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    20 October 2016, Volume 37 Issue 05
    Impact of Climate Change on Facility Agriculture Climatic Suitability in Economic Belt on North Slope of Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang
    ZHANG Shan-qing, PU Zong-chao, LI Xin-jian, JI Chun-rong, FU Wei-dong, GONG Heng-rui, PU Jie
    2016, 37(05):  495-504.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.05.001
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    Winter was cold and long, sunshine hours were less and gale days were more in economic belt on north slope of Tianshan Mountains(EBNSTM) in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, the climate conditions are unfavorable to facility agriculture. It has great significance, study on the impact of climate change on climate suitability of facility agriculture, to adapt to climate change, scientific arrangements layout and made development planning for facility agriculture in EBNSTM. In this article, using climatic data from 35 meteorological stations in EBNSTM during 1961-2014, the fundamental spatial-temporal change characteristic of negative accumulated temperature of ≤0℃, sunshine hours from Dec. to next Feb. and gale days from Oct. to next Apr. were analyzed by using the methods of linear regression, accumulative anomaly, T-test and mixed spatial interpolation technology based on ArcGIS. And the change of facility agriculture climatic suitability was studied by combining with the climate division indices obtained through the actual investigation. The main results were as the follows: climatic conditions was very obviously different in different regions of EBNSTM, generally, negative accumulated temperature of ≤0℃ were more in alpine zones, followed by plain area, mid-mountain and low mountain zones were less. Sunshine hours from Dec. to Feb were more in mid-mountain and low mountain zones, alpine zones and plain area were less. Gale days from Oct. to Apr. were more in mountain valley areas, were less in mountain and plain areas. In recent 54 years, the three indicators showed a decreasing trend at the rates of -50.67℃·d·10y-1, -20.52h·10y-1 and -1.31d·10y-1, and they had mutation in 1988, 1987 and 1987 respectively. Under the joint effects of the above-mentioned climate factors, the areas of suitable area and sub-suitable area expanded 14466.0km2 and 4929.7km2 respectively, but the areas of unsuitable area decreased by 19395.6km2 after 1988 than before in EBNSTM of Xinjiang.

    Diurnal Variation Characteristic of Nitrous Oxide from Greenhouse Vegetable Soil during Emission Peak and its Optimal Observation Duration
    XU Yu, LIU Zhao-hui,SHI Jing, WEI Jian-lin, LI Guo-sheng, WANG Mei, JIANG Li-hua
    2016, 37(05):  505-512.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.05.002
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    The diurnal variation characteristics of N2O flux from a typical greenhouse vegetable soil during emission peak was investigated to obtain accurate N2O emission of greenhouse vegetable soil. After fertilizations, four typical days in four seasons were selected, which were 2012-08-28 (autumn), 2012-12-27 (winter), 2013-03-14 (spring) and 2013-06-14 (summer). The N2O fluxes were monitored by static chamber method and gas chromatographic technique continuously for 24 hours. The results showed that the significant diurnal variation and evident single-peak of N2O flux were found after fertilization (except for Dec. 27, 2012). The peak of N2O flux appeared at 14:00 pm and about 2 hours later than that of air temperature. The maximum and average value of N2O flux in 13th day after basal fertilization, compared with that on the second day after dressing, were 3.4 to 12.9 times and 6.8 to 7.0 times. There were highly significant (1%) or significant (5%) positive correlations between N2O flux(except for Dec. 27, 2012)and air temperature or soil temperature in 3cm and 10cm depth. It showed that the temperature might be the crucial factor in diurnal variation of N2O flux for the temperature is fate for N2O formation and the range of daily temperature difference is large enough. Based on the correct analysis, no correction is necessary for measurements carried out at 18:00-21:00, 10:00-6:00 (the next day), 21:00 and 16:00-18:00, which is recommended as the optimum time for Aug. 28, 2012; Dec. 27, 2012; Mar. 14, 2013 and Jun. 14, 2013, respectively. Correction coefficient is equal to the ratio of the daily average flux to the observing flux at different o’clock. It is recommended that the correction coefficient should be multiplied for the measured data based on other times; otherwise N2O emission might be overestimated by 13.4%-240% or underestimated by 13.1%-64.5%.

