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    20 July 2021, Volume 42 Issue 07
    Applicability Evaluation of Global Solar Radiation Models in Different Zones of Sichuan Province
    ZOU Qing-yao, CUI Ning-bo, GONG Dao-zhi, HU Xiao-tao, JIANG Shou-zheng, WU Zong-jun, HE Zi-ling
    2021, 42(07):  537-551.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.07.001
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    The global solar radiation(Rs) is of great significance in the fields of agricultural production system, hydrometeorological research and clean energy development. Due to the complicated topography and various climate in Sichuan province, the distribution of global solar radiation is uneven. In order to explore the most suitable Rs estimation models for different zones of Sichuan, Sichuan was divided into three solar radiation zones in this paper (zone I: western Sichuan plateau, zone II: eastern Sichuan basin, and zone III: southwest Sichuan mountain) for research. Zone I(Ganzi and Hongyuan stations) has low temperature, sufficient sunshine and strong solar radiation; zone II(Chengdu, Mianyang and Luzhou stations) has high relative humidity, short sunshine duration and low radiation; zone III(Emeishan and Panzhihua stations) is abundant in solar radiation resources, but the air temperature and humidity vary greatly within the zone. In three solar radiation zones, based on the meteorological data from 1994 to 2016, the applicability of six Rs estimation models were evaluated under three weather types(sunny, partially cloudy and cloudy), and the simulation effect of combined models based on weather types in different zones were analyzed. The results showed that: (1) the empirical models performed well in Sichuan province(the coefficient of determination R2 ranged from 0.554 to 0.934, P<0.001). The most accurate simulation model in zone I was sunshine-based model A−P with mean absolute error (MAE) 2.210±0.714MJ∙m−2∙d−1. The hybrid model Chen was the best in zone II (MAE was 1.510±0.027MJ∙m−2∙d−1) and zone III (MAE was 1.510±0.027MJ∙m−2∙d−1). (2) The statistical performance of the six models under three weather types in Sichuan showed sunny>partially cloudy>cloudy. The sunshine-based models(A−P and Ba models) could better simulate the Rs in sunny days, while the hybrid models(Chen and Ab models) had higher accuracy in simulating partially cloudy and cloudy days. The A−P(the global performance indicator GPI = 0.850), Ab(1.294) and Ba(0.862) models were the best models to simulate Rs of zone I in sunny, partially cloudy and cloudy, respectively. The A−P(GPI = 0.381), Chen(1.358) and Chen(1.742) models were the best models to simulate Rs of zone II under three weather types, respectively. The Chen model was the best model to simulate Rs of zone III in sunny, partially cloudy and cloudy with GPI 0.204, 0.857 and 0.526, respectively. (3) The Rs combined models(Mnew) based on weather types had the best simulation accuracy in each zone(GPI were 0.558, 0.582 and 0.134 in 3 zones, respectively). Therefore, it is recommended to use the Rs combined models based on weather types to estimate Rs in Sichuan province.
    Review on Research of Spatial Pattern and Influencing Mechanisms of Terrestrial Ecosystem Stability
    CHEN Ji-jing, ZHOU Lei, CHI Yong-gang
    2021, 42(07):  552-560.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.07.002
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    The earth has been experiencing ever-increasing climatic fluctuation and extreme events for decades, and ecosystem structure and function have generally slipped into recession, resulting in significant impacts on economy and ecology. Ecosystem stability refers the ability of ecosystem to maintain or restore to normal structure and function, which is the key to maintain the ecosystem service function. However, due to the complexity of the ecosystem, the results of the research on the stability are still controversial. Here, the dimensionality, spatial patterns and influencing mechanisms of ecosystem stability were summarized from 58 relevant literatures. The multi-dimensional framework of ecosystem stability, definition and interrelationship of various stability indicators were discussed respectively as well as the effects of latitude, altitude, and position on stability. The dominant factors of the variation of stability at different scales and the effects of abiotic factors such as climate, nutrition and biological factors such as biodiversity on stability were also discussed. The results indicated that correlations between different components of ecosystem stability leaded to their generalization into three dimensionalities, including resistance, resilience and temporal stability. In addition, ecosystem stability was regulated by abiotic factors such as climate and nutrition as well as biological factors such as species richness and population variability. Stability and its influencing mechanisms showed strong spatial heterogeneity and scale dependence, which were mainly controlled by biological factors such as biodiversity at the site scale, and abiotic factors such as temperature, precipitation and radiation at the regional and global scales. Data source noise and unstandardized quantification methods were the main problems in stability study. In the future, with the applications of satellite remote sensing and other acquisition methods, the research field will be gradually expanding from local scale such as site to global scale such as region and continent, and a standardized stability assessment method can be formed. The large spatial scale research can effectively elucidate the general relationship between ecosystem stability and its response to various driving forces, providing a theoretical basis for the formulation of sustainable ecological protection policies.
