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    20 September 2017, Volume 38 Issue 09
    Effects of Continuous Overcast Weather on Cucumber Growth and Antioxidant Enzyme Activities in Glasshouse
    XIONG Yu, DIAO Jia-min, XUE Xiao-ping, LV Xue-mei, ZHANG Ji-bo
    2017, 38(09):  537-547.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.09.001
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    In order to investigate the effects of overcast weather on cucumber (Cucumis sativus L. cv. Derit L108) growth in glasshouse, the experiment was conducted under two levels of photosynthetic active radiation(PAR): normal irradiation and low irradiation (<200μmol·m-2·s-1 photon), respectively. Five durations of continuous low irradiation were designed (1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 days), then both groups of plants were transferred under normal irradiation to recover for 9 days. The growth index and the activity of antioxidant enzymes in cucumber leaves were observed. The results showed that: (1) the SPAD value in cucumber leaves increased while the net photosynthesis rate decreased under low irradiation. The longer the duration, the smaller the net photosynthetic rate in cucumber leaves, and the worse on the recovery ability in cucumber leaves. (2) The morphological index of cucumber were significantly affected by low irradiation, and the height, the stem diameter and the leaf-area per plant were smaller under low irradiation after 7 and 9 days than the control respectively, and they could not return to the control level after 9 days under normal irradiation. The cucumber yield and the commercial character decreased with the continuous low irradiation. The activities of SOD, POD were increased and the CAT activity increased at the beginning and then decreased while the content of MDA continuous increased. The longer the duration of low irradiation, the cucumber suffered more by membrane lipid peroxidation. The metabolic function of cucumber leaves was difficult to recover when continuous low irradiation for more than 7 days.
    Potential Evapotranspiration Changes and its Effects of Meteorological Factors across Sichuan Province
    CHEN Dong-dong, WANG Xiao-dong,WANG Sen, LI Xiao-wei
    2017, 38(09):  548-557.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.09.002
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    Potential evapotranspiration(ET0) is an important metric in measuring drought conditions for an area. Examining ET0 changes is critical for estimating crop water demand, and thus it is crucial for improving water use efficiency in the context of global warming. Based on daily meteorological data of 151 meteorological stations in Sichuan province from 1961 to 2014, the authors calculated ET0 with the Penman-Monteith formula for the three terrain regions of Sichuan: Sichuan basin, Panxi region and Western Sichuan Plateau, and also analyzed relative variation and sensitivity coefficients of the major meteorological factors (i.e., mean air temperature, relative humidity, radiation hours, and mean wind speed), and the spatiotemporal changes in their contribution to ET0 changes. The results showed that ET0 in the Sichuan basin and the Western Sichuan Plateau presented a weak declining trend, as opposed to an increasing trend in Panxi region. In terms of spatial distribution, ET0 was high in the Panxi region and the Western Sichuan Plateau (1000-1350mm·y-1), and it was low in the southwestern Sichuan Plateau (651-900mm·y-1), with a decreasing and then increasing gradient of ET0 from the southwest to northeast. The effect of each meteorological factor on ET0(i.e., contribution of each meteorological factor to ET0 change) was determined by their sensitivity to ET0 and relative variation. ET0 was most sensitive to relative humidity across the three regions, with sensitivity coefficients of -1.13, -1.40, -1.53, respectively. Among all the meteorological factors, the variable with the highest long-term relative variation was mean wind speed in Sichuan basin (-29.7%) and Panxi region (-16.3%), in contrast to mean air temperature in Western Sichuan Plateau (40.4%). Further analyses suggested that the dominant factor determining ET0 for Sichuan basin and Western Sichuan Plateau was mean wind speed, and that for Panxi region was relative humidity.
    Harmonic Analysis of Temperature Diurnal Variation for Different Types Marine Aquaculture Water
    YANG Dong, YAO Ri-sheng, JIN Zhi-fen, DING Ye-yi, QIAN Yan-zhen, WANG Li-chao
    2017, 38(09):  558-566.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.09.003
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    The harmonic method was employed to analyze the diurnal variation of different types marine aquaculture water under different weather conditions (sunny, partly cloudy, cloudy and overcast), based on the water temperature data of aquaculture pond and cage embayment in Ningbo from 2010 to 2013. The results showed that: (1) two and three order harmonic models could well simulate water temperature variations of aquaculture pond and cage embayment, respectively. The absolute error of temperature simulation for different types marine aquaculture water were all at a low level (aquaculture pond: hourly 0.24-0.31℃, maximum 0.2-0.24℃, minimum 0.11-0.15℃,cage embayment: hourly 0.1-0.15℃, maximum 0.06-0.1℃, minimum 0.06-0.08℃ ). (2) Harmonic simulation error with significant diurnal variation was higher in daytime and lower in nighttime, the harmonic method simulation on the trend of water temperature variation in overcast day was worse than that in other weather conditions. (3) Water temperature diurnal variation of aquaculture pond had two cycles with 24 hours and 12 hours, and 24 hours cycle contributed the highest proportion. Water temperature diurnal variation of cage embayment had 12 hours, 24 hours and 6hr periods, and the proportion of 12 hours and 24 hours was higher than that of 6 hours. From sunny to cloudy day, the proportion of 12 hours and 24 hours was almost equal, while the proportion of 24 hours cycle significantly decreased in overcast day. We propose that the harmonic method provides a good proxy for simulating and quantitatively analyzing the diurnal variation of aquaculture pond water and cage embayment water, which provides an important reference for water temperature refinement forecast.