    Preparation and Function of a New Environmental Restoration Material
    Awangciren,PENG Huai-li,ZHU Chang-xiong, LI Feng, LEE Jong-doo, FANG Jian-xiong, LI Hong-na
    2016, 37(05):  513-519.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.05.003
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    A new environmental restoration material, namely Quantum Energy (QE) powder, was produced from five-colored typical feldspar family of clay minerals(Osaekhyulto) in South Korea by special processing technology. To explore the function of the QE powder and its potential application in the field of environmental remediation, a set of laboratory experiments were conducted. The effects of QE powder on the degree of oxidation of iron nail in salt solution and the pH value of water were examined; moreover, the influence of QE powder on the physical and chemical properties of water in non-contact manner, and its self-heating effects were also investigated. The results showed that QE powder could decrease the oxidation of iron nail in salt solution. The formation of ferric oxide precipitate in treatment with QE powder was less than that with SiO2 and CK, indicating that QE powder would be a better antioxidant. Besides, QE powder could regulate the pH of water, which would stabilize at around 7.5. In non-contact manner, QE powder could balance the pH, increase the temperature, and decrease the oxidation-reduction potential of water. Meantime, it could also affect the water density and surface tension. Moreover, QE powder had a better self-heating capacity, and the temperature per unite surface area of QE powder was 0.1-0.6°C higher than that of SiO2. Therefore, QE powder, due to these unique and special characteristics, has great potential value on the environmental remediation, including saline-alkali land improvement, petroleum contaminated soil remediation, water eutrophication treatment and solid waste composting. Based on the status of environmental remediation at home and abroad, combined with the special functions of QE powder, prospects and recommendations of QE powder in environmental restoration were discussed.

    Validation and Analysis of Five General Daily Solar Radiation Estimation Models Used in Northern China
    MAO Yang-yang, ZHAO Yan-xia, ZHANG Yi, HU Zheng-hua
    2016, 37(05):  520-530.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.05.004
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    Daily solar radiation is a very important parameter in earth science, agriculture science, and other fields. However, compared with the conventional meteorological observatory, there were few observatories of the global radiation. Therefore, the estimation of solar radiation had become a focus. Five representative models, such as Angstrom-Prescott model, Ogelman model, Bahel model, the comprehensive model of sunshine duration and diurnal temperature range, and Liu’s model (named model I to V), were used to estimate solar radiation in this paper, under the analysis and comparison previous solar radiation estimation models. Daily observation solar radiation data (from 2001 to 2010) of six representative stations in Northern China Plain were used to compare the effect of five models, according to the whole analysis period (about 10 years), different seasons, and weather conditions. The results showed that: (1) in each representative station, simulated values of five models had an extremely significant positive correlation between the measured values (P≤0.01), the correlation coefficient (R) were above 0.93, the mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) were within 9.68%-17.56%, and the normalized root mean square error (NRMSE) were within 12.47%-23.12%. The simulation results mostly were "good", individual as an "acceptable". Five models and the corresponding coefficient showed high accuracy in estimating the solar radiation in Northern China. (2) During the whole analysis period, the average value of MAPE (AMAPE) of five models were 14.28%, 14.93%, 12.78%, 12.27%, and 13.01%, respectively, corresponding to the average value of NRMSE(ANRMSE) were 18.80%, 19.71%, 17.09%, 16.27%, and 17.24%, respectively, indicating all of the simulation results were "good". Model IV was the best, following by model III and V. (3) In spring, AMAPE of five models were 11.97%, 12.19%, 11.17%, 10.86%, and 11.24%, respectively, corresponding to ANRMSE were 15.46%, 15.75%, 14.27%, 13.95%, and 14.27%, respectively. In summer, AMAPE of five models were 14.46%, 15.47%, 13.32%, 12.45%, and 13.36%, corresponding to ANRMSE were 18.89%, 20.21%, 17.21%, 16.22%, and 17.05%, respectively. In autumn, AMAPE of five models were 14.81%, 15.65%, 12.67%, 12.19%, and 12.20%, corresponding to ANRMSE were 18.94%, 20.00%, 16.66%, 15.94%, and 15.95%, respectively. In winter, AMAPE of five models were 18.08%, 18.56%, 15.19%, 14.99%, and 14.11%, corresponding to ANRMSE were 22.52%, 23.28%, 19.42%, 19.06%, and 18.31%, respectively. In general, most simulation results were "good", individual was "acceptable", in the four seasons. Model IV showed best in spring, summer, and autumn, while model V showed best in winter, following by model IV. (4) Under the condition that sunshine duration existed, AMAPE of five models were 11.23%, 12.03%, 9.52%, 9.32%, and 9.94%, respectively, corresponding to ANRMSE were 14.92%, 15.92%, 12.75%, 12.44%, and 13.13%, respectively. All of the simulation results were "good", model IV showed best. In contrast, without sunshine duration, AMAPE of five models were 49.25%, 47.92%, 49.71%, 46.03%, and 45.51%, respectively, corresponding to ANRMSE were 61.92%, 62.09%, 61.89%, 58.02%, and 55.70%, respectively. All of the simulation results were "bad". In summary, five models could be used to estimate the daily solar radiation in Northern China Plain, and model IV (the comprehensive model of sunshine duration and diurnal temperature range) showed the highest accuracy.
