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    20 February 2021, Volume 42 Issue 02
    Evaluation of Potential Climatic Production of Apple during the Possible Growing Period at Zhaotong, Yunnan across Cool Highland of Southwest China
    LIU Yuan, LIU Bu-chun, MA Jun, CHENG Cun-gang, WANG Ke-yi, MAO Liu-xi, HE Yan-bo,
    2021, 42(02):  87-101.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.02.001
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    Based on the daily meteorological data (1958−2019), the statistical production data (1978−2018) and the observed planting data of apple (2010−2018) at Zhaotong in Yunnan, the change of agricultural climatic resources and meteorological disaster were analyzed, while the local climatic potential production on apple was estimated using linear trend analysis and step by step correction. The aim of this paper can make more efficient and rational use of agricultural climate resources and scientifically guide to the apple industry layout. The results showed that: (1) during 1958−2019, the duration days of frost-free period and stable passing through 10℃ significantly increased by 3.5 and 4.5 days, respectively. Theoretically, the duration can match the apple needs. However, the starting date of flower bud expansion and mature were more advanced than the last frost date and the ending date of stable passing through 10℃; (2) According to the actual phenology of apple at Zhaotong from 2010 to 2018, we calculated the most possibility phenological from the starting date of stable passing through 3℃ and the ending date of stable passing 13℃.So in this period of 1958−2019, average minimum temperature, average temperature and maximum temperature were 11.8, 16.1 and 22.6℃ respectively, with different increase rate of 0.1, 0.04 and 0.05℃·10y−1. The average daily temperature range was 10.89℃ with decreased rate of 0.2℃·10y−1. The precipitation and sunshine hours decreased with 1.0mm·10y−1 and 6.7h·10y−1, respectively; (3) In the past 62 years, the risk of low temperature during flowering period was less, which was not the main agricultural meteorological disaster at Zhaotong. The risk of continuous rain was higher from June to September, which occur in the key growth period of apple; (4) The maximum theoretical yield of apple was about 100t·ha−1. With the restrictions of temperature and water, the production potential of light temperature and climate accounted for 83.0% and 76.0% of the photosynthetic production potential, respectively. However, the actual apple yield and the statistical yield across the whole county were only 35% and 10% of the photosynthetic production potential. With the development of technology and breeding of varieties, the gap is gradually narrowed. Generally, the meteorological conditions at Zhaotong can fully meet the needs of apple growth and development. Through the application of reasonable and efficient planting techniques and the full excavation of agricultural climate resources, the difference in apple yield can be further reduced and the quality of apple can be improved.
    Climate Suitability of Unseasonal Strawberry Planting in the Western Sichuan Plateau
    ZHANG Xu-ran, WANG Ming-tian, YANG Zai-qiang , XU Chao, ZHENG Sheng-hua, ZOU Yu-jia
    2021, 42(02):  102-111.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.02.002
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    In order to study whether the climatic conditions in the Western Sichuan Plateau are suitable for large-scale strawberry planting in summer, daily meteorological data of 48 meteorological observation stations in the Western Sichuan Plateau, from 1986 to 2015, were used to establish temperature, water and comprehensive suitability evaluation model to analyze the suitability of strawberry growth in the Western Sichuan Plateau, with eco-fitness theory and fuzzy mathematics methods, and considering the biological characteristics of strawberries. After determining the suitable period for the growth of strawberries, the growth suitability of each growth periods was further analyzed, and the final suitability zoning of unseasonal strawberry was determined by comprehensive classification and scoring method. The results showed that, the period whose temperature condition was modestly suitable for strawberries growing in the Western Sichuan Plateau was concentrated from April to October. And, the water suitability and comprehensive suitability of the same period also reached the sub-optimal level or above, which could meet the basic needs of strawberry planting and ensure that strawberry fruit can be marketed in summer. In terms of zoning, the comprehensive suitable planting areas of unseasonal strawberry in the Western Sichuan Plateau were mainly concentrated in the central part of Liang’shan Prefecture; the secondary suitable area covered a wide area, covering the eastern and mid-western part of Liang’shan Prefecture, and the mid-southern parts of A’ba Prefecture and the eastern part of Gan’zi Prefecture, which further extended from the center to the west. Supplemented by agricultural techniques such as suitable sowing date and film mulching, the climatic conditions of most parts in the Western Sichuan Plateau were suitable for the cultivation of unseasonal strawberry.
