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    20 June 2021, Volume 42 Issue 06
    Analysis of the Change of Agricultural Heat and Precipitation Resources Based on Grid Revision of GCM Outputs in Hainan Island
    LI Ning, BAI Rui, LI Wei, CHEN Miao, YANG Gui-sheng, CHEN Xin, FAN Chang-hua, ZHANG Wen
    2021, 42(06):  447-462.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.06.001
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    Tropics are more fragile to climate change, especially in tropical island. It’s has not been investigated the change of agricultural heat and precipitation resources in future in tropical island like Hainan island, China. Because there are a lot of space biases between the raw CMIP5 data set and the observed values in Hainan island. Daily maximum temperature, minimum temperature and precipitation were obtained from the ground weather stations and the GCMs include FGOALS-g2, GFDL-ESM2G, HadGEM2-ES, MPI-ESM-MR and MRI-CGCM3 in Hainan island and its nearby waters. The observations and the raw GCMs outputs for the historical (1970-1999), RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 (2020−2099) scenarios were processed and interpolated to a spatial resolution of 0.5°×0.5° as grid cells using the bilinear method. We used both systematic residuals revision methods (corrected value method or ratio method) and multi-mode ensemble averaging methods include the Bayesian model averaging (BMA) method and the equal weight averaging (EW) method in each grid cells to reduce the spatial uncertainty of the raw GCMs in the training and verification period. And then, we used the revised GCMs outputs and the agro-climatic index computing software to analysis the change of agricultural heat and precipitation resources under the scenarios of RCP2.6, RCP4.5 and RCP8.5 in both short-term (2020−2059) and long-term (2060−2099). These sources include annual mean temperature, mean temperature in January, ≥10℃ and ≥20℃ integrated temperature, annual precipitation, precipitation in January and precipitation in ≥20℃ integrated temperature period.The results showed that the correct coefficients of the raw GCMs outputs from both systematic residuals revision and the BMA method all have large spatial differences among the grid cells. The raw GCMs outputs underestimate the daily maximum temperature about 3.55℃, overestimate the daily minimum temperature about 1.19℃ and underestimate the daily precipitation which only 54.35% of the observations. It can effectively reduce the spatial uncertainty of the raw GCMs outputs by the above revision methods. The revised results of the BMA and the EW are similar and both are better than a single GCM for simulate historical climate variables. After comprehensive revision of the BMA in each grid cells, the correlation coefficients of maximum temperature, minimum temperature and precipitation are increased about 0.10, 0.07 and 0.06 respectively, and the root mean square error are reduced about 2.38℃, 1.01℃ and 1.01mm respectively, in the verification period. There are decreased about 3.25℃, 1.13℃ and 25.67mm compared with the average biases of a single GCM and closer to the observed value. In the future, the agricultural heat resources will generally show a gradual increase from the central mountains to the coast in spatial. The high temperature will distribute mainly range from the southern to the western coastal areas. The annual mean temperature will increase evenly in the whole island. The increasing amplitude of mean temperature in January, ≥10℃ and ≥20℃ integrated temperature has different patterns that will decrease from the eastern to the western, from the northern to the southern, and from the central mountains to the coast, respectively. It will increase significantly with the fastest climate trend rate under the RCP8.5, or increase first in short-term and then level off in long-term under the RCP4.5, or relatively flat without increase significantly under the RCP2.6. The precipitation resources are transforming into a pattern of gradually decreasing from the eastern to the western and with no significant trend in temporal. The precipitation variability will increase in the southern and the northern coastal areas, while decrease in the western and the central areas. With climate warming and the changes of precipitation pattern in future, the expansion of suitable crop cultivation areas will face huge challenges to agricultural production. It is necessary to arrange in advance to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages.
    Variation of Extreme Climate Events in "One Belt and One Road" Region and Its Impact on the Growing Season in Typical Agricultural Regions
    YIN Cong , YANG Fei
    2021, 42(06):  463-474.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.06.002
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    Taking “One Belt and One Road” region as the research area, based on monthly historical climate data from 1990 to 2018 and annual vegetation phenology data from 1981 to 2016, trend analysis and statistical analysis are used to study spatiotemporal variation of extreme climate events and vegetation phenology, and select cultivated land in Southeast Europe, Inner Mongolia grassland in China, cultivated land in the Indian mainland, and cultivated land in northern Thailand as typical agricultural regions, and analyze the influence of typical extreme climate events on the growing season. The results showed that, (1) the extreme climate events in “One Belt and One Road” region are mainly extreme warm and cool events, and generally show an increasing trend. The increasing trend of extreme high temperature events is obvious, while extreme low temperature events show a decreasing trend. (2) Start of Season (SOS), End of Season (EOS) and the Length of Season (LOS) are generally layered with latitude, altitude and precipitation also significantly affect the growing season. Under the influence of global warming, SOS in most areas of “One Belt and One Road” region has a trend of advancement, while EOS has a trend of delay, which leads to a general extension of LOS. (3) When an extreme high temperature event occurs, SOS generally early, while EOS generally postponed. Extreme low temperature events will cause the delay of SOS and the advance of EOS. In addition, the more severe the extreme climate events, the greater the impact on vegetation phenology.