    Simulation on Ventilation Flux of Solar Greenhouse Based on the Coupling between Stack and Wind Effects
    FANG Hui, YANG Qi-chang, ZHANG Yi, CHENG Rui-feng, ZHANG Fang, LU Wei
    2016, 37(05):  531-537.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.05.005
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    Natural ventilation is a key measure for greenhouse environment adjustment, and ventilation flux calculation involves the discharge coefficient and wind effect coefficient. So, it is necessary to analyze the air volume flux over different vent types and the corresponding coefficients. The effects mechanism of the coupling between the stack and wind effects on ventilation flux was analyzed, and a model of air exchange in a solar greenhouse was established considering two main driving forces of ventilation. The tracer gas technique using carbon dioxide was used in a scaled greenhouse (scale rateis 1:5) to identify the ventilation flux. From measurements of volumetric flow rates, climate parameters and opening width, the model parameters, the discharge coefficient and the wind effect coefficient were identified by fitting the experimental data to the model using multi-linear regression. The results showed that the ventilation flux could be calculated by the following equations,G=0.81S•(H•?T/T)0.5 +0.078S•u,G=0.63S•(H•?T/T)0.5 +0.067S•u and G=0.46S•(H•?T/T)0.5 +0.058S•u ,  where S and H was opening area and opening width; ?T was the temperature difference between inside and outside; T and u was the outside air temperature and velocity. The identified values of the discharge coefficient were 0.78, 0.6, and 0.44, and the wind effect coefficients were 0.78, 0.6, 0.44 when the vent opening widths were 3cm, 5cm and 7cm, respectively (equal to the opening widths in an actual greenhouse 15cm, 25cm and 35cm). It was shown that the ventilation flux due to the wind effect over total ventilation flux was over 50% when the wind velocity exceeds 1.5m·s-1 and that could be over 70% when the wind velocity exceeds 2.5m·s-1, which indicated that the temperature or buoyancy effect could be neglected.

    Effects of Cd on Photosynthesis of Different Rice Varieties
    TENG Zhen-ning, FANG Bao-hua, LIU Yang, HE Yang, YANG Jian, HE Xiao-e, ZHANG Yu-zhu
    2016, 37(05):  538-544.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.05.006
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    Taking relative sensitive variety YZX and relative tolerant variety XY-12 as materials, photosynthetic rate of rice, which were pot cultured in the soil treated with cademium, was measured during full heading stage. The results fitted by the non-rectangular hyperbola model, the rectangular hyperbola model and the YE Zi-piao new model were used to reveal the impact of cademium on the different rice leaf photosynthesis light response characteristics and compared. The results showed that under cadmium treatment, the net photosynthetic rate of two rice varieties decreased. There were differences in the effects of Cd on light response characteristic parameters of two rice varieties, the intrinsic quantum yield, maximum photosynthetic rate, and saturation light points were affected by cadmium lower than the control, and the light compensation point was greatly increased. Cadmium promoted the dark respiration of YZX variety but XY-12 variety demonstrated inhibition. Generally, YZX variety was more sensitive to cadmium than XY-12 variety. All the three models performed well in reflecting the light response characteristic of photosynthesis, but there were differences between the results of three models of light response characteristic and measured values. The maximum net photosynthetic rate (Pmax) for non-rectangular hyperbola model and rectangular hyperbola model calculated much higher parameter values than the measured ones, and the dark respiration rate (Rd) and light compensation point (LCP) much lower than the measured value. The light saturation point (LSP), determined by the traditional liner regression method, was far lower than the measured value. The light response characteristic parameters for the YE Zi-piao new model was the most close to the measured value. And it was good to make up for the shortcomings of other models. Therefore, the YE Zi-piao new model had greater advantages in reflecting light response characteristics of photosynthesis in leaves of rice under cadmium treatment.