    Spatial Distribution and Storage Feature of Deep Soil Organic Carbon in Chongming Island
    ZHANG Han-lin, SONG Ke, SHI Jian, WU Yu, ZHENG Xian-qing, HE Qi-yong, LI Shuang-xi,
    2017, 38(09):  567-573.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.09.004
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    In order to further clarify the law of soil carbon cycling in Chongming Island, 1m depth soil organic carbon survey of 5 planting types (cropland, vegetable field, orchard, forest and wetland) was conducted. Based on geostatistics methods, the spatial distribution feature of deep soil organic carbon content in Chongming Island were investigated, and the effects of different planting types on the soil organic carbon distribution and storage were also studied. The results showed that the average deep soil organic carbon content of Chongming Island was 3.94g·kg-1. The range of soil organic carbon content in different depths was 8.73-1.72g·kg-1, and the range of soil organic carbon storage was 2.30-0.47×106 t. The soil organic carbon storage of plough layer (0-40cm) accounted for 65.14% of the total amount. The maps of soil organic carbon content distribution of different depths (0-20, 20-40, 40-60, 60-80 and 80-100cm) were drawn. The feature of organic carbon content distribution in different soil depths were similar with each other, except that under the depth of 60cm, soil organic carbon content in the wetland was higher than the other planting types. There were significant effects of different planting types on the soil organic carbon distribution. The sequence of soil organic carbon density was vegetable field>cropland>orchard>forest>wetland, and the sequence of soil organic carbon storage was cropland> wetland>forest>vegetable field>orchard.
    Effect of Intercropping in Apricot Orchard on the Crops Yield and Water Use Efficiency in Semi-arid Area
    BAI Wei, SUN Zhan-xiang, ZHENG Jia-ming, DU Gui-juan, CAI Qian, FENG Liang-shan, YANG Ning
    2017, 38(09):  574-582.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.09.005
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    Investigation of the effects of the apricot intercropping system on crop yield and water use efficiency is widely accepted to be very important for putting forward the optimal intercropping model suitable for the semi-arid region of northeast China. The apricot intercropping system was used as a test objects, a field experiment was conducted from 2012 to 2013 on the wind and sand semi-arid area of northeast China. The designed seven treatments were apricot-peanut intercropping (IP), apricot-millet intercropping (IM), apricot-sweet potato intercropping (ISP), sole apricot (SA), sole peanut (SP), sole millet (SM) and sole sweet potato (SSP). The yield, water use efficiency, water equivalent ratio and soil moisture were recorded. The results showed that the average yield of peanut, millet and sweet potato in intercropping system was 65.09%, 55.28% and 64.68% lower than that of sole cropping, respectively. But there was no difference in the yield between apricot intercropping and sole cropping. The water equivalent ratio of the apricot intercropping was more than 1, showing a better water use advantage. Furthermore, the water equivalent ratio of apricot-millet intercropping was the highest, reaching 1.45, and 8.2% and 9.9% higher than that of apricot-peanut intercropping and apricot-sweet potato intercropping, respectively, while spatial distribution of soil moisture content convinced this water use advantage in apricot-millet intercropping. The comprehensive analysis showed that the apricot-millet intercropping is suitable for the local ecological environment, and it has a good application value in the development of rain-fed agriculture the semi-arid area of northeast China with heavy sand erosion due to windy climate.
