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    20 April 2021, Volume 42 Issue 04
    Analysis of the Nitrogen and Phosphorus Balance in the Integrated Ecosystem in Vegetable Field
    BAI Na-ling, LV Wei-guang, ZHENG Xian-qing, LI Shuang-xi, HE Yu, ZHANG Juan-qin, ZHANG Hai-yun, ZHANG Han-lin
    2021, 42(04):  261-271.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.04.001
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    In this study, a field experiment was conducted to study the balance and cycling characteristics of nitrogen(N) and phosphorus(P) under the integrated planting and breeding system in the vegetable field(VE mode) using an input-output method, with the conventional singly planting system as the control(CK mode). And the corresponding parameters were determined and analyzed: farming soil, ditch bottom mud, side ditch soil, cauliflower, aquatic products(crab, eel, fish), and water in the ditch. The results showed that the total nitrogen(TN) and total phosphorus(TP) were the largest in the fertilizer input, accounting for 89.09% and 99.73%(VE mode) and 89.20% and 99.86%(CK mode) of the total input, respectively. In the harvest season, the TN and TP of cauliflower curd, of the total output, accounted for 37.74% and 33.69% in the VE mode and 38.26% and 34.50% in the CK mode. The TN and TP input/output ratios of VE system were 67.01% and 39.51%, which both were higher than those of CK system(66.75% and 38.82%), indicating that VE mode decreased the apparent loss of N and P in the system(35.19kg and 24.38kg). Under the current input levels, the apparent balance of both TN and TP in the whole VE and CK systems were in deficit, so appropriate amount of fertilizer was needed for the two modes to guarantee crop yield and system balance. The research will be helpful to provide references for N and P cycling mechanism and balance management of the integrated plantation and breeding system in the vegetable field.
    Immobilization Effect of Biochar and Lime on Arsenic, Cadmium and Lead in Soils
    DAI Si-rui, LI Lian-fang, QIN Pu-feng, ZHU Chang-xiong, YE Jing, GENG Bing, LIU Xue, LI Hong-na, LI Feng
    2021, 42(04):  272-286.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.04.002
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    Aiming to remediate and utilize red soil contaminated by arsenic, cadmium and lead safely, simulated incubation experiments were conducted to investigate the stabilization effect of chemical amendments on the immobility of arsenic (As), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) in red soil of southern China, and the technical formula of remediation materials for the best stabilization effect were also explored. Experimental procedures are as following: using biochar(BC) and lime(SH) for immobilization materials, with 1% and 4% of the weight of soil as material application rate, biochar and lime were applied singly or mixed into contaminated soil by arsenic, cadmium and lead, and incubated at the situation with a constant temperature(25℃) and 70% field capacity in soils for 60 days, then the samples were taken on the 1st, 30th and 60th days during the incubation experiment. The changes of pH, contents of water soluble As, Cd, Pb(WSAs, WSCd, WSPb) and the speciation of As, Cd, Pb in soils were determined. and the stabilization effects of single and mixed application of biochar/lime were analyzed. The results showed that the contents of water-soluble cadmium (WSCd) and lead (WSPb) in soil were reduced to different degrees by applying biochar/lime singly or in combination, and the corresponding ranges for immobilization efficiencies were 33.51%−78.89% and 9.05%−96.24%, respectively. Under the treatment of single application of biochar/lime (1BC, 4SH) or combined application of high amount of biochar and lime (4BC4SH), the content of water soluble As (WSAs) in soils decreased obviously, and the reduced percentage of WSAs ranged from 10.25% to 55.27%. Among all the treatments, the combined treatment with a high dosage had the best synergistic immobilization effect on As, Cd and Pb in red soil. When the incubation test lasted for 60 days, the immobilization efficiency reached 55.27%, 76.39% and 96.24%, respectively. In the meanwhile, the forms of As in soils changed from non-specifically sorbed and specifically sorbed phases which can be easily absorbed by plants to residual ones, and the forms of Cd and Pb in soils changed from the most active acid-extractable to residual phases. The stabilization effect of As, Cd and Pb in soil was observed obviously, and the migration coefficient decreased simutanously. In addition, the application of biochar/lime alone and in combination resulted in a significant increase of soil pH(P<0.05), which was beneficial for the improvement of acidified soil in southern China. In general, through this investigation, the combined application of biochar/lime at a high dosage(4BC4SH) as amendments can stabilize the available As, Cd and Pb in red soils effectively and has the best immobilization effect on heavy metals.