    Analysis on the Optimal Sowing Date of Dry-land Winter Wheat under Different Precipitation Pattern Based on Wheat Decision System
    ZHANG Yuan-ling, GUO Xiao-lei, WANG Na, LI Ping, ZONG Yu-zheng, ZHANG Dong-sheng, HAO Xing-yu
    2021, 42(06):  475-485.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.06.003
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    Thermal time before winter and soil moisture before sowing are the important basis for the selection of sowing date in dry-land wheat area. It is of great significance to use the decision system to select the optimal sowing date of wheat under different precipitation years. The wheat decision system was calibrated and validated by using field test data of winter wheat in Wenxi county of Shanxi province from 2009 to 2014 years (2009, 2010 and 2012 were dry year, 2011 and 2013 were wet year). The modified decision system was used to simulate and analyze the change of the optimal sowing date of winter wheat and the change of sowing date with yield under different precipitation years in recent 36 years (1980−2015) in Wenxi area. The results showed that, (1) the optimal sowing date was mainly around September 25 in 1980−1984, the optimal sowing date was around September 30 in 1985−1995, the optimal sowing date was around October 5 in 1995−2015. (2) The average yield of wheat reached the highest value when sown around September 30 in wet year and normal year, which were 4293.1kg·ha−1 and 4055.2kg·ha−1, respectively; the average yield of wheat reached the highest value (3334.5kg·ha−1) when sown around October 5 in dry year. Therefore, with the increase of atmospheric temperature, the historical optimal sowing date of winter wheat was delaying; it was appropriate to sow around September 30 in wet year and normal year, and around October 5 in dry year.
    Discussion on the Optimal Delayed Harvest Date of Ice Grape in Yili River Valley
    HUANG Juan, GU Ya-wen, LIU Ji-jiang, HU Qi-rui, WANG Man
    2021, 42(06):  486-494.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.06.004
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    Ice wine belongs to the highest class of high-quality wines and is recognized as the best wine in the world. The quality of ice grapes plays a decisive role in the quality of ice wine, and the differences in climate conditions in different regions and interannual climate changes have a great impact on the quality of ice grapes. Different harvest dates after maturity correspond to different weather conditions and fruit quality. Therefore, it is particularly important to determine the harvest date of ice grapes. In order to determine the optimal delayed harvest date of ice grape in Yili River Valley, ice grapes from the observation area were harvested in stages from 2018 to 2019. This experiment was conducted in Yining County and the grape was harvested in different dates and then the contents of the total sugar, total acid, and sugar-acid ratio in grape fruits were measured in the laboratory thereafter. The correlation analysis, partial regression analysis and multiple linear regression analysis were applied to figure out the quality change rule, inter-annual quality change rule, and the relationship between quality and meteorological factors of ice grapes in different delayed harvest periods. Conclude the best harvest period when ice grapes reach the ‘best quality’ in Yili River Valley. Provide a reference for optimizing the quality of ice grapes and rationalizing regional management in the future. The results showed that:(1)the content of the total sugar and total acid in 2018 and 2019 had the same trend with the delay of the harvest date. The total sugar gradually increased with the delay of the harvest date, and the total acid climbing firstly and then fell down. (2)Average temperature of 120 days before harvest(T120), average minimum temperature of 120 days before harvest(Tmin120), average daily temperature range of 30 days before harvest(ΔT30) were the most important factors affected total sugar content of ice grape. Average temperature of 120 days before harvest(T120), average minimum temperature of 120 days before harvest(Tmin120), the average relative humidity of 120 days before harvest(RH120), and the average relative humidity of 60 days before harvest(RH60) were the most important factors affected total acid content of ice grapes. (3)7.5℃≤T120≤18.3℃, 4.8℃≤Tmin120≤9.6℃, 48%≤RH60≤70%, 52.3%≤RH120≤64.8% were the suitable range of meteorological conditions required to form the ‘best quality’. The best harvest date is reached when the current weather conditions meet the above range. The optimal harvest date of ice grapes in Yining County was November 21 in 2018, the optimal harvest date of ice grapes in Yining County was December 1 in 2019. According to the meteorological conditions, the optimal harvest date of ice grapes in Yining County in 2020 was verified. The results are consistent with the reality, indicating that the research results can be used for practical promotion.