    Regional Division of Suitable Direct Sowing Date of Double Season Early Rice in Jiangxi Province
    DUAN Li-cheng, ZHANG Kun, GUO Rui-ge, CAI Zhe, WANG Jian-jun, LIU Dan
    2021, 42(02):  112-122.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.02.003
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    Jiangxi, as one of the largest double rice cropping area in China, affected by the shortage of rural labor force and the increase of labor cost, the planting mode of direct sowing early rice changed from transplanting to direct seeding. In spring, the climate conditions were complex and the temperature fluctuation was large, which was unfavorable to the direct sowing early rice seeding. At present, the sowing date of direct seeding early rice was uncertain, and the phenomenon of blind direct seeding was common, which was unfavorable to the stable yield and high yield of direct sowing early rice. To reveal the impacts of sowing date on yield, seedling rate, and phenological stage of direct sowing early rice, an experiment with nine sowing dates was conducted at Nanchang country in Jiangxi province in 2017−2018, in which the rice variety of Zhongjiazao17 and Zhongzao35 and Zhongzao39 were used. The nine sowing dates were March 6(denoted as B1), March 11(denoted as B2), March 16(denoted as B3), March 21(denoted as B4), March 26(denoted as B5), March 31(denoted as B6), April 5(denoted as B7), April 10(denoted as B8), and April 15(denoted as B9). The temporal and spatial variation of the earliest safely direct sowing date were analyzed in Jiangxi in past 59 years(1961−2019). The results showed that, the whole phenological stage of B9 was shortened by 21−25 days compared with B1 as the sowing date was delayed. The effect of sowing date on seedling rate, effective panicle number, grain number per panicle, and 1000−grain weight of direct sowing early rice was significant. And when the seedling rate reached 50% or above, sufficient basic seedlings and effective panicle number could be expected to ensure a high yield, under the conditions of this experiment. The safely direct sowing initial temperature was 11.64℃ for the testing varieties, to obtain a seedling rate of 50% or above. For this temperature threshold index, the safely direct sowing date of early rice was well in advance in Jiangxi in past 59 years, and the earliest date was on March 29 in northern Jiangxi, March 28 in central Jiangxi and March 21 in southern Jiangxi in 2011−2019. The safely direct sowing date under 80% guarantee rate were estimated by each meteorological stations, which could be referred in production arrangement in the regions nearby.
    Studies on the Difference of Observed Yield and Statistical Yield of Winter Wheat
    LIU Wei, MENG Cui-li, SONG Ying-bo
    2021, 42(02):  123-133.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.02.004
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    The difference of interdecadal variations, coefficient of variation and tendency ratio between the observed yield of winter wheat from 123 agrometeorological observation stations and the statistical yield of winter wheat at county level where the observation station was located from 1991 to 2017. The proportion of average winter wheat planting area in each county in five years(2006−2010) was used as the weight factor to integrate the observed yield and statistical yield at province level, at the same time using the announced yield at province level from National Bureau of Statistics. The interdecadal variations and tendency ration of three different yields at provincial level were compared and analyzed. The results showed that:(1) the number of high yield counties increased significantly, and low yield counties decreased significantly in both observed yield and statistical yield counties. The two yield were both high yield years in the 2010s, and the difference between the two reached peak value in the 2000s. (2) The coefficient of variation of observed yield at the county scale was higher than the statistical yield. The coefficient of variation of statistical yield in 49 counties were less than 0.20 and only 8 were greater than 0.40, while 72 statistical yield counties were less than 0.20 and only 9 were greater than 0.30. The coefficient of variation of statistical yield in all counties in Xinjiang and Shandong provinces were less than 0.30. (3) The tendency ratio of 73 observed yield counties showed a significant increase mostly concentrated in the major producing provinces such as Hebei, Henan, Shandong, Jiangsu, and Anhui; and 100 statistical yield counties showed the same significant increase. The tendency ratio of observed and statistical yield in 72 counties passed the significance test at the same time. (4) The 2000s were the high yield years for both observed and statistical yield at provinces level and 1990s were the low yield years. The average of the observed yield in every 10 years was higher than the average of the statistical yield in Shandong, Anhui, Hebei, Jiangsu, Shaanxi and Shanxi province. (5) Eight provinces had passed the significant test on tendency ration of the observed yield at the provincial level except for Xinjiang and Shanxi province. While tendency ration of the statistical yield and the announced yield in all provinces had passed the significant test and the yield growth was positive. In general, the winter wheat yield series based on the observed yield could provide a new data source for yield forecast.