    Effects of Equal Nitrogen Replacement of Chemical Fertilizer Organic Resources on N2O Emissions and Rice Yield in No-tillage Field
    WEI Zong-hui, HU Jun-ming, LIU Shun-ao, LI Ting-ting, ZHANG Jun-hui, YU Yue-feng,
    2021, 42(07):  561-571.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.07.003
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    It was set up conventional no-tillage and smash ridging no-tillage in this experiment.In conventional no-tillage rice field was set green manure combined application chemical fertilizer(C3) and silkworm-excrement organic fertilizer combined application chemical fertilizer(C4), synchronously set blank contrast(C1)and conventional contrast of total fertilization(C2). And smash ridging no-tillage was set green manure combined application chemical fertilizer(F3) and silkworm-excrement organic fertilizer combined application chemical fertilizer(F4), synchronously set blank contrast(F1)and conventional contrast of total fertilization(F2). The results showed that: (1)in this experiment,organic fertilizer combined with chemical fertilizer significantly reduced the cumulative N2O emission.The cumulative N2O emission of organic fertilizer combined with chemical fertilizer(C3,C4,F3,F4) compared with fertilizer contrast(C2) respectively decreased 69.1%, 86.3%, 69.9% and 63.4% in early rice season,and decreased 7.3%, 67.2%, 38.5% and 60.4% in the late rice season. (2)Green manure combined with chemical fertilizer applied to rice field can keep rice yield stable in Smash ridging no-tillage. In Smash ridging no-tillage,the yield of F3 compared with F2 increased by 0.6%−10.0%,and the yield of F4 compared with F2 decreased by 1.7%−6.6%. In conventional no-tillage, the yield of C3 and C4 compared with C2 decreased by 1.0%−1.1% and 1.1%−8.4%.(3)Organic fertilizers combine with chemical fertilizers applied to rice fields can affect the growth of rice roots,it significantly improve the dry-matter of plant and the number of effective panicles and grains per panicle. The dry-matter of plant accumulation of F3 and C3 compared with F2 and C2, it increased 22.6% and 5.4% in the early and late rice season. The number of effective panicles and grains per panicle was increasing by 6.3%−13.5% and 0.3%−6.2% in this experiment. In no-tillage rice field use of organic resources instead of chemical fertilizers into the rice fields can effectively reduce N2O emission. Green manure combined with chemical fertilizer applied to rice field can improved root quality of rice,increase rice dry matter ,and it can reduced N2O emission while kept the rice yield. It can be used as a sustainable production regulation technology for intensive rice farming.