    Changes of Physiological Indices of Jujube Branches under Process of Low Temperature and Freeze Injury
    JI Chun-rong,LIU Hai-rong,LUO Ji,YANG Ming-feng,FAN Jin-xia,ZOU Chen
    2016, 37(05):  545-554.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.05.007
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    Two cold-resistant jujube (Zizyphus jujube Mill) varieties (named Junzao and Huizao) were selected to carry out the experiment in middle ten days of January 2014, which were subjected to low temperature stress at five different grades (-18, -21, -24 and -27℃, as well as -10℃ as the reference temperature) for periods of 5h, 12h and 24h simulating experiments(total of 15 treatments). The chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of basic fluorescence(Fo) and photochemical efficiency(Fv/Fm), physiological indices of relative electrical conductivity, lipid peroxidation, protective enzyme activities and osmotic adjustment substances, were measured after recovering 24h from the experiment process at -10℃, to analyze the change of physiological indexes of jujube branches under process of low temperature and freeze injury. The results indicated that, the basic fluorescence (Fo) increased greatly, and the photochemical efficiency of photosystem II (Fv/Fm) decreased greatly as the low temperature dropped. The relative electrical conductivity of branches increased gradually as the low temperature dropped, and increased significantly at -24℃ treatment. The change of relative electrical conductivity was significant at 24h duration of low temperature and freeze injury treatment, and the variation range on Junzao was smaller than it on Huizao. The malondialdehyde(MDA) content, which was the lipid peroxidation product, and superoxide dismutase(SOD) activity, which was the protective enzyme, increased all greatly as the low temperature dropped, and then decreased all slightly at -27℃ treatment after reaching the peak value at -24℃ treatment. The changes of MDA content and SOD activity at 12h duration were all significant among the periods of 5-24h simulating experiments. The variation range of MDA content on Junzao was smaller than it on Huizao, and variation range of SOD activity on Junzao was more active than it on Huizao. The proline and soluble sugar content, which were the osmotic adjustment substances, increased all greatly as the low temperature dropped, and then decreased all slightly after reaching the peak value at -24℃ treatment. The changes of 12h duration were all significant among the periods of 5-24h simulating experiments, and the variation ranges of them on Junzao were higher than that of Huizao. Results showed that the different physiological process were inspired and induced by low temperature, and by applying the dynamic variation of physiological process to reply synthetically the influence of low temperature and freeze injury on jujube tree.