    Interactive Effects of High CO2 Concentration and Biochar Addition on Root System and Yield of Rice
    ZHANG Feng-zhe, XIE Li-yong, ZHAO Hong-liang, JIN Dian-yu
    2021, 42(04):  287-296.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.04.003
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    In order to clarify the influence of biochar on rice root and yield under the background of increasing atmospheric CO2 concentration, the free-air carbon dioxide enrichment(FACE) was used to study the Jijing 88 rice. The experimental included 4 treatments: atmospheric CO2 concentration without biochar(CK), atmospheric CO2 concentration with 20g biochar per kilogram of dry soil(NB), high concentration CO2(550µmol·mol−1) without biochar(CN), and high-concentration CO2 with 20g biochar per kilogram of dry soil(CB), samples at the tillering stage, jointing stage, heading stage, and mature stage were taken to determine root morphology and physiological indicators, and yield at the mature stage was measured and analyzed. The results show that the single factors and mutual treatment have increased the total root length, total root surface area and root shoot ratio of rice root morphological indexes, CN treatment reduced the root dry weight by 39.24% at the tillering stage, CB treatment had extremely significant interaction effect on total root length and total root surface area in all experimental periods; the physiological index of rice root system responded positively to single factors and interaction treatment, CB treatment increased root bleeding intensity by 148.10%, 34.21%, 6.13%, 40.43% in each test period, and the interaction effect on root absorption area was not significant; single factors and mutual treatment increased panicles per hill, grains per panicle and 1000 grain weight, CN and CB treatments had negative effects on seed setting rate, while the CB treatment increased the panicles per hill and 1000- grain weight by 0.11% and 3.39%, and the interaction effect did not reach a significant level. the results show that except CN treatment reduced the root dry weight at tillering stage, the effects of single factors and interaction treatment on rice root morphology and physiological indices were positive. The interaction treatment had a significant effect on root morphology, the effect on the physiological function of the root system was not significant, and the treatment increased the number of grains per panicle and reduced the seed setting rate.
    Estimation Effect of Three Models Based on MODIS Data on Regional Maize Productivity
    QIAN Ya, GUO Jian-mao, LI Ling, GUO Cai-yun, LIU Jun-wei
    2021, 42(04):  297-306.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.04.004
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    GPP(Gross Primary Productivity) is a key indicator to describe terrestrial ecosystem, which provides a quantitative description of carbon cycle under global climate change. It is an important indicator of ecosystem function, and it's a key element in the carbon cycle, which reflects the results of the comprehensive influence of climate change and human activities on land vegetation. As a key parameter in remote sensing estimation model, the value of LUE(Light Use Efficiency, LUE) is affected by many factors such as environmental factors, spatial and temporal distribution differences, vegetation types and so on. In order to quantitatively evaluate the ability of remote sensing vegetation parameters in estimating ecosystem GPP, Jinzhou corn production area was selected as the research object, based on the surface flux data and MODIS data from 2013 to 2014. APAR(Absorbed Photosynthetically Active Radiation, APAR) model, PRI(Photochemical Reflectance Index, PRI) model and REG-PEM(REGion Productivity Efficiency Model, REG-PEM) model were established to estimate the GPP of sites on different time scales. With the help of correlation analysis method, the results are as follows: (1) on diurnal scale, the seasonal dynamics of estimated GPP from REG-PEM model and APAR model both matched reasonably well with those of observed GPP from eddy covariance flux. Relative error of estimated GPP from APAR model was less than that from REG-PEM model. However, the phenomenon of estimated GPP was overrated in GPP low-value area while underrated in high-value area, existed in both two models. The main reason is that LUEmax was overestimated in the low vegetation coverage area, and the influence of air temperature and moisture on LUE was underestimated. There are inevitable errors in the reconstruction of vegetation index curve EVI and LSWI. (2) On hour scale, especially at midday, the solar radiation and the temperature are increased, the phenomenon of light saturation and midday break in vegetation leaves greatly weakens the response ability of APAR to GPP and weakens the simulation effect, the ability of APAR in response to GPP had weakened. Compared with APAR model, the accuracy of GPP estimation can be improved by using PRI model, but the simulation effect needs to be improved.
