In 2014, the WUE in AM+S treatment was significantly lower compared with that in CK and S treatment, the grain yield was no different among treatments. In 2015, AM+S treatment improved significantly the accumulation of dry matter and the yield of spring maize, in which the yield of spring maize, rainfall use efficiency and WUE of grain were 13560kg·ha-1, 58.52kg·ha-1·mm-1, and 47.09kg·ha-1·mm-1, and increased by 97.96 % and 62.83 %, 97.96 % and 62.83 %, 90.34 % and 65.58 %, respectively, compared with those in CK and S treatment. This study suggests that one-off straw-incorporation combined with plastic mulching in Autumn improved the following year yield of spring maize and WUE under drought condition of rainfed farmland, resolved the surplus phenomenon of the agricultural straw in semi-arid region.
    Simulation on and Impact of Soil Moisture on Stomatal Conductance and Photosynthesis Rate of Winter Wheat
    LI Li, SHEN Shuang-he,SUN Gang, LI Yong-xiu, WANG Xiao-dong, LIU Rui-na
    2016, 37(06):  666-673.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.06.006
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    In order to understand accurately the contribution of soil moisture in the crop model, five-moisture level controlled experiment in the field was designed to measure the diurnal variation and light response process of the stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate of the winter wheat leaf by using Li-6400 photosynthetic apparatus in the heading stage on 4 April 2011, and the late phase of flowering on 5 May 2011. The experiment was divided into 5 degrees, by holding the soil volumetric water content accounted for 45% (T1), 55% (T2), 65% (T3), 70% (T4), 80% (T5) of the maximum field capacity. Three replicates for each treatment. Each parameter was calculated based on the observed data by the Jarvis model and the non-rectangular hyperbolic model which were improved by considering the soil moisture factor. The results showed that there was a significant positive correlation between the diurnal variation of the stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate and the soil moisture. The less the water content of the soil was, the little stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate would be. The simulated effect of these two revised models by considering the soil moisture was satisfactory compared with the measured values. The correlation coefficients of the measured values and simulated values were 0.907 and 0.769 before the revision. However, their coefficients increased to 0.967 and 0.987 after the revision. In addition, the correlation coefficients of the measured values and the model returned values from 0.572 and 0.316 before the revision to 0.768 and 0.874 after the revision. The mean square error decreased significantly. Therefore, the soil moisture was a very important factor to adjust the stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate. The impact of the soil moisture could not be ignored in the simulation of the stomatal conductance and photosynthetic rate.
    Effects of Climate Change on the Grain Yield Based on Nonlinear PLSR Model
    CHEN Ji-bo,HU Hui,CHEN Ke-yao,WANG Gui-zhi
    2016, 37(06):  674-681.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.06.007
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    Considering the multicollinearity of climatic factors,as well as the complex nonlinear relationship between climatic factors and the grain yield, authors attempt to model the climatic factors and climate yield data from 1961 and 2008 in this paper with respect to the cubic B splines function(Spline-PLSR)and internal embedded Generalized regression neural network(GRNN) into the partial least squares regression,on the basis of separating the climatic yield by HP filter. Through?the fitting?test based on the data from 2009 to 2013 and the comparison between the C-D production function and the proposed model,authors determine that the Spline-PLSR model is relatively simple with higher prediction accuracy. Compared with the C-D production function,the Spline-PLSR model requires fewer elements and possesses a better forecasting value. It is worth noting that the fitting result of Spline-PLSR is more stable than that of GRNN-PLSR. Hence,it is a better choice to utilize Spline-PLSR to fit the influence of climatic factors on the grain yield.