    Modification of Strawberry Dry Matter Accumulation Model under Short-Term High Temperature Conditions at Seedling Stage
    XU Chao, SHEN Meng-yin, WANG Ming-tian, YANG Zai-qiang, HAN Wei, ZHENG Sheng-hua
    2021, 42(07):  572-582.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.07.004
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    High temperature is one of the common agricultural meteorological disasters, affecting the growth and development of crops. In order to study the effect of high temperature at the seedling stage on the leaf area index and dry matter production of strawberry in the facility, the strawberry variety " Benihoppe " was used as the experimental material.Different dynamic high temperatures (32/22℃, 35/25℃, 38/28℃ and 41/41℃; maximum daily temperature/minimum daily temperature) and different stress days (2d, 5d, 8d and 11d) were performed on the strawberry seedlings in greenhouses in 2018 and 2019, with 28/18℃ as a control. The seedlings were then transplanted to a Venlo glass greenhouse for normal cultivation experiment. The data of 2018 were used to quantitatively analyze the effects of high temperature and stress days on the leaf area index, maximum photosynthetic rate and dry matter production of strawberry seedlings. Models of strawberry leaf area index, maximum photosynthetic rate and dry matter production were then constructed based on the physiological development time. The models were finally verified with the experimental data of 2019. The results showed that the R2 between the simulated and measured values of strawberry leaf area index, maximum photosynthesis rate, and dry matter production model was 0.98, 0.83, and 0.91, respectively, the root mean square errors(RMSE) were 0.04, 1.50μmol·m−2·s−1 and 1.38g·m–2, and the relative errors(RE) were 6.43%, 13.17% and 11.49%, respectively. The established model was able to simulate the effects of extreme high temperature at seedling stage on strawberry leaf area index and dry matter production in greenhouses. The research results would provide a theoretical basis for the management and regulation of the high-temperature environment of strawberries in the greenhouse.
    Effect of Dry-Hot Wind on Grain Weight of Winter Wheat at Different Spikelet and Grain Positions
    XU Ya-nan, WU Yue, LIU Bin-hui, SONG Ji-qing, LV Guo-hua, JI Bing-yi, ZHANG Wen-ying,
    2021, 42(07):  583-595.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.07.005
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    The dry-hot wind stresses of high temperature resistant wheat variety of Jimai 22 was conducted with a self-developed portable dry-hot wind generation simulator, the air temperature, humidity and wind speed in the simulation box were controlled by the central control system to simulate the intensity and process of dry-hot wind. According to the Meteorological Industry Standards of QX/T 82-2007 of the People's Republic of China, two stress levels, as severe dry-hot wind (S) and mild dry-hot wind (M) were compared, that were based on the air temperature, relative humidity and wind speed. Two stress stages as the middle filling stage (13 days after flowering) and the later filling stage (23 days after flowering) were all condidered M and L. The distribution characteristics of grain weight at different spikelets and grain positions, and the relations to the stress degrees were all researched under different stages and levels of dry-hot wind stresses, to provide theoretical basis for the prevention and control of dry-hot wind disasters. The results showed that the grain weights at spikelet and grain positions on main stem and tiller in different treatments were changed as a quadratic curve of first rising and then decreasing. A significant decreases were observed under different dry-hot wind stresses. The total grain weights of the lower and upper parts of the spikes were sharply reduced during the middle filling stage, the damages to grain weights were showed as follows: G3 (the third grain position)>G1 (the first grain position)>G2 (the second grain position). The grain position of G3, G1 and G2 indicated that the grains were developed from florets of the third, first and second positions respectively. While the grain weights of the lower and middle parts of wheat ear were severely reduced at the later stage stress, and the damage in G3 position was greater than that of the G2 and G1. It was concluded that under such simulation condition, the more significant decrease was observed in the grain weight of the tiller ear in the middle filling stage of dry-hot wind, while the damage to the grain weight of the main stem spike was more serious in the later filling stage. The decrease of the grain weight at the G3 grain position was the most prominent under the middle and later stage stress. The effects of dry-hot wind on grain weights in the middle stage of grain filling were greater than those in the later stage, and the effects of severe dry-hot wind stress were also larger than those of mild stress.