    Study on the Best Sowing Date of Peanut with High Yield in Saline-alkali Land of Yellow River Delta
    XIN Zhi-hong, CI Dun-wei, ZHANG Hong-wei, LI Mei, YANG Ai-hua, LIU Chun-lan, TIAN Xiu-ju, LIU Dong-dong, YUE Yi-jun
    2021, 42(02):  134-145.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.02.005
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    In order to explore the best sowing date for high yield of peanuts in saline-alkali land, a staged sowing comparative test of direct-seeded peanuts covered with plastic film was carried out in the representative area of ​​saline-alkali land in the Yellow River Delta. Using methods such as variance analysis and chi-square test, the difference analysis of peanut development process, growth volume and yield factors of the six set sowing dates were carried out, and the best sowing date was selected by calculating the climate accumulated frequency. The results showed that the peanut development period shortened with the delay of sowing date. If the sowing date is too early, the low temperature in the seedling stage will lead to a low emergence rate and affect the yield. If the sowing date is too late, the seedling stage is prone to high temperature weather causing vigorous seedlings or burning seedlings, and the short flowering-needle period will reduce the number of seedlings and pods, which will affect the yield formation. Sowing at the right time avoids the disadvantages of early or late sowing. In addition, the pod has a long maturity period, which is beneficial to dry matter accumulation and yield improvement. Peanuts sown too late are prone to prosperous growth in the early stage and premature aging in the later, while peanuts sown in the suitable period have a balanced and coordinated growth distribution, which is more conducive to the transfer of dry matter from “source” to “store” to increase the weight of the pod. The yield of peanuts sown too early or too late was reduced by more than 10% compared with the control, and the yield and 100-seed weight of the peanuts sown in the suitable period were significantly better than other sowing dates. The suitable sowing date for the test year is during the first day when the average daily temperature is stable and passing 13−20℃. The suitable sowing date throughout the year is generally from April 26th to May 9th, and the best sowing date is from May 2nd to 5th. During the period, the planting temperature conditions were stable and sufficient, which can effectively bring out the high yield potential of saline-alkali peanut.
    An Inclusive Comparison of Identification Methods and Indices of Winter Wheat Tolerance against Late Spring Coldness
    ZHANG Le-le, CHEN Xiang, KE Yuan-yuan, LIU Bin-bin, MUHAMMAD Ahmad Hassan, ZHANG Yan, XU Hui, LI Jin-cai
    2021, 42(02):  146-157.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.02.006
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    Late spring coldness is an important factor limiting the stable and high yield of wheat in Huang-huai winter wheat region. New wheat varieties with tolerance to late spring coldness is an important strategy to reduce the damage of late spring coldness. It is of great significance to establish a simple, easy to popularize and comprehensive evaluation methods and indices system of wheat tolerance to late spring coldness for ensuring food security. In this paper, the methods and indices for identification of winter wheat tolerance to late spring coldness were summarized, compared and evaluated, and the identification principles and procedures were also put forward. (1) The identification methods of winter wheat tolerance to late spring coldness mainly consisted of direct identification method, indirect identification method and comprehensive identification method. Direct identification methods consisted of field natural identification method, artificial climate chamber method and growth recovery method. The field natural identification method had the characteristics of most widely used in the introduction and cultivation, but it had long cycle and heavy workload. Artificial climate chamber method had the characteristics of short cycle and strong repeatability, but it had high requirements for equipment and technology. The growth recovery method was widely used in the identification of freezing injury before winter, but it was less used in the identification of tolerance to late spring coldness. The indirect identification method was helpful to study the temperature threshold of late spring coldness, but the relationship between the indices and cold resistance had not been clear, so its application was limited. The comprehensive identification method had the characteristics of comprehensive and accurate appraisal results, but it had high requirements for technology, cost and workload. Therefore, in the identification process, it was necessary to combine the actual situation, reasonable collocation and comprehensive use of a variety of methods. (2) The identification indices mainly consisted of morphological and agronomic, physiological and biochemical, meteorological and ecological indices. Morphological and agronomic indices were generally used in field natural identification, and the quantity, quality, color and morphological changes were often used as reference items. Physiological and biochemical indices were generally used for indirect identification, including reactive oxygen species, osmotic adjustment substances, endogenous hormone content, antioxidant enzyme activity, photosynthetic and respiratory characteristics, etc. Meteorological and ecological indices were often used in various identification methods. Air temperature, ground temperature, canopy temperature, half lethal temperature and minimum temperature of restoration growth were often used as identification indices, while factors such as light, CO2, humidity and fertility could affect the accuracy of results. (3) Appraisal principles and procedures. This paper put forward the identification principles, such as the regionality of identification results, the pertinence of indices selection, the comprehensiveness and practicability of identification methods and indices, etc. The identification procedures were mainly composed of disaster prone period, variety sensitive period, sensitive organs, identification methods and indices, low temperature degree, field or pot experiment, evaluation and classification of cold resistance by mathematical analysis method and writing report. Finally, the prospects of cold resistance physiology research, identification research and application of emerging technologies and identification product development were made.