    Effects of Consecutive Low Temperature on Stomatal Conductance of Rice with Different Maturity Periods at Booting and Blooming Stages in Shenyang Region
    MA Xi-da, REN Chuan-you, WANG Yan-hua, XU Yi-dan, ZHAO Dong-ni, CHEN Wei, YANG Bin, TIAN Ping
    2016, 37(06):  682-690.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.06.008
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    The experiment was conducted in climate chamber to explore the effects of different intensities of low temperature on stomatal conductance of rice with different maturity at booting and blooming stages in Shenyang region. 9023, 9035, 9036 were chosen as representative early, middle and late maturity varieties, respectively. Two temperature treatments were stetted for 5 days, which were 3℃(D3) and 5℃(D5) lower than outside temperature of the last day, CO2 and light response curves of second leaf from top were measured for treatment and control plants (grown under natural conditions as control, mark CK) by using LI-6400 photosynthesis analyzer. The results showed that:(1) during CO2 response, the leaf stomatal conductance of D3 and D5 treatment plants showed a significant decrease compared with that of CK plants for 9035(middle) and 9036(late) maturity varieties, while decrease for 9023(early) maturity variety only in D5 treatment. (2) During light response, the leaf stomatal conductance of treatment plants showed the similar variation with the results of (1) compared with that of CK plants for 9035(middle) and 9036(late) varieties, but increase for 9023(early) maturity variety in D3 and D5 treatment(P<0.01). (3) Stomatal limitation mechanism is the main mechanism that leads to decrease of photosynthetic induced by low temperature for 9035(middle) variety, whereas, the decline in photosynthetic rate is mainly due to non-stomatal limitation for 9023(early) and 9036(late) maturity varieties. 9035(middle) and 9036(late) varieties are more sensitive than 9023(early) maturity variety to low temperature.
    Identification of Yield Limiting Factors for Oilseed Rape in Hubei Province Based on CART and Random Forest Model
    QIN Peng-cheng, LIU Zhi-xiong, WAN Su-qin, SU Rong-rui, HUANG Jing-feng
    2016, 37(06):  691-699.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.06.009
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    Based on the county level census yield data as well as the corresponding weather observations during 1961-2014, yield limiting factors for oilseed rape in Hubei province were analyzed by employing two flexible nonparametric models such as Classification and Regression Trees (CART) and Random Forests model. The results showed that temperature, sunshine hours, as well as drought/waterlogging had significant effects on yield, and such impacts varied among different phenological stages. Oilseed rape was sensitive to low temperature before flowering while sensitive to high temperature from then on, and sensitive to drought during seedling and budding stages, while sensitive to waterlogging during flowering and podding stages, effect of sunshine hours was highly dependent on water condition, with a negative effect under water deficits, while a positive effect when there was excess rainfall. Among all the limiting factors, waterlogging had the highest occurrence frequency, followed by drought and cold damage. Waterlogging reduced yield directly by limiting root aerobic respiration, as well as decreased in photosynthesis and increased in disease incidence due to absence of sunshine and high humidity, and the latter was more important.

    Effects of Low Temperature Stress on Syzygiums amarangense Seedlings and Its Cold(Frozen)Injury Grades Index
    XIONG Xuan-zi,TANG Li-sheng,WANG Hua,DU Yao-dong,HU Fei
    2016, 37(06):  700-710.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.06.010
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    In order to establish the low temperature injury grades on Syzygiums amarangense, one year old Syzygiums amarangense graft seedlings (var. Black Pearl) were treated in the climate chamber for 1day, 2 days and 3 days respectively, where the daily minimum temperature (Tmin) were set at 2℃, 1℃, 0℃, ?1℃ and ?2℃, the diurnal temperature differences were set 15℃ (radiation temperature decrease) and 6℃ (temperature decrease with highly humidity). There were 10 treatments, and each treatment included 3 replicates. 3 plants was as CK in nature light in fields (photo flux density was 300~500μmol·m?2·s?1) under normal atmospheric temperature(daily average temperature was 15~20℃). Morphological changes of S. amarangense graft seedling were observed and recorded both immediately and 10 days after treatment. Those physiological and chemical index related stress were detected, such as soluble sugars, proline, soluble proteins, and MDA concentrations, SOD activity, relative electrical conduction in its leaves. The critical temperatures that injured the leaves and branches of S. amarangense graft seedling were preliminary analyzed. The cold injury indexes of S. amarangense seedling were established depending on the morphological changing, the physiological index variation with the Tmin changing and its durations. In order to verify and test the injury index that established with controlling conditions. Morphological changes of S. amarangense graft seedling were observed in different elevations and latitudes. The results showed that the injury critical temperature index obtained from controlled conditions were consistent to geographical displacement test. The low temperature injury index were divided into 5 grades, that were, (1)death, Tmin≤?2℃; (2)serious injury, ?2℃<Tmin≤?1℃; (3)moderate injury, ?1℃<Tmin≤2℃; (4)light injury, 2℃<Tmin≤5℃, lasting for more 3 days the leaves of S. amarangense seedlings maybe fall off, and the following growth should be affected. The grades of death; (5)normal, Tmin>5℃.