    Average Temperature above 15℃ Significantly Affect Fertility Conversion of Thermo-sensitive Male Sterile Wheat BNS
    DU Li-jun, SUN Hai-yan, SU Qing, BA Ai-li, LI You-yong
    2016, 37(05):  555-563.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.05.008
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    The BNS sterile line is sensitive to temperature. It becomes infertile in the low temperature of sensitive period but restores fertility in high temperature. The fact has been found that the temperature of wheat growth stage is higher in 2014-2015 cultivation periods however the setting rate of BNS autocopuation is 50% lower than colder 2011-2012 cultivation period. In order to probe the reason resulting in the above phenomenon, it was analyzed that how the temperature of wheat growth stage altered and what were the relationship between temperature alteration and setting rate of self cross during 2012-2015. Based on the temperature changes, it was discovered that different winter/spring temperature alteration significantly influenced the setting rate of BNS sterile line, namely, warm winter and cold spring could result in less setting rate but cold winter and warm spring could increase setting rate of the line. The phenomenon may be because that warm winter promoted wheat ear development rate and beginning of sensitive period, along with normal or warm spring, which results in more rapid appearance of reproductive growth and higher setting rate, and vice versa. Therefore the typical warm winter and cold spring in 2014/2015 cultivation period brought the serious decline of setting rate. Further correlation analysis shows that, in the BNS line, the setting rate of self cross is negatively correlated with the accumulated temperatures during sow-ear stages, but positively correlated with ≥15℃ average effective accumulated temperature and accumulated days of average ≥15℃ after March 1 of second year. The threshold temperature of fertility transformation is 12℃, and ≥15℃would significantly influence setting rate. It was also found that the regression equation which based on two significantly positive temperature parameters might predict the setting rate of BNS sale sterile line. In short, the ≥15℃ average temperature obviously affected reproductive transformation of the BNS temperature-sensitive sterile wheat, and average ≥15℃ effective accumulative temperature and accumulated days of average ≥15℃ date were the two important parameters of the BNS reproductive transformation.
    Flood Risk Assessment and Zoning for Rice in Southwest China
    YANG Jian-ying, HUO Zhi-guo, WU Li, ZHANG Gui-xiang, WANG Tian-ying
    2016, 37(05):  564-577.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.05.009
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    As the main crop in Southwest China (Sichuan, Chongqing, Guizhou and Yunnan province), rice is widely accepted to be seriously threatened by the flood disaster. Agro-flood risk analysis is helpful for improving the ability of regional disaster management and reducing potential flood risk. In this study, the rice flood risk was analyzed and then zoned using the integrated rice flood risk assessment model including hazard, exposure, sensitivity, and flood prevention and mitigation ability, and based on a data set of the daily rainfall data in 193 meteorological stations from 1961 to 2012, rice production data in 396 counties including plant and yield data from 1981 to 2012, the phenophase data of rice from 17 agrometeorological stations and geographic data in Southwest China. The results indicated that flood hazard risk probabilities variated with phenophase and hazard level. High flood hazard risk happened in transplanting-tillering stage, followed by jointing-booting and tasselling-maturity stages. High-risk areas of flood hazard in whole rice growth stage was detected to be located in south and northeast areas of Yunnan, southern Guizhou, and Chengdu, Meishan and Deyang in Sichuan province. High and sub high exposure zones were mainly located in northeast part of Sichuan province and Chongqing. Subsequently, high and sub high sensitive zones were mainly found in north Yunnan province, south Sichuan province and southeast Guizhou province. Low flood prevention and mitigation zones were located in parts of Guizhou. Finally, the high and sub high zones for integrated rice flood risk were detected in northeast Sichuan province, south Guizhou province and south part of Yunnan province, while south Chongqing and north Yunnan were recognized with low rice flood risk.
    Short-term Forecasting Models on Occurrence of Rice Leaf Roller Based on Kalman Filter Algorithm
    BAO Yun-xuan, CHEN Xin-yi, XIE Xiao-jin, WANG Lin, LU Ming-hong
    2016, 37(05):  578-586.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.05.010
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    In this paper, the pentad systematic investigation data of C. Medinalis at the four representative plant protection stations of four main rice-growing regions (including the rice-growing region of the south China, the rice-growing region of the southwestern China, the rice-growing region between the Nanling mountains and the Yantze River valley and the rice-growing region between the Yantze River valley and the Huaihe River valley) in China was collected from 1994 to 2014, the key meteorological factors influencing on C. Medinalis’ occurrence amount were screened out and Kalman filter algorithm was used to establish the short-term forecasting models of C. Medinalis’ pentad occurrence amount at the four plant protection stations, including Quanzhou in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Xiushan in Chongqing city, Xiangyin in Hunan province and Zhangjiagang in Jiangsu province in the immigration and damage period of C. Medinalis respectively. Based on the back substitution fittings and forecasting tests of the model, the errors and stability and accuracy rates of the Kalman model were calculated. The results showed as follows: (1) for four stations, the occurrence amount of C. medinalis in the present pentad was significantly and positively correlated (P<0.01) with the C. medinalis’s moth amounts of the preceding pentad and the preceding two pentads in the field respectively. There were significantly positive correlations (P<0.01) between the occurrence amounts of C. medinalis in the present pentad and the minimum air temperature, mean air temperature and maximum air temperature in the preceding pentad. But the pentad occurrence amount was significantly and negatively correlated with the surface pressure in the preceding pentad. (2) The back substitution fitting calculations from the Kalman model on the occurrence amount of C. Medinalis from 1994 to 2011 and the trial forecast tests from 2012 to 2014 showed that the comprehensive mean error (ME) of the occurrence amounts by the Kalman model was -88.63, the mean absolute error (MAE) was 217.72, the comprehensive root mean square error (RMSE) was 605.04, the comprehensive mean accuracies (MA) was 84.33%, and the fitting rate was 83.33%. The Kalman model’s forecasting results were basically consistent with measured values, which indicated that the model could be applied to the prediction of occurrence amount of C. medinalis .