    Performances of Remote Sensing Monitoring Indices of Agricultural Drought in Growing Season of Typical Dry Year in Northeast China
    WANG Wei-dan, SUN Li, PEI Zhi-yuan, CHEN Yuan-yuan
    2021, 42(04):  307-317.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.04.005
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    Quite a few indices for agricultural drought monitoring based on remote sensing technology have been developed, but their sensitivity may be affected by specific environment. Different agricultural drought monitoring indices derived from remote sensing have different temporal and spatial adaptability. For the purpose of assessing the impact of drought timely and accurately, it is very important to select appropriate monitoring indices for specific regions and specific crop growth stages. Referring to previous studies, in this paper, agricultural drought monitoring indices were divided into three types: precipitation-based, soil-based and crop-based indicators. With the relative soil moisture (RSM) as the reference, the performances of 10 drought monitoring indices were analyzed during crop growing season in Northeast China. In the process of quantitative analysis of these drought indices’ applicability, the Pearson correlation analysis was carried out on 8-day scale in the typical drought year 2009. The results showed that: (1) except in the early stage of the growing season, the absolute value of correlation coefficient between the temperature vegetation drought index (TVDI) and RSM was about 0.50 respectively. TVDI was sensitive to soil moisture, and can be used for agricultural drought monitoring in the middle and late stage of the growing season. (2) The accumulative crop water stress index (ACWSI) based on potential evapotranspiration and actual evapotranspiration was one of the indices with good correlation with soil moisture. Especially in the early and late growing season, it performed well: the absolute value of the correlation coefficient between ACWSI with RSM was above 0.47. The time scale of cumulative effect needs to be paid attention to in the application. (3) The apparent thermal inertia (ATI) was more suitable for drought monitoring in early growing season, and the modified energy index (MEI) was appropriate for various vegetation cover conditions, but it had certain instability. (4) Compared with the precipitation condition index (PCI), the accumulative precipitation condition index (APCI), considering the accumulated precipitation, reflected the soil moisture status better, especially in the middle and late stage of the growing season. So, it could be used as a supplement to other monitoring indices. (4) The vegetation conditional index (VCI) and normalized difference water index (NDWI) had low correlation with RSM, indicating low sensitivity to current soil moisture, so they are not suitable for agricultural drought monitoring in Northeast China. This study can provide some reference for the index selection of regional agricultural drought monitoring in short time scale, and construct a feasible framework for the extensive application of agricultural drought indices.