    Regulation of Photoperiod on the Growth and Flowering of Cut Chrysanthemum
    LU Si-yu, YANG Zai-qiang
    2021, 42(07):  596-605.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.07.006
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    Taking ' Hongmian ' cut Chrysanthemum as test material, the black plastic film was used to build shading shed, and six groups of different photoperiod treatments were set up by black film shading method, which were day / night 7 h / 17 h ( recorded as Ph7 ), 8 h / 16 h ( Ph8 ), 9 h / 15 h ( Ph9 ), 10 h / 14 h ( Ph10 ), 11 h / 13 h ( Ph11 ), and long-day ( 13-14 h ) treatment as CK. The effects of different photoperiods on the vegetative growth, flowering and development quality of Chrysanthemum were studied. The time and leaf number of budding, bud breaking, initial flowering and full blooming of different treatments were recorded. The contents of total soluble sugar, sucrose and protein in leaves at different developmental stages were measured and analyzed. The fresh weight of flowers and stems and the distribution rate of dry matter in different organs were measured at the full blooming stage of different treatments. The purpose was to clarify the regulatory effect of different photoperiods on the initial flowering stage and flowering quality of ‘ Hongmian ’ Chrysanthemum, and to propose targeted light supplement suggestions for Chrysanthemum cultivation at different developmental stages. The results showed that,(1)the number of leaves increased with the increase of illumination time, and the increase rate of CK was the largest, followed by Ph11, and Ph7 was the smallest.(2)The flowering time of ' Hongmian ' cut Chrysanthemum was significantly affected by photoperiod. The flowering time of Chrysanthemum under Ph10 treatment was the shortest from seedling stage to budding and flowering. The flowering time of Ph11 from the initial flowering stage to the full blooming stage of petals was the shortest. The flowering time of Ph7, Ph8 and CK was seriously lagging behind.(3)The changes of soluble sugar and protein content in leaves at different developmental stages showed a ' M ' trend, and the two peaks appeared at the flower bud differentiation stage and before flowering. The total soluble sugar content in CK was the highest, followed by Ph11; The contents of soluble protein and sucrose, as the messenger molecules that can perceive photoperiod signals, were the highest in Ph10.(4)Flower fresh weight of Ph11 was the largest, and the effect of flower promotion was significant. Therefore, in order to ensure the quality of cut flowers, the seedling stage should accept more than 11h/d long sunshine conditions, so that the Chrysanthemum seedlings fully vegetative growth and not prematurely induce flower bud differentiation, with 10h/d light conditions for inducing flowers, bud formation and begin to flower color, flower bud differentiation is irreversible, placed in 11h/d light conditions can be the fastest full expansion of petals.
    Risk Probability of Heat Injury during Summer Maize Flowering Period in North China Plain Based on Information Diffusion Theory
    GUAN Yue, LIU Jia-hong, HE Qi-jin, LI Ruo-chen, MI Xin-yuan, QIN Zhi-heng
    2021, 42(07):  606-615.  doi:10.3969/j.issn.1000-6362.2021.07.007
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    Maize is the most important grain crop in China, and North China Plain is the main production area of summer maize. The maize production has been threatened by the rapid increase of extreme temperature events in the context of climate change. The characteristics and risk probability of heat injury during the flowering period of summer maize were analyzed, based on the meteorological data from 40 weather stations in North China Plain from 1980 to 2019, in order to deal scientifically with heat injury and ensure the high and stable yield of summer maize. The daily maximum temperature during summer maize flowering period with more than 35℃ for more than 3 days was taken as the index of heat injury, and the grades of heat injury would be divided into slight, moderate and server levels in terms of the occurrence time and duration of heat injury. The characteristics of heat injury during the flowering period of summer maize were analyzed by the occurrence times and the stations ratio of heat injury occurrence in the study area. Moreover, the risk probability of heat injury was evaluated using the theory of information diffusion. The results indicated that: (1) the period of 2010−2019 had more serious effects of heat injury during the flowering period, which showed the characteristics of successive occurrence and spatial expansion of heat injury. The most serious heat injury happened in Henan province, which the station ratio of heat injury occurrence reached 60.7% during 2010−2019, and increased by 51.4% compared with 2000−2009. The climate tendency rate of heat injury occurrence times in Zhengzhou, Gushi and Nanyang regions reached about 0.2 times·(10y) −1 (P<0.01); (2) The high-risk areas of heat injury during the flowering period of summer maize happened in Henan province and western Shandong. A wide range, high frequency and severe severity of heat injury took place in Henan province, and the proportions of areas with severe heat injury with more than 10% and more than 5% were 66% and 18%, respectively. The slight heat injury was the main meteorological disaster in the west of Shandong province, and its risk probability was more than 10%. The risk of heat injury in the Beijing-Tianjian-Hebei area and eastern Shandong province was lower compared with Henan province, and its risk of slight and moderate heat injury was less than 5%.