    Variation of Drought Characteristics and its Agricultural Exposure in North China Plain
    CHEN Jing,LIU Hong-bin,WANG Yan-jun,WANG An-qian,SU Bu-da,JU Hui
    2016, 37(05):  587-599.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.05.011
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    Based on the observed monthly precipitation data of 52 meteorological stations for 1961-2014 and the projected data of regional climate model COSMO-CLM (CCLM), the standardized precipitation index (SPI) and the Intensity-Area-Duration method (IAD method) were used to analyze the characteristics and spatial-temporal distribution of the drought events in the past (1961-2014) and future (2016-2050) under RCP scenarios(RCP2.6,4.5,8.5 ). And the evolution of agricultural land exposure to these drought events in 2016-2050 was estimated by applying the land use data in 2000. Results showed that: (1) from 1961 to 2014, the spatial distribution of drought center migrated from south to north in the North China Plain. (2)The unprecedented drought events are projected to occur in all three RCP scenarios in 2016-2050,and probably happens more frequently in RCP2.6 than other scenarios. (3) Under RCP2.6 and 4.5 scenarios, the exposure of agricultural land to drought is expected to raise, and that of RCP4.5 scenario increases comparatively faster. While, the trend of agriculture land exposure might decrease under RCP8.5 scenario for 2016-2050. The peak value of agricultural exposure under three RCP scenarios will occur in the late 2040s, the early 2040s, and the mid-2020s, respectively.
    Temporal and Spatial Variations of Agro-meteorological Disasters of Major Crops in China under the Background of Climate Change[I]: Delayed Chilling Damage of Spring Maize in Northeast China
    ZHANG Meng-ting, LIU Zhi-juan, YANG Xiao-guang, DONG Chao-yang, LIU Zi-qi
    2016, 37(05):  599-610.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2016.05.012
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    Based on daily meteorological data from 65 meteorological stations from 1961 to 2010 in the potential areas of spring maize in Northeast China, the spatial and temporal distribution of chilling damage for spring maize was analyzed. The deviations of total monthly mean temperature from May to September were used as the chilling damage index, according to meteorological standard. Meanwhile, the highest risk of occurrence for chilling damage during entire growing season was also identified. The results showed that: (1) During the past 50 years (1961-2010), the area suffered chilling damage was severe>slight>moderate. The higher occurrence of slight chilling damage was in the west of Jilin province and the lower value located in the south of Liaoning province. The higher occurrence of moderate chilling damage distributed in several regions of Heilongjiang province and Jilin province, and the lower values located in Liaoning province. The higher occurrence (more than 25%) of severe chilling damage was in the north and south-east of Heilongjiang province and the east of Jilin province, and the lower values (less than 5%) located in the west and middle of Liaoning province. The frequency of all levels of chilling damage decreased during the past 5 decades. In recent 20 years (1991-2010), disaster occurred area decreased significantly. (2) All levels of chilling damage for spring maize mainly occurred in May and June in the study areas. Therefore, the temperature changes and the chilling damage in May and June should be paid more attentions in maize production.