    Analysis on the Applicability of Fengyun-3 Satellite Microwave Remote Sensing Soil Moisture Products in Shandong
    WANG Ya-zheng, YANG Yuan-jian, LIU Chao, SHI Chun-xiang
    2021, 42(04):  318-329.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.04.006
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    Soil moisture (SM) is one of the fundamental variables in the global energy and water cycles. Among various measurements, satellite retrieved soil moisture products are playing an increasingly important role in applications such as meteorology, hydrology, climatology, agriculture, and so on, because accurate measurements of soil moisture on large scales are highly helpful in crop yield estimation, drought prediction and disaster monitoring in agricultural regions, particularly in arid and semiarid areas. Fengyun-3 (FY-3) satellite series is current Chinese second-generation polar-orbiting meteorological satellite series for weather forecast, climate prediction and environmental monitoring. The microwave radiation imagers (MWRI) onboard both FY-3B and FY-3C are widely used for retrievals of ocean surface wind speed and temperature, liquid water content in clouds, precipitation intensity, water vapor content and soil moisture. To understand the applicability and performance of MWRI-based soil moisture products, this study systematically analyzes the FY-3B and FY-3C operational soil moisture products over Shandong province, China in an entire year of 2018. Shandong province is a typical agricultural region, and the surface vegetation water content largely depends on the agricultural growth. Similar satellite-based results from microwave radiometers onboard the Soil Moisture Active and Passive (SMAP) and Soil Moisture Ocean Salinity (SMOS) are also considered for comparison and evaluation. The ground-based soil moisture observations from the China Automatic Soil Moisture Observation Stations (CASMOS) of the Chinese Meteorological Administration are used as references, and only the soil moisture of the upper soil layer (0−10cm) is chosen. For a fair comparison, the satellite-based datasets are collocated with the ground-based CASMOS ones in time and space, and abnormal values from the CASMOS are removed. The automatic station hourly data at the time of the satellites ascending and descending are chosen. The grids of satellites are transformed into longitudes and latitudes using Equal-Area Scalable Earth Grid (EASE-grid) formula, and then matched with corresponding CASMOS stations. The average difference (AD), root mean square error (RMSE), unbiased RMSE (ubRMSE) and the correlation coefficient (R) are calculated to quantify satellite products’ reliability. The temporal series of regional average soil moisture from four satellites (i.e., FY-3B, FY-3C, SMAP and SMOS) and CASMOS are compared. The statistical parameters between satellite-based and ground-based soil moistures from each stations are calculated, and the corresponding spatial variations are discussed. Our results show that FY-3B, FY-3C and SMAP have relatively higher correlations with the ground-based data on the temporal scale in Shandong Province, and the RMSE and R values are 0.09m3·m−3 and >0.3, respectively. The ubRMSE of SMAP is approximately 0.05m3·m−3, indicating that it will have a much improved accuracy after the systematic errors are removed, while the accuracy of SMOS in Shandong is slightly worse with R less than 0.2. For the spatial distribution, the average difference of FY-3 products from the CASMOS results is negative in the west region of Shandong and positive in the east region, and, in other words, the FY-3 results are drier in west and wetter in east. Meanwhile, results from only over 60% automatic stations have correlation coefficients larger than 0.3. The correlation and estimated error between FY-3 products and ground-based data have obvious seasonal variations. FY-3B and FY-3C tend to overestimate the soil moisture in May, August, and September, corresponding to the maturity period of winter wheat and summer corn, and to underestimate the soil moisture during the rest of the year. The correlation coefficients between NDVI and average difference of FY-3B and FY-3C are 0.79 and 0.76, respectively, much higher than SMAP (0.54) and SMOS (−0.18). These results agree with our expectations, because vegetation biomass considerably influences passive microwave soil moisture retrievals in the footprints. The X-band (band used by MWRI) detection depth is relatively shallow, and the retrievals are more affected by surface vegetation; while the L-band (band used by radiometer) detection depth is deeper, and the retrievals are less affected by surface vegetation. It can be seen that in the future, Fengyun satellites can optimize the influence of vegetation in the soil moisture retrieval algorithm to obtain more accurate results.