    Comprehensive Risk Division of Meteorological Disasters for Tobacco Based on GIS in Fujian Province
    CHEN Jia-jin, HUANG Chuan-rong, SUN Chao-feng, WANG Jia-yi,WU Li
    2016, 37(06):  711-719.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.06.011
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    In order to explore the meteorological disaster risk of tobacco under complex terrain in Fujian province, and to avoid or reduce loss, the risk system of impacts of multi-disasters on tobacco, including hazard of disaster-causing factors, vulnerability of tobacco and disaster prevention and mitigation capabilities of tobacco regions, was established in this paper, based on the meteorological data from 1972 to 2008 in 28 tobacco planting areas, planting area and yield of tobacco from 2008 to 2013, and other socio-economic data. Then the indicator weight was determined, the comprehensive risk was calculated, and risk division was given, by methods such as analytic hierarchy process, entropy-weight coefficient method, weighting method, and GIS. The results showed that the comprehensive risk of meteorological disasters in the regions of tobacco in Fujian increased step by step from southeast to northwest. The regions of mild comprehensive meteorological disaster risk were mainly distributed in the mid-east of Longyan city, east of Sanming city and some areas of eastern Nanping city. The moderate risk regions were mainly distributed in west of Longyan and the region between east and west of Nanping and Sanming. The severe and more severe risk regions were mainly distributed in the northwest mountainous areas of Nanping and Sanming, among then, the areas where the attitude higher than 1000 meters had more severe risk of meteorological disasters.
    General Estimation Model of Peanut Canopy LAI Based on Hyperspectral Remote Sensing
    LV Xiao,YIN Hong,JIANG Chun-ji,ZHANG Bing-bing, ZHAN Shen-ye,XIN Ming-yue,ZHANG Mei-ling
    2016, 37(06):  720-727.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.06.012
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    In order to monitor peanut canopy effectively and nondestructively and to get their growth information, hyperspectral data of peanut canopy was measured with ASD FieldSpec and canopy leaf area index was measured with SUNSCAN during different growing stages in the field experiment, including five cultivars with different ecological types. The correlations between four spectral forms, six vegetation index and LAI were analyzed, and the estimation models were established, by using spectral derivative technique and statistical analysis technique. The results showed that the correlation between the optimal bands of hyperspectral reflectance, its transformation forms and LAI were 1% significant, LAI could be estimated better by the first derivative spectra ρ' at 793 nm (r=-0.5391, P<0.01, RE=0.2497), the correlation coefficient between simulating data and testing data was 1% significant (R=0.4435, P<0.01); simulating LAI and testing LAI could be fitted mostly by the first derivative sPectra ρ ' at 734nm (R=0.5485, P<0.01). The correlations between the optimal bands of six vegetation index and LAI were 1% significant (r≥0.5731, P<0.01), LAI could be estimated mostly by NDVI [760, 976] (r=-0.6421,P<0.01, RE=0.2167), the correlation coefficient between simulating data and testing data was 1% significant (R=0.6731, P<0.01); simulating LAI and testing LAI could be fitted mostly by DVI [760, 976] (R=0.6893, P<0.01). The results indicated that the estimation accuracy of peanut canopy was higher than that of with ρ' and vegetation index, especially vegetation index. It confirmed further that ρ' and vegetation index played a great role on eliminating the effect of environment background including soil and atmosphere.