    Application of Singular Cross-Spectrum Analysis in the Prediction of Cnaphalocrocis medinalis’ Occurrence in Southern China
    GAO Wen-ting,CHEN Xin-yi, BAO Yun-xuan, WANG Lin, XIE Xiao-jin, LU Ming-hong
    2017, 38(09):  583-596.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.09.006
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    In this paper, the daily moth catches data of Cnaphalocrocis medialis(Guenee)in the paddy field at the four representative plant protection stations of southern China during the period from 1994 to 2014 was collected. The four representative stations are Quanzhou in the Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, Xiushan in Chongqing City, Xiangyin in Hunan Province and Zhangjiagang in Jiangsu Province and they represented the rice-growing region of the south China, the rice-growing region of the southwestern China, the rice-growing region between the Nanling Mountains and the Yantze River Valley and the rice-growing region between the Yantze River Valley and the Huaihe River Valley in China respectively. The most significant atmospheric circulation factors related to the C. Medinalis’ moth catches of the four stations in the early or same periods were screened out. Based on the above works, a method of singular cross-spectrum analysis (SCSA) was used to the analysis of the coupling cycles between the moth catches of C. Medinalis of the four stations and the selected circulation factors and the time-varying characteristics of the component sequences was discussed by the reconstruction of coupled component sequence(RCCS). Consequently, the singular cross-spectrum analysis combined with the autoregressive function was used to the extrapolating prediction of C. Medinalis’ occurrence amount. The results were showed that the predicted results were in good agreement with the actual occurred situations. The mean correlation error (ME), average absolute error (MAE), root mean square error (RMSE) and the rate of sign correlation between the predicted values and the actual moth catches amount were found that the ME was -0.071, MAE was 0.349, RMSE was 0.446 and RS was 0.75. They indicated that the prediction error was small, the prediction sequence was stable and the prediction accuracy was high. This method can be applied to the prediction of the occurrence trend of C. Medinalis in southern China.
    Effects of Drought-floods Abrupt Alternation During Panicle Differentiation Stage on Matter Accumulation and Yield Formation in Double-season Super Hybrid Rice
    XIONG Qiang-qiang, ZHONG Lei, SHEN Tian-hua, CHEN Xiao-rong, ZHU Chang-lan, PENG Xiao-song,
    2017, 38(09):  597-608.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2017.09.007
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    In this study, pot experiments were performed and super hybrid early rice(Ganxin 203) and late rice(Wufengyou T025) were selected as the material. During panicle differentiation initiation stage no drought in earlier stage and no floods in later stage(control, CK), mild drought in earlier stage and no floods in later stage(T1), severe drought in earlier stage and no floods in later stage(T2), no drought in earlier stage and mild floods in later stage(T3), no drought in earlier stage and severe floods in later stage(T4), severe drought in earlier stage and mild floods in later stage abrupt alternation(T5), severe drought in earlier stage and severe floods in later stage abrupt alternation(T6), mild drought in earlier stage and mild floods in later stage abrupt alternation(T7), mild drought in earlier stage and severe floods in later stage abrupt alternation(T8) were set. While the indices of the yield and its components, dry matter accumulation and distribution and net photosynthetic rate(Pn) were investigated. The results showed that, (1) the yield per plant in super hybrid early and late rice was decreased in different degrees under “drought”, “flood” and “drought-floods abrupt alternation”. Compared with CK, the early rice T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T8 yield per plant were decreased by 8.89%, 21.42%, 8.33%, 12.04%, 19.65%, 31.23%, 15.39% and 17.29%, respectively. The late rice were decreased by 6.21%, 15.06%, 7.77%, 11.53%, 17.40%, 20.85%, 13.46% and 11.70%, respectively. The yield of T2 and T6 treatments in early and late rice was decreased more, especially the yield of T6 treatment was largest decline, it was shown that only mild drought or mild floods on yield were less affected, but only severe drought or severe floods on yield were relatively large affected, and severe drought was greater affected than severe floods on yield. As for rice plants treated with severe drought in earlier stage and severe floods in later stage abrupt alternation, a certain degree of superimposition and reduction effect was existed. In the yield components, the main reasons for the yield decreased by effective panicles per plant, number of grains per panicle, seed setting rate and secondary branch number. The effects of yield and yield components were roughly the same among treatments. (2) Compare with CK, stem and leaf dry mass were decreased in different degrees in early and late rice under “drought”, “flood” and “drought-floods abrupt alternation”. Among the early and late rice at mature stage, the panicle dry mass of T6 treatment decreased by 33.40% and 19.88%, respectively, compared with CK, and the panicle shape becomes smaller. (3) The leaf chlorophyll content(SPAD value) in early and late rice was decreased under “drought”, “flood” and “drought-floods abrupt alternation”. SPAD value of T6 treatment in early and late rice were decreased remarkably, and with CK has a significant difference. (4) Leaf Pn of T6 treatment in early and late rice was the lowest, decreased by 37.57% and 10.17%, respectively, compared with CK. The results of the study were illustrated that severe drought in earlier stage and severe floods in later stage abrupt alternation had the maximum influence on panicle dry mass and total dry mass at mature stage in early and late rice, and severe drought in earlier stage and severe floods in later stage abrupt alternation showed a superposition damage effect.