    Characteristics of Drought Distribution for Summer Maize over Whole Growth Period in Huang-Huai-Hai Plain Based on Crop Water Deficit Index
    ZHANG Xiao-xu, SUN Zhong-fu, ZHENG Fei-xiang, LIU Jiang, LI Chong-rui, WANG Yi-hao
    2021, 42(06):  495-506.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.06.005
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    The Huang-Huai-Hai plain is the main production area of summer maize in China, which is also one of the worst-hit drought areas. The loss of summer maize yield caused by drought has seriously affected China’s grain production. Therefore, it is of great significance to clarify the law of drought in this area for the formulation of anti-disaster measures and the guarantee of grain production. Base on the meteorological data of 76 stations from 1981 to 2015 in Huang-Huai-Hai plain was used in this study, the crop water deficit index(CWDI) as the drought index was used to analyze the spatial-temporal evolution characteristics of drought for summer maize in this area. The results showed that the overall changing trend of CWDI in the whole summer maize growth period increased first, and then decreased with the highest drought frequency occurring in sowing-seedling stage and tasseling-milk ripe stage. Drought was getting worse in the summer maize growth period during the period of 2011 to 2015, and southern Hebei, northern Henan and Shandong province exhibited the highest CWDI value. The slight drought was the main drought type in this area in the whole summer maize growth period, the moderate light drought ranked second and the severe and extra severe drought was barely. The frequency of drought in the northern area was higher than that in the southern area, as well as the western area was higher than that in the eastern. The ratio of extra severe drought occurring station was the highest in the sowing-seedling stage, and the ratio of slight drought occurring stations was the highest in the other growth periods.
    Climatological Analysis of Extreme Heat and Drought Concurrent Events in Main Growth Periods of Summer Maize in Haihe Plain
    HAN Jia-hao, ZHANG Qi, WANG Li-rong, YANG Zai-qiang
    2021, 42(06):  507-517.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.06.006
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    The simultaneous occurrence of different climatic events (e.g., low precipitation and high temperatures) which means concurrent events, may cause significant impacts on the ecosystem and society. Maize is one of the main food crops in China, but extreme heat and drought concurrent events bring great instability to summer corn production, which has become important factors threatening food security. Based on daily maximum temperature and precipitation data from 27 meteorological stations in Haihe plain from 1960 to 2019, the Standard Precipitation Index (SPI) was used to identify drought and the extreme heat threshold was determined by percentile method. The Cramér-von Mises (CvM) mutation test and Cumulative Distribution Function (CDFs) were used to analysis long-term evolution characteristics and spatial distribution of extreme heat and drought concurrent events during different threshold levels in the whole growth period and main growth periods of summer maize (sowing to jointing, jointing to flowering, flowering to maturity). The results showed that: (1) the summer maize extreme heat and drought concurrent events were no long-term trend at all threshold levels of main growth periods. There was a significant mutation occurred in the 1990s. And the scope of occurrence after mutation was significantly larger than before mutation, especially the flowering to maturity concurrent events had the largest scope and increased the most after mutation. For different threshold levels, the scope of high extreme thresholds concurrent drought events was increased obviously. (2) The frequency of summer maize decreased at the whole periods from northwest to southeast in the study area. The concurrent events occurred at higher frequency in the north of the study area, and the increment was also greatest after mutation. The extreme heat and drought concurrent events during the main periods of summer maize in Haihe plain during nearly 60 years was significantly mutated in the 1990s. After the mutation, the range of concurrent events and the frequency at each stations have increased significantly, flowering to maturity as well as high threshold levels of concurrent events particularly.
    Integrated Risk Evaluation on Multiple Meteorological Disasters of Apple in Eastern Gansu
    YANG Xiao-li, ZHOU Jia, ZHOU An-ning, ZHANG Wei, WU Ying-juan
    2021, 42(06):  518-529.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.06.007
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    Eastern Gansu is the most important apple base of Gansu province,but drought, freezing damage, hail and other meteorological disasters occured frequently during growth period of apple,which could lead to loss in yield and quality. Therefore, it was necessary to evaluate the integrated risk of multiple meteorological disasters on the growth of apple.In this paper, the meteorological data of 22 counties (districts/cities) in eastern Gansu from 1965 to 2018, planting area and yield of apple from 1995 to 2018, and other socio-economic statistics data for the latest 5 years were employed.12 indices of 4 kinds were analyzed and selected, and the integrated risk index system was established using disaster risk analysis theory. The weights of risk indices were determined by the compromising method between analytic hierarchy process method and entropy-coefficient method. In addition, the risk value of each evaluated unit was calculated. Therefore,an integrated risk evaluation index model of meteorological disasters was established and the risk was zoned and evaluated with GIS technique. The studied region was divided into four–risk–grade areas according to the integrated risk value, including mild risk area, moderate risk area, severe risk area and severity risk area. The results showed that hazard of the disaster-causing-factors was the most important factor influencing the integrated risk, the vulnerability of the hazard-affected body takes the second place, while the sensitivity of disaster environment and the disaster prevention and mitigation capability play alleviative roles in the risk factors composition. The integrated risk of meteorological disasters on apple growth in eastern Gansu shows a trend of increasing from southeast to northwest. The regions with severe and severity risk were mainly distributed along the mountainous area of Guanshan, the both sides of Liupan Mountain, and the north of Longdong Loess Plateau, with the risk index value of above 0.45; the regions with the moderate risk were mainly distributed in the south-central part of Longdong, and most of the Weihe River Basin, with the value between 0.25 to 0.45; the regions with the mild risk were only scattered in a small part of the Weihe River Basin, and the southeast of Longdong, with the value of below 0.45.