    Comparison of Gap-filling Methods for Long-term Continuous Missing Data in Carbon Flux Observation by Eddy Covariance Method of Forest Ecosystem
    ZHOU Yu, HUANG Hui, ZHANG Jin-song, MENG Ping, SUN Shou-jia
    2021, 42(04):  330-343.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.04.007
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    There are often 20% to 65% data-missing in annual carbon flux observed by the eddy covariance method in the mountainous forest ecosystem, and there may also be continuous data-missing for a long period, as long as half a month, or even a month. To obtain complete and reliable flux data, reasonable imputation methods need to be adopted to impute the missing data. To explore the validity and performance of different gap-filling methods, five types of data-missing sets were generated with consequent 1 day, 3 days, 7 days, 15 days, 31 days data missing randomly and repeated 10 times, using the half-hourly NEE(Net Ecosystem Exchange) data in March 1st-November 30th, 2017 of a mixed Quercus variabilis plantation ecosystem in North China low-hills regions calculated by EddyPro as a benchmark dataset, then Mean Diurnal Variation with fixed window(MDV), Mean Diurnal Variation with variable window(MDC), Look-Up Table(LUT), Non-Linear Regression(NLR), Marginal Distribution Sampling(MDS), and Artificial Neural Network(ANN) were used to interpolate the artificial sets. By comparing the imputed data with the actual observed data, the interpolation accuracy, stability and scope of each method were evaluated through statistical parameters. The results indicated that the effect of interpolation at daytime was significantly better than that at night. During the daytime, when the consecutive missing was less than 15 days, the R2(coefficient of determination) between the interpolated NEE and the observed NEE of ANN was relatively higher, and that of NLR was lower, the Relative Root Mean Square Error(RRMSE) between the interpolated NEE and the observed NEE of LUT was lower, and that of NLR was higher. When the deletion reached 15 consecutive days, except for the significantly lower R2 of NLR(P<0.05), the difference of R2 among other methods was not significant; the RRMSE of LUT was significantly lower (P<0.05), and the difference of RRMSE between other methods was not significant. When the deletion reached 31 consecutive days, except for the significantly lower R2 of NLR(P<0.05), there was no significant difference in R2 and RRMSE among the methods. The Mean Absolute Error(MAE) of MDV had more outliers, and the MAE between the methods began to differentiate trend. As the length of the missing fragments increased, except for MDV, the R2 of other methods showed a downward trend and there was a significant difference between the consecutive 1d-data-missing and 31d-data-missing scenarios(P<0.05). Moreover, the RRMSE of MDV and MDS showed an increasing trend and there was a significant difference in RRMSE between the continuous 1d-data-missing and continuous 31d-data-missing scenarios(P<0.05), while the difference of RRMSE of other methods was relatively insignificant. At night, in each data-missing scenario, the R2 of ANN was higher, and that of LUT was lower, with a significant difference(P<0.05); the RRMSE of LUT was the highest, which was significantly different from other methods(P<0.05). In the scenario where the deletion was greater than 31 days, the difference of RRMSE of each method was not significant; except for LUT which had a significantly higher MAE(P<0.05), there was no significant difference in the MAE of other methods. As the length of the missing fragment increased, the R2 of MDC, MDS and ANN showed a downward trend, and there was always no significant difference in R2 between MDV and LUT; moreover, there was no significant change in the RRMSE difference of each method. The performance of the MDC method was relatively optimal in terms of restoring the daily change trend of NEE on the 0.5h scale of a typical sunny day. Due to the difference in interpolation strategies, the effects of different gap-filling methods were different. ANN generally worked well, while the NLR performed relatively poorly; LUT performed significantly better during the day than at night, with an underestimation of NEE at night. There was no significant difference between MDV, MDC and MDS. What’s more, the imputation effects of different gap-filling methods were related to the duration of continuous data missing. In conclusion, NLR is suitable for scenarios where weather data is complete and NEE data is missing for less than 7 days. MDV and MDC are suitable for weather data that is unavailable or missing severely, and NEE data is missing for less than 15 days, but MDC is preferred. LUT and MDS are suitable for weather scenarios where there are fewer data missing and NEE data missing continuously for less than 15 days. ANN has relatively wide applicability and can be used in scenarios where there are fewer meteorological data missing and NEE data missing continuously for up to 31 days. In addition to site factors, differences in time steps and window sizes selected by different gap-filling methods will also affect the result of the imputation of missing flux data, which in turn affects the applicability of each gap-filling method. As this study only considered a single site with one-year data of carbon flux, except winter, the actual missing distribution was ignored when constructing the artificial data-missing sets and the selected gap-filling methods had different time steps and window sizes, the result may not be applicable to all sites, but it can provide a reference for the selection of gap-filling methods for other sites. At the same time, the carbon flux data obtained by the above methods may be quite different from the actual, significantly overestimated, if the data-missing was caused by the influence of abnormal weather such as precipitation and dew, especially MDV and MDC which not considering meteorological factors. To accurately estimate this part of carbon flux, a better way may be combining the open-path eddy covariance observation system with the closed-path eddy covariance observation system to find out a corresponding data correction method.